TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文記事を読む:性転換手術望む英国少女 10年で4400%増!  性転換手術禁止への動き





今回は The Guardian 誌からイギリス現地における





来年1月24日の発売を予定しておりました書籍『あの子もトランスジェンダーになった SNSで伝染する性転換ブームの悲劇』の刊行を中止いたします。





性転換手術望む英国少女 10年で4400%増!



★ 日本で性的マイノリティーの権利は守られているか。
★ 性的マイノリティーの権利を促進すべきか。
★ 日本で同性婚は法制度化されるべきか。
★ 日本の言論の自由は確保されているか。

記事で掘り下げていますので, こちらも確認ください。



以下, 単語リストと日本語訳を付けて掲載します。

Shrier states that she began to investigate adolescent-onset gender dysphoria after being contacted by the mother of a young adult with no apparent history of childhood gender dysphoria, who identified as transgender in college. She describes what she sees as difficulties facing teenagers who were assigned female at birth, whom she refers to as "girls": isolation, online social dynamics, restrictive gender and sexuality labels, unwelcome physical changes and sexual attention. She profiles several teenagers who questioned their gender identities or came out as transgender while experiencing mental health or personal issues. She discusses Lisa Littman's 2018 journal article on rapid onset gender dysphoria and the ensuing controversy and endorses Littman's findings. She states that online trans influencers, on websites like Twitter, Tumblr and TikTok, frequently encourage questioning youth to identify as trans, experiment with breast binding and testosterone, and disown or lie to unsupportive family members.

Shrier criticizes transgender-related curricula and policies in schools. She describes parents distressed by their children's transgender identification or transition. She critiques the gender-affirming model of care and profiles its critics: Kenneth Zucker, Ray Blanchard, J. Michael Bailey, Lisa Marchiano, and Paul R. McHugh. Shrier discusses trans activism and related controversies, including sex-specific privacy concerns; passing versus trans visibility; the role of celebrities in increasing trans acceptance; conflict between transgender people and lesbians or radical feminists; transfeminine/male-to-female athletes competing in girls' and women's sports; the use of trans-inclusive language; intersectionality; and identity politics. She argues that medical interventions such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries include risks. As an example, she describes a transgender person who became disabled after a failed surgery. She also profiles detransitioned young women.

● summary: 要約
● shrier: シュライア
● states: 述べる
● investigate: 調査する
● adolescent-onset gender dysphoria: 思春期発症性同一性障害
● contacted: 連絡を受ける
● mother: 母親
● young adult: 若者
● apparent history: 明らかな歴史
● childhood gender dysphoria: 幼少期の性同一性障害
● identified as transgender: トランスジェンダーとして自己を識別した
● college: 大学
● difficulties: 困難
● assigned female at birth: 出生時に女性として割り当てられた
● isolation: 孤立
● online social dynamics: オンラインの社会的動向
● restrictive gender: 制限的な性別
● sexuality labels: 性的指標
● unwelcome: 歓迎されない
● physical changes: 身体的な変化
● sexual attention: 性的な注目
● profiles: プロフィール
● questioned their gender identities: 自分の性自認を疑問視した
● came out as transgender: トランスジェンダーとして出てきた
● experiencing: 経験する
● mental health: 心の健康
● personal issues: 個人的な問題
● journal article: 論文
● rapid onset gender dysphoria: 急速発症性同一性障害
● controversy: 論争
● endorses: 支持する
● findings: 結果
● trans influencers: トランスの影響力のある人々
● websites: ウェブサイト
● encourage questioning youth: 疑問を抱く若者を奨励する
● experiment: 実験する
● breast binding: 胸を縛ること
● testosterone: テストステロン
● disown: 拒絶する
● unsupportive family members: 支持のない家族
● criticizes: 批判する
● transgender-related curricula: トランスジェンダー関連のカリキュラム
● policies in schools: 学校での政策
● distressed: 苦しむ
● gender-affirming model of care: ジェンダー肯定的なケアモデル
● profiles its critics: 批評家のプロフィール
● sex-specific privacy concerns: セクシュアルプライバシーの問題
● passing versus trans visibility: 通過対過渡期の可視性
● role of celebrities: セレブリティの役割
● increasing trans acceptance: トランス受容の増加
● conflict between: 〜間の論争
● transgender people and lesbians: トランスジェンダーの人々とレズビアン
● radical feminists: 急進的フェミニスト
● transfeminine/male-to-female athletes: トランスフェミニン/男性から女性へのアスリート
● competing in girls' and women's sports: 女子や女性のスポーツで競技する
● trans-inclusive language: トランス包括的な言葉
● intersectionality: 交差性
● identity politics: アイデンティティ政治
● medical interventions: 医療介入
● puberty blockers: 思春期ブロッカー
● cross-sex hormones: 異性愛ホルモン
● surgeries: 手術
● disabled: 障害を負った
● failed surgery: 失敗した手術
● detransitioned young women: 脱退した若い女性



Sunak to push ahead with delayed ban on gay and trans conversion practices

Sunak 遅延されていた同性愛者および性転換手術を禁止を進める予定

Rishi Sunak will push ahead with long-delayed plans to ban gay and trans conversion practices after Conservative whips warned MPs could rebel if they failed to do so.

The prime minister will include a draft bill banning conversion practices in the king’s speech, government sources confirmed, after the move was first revealed by the Times.

Campaigners had feared the government had left it too late to include such a bill in next month’s package of legislation, despite Theresa May having first promised to introduce one in 2018.

Senior Tories have been worried about splitting the party on the issue, with some MPs concerned that a ban on trans conversion practices could unintentionally criminalise parents or teachers who give advice to children struggling with their gender identities.

Downing Street was concerned that the legislation was unnecessary given some conversion practices are already unlawful, and it could divide the party not long before an election. However, other MPs have told party whips they would rebel if no legislation was forthcoming, potentially by forcing amendments on to the police and crime bill to bring a ban into place instead.

The Times reported that some ministers had warned the prime minister the party was at risk of losing votes within the LGBTQ+ community, especially after Suella Braverman’s comments at the party conference, where the home secretary said asylum seekers were pretending to be gay to game the system. The paper added that some even said they would quit if Sunak failed to follow through with a ban.

A Downing Street spokesperson said on Thursday they would not comment on the possibility of the bill being introduced in the king’s speech, though they added they would provide an update “in due course”. The person added: “You’ve heard us talk before about the abhorrent nature of so-called conversion therapy [and] that no one should be harmed or harassed for who they are.”

The draft bill will delight campaigners who have pushed for years for legislation to explicitly ban conversion practices.

Government research has found 7% of LGBTQ+ people have experienced some form of conversion practice. Campaigners say it can drive people into depression and to suicide. Human rights lawyers and experts have said such practices are degrading and harmful and should not be tolerated.

May first promised to ban conversion practices in 2018, saying: “No one should ever have to hide who they are or who they love.”

The issue caused problems for Boris Johnson, who at one point last year U-turned twice on the policy in the space of 24 hours.

Johnson went into the 2019 election with a pledge to legislate for a ban and included a bill to do so in the 2021 queen’s speech. In 2022, however, he dropped it amid concern about the knock-on effect for those offering counselling to children with worries about their gender.

He then changed his decision within hours after a backlash from campaigners and some of his MPs and he restored the pledge to ban the practice, while also saying he would seek to split gay from trans conversion practices.

Caroline Nokes, the Conservative chair of the Commons women and equalities select committee,said the move was “excellent news”. She said: “Conversion therapy is abhorrent and we must move to stop people suffering from horrendous practices which simply cannot ever be described as therapy.”              

● push ahead with:進める
● delayed:遅延した
● ban on:禁止
● gay and trans conversion practices:同性愛者およびトランスジェンダーの改造プラクティスを
● Conservative whips:保守党のヒップ
● rebel:反乱する
● prime minister:首相
● draft bill:草案
● king’s speech:キングスピーチ
● government sources:政府筋
● move:動き
● revealed:明らかにされた
● Times:タイムズ
● Campaigners:キャンペーン活動家たち
● feared:懸念した
● left it too late:遅すぎる
● package of legislation:立法パッケージ
● introduce:導入する
● Senior Tories:一部の保守党議員
● splitting the party:党を分裂させる
● concerned:懸念している
● unintentionally:意図せずに
● criminalise:犯罪化する
● parents or teachers:親や教師
● gender identities:性自認
● Downing Street:ダウニング街
● unnecessary:不要な
● divide the party:党を分裂させる
● long before:選挙直前に
● an election:選挙
● party whips:党幹部
● forthcoming:提案される
● forcing amendments:修正を強制する
● police and crime bill:警察および犯罪法案
● The Times reported:タイムズは報じた
● ministers:閣僚
● risk of losing votes:投票を失うリスク
● LGBTQ+ community:LGBTQ+コミュニティ
● especially after:特に〜の後
● party conference:党大会
● asylum seekers:亡命希望者
● pretending to be gay:同性愛者を装っている
● game the system:システムを操作する
● quit:辞任する
● follow through with a ban:禁止を実施する
● A Downing Street spokesperson:ダウニング街のスポークスパーソン
● possibility of the bill:法案の可能性
● introduced in the king’s speech:キングスピーチで導入される
● comment on:コメントしない
● provide an update:更新情報を提供する
● in due course:適切な時に
● abhorrent nature:忌まわしい性質
● so-called conversion therapy:いわゆる改造療法
● harmed or harassed:傷つけられたり嫌がらせを受けたりする
● draft bill:草案
● delight campaigners:キャンペーン活動家たちを喜ばせる
● explicitly ban:明確に禁止する
● 7% of LGBTQ+ people:LGBTQ+の7%の人々
● experienced some form:何らかの形で経験した
● drive people into depression:人々をうつ病に追い込む
● suicide:自殺
● Human rights lawyers:人権弁護士
● degrading and harmful:侮辱的で有害
● should not be tolerated:容認されるべきではない
● No one should ever have to hide:誰もが自分自身を隠したり
● who they love:愛したりすることを隠す
● caused problems for:問題を引き起こした
● U-turned twice:2度転換した
● legislate for a ban:禁止のために立法化する
● included a bill:法案を含めました
● knock-on effect:影響
● offering counselling:カウンセリングを提供している
● gender:性
● changed his decision:決定を変更しました
● backlash from campaigners:キャンペーン活動家からの反発
● split gay from trans conversion practices:同性愛者とトランスジェンダーの改造プラクティスを分離する
● Conservative chair:保守党議長
● Commons women and equalities select committee:コモンズの女性と平等選択委員会
● excellent news:素晴らしいニュース
● abhorrent:忌まわしい
● move to stop people suffering:苦しむ人々を止めるために移動する

保守党のヒップたちは、それを行わない場合、議員たちが反乱を起こす可能性があると警告した後で、Rishi Sunakは進めるつもりです。


キャンペーン活動家たちは、Theresa Mayが2018年に最初に導入すると約束したにも関わらず、来月の立法パッケージにそのような法案を盛り込むのが遅すぎると懸念していました。



タイムズによると、一部の閣僚は首相に警告しました。LGBTQ+コミュニティ内で投票を失う可能性があると、特に内務大臣のSuella Bravermanが党大会で述べた発言の後、その中で、亡命希望者がシステムを操作するために同性愛者を装っていると述べました。新聞は、一部の人々は、Sunakが禁止を実施しなかった場合、辞任するとさえ述べたと追加しました。








コモンズの女性と平等選択委員会の保守党議長であるCaroline Nokesは、この動きを「素晴らしいニュース」と評価しました。「改造療法は忌まわしく、痛ましい実践から苦しむ人々を止めるために移動しなければならない」と述べました。



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  7. 英文記事を読む:性転換手術望む英国少女 10年で4400%増!  性転換手術禁止への動き

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