TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training



2023年11月14日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




It is (    ) easier to sympathize with sorrow than to sympathize with joy.
  ① more
  ② much
  ③ such
  ④ very

-er とmore/-est とmost は併用不可なので①は失格。
very (主観,気持ちを強める語)
が比較級表現 (客観世界・数字の世界を土台とした表現法)
much は比較級強調。
sympathize with A「Aに共感する」
much, very much, far, still, even, a lot
ex.) He is much better at skiing than at swimming.
It is much easier to sympathize with sorrow than to sympathize with joy.
It is easier to empathize with sorrow than with joy.
It is more challenging to connect with joy than with sorrow.

We are (    ) off than we used to be.
  ① good
  ② well
  ③ better
  ④ more

be better off (=wealthy, rich)
be well off の比較級表現で「より裕福な状態にある」
反意はbe badly off

We are better off than we used to be.
We are in a better state than we were before.
Our current situation is an improvement from the past.

You are (    ) to gain weight in summer than in winter because you tend to lose your appetite when it is hot.
  ① less likely
  ② less unlikely
  ③ very likely
  ④ very unlikely

less は more の反対語。
いったん more に置き換えてからその反対の意味にする。
be likely to do 「たぶん~しそう」
because を基点としてその前後の対応関係を掴む。
    (   X   )       [   夏   ]
        ‖   <because>    ‖       
    [ 食欲低下 ]    [   暑い時   ]
You are less likely to gain weight in summer than in winter because you tend to lose your appetite when it is hot.
In summer, you are less likely to gain weight due to a reduced appetite in hot weather compared to winter.
Weight gain is more probable in winter than in summer because of increased appetite in colder temperatures.

The population of San Francisco is (    ) that of Tokyo.
  ① less of one tenth than
  ② less than one tenth of
  ③ less than one tenths
  ④ one tenth less

less than A「Aよりも少ない」
one tenth of A 「Aの10分の1」
ex.) 10分の3 ▸ three (-) tenths  
<less than+数>は厳密には = <under+数> なので「~未満」
<more than+数>も = <over+数>
The population of San Francisco is less than one tenth of that of Tokyo.   
San Francisco's population is less than one-tenth of Tokyo's.
Tokyo's population is more than ten times that of San Francisco.

Jane is (    ) tennis player in her club.
  ① quite the best
  ② much the best
  ③ very the best
  ④ highly the best

the の位置が焦点。
③は the very best なら正解。
much は最上級の強調。
 ☆ by far the best player
 ☆ much the best player
 ☆ far and away the best player
 ☆ the very best player
結果 the が最上級の前に必要になる。
Jane is much the best tennis player in her club.  
Jane is the top tennis player in her club by a significant margin.
Jane excels far beyond others as a tennis player in her club.

(    ) more pleasant than traveling.
  ① Nothing is
  ② Another thing is not   
  ③ Anything is not
  ④ Not at all

  (a) Time is the most precious thing of all.
  (b) Time is more precious than anything else.
  (c) Nothing is so precious as time.
  (d) Nothing is more precious than time.
Nothing is more pleasant than traveling.
Traveling is the most pleasant experience.
There is nothing more enjoyable than traveling.

I love him (    ) for his faults.
  ① all the more
  ② by far
  ③ far better
  ④ further more

<all the 比較級+for名詞 [because S V] >
矛盾した因果関係を表すことができる点で because とは異なる。
all は強調の副詞で省略可。
the は指示副詞で「その分だけ」
ex.) I love Ann all the more because she is shy.
  I like him all the better for his faults.
  He is none the wiser for all his experiences.
I love him all the more for his faults.
I love him even more despite his faults.
His faults make me love him even more.

The more you talk about it, (    ) your situation will be.
  ① much more
  ② and than
  ③ the worse
  ④ by far better

<The+比較級+S V, the+比較級+S V>
「 ~ すればするほど…」
 ✰ the比較級+of the two 「2つ(2人)のうちで~な方」
 ✰ (all) the比較級+[理由]「~だからそれだけいっそう…」
 ✰ The比較級, the比較級「~すればするほどますます…」
The more you talk about it, the worse your situation will be.
The more you discuss it, the worse your situation will become.
Talking about it extensively will only worsen your situation.

A dolphin is (    ) a fish than a dog is.
  ① no more
  ② no less
  ③ more or less
  ④ much less

no は「差がゼロ」の意で<no more…than>は
文尾の is は省略可。
<no = not…any> から次の書き換えが可。
 A dolphin is not a fish any more than a dog (is).
☆ She is no more talented than her sister.
 <She = her sister>
☆ She is no less talented than her sister.
 <She = her sister>
☆ He paid no more than eight dollars for it.
 <= eight dollars>
☆ He paid no less than eight dollars for it.
 <= eight dollars>
☆ She is not more talented than her sister.
 <She ≦ her sister>
☆ She is not less talented than her sister.
 <She ≧ her sister>
☆ He paid not more than eight dollars for it.
 <≦ eight dollars>
☆ He paid not less than eight dollars for it.
 (≧ eight dollars)
A dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is.
A dolphin is as much a mammal as a dog is.
Just like a dog, a dolphin is not a fish.

No other mountain in Japan is (    ) Mt. Fuji.
  ① as higher as
  ② so high as
  ③ the highest
  ④ very higher as

✰ 比較級+than any other+単数名詞
 Tokyo is larger than any other city in Japan.
✰ S(否定語) ... 原級/比較級
 No other city in Japan is so large as Tokyo.
 No other city in Japan is larger than Tokyo.
 Mt. Fuji is higher than any other mountain in Japan.
 No other mountain in Japan is higher than Mt. Fuji.
 No other mountain in Japan is so [as] high as Mt. Fuji.
 Mt. Fuji is as high as any other mountain in Japan.
 Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.
No other mountain in Japan is so high as Mt. Fuji.
Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan, surpassing all others.
No mountain in Japan is as tall as Mt. Fuji.

There are many students in my class, (    ) seventy or eighty altogether.
  ① as much as
  ② as little as
  ③ no less than
  ④ no more than

<no less than>「少なくとも」
(no) マイナス×(less) マイナスで肯定的ニュアンス。
この場合の no は
He is no ordinary student.
「彼は普通の学生でなんかでは決してない → 非凡な学生だ」
の no と同様に強い否定を表す。
例えば<no more than> は
「決して多くない → 少ない」
There are many students in my class, no less than seventy or eighty altogether.
In my class, there are at least seventy or eighty students.
The total number of students in my class is no less than seventy or eighty.

I believe that good books are (    ) to most TV programs in educating young people.
  ① more effective
  ② much better
  ③ by far greater
  ④ by far superior

superior to「より優れて」
inferior to「より劣って」
比較の強調は much, a lot, by far, even, still, yet を用いる。
空所の後ろに to があるのでそれにつながる④を選択。
以下 to を使った比較表現。
ex.) She is two years senior to me.
  I am two years junior to her.
  She is superior to me in mathematics.
  She is inferior to me in chemistry.
  I prefer climbing mountains to swimming in the sea.
I believe that good books are by far superior to most TV programs in educating young people.
Good books are far superior to most TV programs in educating young people.
Most TV programs are not as effective as good books in educating young people.

I should have known better than to ask George about the Constitution. He was at a loss for an answer. He is (    ).
  ① no more familiar with it than I am
  ② an expert on the subject
  ③ more knowledgeable about the subject than anybody else
  ④ more than a layman in the field

be at a loss「途方にくれる」
be familiar with A「Aに精通している」
He was at a loss for an answer.
familiar with it の点で優る (more) 度合いがゼロ (no) である」
know better than to do…
( = be wise enough not to do )
should have done
<should have known better than to do>
I should have known better than to ask George about the Constitution.
I should have been more cautious than to ask George about the Constitution.
Asking George about the Constitution was a mistake on my part.
He was at a loss for an answer. He is .no more familiar with it than I am
He was at a loss for an answer, just as unfamiliar with it as I am.
Like me, he is not familiar with it and couldn't provide an answer.  


It is much easier to sympathize with sorrow than to sympathize with joy.
It is easier to empathize with sorrow than with joy.
It is more challenging to connect with joy than with sorrow.

We are better off than we used to be.
We are in a better state than we were before.
Our current situation is an improvement from the past.

You are less likely to gain weight in summer than in winter because you tend to lose your appetite when it is hot.
In summer, you are less likely to gain weight due to a reduced appetite in hot weather compared to winter.
Weight gain is more probable in winter than in summer because of increased appetite in colder temperatures.

The population of San Francisco is less than one tenth of that of Tokyo.   
San Francisco's population is less than one-tenth of Tokyo's.
Tokyo's population is more than ten times that of San Francisco.

Jane is much the best tennis player in her club.  
Jane is the top tennis player in her club by a significant margin.
Jane excels far beyond others as a tennis player in her club.

Nothing is more pleasant than traveling.
Traveling is the most pleasant experience.
There is nothing more enjoyable than traveling.

I love him all the more for his faults.
I love him even more despite his faults.
His faults make me love him even more.

The more you talk about it, the worse your situation will be.
The more you discuss it, the worse your situation will become.
Talking about it extensively will only worsen your situation.

A dolphin is no more a fish than a dog is.
A dolphin is as much a mammal as a dog is.
Just like a dog, a dolphin is not a fish.

No other mountain in Japan is so high as Mt. Fuji.
Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan, surpassing all others.
No mountain in Japan is as tall as Mt. Fuji.

There are many students in my class, no less than seventy or eighty altogether.
In my class, there are at least seventy or eighty students.
The total number of students in my class is no less than seventy or eighty.

I believe that good books are by far superior to most TV programs in educating young people.
Good books are far superior to most TV programs in educating young people.
Most TV programs are not as effective as good books in educating young people.

I should have known better than to ask George about the Constitution.
I should have been more cautious than to ask George about the Constitution.
Asking George about the Constitution was a mistake on my part.
He was at a loss for an answer. He is .no more familiar with it than I am
He was at a loss for an answer, just as unfamiliar with it as I am.
Like me, he is not familiar with it and couldn't provide an answer.  



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル【比較②】

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