TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑧





《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》⑧

⑴ Please help me (   ) the salt.
  ① to      
  ② with      
  ③ in      
  ④ on

help は目的語に「人」の場合は後は with か to の語法。
with は目的語が「仕事」
to は「料理」
なお「仕事」を手伝う場合は with の代わりに in も可。
◆ help
 ① S help O:Oを助ける,手伝う・Oを避ける
 ② S help O with N:OのNを手伝う
 ③ S help O 副詞(句):Oを助けて(~の状態)にさせる
 ④ S help to do:~するのに役立つ
 ⑤ S help O to do:Oが~するのを助ける,手伝う
 ⑥ S help doing:~するのを避ける
① Shall I help you?
② Let me help you with your work.
③ She helped her son on his sweater.
④ This exercise helps (to) lose weight.
⑤ Shall I help you (to) copy the documents?
⑥ I could not help feeling sorry for him.
★ 米口語でhelp to do, help O to doからtoが省略される傾向にある
⑴ 正解 ①
Please help me to the salt.
Could you hand me the salt, please?
Would you mind giving me the salt?
May I have the salt, please?
Could you spare the salt, please?
Would you be so kind as to give me the salt?
Might I trouble you for the salt?
Please pass me the salt.

⑵ I can’t help (   ) that he has a genius for mathematics.
  ① to think   
  ② thinking    
  ③ in thinking    
  ④ think

この構文はふつうcan, cannotとともに用いられ
〈cannot help but+原形不定詞〉
の形でなるが,ここは but がないので動名詞の②が正解。
⑵ 正解 ②
I can’t help thinking that he has a genius for mathematics.
I can’t help but believe he's a math genius.
I can’t shake the feeling that he's gifted in mathematics.
I can’t seem to get over the fact that he's a math genius.
I can’t resist thinking he's exceptionally skilled in math.
I can’t get the notion out of my head that he excels in math.
I can’t avoid thinking he's a math prodigy.
I can’t stop thinking that he’s a math genius.

⑶ She was (   ) silk.
  ① dressing   
  ② dressed in    
  ③ dressed herself  
  ④ put on

④put onは目的語に「人」でなく「服」をとるので,
dress は「人に服を着せる」の意味なので
 ✰ <人+dress>
 ✰ <人+be dressed>
 ✰ <人+wear clothes>
 ✰ <人+dress>
 ✰ <人+dress oneself>
 ✰ <人+get dressed>
 ✰ <人+put on clothes>
She was dressed in a beautiful gown.
He was attired in formal clothing.
The children were clad in colorful costumes.
He hastily dressed himself.
She struggled to dress herself.
He was changing clothes early in the morning.
I put on my new clothes before going to the party.
⑶ 正解 ②
She was dressed in silk.
She was clad in silk attire.
She had on a silk dress.
She sported silk garments.
She was attired in silk fabric.
She dressed herself in silk.
She adorned herself in silk clothing.
She wore a gown made of silk.

⑷ She (   ) her best dress and then went to the party.
  ① dressed    
  ② was dressed    
  ③ wore    
  ④ put on

② be dressed, ③wearは〈状態〉を表すので消去。
① dressは他動詞として人を目的語にとるので不可。
④ putが正解。活用に注意でここではput過去形。
⑷ 正解 ④
She put on her best dress and then went to the party.
She dressed up in her best clothes and then went to the party.
She put on her most elegant outfit and then attended the party.
She dressed herself in her finest attire and then proceeded to the party.
She decked herself out in her best dress and then went to the party.
She attired herself in her most glamorous outfit and then went to the party.
She garbed herself in her most stylish attire and then attended the party.
She donned her finest attire before heading to the party.

⑸ She wore a diamond ring (   ) her ring finger.
  ① on      
  ② in      
  ③ at      
  ④ to

を表す<着用>の on を用いる。
She wore a diamond ring on her ring finger.
He always wears a hat on his head.
She wore a beautiful necklace on her neck.
He wore a pair of glasses on his nose.
She wore gloves on her hands to keep warm.
The actor wore a costume on stage.
⑸ 正解 ①
She wore a diamond ring on her ring finger.
She wore a diamond ring on her fourth finger.
She had a diamond ring on her ring finger.
She donned a diamond ring on her ring finger.
She sported a diamond ring on her left hand's fourth finger.
She had a diamond ring adorning her ring finger.
She adorned her ring finger with a diamond ring.

⑹ You will soon (   ) to the job.
  ① used     
  ② get used    
  ③ get use    
  ④ use

① used は過去形または過去分詞だからwillの後に置けない。
④ use を原形動詞ととらえても use toという成句はない。
「Aに慣れる」は get used to Aの成句で表すので②が正解。
 ✰ get used to A:Aに慣れる
 ✰ become accustomed to A:Aに慣れる
 ✰ grow accustomed to A:Aに慣れる
 ✰ adapt to A:Aに適応する
 ✰ acclimate to A:Aに順応する
 ✰ adjust to A:Aに調整する
 ✰ familiarize oneself with A:Aを習熟する
 ✰ become familiar with A:Aに慣れる
 ✰ develop a familiarity with A:Aと慣れ親しむ
 ✰ settle into A:Aに落ち着く
 ✰ ease into A:Aに徐々に慣れる
 ✰ blend into A:Aに溶け込む
 ✰ assimilate to A:Aに同化する
 ✰ integrate into A:Aに統合される
 ✰ habituate oneself to A:Aに習慣づけられる
⑹ 正解 ②
You will soon get used to the job.
You will adapt to the job soon enough.
You will acclimate to the job in due time.
You will grow accustomed to the job before long.
You will familiarize yourself with the job shortly.
You will adjust to the job within a short period.
You will get used to the job sooner or later.
You will eventually become accustomed to the job.

⑺ Ten years ago there (   ) be a tall tree in front of the building.
  ① used to     
  ② would     
  ③ was used to     
  ④ was to

ten years ago から過去形動詞が必要。
空所の後の be から〈過去の状態〉を表す内容と判断。
② would は過去の習慣。
④ be toは予定・義務・可能などを表す
<be to不定詞構文>だが文意が通らない。
③の be used to doは「~するために使われる」
<used to> の成句で表すので①が正解。
 ✰ used to do:〜したものだ
 ✰ would do:〜したものだ
 ✰ used to A:〜の習慣があった
 ✰ would A:〜の習慣があった
 ✰ was/were accustomed to+名:〜に慣れていた
 ✰ had the habit of do:〜の習慣があった
 ✰ had a tendency to do:〜する傾向があった
 ✰ were in the habit of do:〜の習慣があった
 ✰ had a custom of do:〜の習慣があった
 ✰ had the tendency to do:〜する傾向があった
 ✰ used to A:〜の習慣があった
 ✰ would frequently do:よく〜したものだ
 ✰ used to doing(動名詞):以前は〜することがあった
 ✰ would often doing(動名詞):よく〜することがあった
 ✰ would habitually doing(動名詞):習慣的に〜することがあった
⑺ 正解 ①
Ten years ago there used to be a tall tree in front of the building.
A decade ago, there stood a tall tree in front of the building.
Ten years in the past, a tall tree graced the front of the building.
A tall tree used to stand in front of the building ten years ago.
In the past, there was a tall tree positioned in front of the building.
The building once had a tall tree situated in front of it ten years ago.
There was a tall tree located in front of the building a decade ago.
Ten years ago, there was a tall tree in front of the building.

⑻ He was forced by circumstances (   ) up his studies.
  ① to give    
  ② giving    
  ③ given     
  ④ give

 ✰ <make 人 do>
   ➪ <人 be made to do>
 ✰ <force 人 to do>
   ➪ <人 be forced to do>
The teacher made the students complete their homework.
She was made to apologize for her mistake.
The authorities forced the residents to evacuate the area.
He was forced to resign from his position.

ここは Circumstances forced him to give up …
by circumstances は挿入。
⑻ 正解 ①
He was forced by circumstances to give up his studies.
He was compelled by circumstances to halt his studies.
Circumstances forced him to discontinue his studies.
He had no choice but to give up his studies due to circumstances.
Circumstances pressured him into forsaking his studies.
He was obliged by circumstances to relinquish his studies.
Circumstances coerced him into ceasing his studies.
Circumstances compelled him to abandon his studies.

⑼ Her behavior ( ).
  ① caused me to laugh
  ② made me to laugh 
  ③ caused me laugh
  ④ made me laughing

make O doの語法から②④を消去。
<原因 cause O to do> の形①が正解。
⑼ 正解 ①
Her behavior caused me to laugh.
Her behavior provoked laughter from me.
Her behavior induced laughter in me.
Her behavior incited laughter from me.
Her behavior triggered laughter in me.
Her behavior elicited laughter from me.
Her behavior caused me to burst into laughter.
Her behavior made me burst into laughter.



Please help me to the salt.
Could you hand me the salt, please?
Would you mind giving me the salt?
May I have the salt, please?
Could you spare the salt, please?
Would you be so kind as to give me the salt?
Might I trouble you for the salt?
Please pass me the salt.


I can’t help thinking that he has a genius for mathematics.
I can’t help but believe he's a math genius.
I can’t shake the feeling that he's gifted in mathematics.
I can’t seem to get over the fact that he's a math genius.
I can’t resist thinking he's exceptionally skilled in math.
I can’t get the notion out of my head that he excels in math.
I can’t avoid thinking he's a math prodigy.
I can’t stop thinking that he’s a math genius.


She was dressed in silk.
She was clad in silk attire.
She had on a silk dress.
She sported silk garments.
She was attired in silk fabric.
She dressed herself in silk.
She adorned herself in silk clothing.
She wore a gown made of silk.


She put on her best dress and then went to the party.
She dressed up in her best clothes and then went to the party.
She put on her most elegant outfit and then attended the party.
She dressed herself in her finest attire and then proceeded to the party.
She decked herself out in her best dress and then went to the party.
She attired herself in her most glamorous outfit and then went to the party.
She garbed herself in her most stylish attire and then attended the party.
She donned her finest attire before heading to the party.


She wore a diamond ring on her ring finger.
She wore a diamond ring on her fourth finger.
She had a diamond ring on her ring finger.
She donned a diamond ring on her ring finger.
She sported a diamond ring on her left hand's fourth finger.
She had a diamond ring adorning her ring finger.
She adorned her ring finger with a diamond ring.


You will soon get used to the job.
You will adapt to the job soon enough.
You will acclimate to the job in due time.
You will grow accustomed to the job before long.
You will familiarize yourself with the job shortly.
You will adjust to the job within a short period.
You will get used to the job sooner or later.
You will eventually become accustomed to the job.


Ten years ago there used to be a tall tree in front of the building.
A decade ago, there stood a tall tree in front of the building.
Ten years in the past, a tall tree graced the front of the building.
A tall tree used to stand in front of the building ten years ago.
In the past, there was a tall tree positioned in front of the building.
The building once had a tall tree situated in front of it ten years ago.
There was a tall tree located in front of the building a decade ago.
Ten years ago, there was a tall tree in front of the building.


He was forced by circumstances to give up his studies.
He was compelled by circumstances to halt his studies.
Circumstances forced him to discontinue his studies.
He had no choice but to give up his studies due to circumstances.
Circumstances pressured him into forsaking his studies.
He was obliged by circumstances to relinquish his studies.
Circumstances coerced him into ceasing his studies.
Circumstances compelled him to abandon his studies.


Her behavior caused me to laugh.
Her behavior provoked laughter from me.
Her behavior induced laughter in me.
Her behavior incited laughter from me.
Her behavior triggered laughter in me.
Her behavior elicited laughter from me.
Her behavior caused me to burst into laughter.
Her behavior made me burst into laughter.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



TEX 二井原プロへの




TEX 二井原

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

担当TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら)


  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑧

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