TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》③





《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》③

⑴ She sat (   ) the bench.
  ① down    
  ② down on    
  ③ in    
  ④ at 

それぞれ sit=第1文型動詞,seat=第3文型動詞で
seat himself(自分自身をすわらせる)=sit(すわる)
また,He seated himself. の受動態は次のとおり。
 He was seated.
《 seat oneself = sit = be seated 》
S V Oで例外的に S=O が成立する場合があり,
その場合 O に必ず oneself〈再帰代名詞〉が用いられる。
〈他動詞+oneself = 自動詞的意味〉になる。
ここでは sat は自動詞 sit の過去形なので
ひじ付椅子の場合 [枠] のイメージから in,
ベンチなどには on [表面接触] を用いる。
down は副詞で取り除いても文構造は成立。
⑴ 正解 ②
She sat down on the bench.
She perched on the bench.
She settled onto the bench.
She took a seat on the bench.
She rested on the bench.
She positioned herself on the bench.

◆ SV oneself[S=oneself]
 ✰ kill oneself「自殺する」
 ✰ seat oneself「すわる」
 ✰ enjoy oneself「楽しむ」
 ✰ present oneself「現れる」
 ✰ show oneself「現れる」
 ✰ dress oneself「服を着る」
 ✰ behave oneself「行儀よくする」
 ✰ express oneself「自己表現する」
 ✰ exert oneself「努力する」
 ✰ lay oneself「横になる」
 ✰ support oneself「自活する」
 ✰ excuse oneself「言い訳する」
 ✰ lose oneself「道に迷う」
 ✰ hurt oneself「けがをする」
 ✰ absent oneself「休む」
 ✰ flatter oneself「うぬぼれる」

◆ 慣用表現
<S V oneself+前置詞>
 ✰ help oneself to A「Aを自由にとって食べる」
 ✰ make yourself at home「くつろぐ」
 ✰ adjust[adapt]oneself to A「Aに順応する」
 ✰ avail oneself of A「Aを利用する」
 ✰ pride oneself on A「Aを自慢する」
 ✰ bring oneself to (do)「Aする気になる」
 ✰ assure[convince] oneself of A「Aを確信する」
 ✰ take care of oneself「体に気をつける」
 ✰ devote[apply]oneself to A「Aに専念する」
 ✰ by oneself「一人で」
 ✰ for oneself「独力で」
 ✰ in itself「それ自体」
 ✰ between ourselves「ここだけの話だが」
 ✰ beside oneself with A「Aで我を忘れて」
 ✰ in spite of oneself「思わず」

⑵ The baby (   ) her mother.
  ① looks
  ② resemble to
  ③ looks after
  ④ resembles

resemble は他動詞。
lookは,look+形容詞, か look like 名詞。
look after A「Aの世話をする」
 ✰ belong「所属している」
 ✰ resemble「似ている」
 ✰ possess, own「所有している」
 ✰ contain「含んでいる」
 ✰ wear「着ている」
 ✰ exist「存在している」
 ✰ consist「成り立っている」
 ✰ have「持っている」
 ✰ remain「残っている」
 ✰ be asleep「眠っている」
 ✰ be awake「起きている」
 ✰ have a cold「風邪をひいている」
 ✰ all asleep「寝入る」
 ✰ wake up「目覚める」
 ✰ catch (a) cold「風邪をひく」
⑵正解 ④
The baby resembles her mother.
The baby takes after her mother.
The baby is the spitting image of her mother.
The baby bears a striking resemblance to her mother.
The baby mirrors her mother's appearance.
The baby echoes her mother's features.
The baby has her mother's likeness.

⑶ He apologized to her (   ) being late.
  ① on    
  ② to    
  ③ his    
  ④ for

apologize は自動詞で直接目的語を取らない。
his だと動名詞 being が目的語になり,
apologize が他動詞になるので不可。
〈apologize to 人 for A〉
for は〈理由〉
 ✰ S apologize (to A) for B
 ✰ S apologize (to A) for doing
× S apologize him for A
⑶ 正解 ④
He apologized to her for being late.
He expressed regret to her for being late.
He offered his apologies to her for being late.
He said sorry to her for being late.
He made amends to her for being late.
He acknowledged his tardiness to her.
He begged forgiveness from her for being late.

⑷ We (   ) the matter far into the night.
  ① discussed
  ② discussed about
  ③ discussed on
  ④ discussed over

 ✰ discuss=talk about
 ✰ leave=start from
 ✰ reach=arrive at/get to
 ✰ oppose=object to
 ✰ mention=refer to
⑷正解 ①
We discussed the matter far into the night.
We deliberated the matter far into the night.
We debated the matter far into the night.
We conversed about the matter far into the night.
We pondered the matter far into the night.
We analyzed the matter far into the night.
We explored the matter far into the night.

⑸ The soup remained (   ) on the stove all day.
  ① to warm   
  ② warm   
  ③ warmth   
  ④ warmly

remain は状態を表す自動詞でSVCで用いる。
C になるのは名詞か形容詞なので副詞 ④ warmly は失格。
① to warm は〈remain to be done〉「まだ~していない」
の場合の除いて remain が to do を伴うことは無いので不可。
S V C の C が名詞の場合は厳密にS=C が成立するが
③ warmth「温かさ」≠soupから③を消去。
形容詞 warm が正解。
⑸ 正解 ②
The soup remained warm on the stove all day.
The soup stayed warm on the stove all day.
The soup retained its warmth on the stove all day.
The soup maintained its temperature on the stove all day.
The soup kept warm on the stove all day.
The soup stayed heated on the stove all day.
The soup remained hot on the stove all day.

⑹ (   ) does the orange taste?
  ① How    
  ② What    
  ③ When    
  ④ Who

taste は自動詞 SVC で「SはCの味がする」。
ここは C〈形容詞〉を問う文で How を使った①が正解。
When, Whatでは文が不成立。仮に名詞を聞く疑問文なら,
 What does this juice taste of?
⑹ 正解 ②
How does the orange taste?
How's the taste of the orange?
How does the orange flavor compare?
What's the flavor profile of the orange?
How does the orange taste to you?
What do you think of the orange's taste?
How would you describe the taste of the orange?

⑺ What he said (   ) out false.
  ① looked    
  ② seemed    
  ③ proved    
  ④ turned

[What he said ●](S) turned out(V) false(C) の骨格で
関係詞の what が名詞節主語を導いている構造。
後に out を伴う動詞は turn のみ。
turn out (to be) A は prove A とほぼ同義。
⑺ 正解 ④
What he said turned out false.
What he stated proved to be untrue.
What he said turned out to be incorrect.
What he uttered was found to be false.
What he mentioned was ultimately untrue.
What he articulated was proven false.
What he voiced was later found to be false.

⑻ The shoelace has come (   ).
  ① bad    
  ② loose    
  ③ wrong    
  ④ wild

come true「実現する」
come はプラスイメージの変化。
一方でgo は go bad「腐る」go bankrupt「破産する」
など マイナスイメージになる。
shoelace (米: shoestring)「靴ひも」は結んでいない状態が
◆ go[(中心, 本来的状態から外へ)行く]
go about A「A(仕事など)に取りかかる」
go on with A「Aを続ける」
go on doing「(あいかわらず)~し続ける」
go on to (do)「次に続けて~する」
go into A「Aを詳しく調査する」
go through A「Aを経験する」
go out of one's way to (do)「わざわざ~する」
go so far as to (do)「~さえもする」
go in for A「Aに参加する・Aを好む・(趣味で)Aを始める」
go off「爆発する」(=explode)
◆ come [(外から中心, 本来的状態へ)来る]
come across A「Aに偶然出会う」
come near (to) doing 「あやうく~しそうになる」
come by A「Aを手に入れる」
come up with A「Aを考え出す」
come in「流行する」
come to「意識を取り戻す」
come up to A「(仕事などが期待)に添う」
⑻ 正解 ②
The shoelace has come loose.
The shoelace has become untied.
The shoelace has come undone.
The shoelace is loose.
The shoelace is not tied.
The shoelace is dangling.
The shoelace needs to be tied again.

⑼ Suzy married (   ) last month.
  ① John    
  ② with John    
  ③ to John    
  ④ and John

marry は「人結婚する」の意の他動詞で with などの前置詞
S marries O. =S gets married to O.「SはOと結婚する」
S is married to O. だと状態を表すので「SはOと結婚している」
問題文はMarry and Johnを主語にして書き換えると,
 Marry and John got married last month.
⑼ 正解 ①
Suzy married John last month.
Suzy tied the knot with John last month.
Suzy wed John last month.
Suzy got married to John last month.
Suzy became John's wife last month.
Suzy and John got hitched last month.
Suzy became Mrs. John last month.

⑽ The two sisters closely resemble (   ).
  ① with each other  
  ② mutually  
  ③ to each other  
  ④ each other

resemble は他動詞なので直後に目的語を伴い,
with や to などの前置詞は不要。
ここは resemble の目的語となるべき(代)名詞が必要。
each other は代名詞なので目的語になれる。
〈状態動詞〉(resemble, contain, wear)
〈動作動詞〉(run, play, put on)
 ☆ 状 態 動 詞 =〈無意思動詞〉
 ☆ 動 作 動 詞 =〈意思動詞〉
 × Resemble your father.
はムリがあるので, ふつう命令文は不可。
 Be quiet. (静まれ) など。
⑽ 正解 ④
The two sisters closely resemble each other.
The two sisters are very alike.
The two sisters are very similar.
The two sisters bear a strong resemblance to each other.
The two sisters closely resemble one another.
The two sisters are almost identical.
The two sisters share many similarities.

⑾ She gave some money (   ) the traveler.
  ① at    
  ② to    
  ③ of    
  ④ for

〈SVOO〉第4文型動詞としての giveだが,
O1とO2を入れかえた場合の前置詞は to〈帰着点〉。
動詞の後にN(名詞) が連続し,N1≠N2 の関係が成立している
◆ V A B ➪ V B to A
 ✰ give, allow, offer(与える)
 ✰ hand, pass(手渡す)
 ✰ lend(貸す)
 ✰ owe(負う)
 ✰ pay(払う)
 ✰ promise(約束する)
 ✰ read(読んでやる)
 ✰ show(示す)
 ✰ teach(教える)
 ✰ tell(言う)
 ✰ write(書く)
 ✰ do(与える)
 ✰ wish(望む)
 ✰ deny(与えない)
◆ V A B ➪ V B for A
 ✰ buy(買う)
 ✰ cook(料理する)
 ✰ find(見つける)
 ✰ make(作る)
 ✰ sing(歌う)
 ✰ reach (とってあげる)
 ✰ spare(とっておく)
⑾ 正解 ②
She gave some money to the traveler.
She donated some money to the traveler.
She contributed some money to the traveler.
She gave some money to the traveler in need.
She offered some money to the traveler.
She handed over some money to the traveler.
She provided some money to the traveler.

⑿ The new software program will (   ) us a lot of time and labor.
  ① give
  ② get
  ③ save
  ④ make

save A B「AからB(労力・時間・お金)を省く」
◆ 否定的意味の第4文型動詞
✰ cost A B:AにB(費用)がかかる/AにB(犠牲)を払わせる
✰ deny A B:AにBを与えない
✰ envy A B:AのBをうらやむ
✰ save A B:AのB(労力・時間・お金)を省く
✰ spare A B:AのBを省く/AにBを割く
✰ owe A B:AにBを借りている/AにBを負っている
⑿ 正解 ③
The new software program will save us a lot of time and labor.
The new software program will cut down on our time and labor significantly.
The new software program will greatly reduce our time and labor.
The new software program will decrease our time and labor substantially.
The new software program will minimize our time and labor.
The new software program will lessen our time and labor considerably.
The new software program will economize our time and labor.

⒀ The task (   ) them two weeks to accomplish.
  ① needed    
  ② required    
  ③ took    
  ④ cost

① need, ② require はいずれも「を必要とする」
④ costは第4文型動詞だが,普通は
「時間がかかる」ときは take を用いる。
 ✰ It takes〈人〉〈時間・労力〉to do
 ✰ It takes〈時間・労力〉for〈人〉to do
 ✰ S take〈人〉〈時間〉
 ✰ 〈モノ・コト〉takes〈人〉〈時間〉to do
 ✰ 〈人〉spend〈時間〉doing
 ✰ 〈人〉take〈時間〉to do
 ✰ To do[Doing] … takes〈人〉〈時間〉
 ✰ How long did it take〈人〉to do … ?
It took him three years to write the book.
It took three years for him to write the book.
Writing the book took him three years.
The book took him three years to write.
He spent three years writing the book.
To write the book took me three years.
How long did it take him to write the book ?
 ✰ It costs〈人〉金額 to do
 ✰ 〈人〉pay〈金額〉for doing
 ✰ 〈モノ・コト〉cost〈人〉〈金額〉
 ✰ How much did it cost to do … ?
 ✰ 〈モノ・コト〉 cost〈人〉〈犠牲〉
It cost me 1000yen to buy the book.
I paid 1000yen for buying the book.
The book cost me 1000yen.        
I bought the book for 1000yen.
How much did it cost to buy the book ? 
A moment’s hesitation may cost you your life.
⒀ 正解 ③
The task took them two weeks to accomplish.
The task consumed two weeks for them to complete.
It took them two weeks to accomplish the task.
The task required two weeks for them to finish.
They spent two weeks completing the task.
Two weeks were needed for them to finish the task.
It demanded two weeks for them to complete the task.



She sat down on the bench.
She perched on the bench.
She settled onto the bench.
She took a seat on the bench.
She rested on the bench.
She positioned herself on the bench.


The baby resembles her mother.
The baby takes after her mother.
The baby is the spitting image of her mother.
The baby bears a striking resemblance to her mother.
The baby mirrors her mother's appearance.
The baby echoes her mother's features.
The baby has her mother's likeness.


He apologized to her for being late.
He expressed regret to her for being late.
He offered his apologies to her for being late.
He said sorry to her for being late.
He made amends to her for being late.
He acknowledged his tardiness to her.
He begged forgiveness from her for being late.


We discussed the matter far into the night.
We deliberated the matter far into the night.
We debated the matter far into the night.
We conversed about the matter far into the night.
We pondered the matter far into the night.
We analyzed the matter far into the night.
We explored the matter far into the night.


The soup remained warm on the stove all day.
The soup stayed warm on the stove all day.
The soup retained its warmth on the stove all day.
The soup maintained its temperature on the stove all day.
The soup kept warm on the stove all day.
The soup stayed heated on the stove all day.
The soup remained hot on the stove all day.


How does the orange taste?
How's the taste of the orange?
How does the orange flavor compare?
What's the flavor profile of the orange?
How does the orange taste to you?
What do you think of the orange's taste?
How would you describe the taste of the orange?


What he said turned out false.
What he stated proved to be untrue.
What he said turned out to be incorrect.
What he uttered was found to be false.
What he mentioned was ultimately untrue.
What he articulated was proven false.
What he voiced was later found to be false.


The shoelace has come loose.
The shoelace has become untied.
The shoelace has come undone.
The shoelace is loose.
The shoelace is not tied.
The shoelace is dangling.
The shoelace needs to be tied again.


Suzy married John last month.
Suzy tied the knot with John last month.
Suzy wed John last month.
Suzy got married to John last month.
Suzy became John's wife last month.
Suzy and John got hitched last month.
Suzy became Mrs. John last month.


The two sisters closely resemble each other.
The two sisters are very alike.
The two sisters are very similar.
The two sisters bear a strong resemblance to each other.
The two sisters closely resemble one another.
The two sisters are almost identical.
The two sisters share many similarities.


She gave some money to the traveler.
She donated some money to the traveler.
She contributed some money to the traveler.
She gave some money to the traveler in need.
She offered some money to the traveler.
She handed over some money to the traveler.
She provided some money to the traveler.


The new software program will save us a lot of time and labor.
The new software program will cut down on our time and labor significantly.
The new software program will greatly reduce our time and labor.
The new software program will decrease our time and labor substantially.
The new software program will minimize our time and labor.
The new software program will lessen our time and labor considerably.
The new software program will economize our time and labor.


The task took them two weeks to accomplish.
The task consumed two weeks for them to complete.
It took them two weeks to accomplish the task.
The task required two weeks for them to finish.
They spent two weeks completing the task.
Two weeks were needed for them to finish the task.
It demanded two weeks for them to complete the task.



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》③

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