TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


Loudness Interview: ★ 英語の苦労を英語で語る ★オーストラリア英語に完璧対応





on the line right now mineral from
loudness it's great to talk to you and
icon you two are speaking from a Tokyo
Japan it's great to talk to you now I
first discovered loudness way back when
the disillusion album came out Wow what
do you remember about those days before
debuting in the States

oh well you know I remember we were
pretty much famous in Japan then you
know we've done so successful in Japan
and then one day our manager came up to
us and he was saying - you know he was
saying that now let's go USA - play some
concert you know so we were freaking out
but then we went to space we released
the four albums before dissolution album
and in which which did the really
successful how difficult was it with

English obviously not paying your first
language how difficult was it doing?

vocals in English it was big big
difficult very difficult still it is
very difficult to sing in English
because you know in Japan you don't have
to repeat English at all you don't need
the English while you live in Japan and
also I was not able to speak English at
all when I when I was at 23 when we
started recording for a Thunder in this
table which was released in 1984 in the
States and then I had to take a listen
and took me forever to take you know to
be done songs in the studio it's very
difficult to soon I think in English all

the time are there some songs that don't
translate the lyrics very well from?

I mean I'm assuming the
in Japanese and then translated oh yeah
sometime I know I have no I did not know
English then , so I did not have no any
idea how good or bad but yeah I was come
on told me the some songs did not go
It's not easy translated into
English from Japanese a lyrics so okay.

now you left the band in 1988 or
what did you do after you left

honestly I did not have anything to do
who you know I lost my job
I don't know I was depressed but
I'll some record companies they offered
to make deal with me to make some our
solo album. So I I was starting to write
songs for my solo album right after you
know quitting the loveless soul I was
pretty busy to do those at studio stuff
and you know oh yeah and then after my
soul I form of you know I feel a band
yeah trying to stay away from the
loudess for a while so but you rejoined

in 2000 tell me about how that happened

akira, guitar player he was calling
me up one day about 15 years ago and he
was saying that he wanted to do
something for our 20th anniversary so he
would say that reunited original guy's
loudness and then do something for our
you know 20th anniversary so I thought
that that sounds good
I thought that's a good idea to reunited
loudness so I agree whether what he said

he and him know since then we were here
right now was it intended as just a
reunion for the
at anniversary and then that big it when
we started the reunion we had a plan to
do only one tour but after one tour we
did a pretty good were and in in offense
cause you know just just continuing you
know loudness not for only one tour so
we decided well let's do it you know we
don't we do not know how how go but yeah
we we did anyways yeah okay

So you've
been very active since then album after
album after album and it brings us to
where we are now

and we've got the rise to glory album
out how is that doing for you

do youremember we got a huge earth shake back
in 2011 and and you know people were
totally destroyed by your disaster and
we were trying to make people cheer you
up and the rise of glory you know don't
give up you know and do ACTU whatever
you can do you know that's kind of a
theme we had stay positive
2011年に震災がありましたよね。みんなうちのめされてました。僕たちはみんなを励ましたかったんです。それでthe rise of glory というアルバムを制作しました。何があっても前向きでいられるように想いを込めてます。

yeah that's our yeah how active is the
band outside Japan these days to you too
much outside you oh yeah we are almost
everywhere every year we go to Europe
especially German and Belgian Holland
you know those kind of countries we
played many shows in the festivals and
we did a headliner shows you know you
know Europe and they also we play there
are many shows in the States as well but
two years ago we got problem about our
visa things so how they could not they
did not let us in the states two years
ago so since then we did not have any
chance to play in the States but yeah we
are pretty busy to do many shows in out
of Japan

even though including their South Asia
Singapore Thailand Malaysia are their
huge fans out there coming up very soon
is something I didn't think I would ever
see in my lifetime and that is loudness
coming to Australia how did this come
about to be there oh you know we always
wanted to play in Australia because we
love ac/dc

we love many bands from Australia so
must be great country for rock music so
you know we wanted to play in Australia
but finally our dreams come true so
excited to play in Australia we cannot
wait playing the 9th and 10th and 11th
of May so it's happening very soon we
are ready to rock you I tell you what if
you speak to any metalhead my age and
オーストラリアはロックも素晴らしいですから、今回、我々の長年の夢がようやく成就しましたね。5月9,10, 11ま待ちきれませんよ。

you say name a Japanese heavy metal band
10 out of 10 of them all of them would
say let us thank you yeah we're gonna
play many songs from our 80s albums you
know upcoming show so you gonna have a
good time you you you enjoy even though
if you're not loudest fan but still you
can have a good time our show so be
there please now it's just to a part of
a big to where do you hit you after


Australia right after Australia we are
heading for Japan tour and also our we
are going to play in a I pay in South
Asia and after then we going to Europ
to do some shows in the festival and
coming back to Japan we might do some
shows in the Japanese rock festival in
summer all right mineral from loudness

it's been great absolutely great talking
to you thanks for your time enjoy
I wasshowing let's go crazy nights right
Thank you thank you


TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  7. Loudness Interview: ★ 英語の苦労を英語で語る ★オーストラリア英語に完璧対応

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