TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑦





《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》⑦

⑴ That accident is (   ) his carelessness.
  ① due     
  ② due to     
  ③ result from     
  ④ owe to

be 動詞があるので③④を消去。
形容詞dueは後に to をおいて
という因果関係を表し toの後が原因になる。
◆ 原 因 V 結 果
 ✰ cause
 ✰ result in
 ✰ lead to
 ✰ bring about 
 ✰ give rise to
 ✰ influence
 ✰ produce,
 ✰ generate
 ✰ create 
◆ 結 果 V 原 因
 ✰ result from
 ✰ arise from
 ✰ stem from
 ✰ derive from
 ✰ depend on
 ✰ be due to
 ✰ be owing to
 ✰ be attribute to
● cause:
Smoking can cause lung cancer.
● result in:
Poor communication can result in misunderstandings.
● lead to:
Lack of sleep can lead to health problems.
● bring about:
His hard work brought about positive changes in the company.
● give rise to:
The new policy gave rise to protests among the employees.
● influence:
Parents' behavior can influence their children's attitudes.
● produce:
The factory produces a large amount of waste.
● generate:
Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight.
● create:
His actions created a lot of confusion among the team members.
● result from:
The accident resulted from reckless driving.
● arise from:
The disagreement arose from a misunderstanding.
● stem from:
His anxiety stems from unresolved issues from childhood.
● derive from:
Many English words derive from Latin.
● depend on:
Success depends on hard work and determination.
● be due to:
The delay was due to bad weather.
● be owing to:
Our success is owing to the support of our customers.
● be attributed to:
The discovery is attributed to years of research.
⑴ 正解 ②
That accident is due to his carelessness.
The accident resulted from his negligence.
His carelessness led to that accident.
He is to blame for that accident due to his lack of caution.
That accident was caused by his reckless behavior.
His inattentiveness resulted in the accident.
That accident happened because of his lack of attention.

⑵ Her vague words (   ) rise to misunderstanding.
   ① led     
   ② generated     
   ③ caused     
   ④ gave

[原因が結果を引き起こす] 場合の表現を問う問題。
後の rise to から④を選択し,次の形を作る。
〈原因 give rise to 結果〉
⑵ 正解 ④
Her vague words gave rise to misunderstanding.
Misunderstanding arose from her ambiguous words.
Her vague language led to confusion.
Confusion stemmed from her imprecise words.
Her lack of clarity caused misunderstanding.
Misinterpretation was caused by her ambiguous speech.
Her unclear words caused confusion.

⑶ This bicycle cost (   ).
   ① me $300   
   ② me for $300   
   ③ $300 to me    
   ④ to me $300

cost は SVOOの文型で「人にお金がかかる」
 ✰ It costs〈人〉金額 to do
 ✰ 〈人〉pay〈金額〉for doing
 ✰ 〈モノ・コト〉cost〈人〉〈金額〉
 ✰ How much did it cost to do … ?
 ✰ 〈モノ・コト〉cost〈人〉〈犠牲〉
It cost me 1000yen to buy the book.
I paid 1000yen for buying the book.
The book cost me 1000yen.        
I bought the book for 1000yen.
How much did it cost to buy the book ? 
A moment’s hesitation may cost you your life.
 ✰ It takes〈人〉〈時間・労力〉to do
 ✰ It takes〈時間・労力〉for〈人〉to do
 ✰ S take〈人〉〈時間〉
 ✰ 〈モノ・コト〉takes〈人〉〈時間〉to do
 ✰ 〈人〉spend〈時間〉doing
 ✰ 〈人〉take〈時間〉to do
 ✰ To do[Doing] … takes〈人〉〈時間〉
 ✰ How long did it take〈人〉to do … ?
It took him three years to write the book.
It took three years for him to write the book.
Writing the book took him three years.
The book took him three years to write.
He spent three years writing the book.
To write the book took me three years.
How long did it take him to write the book ?
⑶ 正解 ①
This bicycle cost me $300.
This bicycle set me back $300.
I paid $300 for this bicycle.
This bicycle cost me $300.
I invested $300 in this bicycle.
I shelled out $300 for this bicycle.
I spent $300 on this bicycle.

⑷ The scene reminded me (   ) that horrible war.
   ① that     
   ② in     
   ③ of     
   ④ to

<S remind O+of+事柄/to do/that節>
空所の後の「恐ろしい戦争」(名詞) から of を選択。
 ✰ S remind O of N「OにNを思い出させる」
 ✰ S remind O to do「Oに~することを気づかせる」
 ✰ S remind O that節「Oに…といいうことを気づかせる」
This scent reminds me of my grandmother's house.
The alarm reminded him to take his medicine.
He reminded us that the deadline was approaching.
⑷ 正解 ③
The scene reminded me of that horrible war.
The scene brought back memories of that awful war.
That scene made me recall that terrible war.
Memories of that horrific war were triggered by the scene.
That scene reminded me vividly of that horrible war.
The scene conjured up images of that terrifying war.
That scene evoked memories of that dreadful war.

⑸ She suddenly (   ) a good idea.
   ① hit     
   ② struck     
   ③ hit on     
   ④ struck at

strike と hit は他動詞として使われた場合
<S〈考え〉V O〈人〉> の語法。
strike at Aは「Aをなぐる」
 ✰ It occurs to 〈人〉that〈考え〉
 ✰ It strikes〈人〉that〈考え〉
 ✰ 〈人〉hit (up)on〈考え〉
 ✰ 〈人〉come up with〈考え〉
 ✰ 〈人〉hit〈考え〉
 ✰ 〈考え〉come in〈人〉’s mind
 ✰ 〈考え〉 come into〈人〉’s mind
It occurs to me that he might be ill.
It struck me that he might be ill.
I hit (up) on a wonderful idea.
John came up with a good idea.
I was struck by a wonderful idea.
A good idea occurred to her.
A good idea struck her.
She hit on a good idea.
⑸ 正解 ③
She suddenly hit on a good idea.
She suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.
A brilliant idea suddenly occurred to her.
She had a sudden stroke of genius.
Out of the blue, she had a great idea.
Suddenly, she hit upon a brilliant idea.
She had a eureka moment with a great idea.

⑹ It never (   ) me that she would accept his proposal.
   ① occurred to    
   ② hit on    
   ③ occurred to    
   ④ hitted on

〈考え〉hit on〈人〉の語法に合わないので
occur to が入るが occur の過去形は r を重ねて
ed を付けることも確認。
 ✰ remember
 ✰ recall
 ✰ reminisce
 ✰ recollect
 ✰ retrieve
 ✰ bring to mind
 ✰ call to mind
 ✰ reflect on
 ✰ look back on
 ✰ summon up
 ✰ think back to
 ✰ evoke memories of
 ✰ stir up memories of
 ✰ flash back to
 ✰ nostalgically remember
 ✰ rekindle memories of
 ✰ bring back memories of
 ✰ think of again
● remember:
She remembers her childhood fondly.
● recall:
I can't recall his name at the moment.
● reminisce:
They reminisced about their college days.
● recollect:
He recollected the events of that day with clarity.
● retrieve:
She retrieved the lost files from her computer.
bring to mind: The song brings to mind memories of my childhood.
● call to mind:
His words called to mind similar experiences I had.
● reflect on:
He reflected on his past mistakes.
● look back on:
As she grew older, she enjoyed looking back on her accomplishments.
● summon up:
He summoned up the courage to speak in front of the crowd.
think back to: I often think back to the days when we were young.
● evoke memories of:
The old photograph evoked memories of happier times.
● stir up memories of:
The smell of cookies baking stirred up memories of my grandmother's kitchen.
flash back to: Hearing that song made him flash back to his high school days.
● nostalgically remember:
She nostalgically remembered her childhood friends.
● rekindle memories of:
The sight of the old house rekindled memories of his childhood.
● bring back memories of:
The smell of the sea always brings back memories of summer vacations.
● think of again:
After his suggestion, I had to think of the problem again.
⑹ 正解 ①
It never occurred to me that she would accept his proposal.
It never crossed my mind that she would accept his proposal.
I never considered that she would accept his proposal.
The thought of her accepting his proposal never occurred to me.
It didn't occur to me that she would agree to his proposal.
I never imagined she would say yes to his proposal.
The possibility of her accepting his proposal never entered my mind.

⑺ Brown (   ) you well.
   ① matches     
   ② fits     
   ③ suits     
   ④ goes

ここは目的語 you から ①matches ④goes with を消去。
fit は主語となるモノのサイズが問題になるため意味が通らない。
③ suits が正解。
 ✰ 〈衣服等〉fit〈人〉
 ✰ 〈衣服等〉become/suit 〈人〉
 ✰ 〈物〉go with/match〈別の物〉
This dress fits me perfectly.
The jacket fits him well.
The red dress becomes her.
This suit suits you.
This scarf goes perfectly with your coat.
The shoes match her purse.
⑺ 正解 ③
Brown suits you well.
Brown suits you very well.
Brown really complements your appearance.
You look great in brown.
Brown really suits your style.
Brown enhances your look.
You wear brown very nicely.

⑻ The shoes (    ) her beige dress.
   ① fit      
   ② match      
   ③ suit      
   ④ become

① fit  
② suits
③ become
match か go with。
These shoes match your outfit perfectly.
The curtains match the carpet.
This tie goes well with your shirt.
Red wine goes with steak.
⑻ 正解 ②
The shoes match her beige dress.
The shoes go perfectly with her beige dress.
The shoes complement her beige dress perfectly.
Her beige dress matches the shoes perfectly.
The shoes are a perfect match for her beige dress.
Her beige dress pairs well with the shoes.
The shoes and her beige dress go together perfectly.

⑼ These gloves exactly (   ) me.
   ① fits      
   ② matched      
   ③ match      
   ④ fitted

ここでは「人」なので match は不可。
fit が入るが,主語が複数なので ① fitsは不可。
The pair of glovesであれば,
 ✰ fit:合う
 ✰ suit:合う
 ✰ match:合う、マッチする
 ✰ go well with:良く合う
 ✰ be suitable for:に適している
 ✰ be a good fit for:にぴったり合う
 ✰ be appropriate for:に適切である
 ✰ complement:を引き立てる、補完する
 ✰ coordinate with:と調和する、一致する
 ✰ be in harmony with:と調和している
This shirt fits perfectly.
This color suits you. (この色はあなたに似合います)
These shoes match my outfit.
Red wine goes well with steak.
This room is suitable for meetings.
This job is a good fit for her skills.
This attire is appropriate for the occasion.
The shoes complement her outfit.
The music complements the atmosphere of the restaurant.
These colors coordinate well with each other.
Her actions are in harmony with her words.
⑼ 正解 ④
These gloves exactly fitted me.
These gloves fit me perfectly.
These gloves fit me just right.
These gloves are a perfect fit for me.
These gloves fit me like a glove.
These gloves are exactly my size.
These gloves fit me perfectly.

⑽ That tie doesn’t go (   ) your shirt.
   ① on       
   ② with       
   ③ out of       
   ④ through

 ① go on「~を続ける」(continue)
 ② go with A「Aと一緒に行く,と調和する」(math)
 ③ go out of A「Aから出て行く」
 ④ go through A「Aを経験する」(experience)
She went on talking even after everyone else had left the room.
The shoes go well with her dress.
He went out of the room without saying a word.
She went through a difficult time after losing her job.
⑽ 正解 ②
That tie doesn’t go with your shirt.
That tie doesn't match your shirt.
Your shirt and that tie don't go together.
That tie doesn't go well with your shirt.
Your shirt clashes with that tie.
Your shirt doesn't complement that tie.
That tie isn't a good match for your shirt.



That accident is due to his carelessness.
The accident resulted from his negligence.
His carelessness led to that accident.
He is to blame for that accident due to his lack of caution.
That accident was caused by his reckless behavior.
His inattentiveness resulted in the accident.
That accident happened because of his lack of attention.


Her vague words gave rise to misunderstanding.
Misunderstanding arose from her ambiguous words.
Her vague language led to confusion.
Confusion stemmed from her imprecise words.
Her lack of clarity caused misunderstanding.
Misinterpretation was caused by her ambiguous speech.
Her unclear words caused confusion.


This bicycle cost me $300.
This bicycle set me back $300.
I paid $300 for this bicycle.
This bicycle cost me $300.
I invested $300 in this bicycle.
I shelled out $300 for this bicycle.
I spent $300 on this bicycle.


The scene reminded me of that horrible war.
The scene brought back memories of that awful war.
That scene made me recall that terrible war.
Memories of that horrific war were triggered by the scene.
That scene reminded me vividly of that horrible war.
The scene conjured up images of that terrifying war.
That scene evoked memories of that dreadful war.


She suddenly hit on a good idea.
She suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.
A brilliant idea suddenly occurred to her.
She had a sudden stroke of genius.
Out of the blue, she had a great idea.
Suddenly, she hit upon a brilliant idea.
She had a eureka moment with a great idea.


It never occurred to me that she would accept his proposal.
It never crossed my mind that she would accept his proposal.
I never considered that she would accept his proposal.
The thought of her accepting his proposal never occurred to me.
It didn't occur to me that she would agree to his proposal.
I never imagined she would say yes to his proposal.
The possibility of her accepting his proposal never entered my mind.


Brown suits you well.
Brown suits you very well.
Brown really complements your appearance.
You look great in brown.
Brown really suits your style.
Brown enhances your look.
You wear brown very nicely.


The shoes match her beige dress.
The shoes go perfectly with her beige dress.
The shoes complement her beige dress perfectly.
Her beige dress matches the shoes perfectly.
The shoes are a perfect match for her beige dress.
Her beige dress pairs well with the shoes.
The shoes and her beige dress go together perfectly.


These gloves exactly fitted me.
These gloves fit me perfectly.
These gloves fit me just right.
These gloves are a perfect fit for me.
These gloves fit me like a glove.
These gloves are exactly my size.
These gloves fit me perfectly.


That tie doesn’t go with your shirt.
That tie doesn't match your shirt.
Your shirt and that tie don't go together.
That tie doesn't go well with your shirt.
Your shirt clashes with that tie.
Your shirt doesn't complement that tie.
That tie isn't a good match for your shirt.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》⑦

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