TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英作文《地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング》⑩ ★ もはや快楽 ♪






 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

Part 1:インプット英文7変化


Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, (    ) I enjoyed it somehow.

Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, yet [but] I enjoyed it somehow.
 ▸ SV 構造が二つから接続詞で対比を表す語が必要
 ✰ The joke fell flat.
 ✰ The joke didn't land.
 ✰ The joke bombed.
 ✰ The joke went over like a lead balloon.
 ✰ The joke didn't go over well.
Her joke went unnoticed by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
While most people in the room ignored her joke, I managed to enjoy it.
Her joke was overlooked by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
Despite being ignored by most of the people in the room, I still managed to enjoy her joke.
Most of the people in the room paid no attention to her joke, yet I somehow found it enjoyable.
Although her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, I still found it enjoyable in some way.


I remember (    ) (    ) about my hometown at the welcome party.

I remember being asked about my hometown at the welcome party.
 ▸ remember doing「…したことを覚えている」
 ✰ remember doing something
 ✰ recall doing something
 ✰ can remember doing something
 ✰ have a memory of doing something
 ✰ keep in mind doing something
 ✰ bear in mind doing something
 ✰ have a recollection of doing something
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
At the welcome party, I have a memory of people asking about my hometown.
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
I have a memory of people asking about my hometown at the welcome party.
During the welcome party, I remember being asked about my hometown.
I have a recollection of discussing my hometown at the welcome party.


Let’s talk (    ) a cup of tea, shall we?

Let’s talk over a cup of tea, shall we?
 ▸ over〈従事〉「…しながら」
 ✰ while
 ✰ whilst 《英用法》
 ✰ as
 ✰ during
 ✰ as long as
 ✰ at the same time as
 ✰ simultaneously with
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Let's have a conversation while enjoying a cup of tea, shall we?
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Shall we talk while we enjoy a cup of tea?
Let's have a conversation over a cup of tea, shall we?
Would you like to chat while we sip on some tea?


This personal computer (    ) repairing.

This personal computer wants repairing.
 ▸ want doing「…される必要がある」(=need to be done)
 ✰ ~ requires ...
 ✰ ~ needs ...
 ✰ ~ demands ...
 ✰ ~ necessitates ...
 ✰ ~ calls for ...
 ✰ ~ mandates ...
 ✰ ~ entails ...
 This personal computer requires repair.
This personal computer needs to be fixed.
This personal computer needs repair.
This personal computer is in need of repair.
Repair is required for this personal computer.
This personal computer necessitates fixing.


Hiroko’s father has (    ) to San Francisco.

Hiroko’s father has gone to San Francisco.
 ▸ have gone to A
  「A に行った」
  「A に行ったことがある」
 ✰ I have been to A.
 ✰ I have visited A.
 ✰ I have traveled to A.
 ✰ I have been to the place.
 ✰ I have been to A before.
 ✰ I have been to A previously.
 ✰ I have experienced A.
Hiroko's father has traveled to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has made a trip to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has journeyed to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has visited San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has been to San Francisco.


Neither my parents nor my brother (    ) here.

Neither my parents nor my brother is here.
 ▸ neither A nor B では B に一致
 ✰ neither fish nor fowl: どちらでもない
 ✰ neither rhyme nor reason: 筋道がない
 ✰ neither here nor there: どうでもいい
 ✰ neither one thing nor another: 中途半端
 ✰ neither love nor money: どうしても
Both my parents and my brother are absent.
My parents and my brother are not here.
My parents and my brother are absent.
Neither my parents nor my brother are present.
My parents as well as my brother are not here.
Neither my parents nor my brother are in attendance.


“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
“It’s only a copy, so it’s (w    ).”

“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
 ▸ worthless「価値の無い」(=valueless)
 ✰ valuable
 ✰ worthwhile
 ✰ worth it
 ✰ of value
 ✰ meritorious
 ✰ beneficial
 ✰ deserving
 ✰ worthless
 ✰ valueless
 ✰ insignificant
 ✰ meaningless
 ✰ futile
 ✰ trivial
 ✰ inconsequential
"I'm sorry, but this artwork isn't by Picasso."
"Regrettably, this painting is not a genuine Picasso."
“It’ only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
"It's just a replica, so it holds no value."
"It's just a duplicate, making it devoid of value."
"I'm sorry, but this artwork isn't by Picasso."
"Regrettably, this painting is not a genuine Picasso."
"It's just a copy, so it’s worthless."
"It's just a replica, so it holds no value."
"It's just a duplicate, making it devoid of value."


Yesterday morning, I (    ) missed the bus.

Yesterday morning, I almost [nearly] missed the bus.
 ▸ almost[nearly]「ほとんど…」
 ✰ almost
 ✰ nearly
 ✰ practically
 ✰ virtually
 ✰ essentially
 ✰ largely
 ✰ predominantly
Yesterday morning, I came very close to failing to catch the bus.
I barely made it to the bus yesterday morning.
Yesterday morning, I came very close to failing to catch the bus.
Yesterday morning, I nearly missed the bus.
I barely made it to the bus yesterday morning.
Yesterday morning, I came within moments of missing the bus.


What’s the (    ) on the buses in this city?

What’s the fare on the buses in this city?
 ▸ fare「運賃」
 ✰ wage
 ✰ salary
 ✰ pay
 ✰ compensation
 ✰ earnings
 ✰ remuneration
 ✰ stipend
How much does it cost to ride the buses in this city?
What's the price for bus rides in this city?
What is the bus fare in this city?
How much do I need to pay for bus rides in this city?
What is the cost of bus transportation in this city?
How much is the bus fare for traveling within this city?


There is plenty of (    ) for improvement in his work.

There is plenty of room for improvement in his work.
 ▸ room〈不可算名詞〉「余地・空間」
 ✰ ample room:広い余地
 ✰ limited room:限られた空間
 ✰ maneuvering room:操縦の余地
 ✰ breathing room:余裕
 ✰ elbow room:身動きが取れる余地
There is ample space for enhancing his work.
His work has considerable potential for improvement.
His work has a lot of potential for improvement.
There is a great deal of room for his work to improve.
His work offers abundant opportunities for enhancement.
There is significant scope for his work to be enhanced.


I wrote to my parents; (    ) they would have worried about me.

I wrote to my parents; otherwise they would have worried about me.
 ▸ otherwise「さもなければ」
◆ otherwise の用法
① さもなければ (otherwise as a conjunction):
② 別の方法で (otherwise as an adverb):
③ さもないと (otherwise as a conjunction):
④ 他の場合は (otherwise as a conjunction):
Please hurry, otherwise we'll be late.
① otherwise, I would have gone to work
② You need to study hard; otherwise, you won't pass the exam.
③ You can come early; otherwise, just arrive at the usual time.
④ I don't usually eat sweets, but I'll make an exception otherwise.
I wrote to my parents to prevent them from becoming concerned about me.
I sent a letter to my parents to keep them from worrying about me.
I communicated with my parents, lest they fret over my well-being.
I dropped a message to my parents to spare them any anxiety about me.
I reached out to my parents, fearing they might fret over my whereabouts.
I penned a note to my parents, ensuring they wouldn't dwell on my safety.


私はカメラを3 度調べてもらったが,誰もカメラの故障箇所を正確に指摘できなかった。
I’ve had my camera (    ) three times but no one has been
able to pinpoint the problem.

I’ve had my camera examined three times but no one has been able to pinpoint the problem.
 ▸ have A done「A を…してもらう」(=get A done)
I've had my camera checked three times, yet no one has been able to identify the issue.
Despite three examinations, the problem with my camera remains elusive.
I've had my camera inspected three times, but none have managed to identify the issue.
Three examinations have been conducted on my camera, yet the problem remains unidentified.
My camera has undergone three examinations, but the issue persists without resolution.
Despite three checks, the root cause of the problem with my camera remains unidentified.


Harry always arrives on time. He’s so (    ).

Harry always arrives on time. He’s so punctual.
 ▸ punctual「時間に正確な」
Harry is consistently punctual, always arriving on time.
Harry is known for his punctuality; he's never late.
Harry's punctuality is admirable; he consistently arrives on time.
Harry's reputation for punctuality precedes him; he's never tardy.
Harry's punctuality is remarkable; he always shows up on time without fail.
Harry is renowned for his punctuality; he never fails to arrive on time.


I’m afraid I’m not (    ) of a musician.

I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
▸ not much of a A「たいしたA ではない」
 ✰ not very A
 ✰ not a great A
 ✰ not much of an A
 ✰ not quite the A
 ✰ not particularly A
 ✰ not really A
 ✰ not that much of an A
I'm sorry, but I don't consider myself much of a musician.
Regrettably, I'm not highly skilled as a musician.
I'm afraid I don't have much talent as a musician.
Unfortunately, I don't possess significant musical abilities.
I'm sorry to say, but I'm not particularly proficient as a musician.
Regrettably, I lack considerable skill as a musician.


I’m going to leave now, (    ) (    ) (    )
(    ) be late.

I’m going to leave now, so as not to be late.
▸ so as not to do [in order not to do]「…しないように」
 ✰ in order to avoid doing
 ✰ to prevent oneself from doing
 ✰ with the intention of not doing
 ✰ with the aim of not doing
 ✰ to refrain from doing
 ✰ for the purpose of not doing
 ✰ with the goal of not doing
I'm leaving now to ensure I'm not late.
I'm departing to make sure I'm not tardy.
I'm leaving now so as not to risk being late.
I'm departing promptly to avoid any possibility of being late.
I'm heading out now to prevent myself from being late.
I'm leaving immediately to ensure I don't arrive late.

Part 2:アウトプット脳内英作文


Her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, yet [but] I enjoyed it somehow.
Her joke went unnoticed by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
While most people in the room ignored her joke, I managed to enjoy it.
Her joke was overlooked by most of the people in the room, but I somehow found it enjoyable.
Despite being ignored by most of the people in the room, I still managed to enjoy her joke.
Most of the people in the room paid no attention to her joke, yet I somehow found it enjoyable.
Although her joke was ignored by most of the people in the room, I still found it enjoyable in some way.


I remember being asked about my hometown at the welcome party.
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
At the welcome party, I have a memory of people asking about my hometown.
I recall being questioned about my hometown during the welcome party.
I have a memory of people asking about my hometown at the welcome party.
During the welcome party, I remember being asked about my hometown.
I have a recollection of discussing my hometown at the welcome party.


Let’s talk over a cup of tea, shall we?
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Let's have a conversation while enjoying a cup of tea, shall we?
How about discussing things while having a cup of tea, shall we?
Shall we talk while we enjoy a cup of tea?
Let's have a conversation over a cup of tea, shall we?
Would you like to chat while we sip on some tea?


This personal computer wants repairing.
This personal computer requires repair.
This personal computer needs to be fixed.
This personal computer needs repair.
This personal computer is in need of repair.
Repair is required for this personal computer.
This personal computer necessitates fixing.


Hiroko’s father has gone to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has traveled to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has made a trip to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has journeyed to San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has visited San Francisco.
Hiroko's father has been to San Francisco.


Neither my parents nor my brother is here.
Both my parents and my brother are absent.
My parents and my brother are not here.
My parents and my brother are absent.
Neither my parents nor my brother are present.
My parents as well as my brother are not here.
Neither my parents nor my brother are in attendance.


“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
“It’s only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
"I'm sorry, but this artwork isn't by Picasso."
"It's just a replica, so it holds no value."
"Regrettably, this painting is not a genuine Picasso."
"It's just a duplicate, making it devoid of value."
"I'm sorry, but this artwork isn't by Picasso."
"Regrettably, this painting is not a genuine Picasso."
"It's just a copy, so it’s worthless."
"It's just a replica, so it holds no value."
"It's just a duplicate, making it devoid of value."


Yesterday morning, I almost [nearly] missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I came very close to failing to catch the bus.
I barely made it to the bus yesterday morning.
Yesterday morning, I came very close to failing to catch the bus.
Yesterday morning, I nearly missed the bus.
I barely made it to the bus yesterday morning.
Yesterday morning, I came within moments of missing the bus.


What’s the fare on the buses in this city?
How much does it cost to ride the buses in this city?
What's the price for bus rides in this city?
What is the bus fare in this city?
How much do I need to pay for bus rides in this city?
What is the cost of bus transportation in this city?
How much is the bus fare for traveling within this city?


There is plenty of room for improvement in his work.
There is ample space for enhancing his work.
His work has considerable potential for improvement.
His work has a lot of potential for improvement.
There is a great deal of room for his work to improve.
His work offers abundant opportunities for enhancement.
There is significant scope for his work to be enhanced.


I wrote to my parents; otherwise they would have worried about me.
I wrote to my parents to prevent them from becoming concerned about me.
I sent a letter to my parents to keep them from worrying about me.
I communicated with my parents, lest they fret over my well-being.
I dropped a message to my parents to spare them any anxiety about me.
I reached out to my parents, fearing they might fret over my whereabouts.
I penned a note to my parents, ensuring they wouldn't dwell on my safety.

私はカメラを3 度調べてもらったが,誰もカメラの故障箇所を正確に指摘できなかった。

I’ve had my camera examined three times but no one has been able to pinpoint the problem.
I've had my camera checked three times, yet no one has been able to identify the issue.
Despite three examinations, the problem with my camera remains elusive.
I've had my camera inspected three times, but none have managed to identify the issue.
Three examinations have been conducted on my camera, yet the problem remains unidentified.
My camera has undergone three examinations, but the issue persists without resolution.
Despite three checks, the root cause of the problem with my camera remains unidentified.


Harry always arrives on time. He’s so punctual.
Harry is consistently punctual, always arriving on time.
Harry is known for his punctuality; he's never late.
Harry's punctuality is admirable; he consistently arrives on time.
Harry's reputation for punctuality precedes him; he's never tardy.
Harry's punctuality is remarkable; he always shows up on time without fail.
Harry is renowned for his punctuality; he never fails to arrive on time.


I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
I'm sorry, but I don't consider myself much of a musician.
Regrettably, I'm not highly skilled as a musician.
Unfortunately, I don't possess significant musical abilities.
I'm sorry to say, but I'm not particularly proficient as a musician.
Regrettably, I lack considerable skill as a musician.


I’m going to leave now, so as not to be late.
I'm leaving now to ensure I'm not late.
I'm departing to make sure I'm not tardy.
I'm leaving now so as not to risk being late.
I'm departing promptly to avoid any possibility of being late.
I'm heading out now to prevent myself from being late.
I'm leaving immediately to ensure I don't arrive late.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英作文《地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング》⑩ ★ もはや快楽 ♪

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