TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》④

2024年2月16日 公開 / 2024年2月20日更新




《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》④

⑴ Don’t fail (   ) to me once a week.
  ① to write    
  ② to take    
  ③ writing    
  ④ taking

fail in A [自]「Aに失敗する」
fail to do [他] 「~をしそこなる」
①か②が入るが,take to do は「~を好きになる」
write to do「手紙を出す」とする。
 ✰ S fail O「Oに失敗する」「Oの役に立たない」
 ✰ S fail in N「Nに失敗する」
 ✰ S fail in doing「~することに失敗する」
 ✰ S fail to do「~しそこねる」「~できない」
 × Never fail to come by six.
never fail to do「必ず~する」
He never fails to come on time.
=He always comes on time.
⑴ 正解 ①
Don’t fail to write to me once a week.
Make sure to send me a letter every week.
Remember to drop me a line weekly.
It's important that you communicate with me at least once per week.
Ensure you keep in touch by writing to me every seven days.
Please maintain regular correspondence with me on a weekly basis.
Keep up the habit of sending me a message every week.

⑵ She (   ) swim.
  ① mastered to
  ② learned    
  ③ learned to    
  ④ mastered

は目的語に名詞をとり,to 不定詞や原形不定詞はとれない。
⑵ 正解 ③
She learned to swim.
She acquired the skill of swimming.
She mastered the art of swimming.
She became proficient in swimming.
Swimming is something she became adept at.
She gained the ability to swim.
She picked up swimming as a skill.

⑶ I can’t afford (   ) abroad.
  ① traveling    
  ② traveled    
  ③ traveled to    
  ④ to travel

afford は〈時間的経済的余裕〉を表すが,
経済的余裕の場合に to 不定詞を目的語にとる。
afford の語法に関しては次の2点をおさえる。
 ★ can/could/be able to+afford のフレーズになる
 ★ I can’t afford the time to travel abroad. となる
 He can afford to buy a new car.
 We could afford to go on a trip last summer.
 She is able to afford to pay for her college tuition.
⑶ 正解 ④
I can’t afford to travel abroad.
I lack the financial means to journey overseas.
It's not within my budget to go abroad.
Traveling internationally is beyond my financial capabilities.
I don't have enough money to venture overseas.
I'm unable to finance a trip outside the country.
I'm not in a position to afford traveling abroad.

⑷ The doctor told me to stop (   ) to avoid lung cancer.
  ① smoking    
  ② to smoke    
  ③ smoke    
  ④ from smoking

〈stop to smoke〉
〈stop O from doing〉は
 ✰ take a break to smoke:煙草で休憩をとる
 ✰ pause to smoke:一服する
 ✰ halt to smoke:一時的に喫煙をやめる
 ✰ quit smoking momentarily:一時的に禁煙する
 ✰ cease to smoke briefly:短時間だけ禁煙する
 ✰ prevent someone from doing:誰かが何かを防ぐ
 ✰ hinder someone from doing:誰かが何かを妨げる
 ✰ discourage someone from doing:誰かが何かを 妨げる
 ✰ deter someone from doing:誰かが何かを妨げる
 ✰ block someone from doing:誰かが何かを妨げる
⑷ 正解 ①
The doctor told me to stop smoking to avoid lung cancer.
The doctor advised me to quit smoking to prevent lung cancer.
The doctor recommended that I cease smoking to reduce the risk of lung cancer.
To lower the chances of developing lung cancer, the doctor instructed me to give up smoking.
The doctor warned me about the link between smoking and lung cancer and advised quitting.
In order to minimize the risk of lung cancer, the doctor suggested I stop smoking.
I was urged by the doctor to quit smoking to steer clear of lung cancer.

⑸ Have you finished (   ) the magazine?
  ① to read    
  ② reading    
  ③ in reading    
  ④ read

 ✰ finish doing「(実際に~すること)を終える」
 ✰ finish reading: 読書を終える
 ✰ finish writing:書き終える
 ✰ finish cooking:料理を仕上げる
 ✰ finish cleaning:掃除を終える
 ✰ finish exercising:運動を終える
 ✰ finish eating:食事を終える
 ✰ finish studying:勉強を終える
 ✰ finish working:仕事を終える
 ✰ finish painting:絵を描き終える
 ✰ finish watching:見終える
⑸ 正解 ②
Have you finished reading the magazine?
Have you completed going through the magazine?
Did you conclude reading the magazine?
Are you done with the magazine?
Have you reached the end of the magazine?
Have you finished perusing the magazine?
Is reading the magazine finished for you?

⑹ Don’t forget (   ) us at the station tomorrow morning.
  ① meet    
  ② meeting    
  ③ to meet    
  ④ the meeting

forget の後に原形不定詞はこないため①を消去。
tomorrow morning から未来の事柄と判断して,
③ to meet を選ぶ。
meeting だと過去を表す。
 ✰ forget to lock the door:ドアを施錠し忘れる
 ✰ forget to turn off the lights:明かりを消し忘れる
 ✰ forget to bring an umbrella:傘を持ち忘れる
 ✰ forget to set the alarm:アラームをセットし忘れる
 ✰ forget to pay the bills:請求書を支払い忘れる
 ✰ forget doing homework:宿題を忘れる
 ✰ forget doing laundry:洗濯を忘れる
 ✰ forget doing the dishes:食器洗いを忘れる
 ✰ forget doing chores:雑用を忘れる
 ✰ forget doing paperwork:書類作業を忘れる
⑹ 正解 ③
Don’t forget to meet us at the station tomorrow morning.
Make sure you remember to join us at the station tomorrow morning.
Don't overlook the plan to meet us at the station tomorrow morning.
Remember to come to the station tomorrow morning as planned.
Ensure you don't miss meeting us at the station tomorrow morning.
Keep in mind to be at the station tomorrow morning for our meeting.
Don't neglect to be at the station tomorrow morning for our rendezvous.

⑺ I (   ) on him, but I couldn’t.
  ① meaned to call
  ② meant calling  
  ③ meaned calling  
  ④ meant to call

mean の過去形はmeantなので①③を消去。
② mean callingは「訪問することを意味する」
mean to do「~するつもりだ」
 ○ S mean O「Oを意味する」「Oのつもりで言う」
 ○ S mean to do「~するつもりだ」
 ○ S mean that節「…ということを意味する」
 × S mean doing
That gesture means 'thank you’.
I mean to finish this project by tomorrow.
His smile means that he's happy.
⑺ 正解 ④
I meant to call on him, but I couldn’t.
My intention was to visit him, but I was unable to do so.
I planned to pay him a visit, but circumstances prevented me from doing it.
I had intended to drop by and see him, but I found myself unable to.
The plan was to call on him, but unfortunately, I couldn't manage it.
I had every intention of visiting him, but circumstances conspired against me.
I wanted to reach out to him, but I found myself unable to make the call.

⑻ I remember (   ) that man three years ago, but cannot visualize him.
  ① to see    
  ② seen    
  ③ to seeing    
  ④ seeing

three years ago から過去の内容と判断して
remember doing「過去に~したことを覚えている」
that は接続詞ではない。
⑻ 正解 ④
I remember seeing that man three years ago, but cannot visualize him.
I recall encountering that man three years ago, but I'm unable to form a mental image of him.
Three years ago, I distinctly remember observing that man, but now I cannot conjure his image in my mind.
I have a memory of seeing that man three years ago, but I struggle to visualize his appearance.
I can recall encountering that man three years ago, but for some reason, I can't picture his face.
There's a memory of me seeing that man three years ago, but I can't seem to visualize him anymore.
I remember glimpsing that man three years ago, but now I can't seem to bring his image to mind.



Don’t fail to write to me once a week.
Make sure to send me a letter every week.
Remember to drop me a line weekly.
It's important that you communicate with me at least once per week.
Ensure you keep in touch by writing to me every seven days.
Please maintain regular correspondence with me on a weekly basis.
Keep up the habit of sending me a message every week.


She learned to swim.
She acquired the skill of swimming.
She mastered the art of swimming.
She became proficient in swimming.
Swimming is something she became adept at.
She gained the ability to swim.
She picked up swimming as a skill.


I can’t afford to travel abroad.
I lack the financial means to journey overseas.
It's not within my budget to go abroad.
Traveling internationally is beyond my financial capabilities.
I don't have enough money to venture overseas.
I'm unable to finance a trip outside the country.
I'm not in a position to afford traveling abroad.


The doctor told me to stop smoking to avoid lung cancer.
The doctor advised me to quit smoking to prevent lung cancer.
The doctor recommended that I cease smoking to reduce the risk of lung cancer.
To lower the chances of developing lung cancer, the doctor instructed me to give up smoking.
The doctor warned me about the link between smoking and lung cancer and advised quitting.
In order to minimize the risk of lung cancer, the doctor suggested I stop smoking.
I was urged by the doctor to quit smoking to steer clear of lung cancer.


Have you finished reading the magazine?
Have you completed going through the magazine?
Did you conclude reading the magazine?
Are you done with the magazine?
Have you reached the end of the magazine?
Have you finished perusing the magazine?
Is reading the magazine finished for you?


Don’t forget to meet us at the station tomorrow morning.
Make sure you remember to join us at the station tomorrow morning.
Don't overlook the plan to meet us at the station tomorrow morning.
Remember to come to the station tomorrow morning as planned.
Ensure you don't miss meeting us at the station tomorrow morning.
Keep in mind to be at the station tomorrow morning for our meeting.
Don't neglect to be at the station tomorrow morning for our rendezvous.


I meant to call on him, but I couldn’t.
My intention was to visit him, but I was unable to do so.
I planned to pay him a visit, but circumstances prevented me from doing it.
I had intended to drop by and see him, but I found myself unable to.
The plan was to call on him, but unfortunately, I couldn't manage it.
I had every intention of visiting him, but circumstances conspired against me.
I wanted to reach out to him, but I found myself unable to make the call.


I remember seeing that man three years ago, but cannot visualize him.
I recall encountering that man three years ago, but I'm unable to form a mental image of him.
Three years ago, I distinctly remember observing that man, but now I cannot conjure his image in my mind.
I have a memory of seeing that man three years ago, but I struggle to visualize his appearance.
I can recall encountering that man three years ago, but for some reason, I can't picture his face.
There's a memory of me seeing that man three years ago, but I can't seem to visualize him anymore.
I remember glimpsing that man three years ago, but now I can't seem to bring his image to mind.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》④

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