TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英作文《 地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング 》②






 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

Part 1: 《 英文7変化インプット 》


My sister says that she (   ) a dreadful dream last night.

My sister says that she had a dreadful dream last night.
▸ have a+名詞 の形は他に
 have a rest「休む」
 have a chat「おしゃべりをする」
 ✰ have a meal: 食事をする
 ✰ have a meeting: 会議をする
 ✰ have a conversation: 会話をする
 ✰ have a break: 休憩を取る
 ✰ have a dream: 夢を見る
My sister says that she had a dreadful nightmare last night.
My sister says that she had a dreadful dream last night.
My sister says that she had a terrible nightmare last night.
My sister says that she had a horrifying dream last night.
My sister says that she had a scary dream last night.
My sister says that she had a chilling dream last night.
My sister says that she had a disturbing dream last night.


My uncle was (   ) (   ).

My uncle was sound [fast] asleep.
▸ sound asleep「ぐっすり眠って」
 ここは sleeping deeply も正解
 ✰ sound advice: 賢明な助言
 ✰ sound reasoning: 妥当な論理
 ✰ sound decision: 正しい決断
 ✰ sound knowledge: 確かな知識
 ✰ sound strategy: 効果的な戦略
My uncle was soundly asleep.
My uncle was fast asleep.
My uncle was in a deep sleep.
My uncle was sleeping soundly.
My uncle was in a state of deep slumber.
My uncle was asleep soundly.
My uncle was in a sound [fast] sleep.


There were (   ) (   ) (   ) students absent from class today.

There were quite a few students absent from class today.
▸ quite a few+複数名詞「かなりの数の…」
 a good [great] many+複数名詞
 ✰ quite a few students: かなりの数の学生
 ✰ quite a few problems: かなりの数の問題
 ✰ quite a few options: かなりの数の選択肢
 ✰ quite a few restaurants: かなりの数のレストラン
 ✰ quite a few challenges: かなりの数の課題
 ✰ a good many years: かなり多くの年
 ✰ a great many opportunities: かなり多くの機会
 ✰ a good many books: かなり多くの本
 ✰ a great many people: かなり多くの人々
 ✰ a good many projects: かなり多くのプロジェクト
There were quite a few students missing from class today.
There were quite a few students absent from class today.
Quite a few students were not present in class today.
A significant number of students were absent from class today.
Several students were missing from class today.
Many students were not in attendance for class today.
There was a notable absence of students in class today.


I’m afraid I’m not (    ) of a musician.

I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
▸ not much of a N「たいしたNではない」
 ✰ not much of a cook: たいした料理人ではない
 ✰ not much of a singer: たいした歌手ではない
 ✰ not much of a problem: たいした問題ではない
 ✰ not much of a movie: たいした映画ではない
 ✰ not much of a challenge: たいした挑戦ではない
I’m not much of a musician.
I’m not really a musician.
I'm not much of a musician, to be honest.
Honestly, I don't consider myself much of a musician.
I'm not particularly talented as a musician.
To be frank, I lack musical talent.
I'm not really skilled in music, I'm afraid.


The man lives on (   ) (   ) of his income.

The man lives on two thirds of his income.
▸ 分数表現は分子が基数,分母が序数,
 ✰ three quarters: 3/4 (四分の三)
 ✰ one half: 1/2 (二分の一)
 ✰ five eighths: 5/8 (八分の五)
 ✰ seven tenths: 7/10 (十分の七)
 ✰ nine fifteenths: 9/15 (十五分の九)
The man lives on two-thirds of his income.
The man lives on two-thirds of his earnings.
The man's living expenses amount to two-thirds of his income.
Two-thirds of the man's income goes towards his living expenses.
The man's monthly budget is based on two-thirds of his income.
The man allocates two-thirds of his earnings for his living expenses.
The man's expenditure is limited to two-thirds of his income.


Ken didn’t give me (   ) (    ).

Ken didn’t give me much advice.
▸ advice「忠告」〈不可算名詞〉
 an はつかないし,複数形にもならない
 ✰ a cup of tea: 一杯のお茶
 ✰ a piece of advice: 一つの助言
 ✰ a loaf of bread: 一斤のパン
 ✰ a bottle of water: 一本の水
 ✰ a grain of rice: 一粒の米
Ken didn’t provide me with much advice.
Ken didn’t give me much guidance.
Ken didn't offer me much advice.
Ken didn't give me a lot of guidance.
I didn't receive much advice from Ken.
Ken didn't provide me with many tips.
I didn't get much guidance from Ken.


“Is it expensive to take that examination?”
“The (    ) depends on how many subjects you take.”

“Is it expensive to take that examination?”
“The fee depends on how many subjects you take.”
▸ fee「受験・入場・入会料金」「専門職に対して支払う料金」
 ✰ fee for service: サービス料金
 ✰ admission fee: 入場料
 ✰ membership fee: 会費
 ✰ registration fee: 登録料
 ✰ usage charge: 利用料金
 ✰ handling fee: 手数料
 ✰ processing charge: 手数料
 ✰ service charge: サービス料金
 ✰ transaction fee: 取引手数料
 ✰ commission: 手数料
"Is it costly to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on how many subjects you choose."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee varies depending on the number of subjects you select."
"Is it pricey to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on the number of subjects you choose."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee varies based on the number of subjects you select."
"Is it costly to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on how many subjects you decide to take."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee will vary depending on the number of subjects you opt for."
"Is it pricey to take that examination?"
"The fee will vary depending on the number of subjects you decide on."


Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of (   ).

Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
▸ client「(弁護士などへの)依頼人」
 ✰ 潜在的な顧客: potential client
 ✰ 重要な顧客: valued client
 ✰ 忠実な顧客: loyal client
 ✰ 新規顧客: new client
 ✰ 再来の顧客: repeat client
Being a diligent lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being an industrious lawyer, he has many clients.
As a skilled lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being a proficient lawyer, he has many clients.
Because he is a competent lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being an adept lawyer, he has numerous clients.
With his expertise as a lawyer, he has accumulated many clients.


The daughters took (   ) helping their mother cook.

The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.
▸ take turns (in/at) doing「交替で…する」
 ✰ take turns driving: 運転を交代する
 ✰ take turns speaking: 発言を交代する
 ✰ take turns cooking: 料理を交代する
 ✰ take turns playing: 遊ぶのを交代する
 ✰ take turns cleaning: 掃除を交代する
The daughters took turns assisting their mother in cooking.
The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.
The daughters alternated in assisting their mother with cooking.
The daughters rotated in helping their mother cook.
The daughters shared the task of helping their mother cook.
The daughters took it in turns to assist their mother in cooking.
The daughters switched off helping their mother with cooking.


The old man looked (   ) with the boy’s performance.

The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
▸ pleased「喜んで」 ← 「喜ばされて」
 他動詞〈please 人〉は人が主語になると
〈人 is pleased〉のように用いる。
 ✰ be pleased with: ~に満足している
 ✰ feel pleased: 嬉しい気持ちである
 ✰ look pleased: 嬉しそうな表情をする
 ✰ seem pleased: 嬉しそうに見える
 ✰ sound pleased: 嬉しそうな声を出す
The old man appeared content with the boy’s performance.
The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
The old man seemed satisfied with the boy's performance.
The old man appeared happy with the boy's performance.
The old man looked content with the boy's performance.
The old man seemed pleased with how the boy performed.
The old man appeared pleased with the boy's performance.


I (   ) that she leaked the secret.

I suspect that she leaked the secret.
▸ suspect that節 ≒ think that節
 doubt that節 ≒ don’t think that節
 ✰ suspect that someone is lying: 誰かが嘘をついていると疑う
 ✰ suspect that something is wrong: 何かがおかしいと疑う
 ✰ suspect that foul play is involved: 不正行為が関与していると疑う
 ✰ oubt that it will rain tomorrow: 明日雨が降るとは疑う
 ✰ doubt that he will arrive on time: 彼が時間通りに到着するとは疑う
I suspect that she disclosed the secret.
I suspect that she leaked the secret.
I suspect that she revealed the secret.
I suspect that she divulged the secret.
I suspect that she exposed the secret.
I suspect that she shared the secret.
I suspect that she let slip the secret.


Some people like to eat fish (   ).

Some people like to eat fish alive.
▸ alive「生きている」
 ✰ stay alive: 生きている
 ✰ feel alive: 生きていると感じる
 ✰ come alive: 活気づく
 ✰ keep alive: 生き続ける
 ✰ declare someone alive: 誰かを生存と宣言する
 ✰ be lively: 生き生きとしている
 ✰ look lively: 活発に見える
 ✰ act lively: 元気よく振る舞う
 ✰ make something lively: 何かを活気づける
 ✰ seem lively: 活気があるように見える
Some people like to eat fish while it's still alive.
Some people like to eat fish when it's alive.
Some people enjoy eating fish while it's alive.
There are people who prefer to eat fish when it's still alive.
Certain individuals like to consume fish while it's alive.
There are those who have a preference for eating fish while it's still alive.
Some people have a taste for fish when it's alive.


The letter was short because there wasn’t (   ) (   ).

The letter was short because there wasn’t much news.
▸ news「知らせ」は〈不可算名詞〉
 ✰ breaking news: 緊急ニュース
 ✰ news report: ニュースレポート
 ✰ news coverage: ニュース報道
 ✰ local news: 地元のニュース
 ✰ news anchor: ニュースキャスター
The letter was short because there wasn't much news.
The letter was short because there was little news.
The letter was brief because there wasn't much news to report.
The letter was concise because there wasn't a lot of news.
There wasn't much news, so the letter was short.
Due to the lack of news, the letter was short.
The letter was short because there was little to report in terms of news.


This town has a (   ) population.

This town has a large population.
▸ large, smallは population, number, amount, sum, salary, crowd
 ✰ large crowd: 大勢の人々
 ✰ large portion: 大きな部分
 ✰ large-scale project: 大規模プロジェクト
 ✰ large family: 大家族
 ✰ large sum: 大金
 ✰ small town: 小さな町
 ✰ small group: 小さなグループ
 ✰ small business: 小規模企業
 ✰ small portion: 小さな一部
 ✰ small change: 小銭
This town has a large population.
This town has a sizable population.
This town has a substantial population.
This town has a considerable population.
This town has a sizable population.
This town has a significant population.
This town has a big population.


We got (   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) from the teacher.

We got a lot of information from the teacher.
▸ information「情報」〈不可算名詞〉
 a lot of は可算名詞・不可算名詞いずれもも可
 ✰ a lot of people: たくさんの人々
 ✰ a lot of money: たくさんのお金
 ✰ a lot of time: たくさんの時間
 ✰ a lot of work: たくさんの仕事
 ✰ a lot of problems: たくさんの問題
We obtained a lot of information from the teacher.
We acquired plenty of information from the teacher.
We received a plethora of information from the teacher.
We gathered a wealth of information from the teacher.
We obtained a copious amount of information from the teacher.
We acquired an abundance of information from the teacher.
We learned a great deal of information from the teacher.


I had to send back the jacket because it did not (   ) me.

I had to send back the jacket because it did not fit me.
▸ fit A「サイズがAに合う」
 ✰ fit shoes: 靴が合う
 ✰ fit clothes: 服が合う
 ✰ fit gloves: 手袋が合う
 ✰ fit glasses: メガネが合う
 ✰ fit hat: 帽子が合う
I had to return the jacket because it didn't fit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it didn't match my size.
I had to return the jacket because it didn't fit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it was the wrong size.
I had to return the jacket because it didn't suit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it didn't match my size.
I had to return the jacket because it was too small/large for me.


Don’t forget to give my best (   ) to your parents.

Don’t forget to give my best regards to your parents.
▸ give my (best) regards to A「Aに宜しく伝える」
 (=say hello to A, remember me to A)
 ✰ Regards to John: ジョンによろしく
 ✰ Regards to your parents: 両親によろしく
 ✰ Regards to Sarah: サラによろしく
 ✰ Regards to the team: チームによろしく
 ✰ Regards to Peter: ピーターによろしく
Don’t forget to pass on my best regards to your parents.
Don’t forget to convey my best wishes to your parents.
Don't forget to convey my best regards to your parents.
Don't forget to pass on my warm regards to your parents.
Please convey my best wishes to your parents.
Please pass on my warm regards to your parents.
Remember to give my best regards to your parents.


There are over fifty students in the class, and they are (   ) girls.

There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mostly girls.
▸ mostly は名詞の前後に置いて「主に」の意を表す
 ✰ mostly sunny: 主に晴れ
 ✰ mostly cloudy: 主に曇り
 ✰ mostly vegetarian: 主に菜食主義者
 ✰ mostly harmless: 主に無害
 ✰ mostly true: 主に真実
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are predominantly girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mainly girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and the majority of them are girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and girls make up the majority.
There are over fifty students in the class, and most of them are girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and the class is mostly composed of girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and girls constitute the majority of them.


Harry always arrives on time. He’s so (   ).

Harry always arrives on time. He’s so punctual.
▸ punctual「時間厳守の」
 ✰ punctual arrival: 時間通りの到着
 ✰ punctual attendance: 時間通りの出席
 ✰ punctual departure: 時間通りの出発
 ✰ punctual payment: 時間通りの支払い
 ✰ punctual performance: 時間通りの実行
He’s quite punctual.
He’s very punctual.
He's incredibly punctual.
He's remarkably punctual.
He's extremely punctual.
He's exceptionally punctual.
He's admirably punctual.


The final game made me so (   ) that I could not remain seated.

The final game made me so excited that I could not remain seated.
▸ excited「わくわくして」 ← 「興奮させられて」
 ✰ be excited about: ~に興奮している
 ✰ get excited: 興奮する
 ✰ feel excited: 興奮を感じる
 ✰ become excited: 興奮する
 ✰ stay excited: 興奮したままでいる
The final game got me so excited that I couldn’t stay seated.
The final game made me so thrilled that I couldn't remain seated.
The final game got me so pumped up that I couldn’t stay seated.
The final game made me so exhilarated that I couldn't remain seated.
The final game got me so fired up that I couldn’t stay seated.

Part 2:《 瞬間脳内エクスプレッション 》


My sister says that she had a dreadful nightmare last night.
My sister says that she had a dreadful dream last night.
My sister says that she had a terrible nightmare last night.
My sister says that she had a horrifying dream last night.
My sister says that she had a scary dream last night.
My sister says that she had a chilling dream last night.
My sister says that she had a disturbing dream last night.


My uncle was soundly asleep.
My uncle was fast asleep.
My uncle was in a deep sleep.
My uncle was sleeping soundly.
My uncle was in a state of deep slumber.
My uncle was asleep soundly.
My uncle was in a sound [fast] sleep.


There were quite a few students missing from class today.
There were quite a few students absent from class today.
Quite a few students were not present in class today.
A significant number of students were absent from class today.
Several students were missing from class today.
Many students were not in attendance for class today.
There was a notable absence of students in class today.


I’m afraid I’m not much of a musician.
I’m not much of a musician.
I’m not really a musician.
I'm not much of a musician, to be honest.
Honestly, I don't consider myself much of a musician.
I'm not particularly talented as a musician.
To be frank, I lack musical talent.
I'm not really skilled in music, I'm afraid.


The man lives on two-thirds of his income.
The man lives on two-thirds of his earnings.
The man's living expenses amount to two-thirds of his income.
Two-thirds of the man's income goes towards his living expenses.
The man's monthly budget is based on two-thirds of his income.
The man allocates two-thirds of his earnings for his living expenses.
The man's expenditure is limited to two-thirds of his income.


Ken didn’t give me much advice.
Ken didn’t provide me with much advice.
Ken didn’t give me much guidance.
Ken didn't offer me much advice.
Ken didn't give me a lot of guidance.
I didn't receive much advice from Ken.
Ken didn't provide me with many tips.
I didn't get much guidance from Ken.


“Is it expensive to take that examination?”
“The fee depends on how many subjects you take.”
"Is it costly to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on how many subjects you choose."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee varies depending on the number of subjects you select."
"Is it pricey to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on the number of subjects you choose."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee varies based on the number of subjects you select."
"Is it costly to take that examination?"
"The fee depends on how many subjects you decide to take."
"Is it expensive to take that examination?"
"The fee will vary depending on the number of subjects you opt for."
"Is it pricey to take that examination?"
"The fee will vary depending on the number of subjects you decide on."


Being an able lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being a diligent lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being an industrious lawyer, he has many clients.
As a skilled lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being a proficient lawyer, he has many clients.
Because he is a competent lawyer, he has a lot of clients.
Being an adept lawyer, he has numerous clients.
With his expertise as a lawyer, he has accumulated many clients.


The daughters took turns assisting their mother in cooking.
The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.
The daughters alternated in assisting their mother with cooking.
The daughters rotated in helping their mother cook.
The daughters shared the task of helping their mother cook.
The daughters took it in turns to assist their mother in cooking.
The daughters switched off helping their mother with cooking.


The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
The old man appeared content with the boy’s performance.
The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
The old man seemed satisfied with the boy's performance.
The old man appeared happy with the boy's performance.
The old man looked content with the boy's performance.
The old man seemed pleased with how the boy performed.
The old man appeared pleased with the boy's performance.


I suspect that she leaked the secret.
I suspect that she disclosed the secret.
I suspect that she leaked the secret.
I suspect that she revealed the secret.
I suspect that she divulged the secret.
I suspect that she exposed the secret.
I suspect that she shared the secret.
I suspect that she let slip the secret.


Some people like to eat fish alive.
Some people like to eat fish while it's still alive.
Some people like to eat fish when it's alive.
Some people enjoy eating fish while it's alive.
There are people who prefer to eat fish when it's still alive.
Certain individuals like to consume fish while it's alive.
There are those who have a preference for eating fish while it's still alive.
Some people have a taste for fish when it's alive.


The letter was short because there wasn't much news.
The letter was short because there was little news.
The letter was brief because there wasn't much news to report.
The letter was concise because there wasn't a lot of news.
There wasn't much news, so the letter was short.
Due to the lack of news, the letter was short.
The letter was short because there was little to report in terms of news.


This town has a large population.
This town has a sizable population.
This town has a substantial population.
This town has a considerable population.
This town has a sizable population.
This town has a significant population.
This town has a big population.


We got a lot of information from the teacher.
We obtained a lot of information from the teacher.
We acquired plenty of information from the teacher.
We received a plethora of information from the teacher.
We gathered a wealth of information from the teacher.
We obtained a copious amount of information from the teacher.
We acquired an abundance of information from the teacher.
We learned a great deal of information from the teacher.


I had to send back the jacket because it did not fit me.
I had to return the jacket because it didn't fit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it didn't match my size.
I had to return the jacket because it didn't fit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it was the wrong size.
I had to return the jacket because it didn't suit me.
I had to send back the jacket because it didn't match my size.
I had to return the jacket because it was too small/large for me.


Don’t forget to pass on my best regards to your parents.
Don’t forget to convey my best wishes to your parents.
Don't forget to convey my best regards to your parents.
Don't forget to pass on my warm regards to your parents.
Please convey my best wishes to your parents.
Please pass on my warm regards to your parents.
Remember to give my best regards to your parents.


There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mostly girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are predominantly girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and they are mainly girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and the majority of them are girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and girls make up the majority.
There are over fifty students in the class, and most of them are girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and the class is mostly composed of girls.
There are over fifty students in the class, and girls constitute the majority of them.


Harry always arrives on time. 
Harry always arrives promptly.
Harry consistently arrives on time.
Harry is never late.
Harry is always on schedule.
He’s so punctual.
He’s quite punctual.
He’s very punctual.
He's incredibly punctual.
He's remarkably punctual.
He's extremely punctual.
He's exceptionally punctual.
He's admirably punctual.



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英作文《 地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング 》②

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