TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英作文《 地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング 》①

2024年2月12日 公開 / 2024年2月15日更新





 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

Part 1:インプット英文7変化


The house is (   ) too small for five people to live in.

The house is much too small for five people to live in.
▸ much+too+形[副]  
 語法的にvery, pretty, fairly, quite等はtoo+形[副] を強調は不可
 ✰ "much too fast"(あまりにも速い)
 ✰ "much too expensive"(あまりにも高価)
 ✰ "much too loud"(あまりにもうるさい)
 ✰ "much too soon"(あまりにも早すぎる)
 ✰ "much too far"(あまりにも遠い)
The house is much too small for five people to live in.
The house is too cramped to comfortably accommodate a family of five.
The house is too cramped for five occupants to reside comfortably.
The house lacks adequate space for a household of five to inhabit comfortably.
The residence is insufficient in size for a family consisting of five individuals to reside in.
The dwelling is not spacious enough to house a family of five.
The living quarters are inadequate for accommodating a family comprising five members.
The dwelling is too compact to accommodate a household with five occupants.
The abode is too small for five people to reside together comfortably.
The living space is too limited for five individuals to inhabit.


He is one of the greatest (   ) musicians.

He is one of the greatest living musicians.
▸ living「生きている」 
 alive にも同様の意味があるが,語法的に名詞修飾は不可
 ✰ living room: リビングルーム
 ✰ living expenses: 生活費
 ✰ living beings: 生き物
 ✰ alive and kicking: 生き生きとして
 ✰ living proof: 生きた証拠
He is one of the most celebrated living musicians.
He is among the greatest living musicians.
He ranks among the top living musicians in terms of greatness.
He stands out as one of the premier living musicians.
He is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished living musicians.
He is recognized as one of the most esteemed living musicians.
He is acknowledged as one of the foremost living musicians.
He is acclaimed as one of the preeminent living musicians.
He is regarded as one of the most illustrious living musicians.
He is esteemed as one of the eminent living musicians.
He is revered as one of the distinguished living musicians.


I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I (   ) the last train.

I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.
▸ miss Aは「Aがいなくて寂しく思う・Aを逃れる」
 ✰ miss A: Aがいなくて寂しく思う・Aを逃れる
 ✰ miss A the bus: Aに乗り遅れる
 ✰ miss A a lot: Aがいなくて寂しく思う
 ✰ miss A's call: Aからの電話を見逃す
 ✰ miss A's performance: Aのパフォーマンスを見逃す
I rushed to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final train.
I hurried to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.
I hurried to the station, but alas, I missed the final train.
I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the very last train.
I hastened to the station, but to my dismay, I missed the final train.
I rushed to the station, but alas, I missed the ultimate train.
I hurried to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the concluding train.
I hastened to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final train.
I hurried to the station, but alas, I missed the last available train.
I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the ultimate departing train.
I hastened to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final departing train.


“Is your bag like Mariko’s?”
“Yes, they’re exactly (   ).”

“Is your bag like Mariko’s?”
“Yes, they’re exactly alike.”
▸ alike「よく似て」
 same は the same と冠詞が付くため不可。
 ✰ alike in appearance: 外見が似ている
 ✰ alike in personality: 性格が似ている
 ✰ the same color: 同じ色
 ✰ the same size: 同じサイズ
 ✰ the same opinion: 同じ意見
"Is your bag like Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly similar."
"Is your bag similar to Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly alike."
"Is your bag similar to Mariko's?"
"Yes, they're virtually identical."
"Yes, they're practically the same."
"Yes, they're almost indistinguishable."
"Is your bag like Mariko's?"
"Yes, they're incredibly similar."
"Yes, they're remarkably alike."
"Yes, they're extremely close in appearance."
"Is your bag like Mariko's?"
"Yes, they're very much alike."
"Yes, they're quite similar."
"Yes, they're remarkably akin."


A few years ago our room had (   ) (   ) in it.

A few years ago our room had little furniture in it.
▸ furniture「家具」〈不可算名詞〉 
 few furnitureは不可。
 few は〈可算名詞〉につく。
 ✰ little time: 少しの時間
 ✰ little money: 少しのお金
 ✰ little effort: 少しの努力
 ✰ little progress: 少しの進歩
 ✰ little help: 少しの助け
 ✰ few people: 少数の人々
 ✰ few options: 少数の選択肢
 ✰ few friends: 少数の友人
 ✰ few books: 少数の本
 ✰ few opportunities: 少数の機会
A few years ago our room had minimal furnishings in it.
A few years ago our room had scarce furniture in it.
A few years ago, our room was sparsely furnished.
A few years ago, our room was lacking in furniture.
A few years ago, our room had a minimal amount of furnishings.
A few years ago, our room was relatively bare in terms of furniture.
A few years ago, our room had few pieces of furniture.
A few years ago, our room was furnished with only a few items.
A few years ago, our room contained a limited amount of furniture.
A few years ago, our room was equipped with scarce furniture.
A few years ago, our room was furnished sparsely.
A few years ago, our room had scarce furnishings.
A few years ago, our room had a shortage of furniture.
A few years ago, our room had a paucity of furnishings.


A (   ) is a son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.

A cousin is a son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.
▸ cousin「いとこ」
 ✰ older niece: 年上の姪
 ✰ younger niece: 年下の姪
 ✰ older nephew: 年上の甥
 ✰ younger nephew: 年下の甥
 ✰ paternal uncle: 父方の叔父
 ✰ maternal uncle: 母方の叔父
 ✰ beloved uncle: 愛する叔父
 ✰ paternal aunt: 父方の叔母
 ✰ maternal aunt: 母方の叔母
 ✰ favorite aunt: お気に入りの叔母
A cousin is the child of one's uncle or aunt.
A cousin is the offspring of an uncle or aunt.
A cousin is the nephew or niece of one's parent's sibling.
A cousin is the relative of one's parent's brother or sister.
A cousin is the descendant of one's aunt or uncle.


Man is the only animal (   ) (   ) (   ) his hands ingeniously.

Man is the only animal capable of using his hands ingeniously.
▸ be capable of doing「…することができる」
 ✰ highly capable of doing: ...することが非常にできる
 ✰ physically capable of doing: ...することが身体的にできる
 ✰ mentally capable of doing: ...することが精神的にできる
 ✰ capable of doing well: よく...することができる
 ✰ capable of doing anything: 何でも...することができる
Man is the only animal with the capability to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the only animal with the ability to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the sole creature able to utilize his hands ingeniously.
Man is the only species endowed with the skill to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the exclusive being capable of employing his hands ingeniously.
Man is the solitary creature with the capacity to utilize his hands ingeniously.
Man is the unique organism possessing the ability to use his hands ingeniously.


“How was your weekend?” “To tell you the truth, I was a little (   ).”

“How was your weekend?”
“To tell you the truth, I was a little bored.”
▸ bored「退屈して」 ← 「退屈させられて」
 He is boring. だと「彼はつまらない奴だ」の意
 ✰ be bored with: ...に飽きた
 ✰ be bored of: ...にうんざりしている
 ✰ be bored by: ...に飽きた
 ✰ boring job: つまらない仕事
 ✰ boring routine: 退屈な日常
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was slightly bored."
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was somewhat bored."
"Honestly, it was rather dull."
"To be frank, it was a bit uneventful."
"To be completely truthful, it was somewhat monotonous."
"Honestly, it was somewhat lackluster."
"To be perfectly honest, it was somewhat tedious."


She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t really (   ) (   ).

She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t really the case.
▸ the case「真実・実情」
 the を伴ってこの意味になることに注意
 ✰ in this case: この場合には
 ✰ in any case: いずれの場合にも
 ✰ in some cases: いくつかの場合には
 ✰ prove the case: 事実を証明する
 ✰ study the case: 事件を調査する
She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t the actual situation.
She thought she was injured, but that wasn’t really the case.
She believed she was injured, but that turned out not to be the case.
She thought she had sustained an injury, but in reality, she hadn't.
She thought she was hurt, but upon closer examination, she wasn't actually injured.
She believed she had been hurt, but upon further investigation, that wasn't accurate.
She thought she had suffered an injury, but upon reassessment, it wasn't the true situation.


He could not help (   ) (   ) with his lot.

He could not help being satisfied with his lot.
▸ satisfied「満足して」 ← 「満足させられて」
 ✰ fully satisfied: 完全に満足した
 ✰ satisfied customer: 満足した顧客
 ✰ satisfied with: ...に満足した
 ✰ satisfied smile: 満足した笑顔
 ✰ satisfied with life: 生活に満足した
He could not help but be content with his current situation.
He could not help but be satisfied with his lot.
He couldn't help feeling content with his circumstances.
He couldn't help but feel satisfied with his situation.
He couldn't help but be pleased with his lot.
He couldn't help but find contentment in his current state.
He couldn't help but be happy with his lot in life.


It took (   ) (   )(   ) (   )(   ) to go to Cambridge from London.

It took one and a half hours to go to Cambridge from London.
▸ one and a half をワンセットと考え一息で読む
 「1時間+α」から hours
 an hour and a half も同義
 ✰ 90 minutes: 90分
 ✰ an hour and a half: 1時間半
 ✰ ninety minutes: 90分
 ✰ one hour and thirty minutes: 1時間30分
 ✰ an hour thirty: 1時間30分
It took one and a half hours to travel to Cambridge from London.
It took one and a half hours to get to Cambridge from London.
The journey from London to Cambridge took one and a half hours.
It required one and a half hours to reach Cambridge from London.
The travel time from London to Cambridge was one and a half hours.
It took ninety minutes to get from London to Cambridge.
The trip to Cambridge from London lasted one and a half hours.


Apparently, Jeff is the very (   ) of his father.

Apparently, Jeff is the very image of his father.
▸ image「生き写し・よく似た人物」 
 the very image of A「Aにそっくり」
 ✰ self-image: 自己イメージ
 ✰ public image: 公のイメージ
 ✰ brand image: ブランドイメージ
 ✰ image editing: 画像編集
 ✰ body image: 身体イメージ
Apparently, Jeff is the spitting image of his father.
Apparently, Jeff looks exactly like his father.
Apparently, Jeff closely resembles his father.
Apparently, Jeff bears a strong resemblance to his father.
Apparently, Jeff is the splitting image of his father.
Apparently, Jeff strongly takes after his father in appearance.
Apparently, Jeff is the mirror image of his father.


My curtains (   ) with this furniture.

My curtains go with this furniture.
▸ go with A「Aに似合う・調和する」(=much A) ,
 fit A「サイズが合う」
 become A「Aに似合う」
 ✰ go well with your dress:なたのドレスによく似合う
 ✰ This dress fits perfectly.:このドレスは完璧に合っています
 ✰ The new haircut becomes you.:新しい髪型があなたによく似合う
My curtains complement this furniture.
My curtains go well with this furniture.
My curtains coordinate nicely with this furniture.
My curtains suit this furniture perfectly.
My curtains match this furniture beautifully.
My curtains harmonize with this furniture.
My curtains blend seamlessly with this furniture.


It’s the most amazing thing I (   ) (   ) (   ).

It’s the most amazing thing I have ever heard.
▸ the+最上級+名+(that) S have ever done
 ✰ the happiest moment (that) I have ever experienced:
 ✰ the most challenging task (that) she has ever undertaken:
 ✰ the best meal (that) we have ever had:
 ✰ the most beautiful place (that) they have ever visited:
 ✰ the worst mistake (that) he has ever made:
It’s the most astonishing thing I have ever heard.
It’s the most astounding thing I have ever heard.
It's the most incredible thing I have ever heard.
It's the most remarkable thing I have ever heard.
It's the most unbelievable thing I have ever heard.
It's the most extraordinary thing I have ever heard.
It's the most mind-blowing thing I have ever heard.


She doesn’t drink (   ) coffee.

She doesn’t drink much coffee.
▸ much+不可算名詞「たくさんの…」 
 ✰ much water: たくさんの水
 ✰ much time: たくさんの時間
 ✰ much money: たくさんのお金
 ✰ much effort: たくさんの努力
 ✰ much love: たくさんの愛
She doesn't consume much coffee.
She doesn't drink a lot of coffee.
She isn't a heavy coffee drinker.
She consumes only a small amount of coffee.
She doesn't indulge in coffee very often.
She limits her coffee intake.
She drinks coffee sparingly.


Reading (   ) criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.

Reading literary criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.
▸ literary「文学の」
 ✰ literary criticism: 文学批評
 ✰ literary classics: 文学の古典
 ✰ literary analysis: 文学分析
 ✰ literal translation: 文字通りの翻訳
 ✰ literal meaning: 文字通りの意味
 ✰ literal interpretation: 文字通りの解釈
 ✰ literate society: 読み書きができる社会
 ✰ literate population: 読み書きができる人口
 ✰ literate skills: 読み書きのスキル
Reading literary criticism is remarkably beneficial for understanding literature.
Reading literary criticism is extremely helpful for comprehending literature.
Reading literary criticism greatly aids in understanding literature.
Reading literary criticism is immensely beneficial in comprehending literature.
Reading literary criticism is highly advantageous for grasping literature.
Reading literary criticism is significantly valuable for gaining insight into literature.
Reading literary criticism is incredibly beneficial for interpreting literature.


“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very (   ) to cold.”

“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very sensitive to cold.”
▸ sensitive「敏感な」
 ✰ sensitive issue: 敏感な問題
 ✰ sensitive skin: 敏感肌
 ✰ sensitive information: 機密情報
 ✰ sensible decision: 分別のある決定
 ✰ sensible advice: 分別のあるアドバイス
 ✰ sensible approach: 分別のあるアプローチ
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is highly sensitive to cold."
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is very sensitive to cold."
"Because she is extremely sensitive to cold."
"Because she is particularly sensitive to cold."
"Because she is excessively sensitive to cold."
"Because she is unusually sensitive to cold."
"Because she is extremely susceptible to cold."


His employer recommends him highly as a very (   ) worker.

His employer recommends him highly as a very industrious worker.
▸ industrious「勤勉な」
 ✰ industrious worker: 勤勉な労働者
 ✰ industrious student: 勤勉な学生
 ✰ industrious attitude: 勤勉な態度
 ✰ industrial revolution: 産業革命
 ✰ industrial sector: 産業部門
 ✰ industrial production: 産業生産
His employer highly recommends him as a very diligent worker.
His employer strongly endorses him as a very hardworking employee.
His employer speaks very highly of him, praising his industrious work ethic.
His employer regards him as an exceptionally hardworking employee.
His employer commends him for his dedication and diligence in his work.
His employer holds him in high esteem, highlighting his commitment to his tasks.
His employer values him as a diligent and industrious member of the team.


During the summer vacation I made (   ) with many villagers.

During the summer vacation I made friends with many villagers.
▸ make friends with A「Aと友達になる」
 ✰ fight with A: Aと戦う
 ✰ compete with A: Aと競争する
 ✰ dance with A: Aと一緒に踊る
 ✰ play with A: Aと遊ぶ
 ✰ travel with A: Aと一緒に旅行する
During the summer vacation, I made friends with numerous villagers.
During the summer vacation, I made friends with plenty of villagers.
During the summer vacation, I befriended many villagers.
I got to know a lot of villagers during the summer vacation.
Over the summer vacation, I formed friendships with several villagers.
I connected with numerous villagers during the summer vacation.
Throughout the summer vacation, I established friendships with plenty of villagers.


“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
“It’s only a copy, so it’s (w   ).”

“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.” “It’s only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
▸ worthless「価値の無い」valuelessとほぼ同義。
 反意は invaluable「非常に価値のある」(priceless)
 ✰ worthless currency: 無価値な通貨
 ✰ worthless junk: 価値のないジャンク
 ✰ worthless advice: 役に立たないアドバイス
 ✰ valueless opinion: 価値のない意見
 ✰ valueless asset: 価値のない資産
 ✰ valueless gift: 価値のない贈り物
 ✰ invaluable experience: 非常に貴重な経験
 ✰ invaluable contribution: 非常に貴重な貢献
 ✰ invaluable advice: 非常に貴重なアドバイス
 ✰ priceless treasure: 貴重な宝物
 ✰ priceless heirloom: 貴重な伝家の宝物
 ✰ priceless artifact: 貴重な工芸品
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s rather worthless."
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s quite valueless."
"I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It's only a copy, so it's rather valueless."
"I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It's only a copy, so it's rather worthless."
"I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It's only a copy, so it's quite valueless."

Part 2:アウトプット脳内英作


The house is much too small for five people to live in.
The house is too cramped to comfortably accommodate a family of five.
The house is too cramped for five occupants to reside comfortably.
The house lacks adequate space for a household of five to inhabit comfortably.
The residence is insufficient in size for a family consisting of five individuals to reside in.
The dwelling is not spacious enough to house a family of five.
The living quarters are inadequate for accommodating a family comprising five members.
The dwelling is too compact to accommodate a household with five occupants.
The abode is too small for five people to reside together comfortably.
The living space is too limited for five individuals to inhabit.


He is one of the greatest living musicians.
He is one of the most celebrated living musicians.
He is among the greatest living musicians.
He ranks among the top living musicians in terms of greatness.
He stands out as one of the premier living musicians.
He is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished living musicians.
He is recognized as one of the most esteemed living musicians.
He is acknowledged as one of the foremost living musicians.
He is acclaimed as one of the preeminent living musicians.
He is regarded as one of the most illustrious living musicians.
He is esteemed as one of the eminent living musicians.
He is revered as one of the distinguished living musicians.


I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.
I rushed to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final train.
I hurried to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the last train.
I hurried to the station, but alas, I missed the final train.
I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the very last train.
I hastened to the station, but to my dismay, I missed the final train.
I rushed to the station, but alas, I missed the ultimate train.
I hurried to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the concluding train.
I hastened to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final train.
I hurried to the station, but alas, I missed the last available train.
I rushed to the station, but unfortunately, I missed the ultimate departing train.
I hastened to the station, but regrettably, I missed the final departing train.


“Is your bag like Mariko’s?”
“Yes, they’re exactly alike.”
"Is your bag like Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly similar."
"Is your bag similar to Mariko’s?"
"Yes, they’re strikingly alike."
"Is your bag similar to Mariko's?"
"Yes, they're virtually identical."
"Yes, they're practically the same."
"Yes, they're almost indistinguishable."
"Is your bag like Mariko's?"
"Yes, they're incredibly similar."
"Yes, they're remarkably alike."
"Yes, they're extremely close in appearance."
"Is your bag like Mariko's?"
"Yes, they're very much alike."
"Yes, they're quite similar."
"Yes, they're remarkably akin."


A few years ago our room had little furniture in it.
A few years ago our room had scarce furniture in it.
A few years ago, our room was sparsely furnished.
A few years ago, our room was lacking in furniture.
A few years ago, our room had a minimal amount of furnishings.
A few years ago, our room was relatively bare in terms of furniture.
A few years ago, our room had few pieces of furniture.
A few years ago, our room was furnished with only a few items.
A few years ago, our room contained a limited amount of furniture.
A few years ago, our room was equipped with scarce furniture.
A few years ago, our room was furnished sparsely.
A few years ago, our room had scarce furnishings.
A few years ago, our room had a shortage of furniture.
A few years ago, our room had a paucity of furnishings.


A cousin is a son or daughter of an uncle or aunt.
A cousin is the child of one's uncle or aunt.
A cousin is the offspring of an uncle or aunt.
A cousin is the nephew or niece of one's parent's sibling.
A cousin is the relative of one's parent's brother or sister.
A cousin is the descendant of one's aunt or uncle.


Man is the only animal capable of using his hands ingeniously.
Man is the only animal with the capability to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the only animal with the ability to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the sole creature able to utilize his hands ingeniously.
Man is the only species endowed with the skill to use his hands ingeniously.
Man is the exclusive being capable of employing his hands ingeniously.
Man is the solitary creature with the capacity to utilize his hands ingeniously.
Man is the unique organism possessing the ability to use his hands ingeniously.


“How was your weekend?”
“To tell you the truth, I was a little bored.”
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was slightly bored."
"How was your weekend?"
"To be honest, I was somewhat bored."
"Honestly, it was rather dull."
"To be frank, it was a bit uneventful."
"To be completely truthful, it was somewhat monotonous."
"Honestly, it was somewhat lackluster."
"To be perfectly honest, it was somewhat tedious."


She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t really the case.
She thought she was hurt, but that wasn’t the actual situation.
She thought she was injured, but that wasn’t really the case.
She believed she was injured, but that turned out not to be the case.
She thought she had sustained an injury, but in reality, she hadn't.
She thought she was hurt, but upon closer examination, she wasn't actually injured.
She believed she had been hurt, but upon further investigation, that wasn't accurate.
She thought she had suffered an injury, but upon reassessment, it wasn't the true situation.


He could not help but be content with his current situation.
He could not help but be satisfied with his lot.
He couldn't help feeling content with his circumstances.
He couldn't help but feel satisfied with his situation.
He couldn't help but be pleased with his lot.
He couldn't help but find contentment in his current state.
He couldn't help but be happy with his lot in life.


It took one and a half hours to go to Cambridge from London.
It took one and a half hours to travel to Cambridge from London.
It took one and a half hours to get to Cambridge from London.
The journey from London to Cambridge took one and a half hours.
It required one and a half hours to reach Cambridge from London.
The travel time from London to Cambridge was one and a half hours.
It took ninety minutes to get from London to Cambridge.
The trip to Cambridge from London lasted one and a half hours.


Apparently, Jeff is the very image of his father.
Apparently, Jeff is the spitting image of his father.
Apparently, Jeff looks exactly like his father.
Apparently, Jeff closely resembles his father.
Apparently, Jeff bears a strong resemblance to his father.
Apparently, Jeff is the splitting image of his father.
Apparently, Jeff strongly takes after his father in appearance.
Apparently, Jeff is the mirror image of his father.


My curtains go with this furniture.
My curtains complement this furniture.
My curtains go well with this furniture.
My curtains coordinate nicely with this furniture.
My curtains suit this furniture perfectly.
My curtains match this furniture beautifully.
My curtains harmonize with this furniture.
My curtains blend seamlessly with this furniture.


It’s the most amazing thing I have ever heard.
It’s the most astonishing thing I have ever heard.
It’s the most astounding thing I have ever heard.
It's the most incredible thing I have ever heard.
It's the most remarkable thing I have ever heard.
It's the most unbelievable thing I have ever heard.
It's the most extraordinary thing I have ever heard.
It's the most mind-blowing thing I have ever heard.


She doesn’t drink much coffee.
She doesn't consume much coffee.
She doesn't drink a lot of coffee.
She isn't a heavy coffee drinker.
She consumes only a small amount of coffee.
She doesn't indulge in coffee very often.
She limits her coffee intake.
She drinks coffee sparingly.


Reading literary criticism is very helpful to understanding literature.
Reading literary criticism is remarkably beneficial for understanding literature.
Reading literary criticism is extremely helpful for comprehending literature.
Reading literary criticism greatly aids in understanding literature.
Reading literary criticism is immensely beneficial in comprehending literature.
Reading literary criticism is highly advantageous for grasping literature.
Reading literary criticism is significantly valuable for gaining insight into literature.
Reading literary criticism is incredibly beneficial for interpreting literature.


“Why does Mary wear so many clothes?”
“Because she is very sensitive to cold.”
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is highly sensitive to cold."
"Why does Mary wear so many clothes?"
"Because she is very sensitive to cold."
"Because she is extremely sensitive to cold."
"Because she is particularly sensitive to cold."
"Because she is excessively sensitive to cold."
"Because she is unusually sensitive to cold."
"Because she is extremely susceptible to cold."


His employer recommends him highly as a very industrious worker.
His employer highly recommends him as a very diligent worker.
His employer strongly endorses him as a very hardworking employee.
His employer speaks very highly of him, praising his industrious work ethic.
His employer regards him as an exceptionally hardworking employee.
His employer commends him for his dedication and diligence in his work.
His employer holds him in high esteem, highlighting his commitment to his tasks.
His employer values him as a diligent and industrious member of the team.


During the summer vacation I made friends with many villagers.
During the summer vacation, I made friends with numerous villagers.
During the summer vacation, I made friends with plenty of villagers.
During the summer vacation, I befriended many villagers.
I got to know a lot of villagers during the summer vacation.
Over the summer vacation, I formed friendships with several villagers.
I connected with numerous villagers during the summer vacation.
Throughout the summer vacation, I established friendships with plenty of villagers.


“I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso.”
“It’s only a copy, so it’s worthless.”
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s rather worthless."
"I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It’s only a copy, so it’s quite valueless."
"I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It's only a copy, so it's rather valueless."
"I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It's only a copy, so it's rather worthless."
"I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso."
"It's only a copy, so it's quite valueless."



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英作文《 地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング 》①

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