TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英検2級 Level《長文読解ドリル》 ①





      Australia’s Solar Tower
 ¶1 Over the past few decades, scientists have been looking hard for new sources of energy. Most of the world's electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil. However, not only are these fuels limited, but they also damage the environment. Probably the most promising alternative form of energy is solar power, in which the heat of the sun is used to make electricity. Now, the Australian government has approved plans to build the world's largest solar power plant.

 ¶2 The plant has a surprisingly simple design. It consists of a low building with a huge glass roof 7 kilometers in diameter. In the middle of this roof stands a 1-kilometer-tall tower. The air under the roof is heated by the sun’s rays until it becomes about 30℃ hotter than the air at the top of the tower. Since hot air naturally rises, the heated air rushes up the tower, creating a powerful wind. This wind turns huge turbines set inside the tower, generating enough electricity to meet the needs of a small city.

 ¶3 This is not the first time that a solar power plant like this has been built. A similar plant was built in Spain in 1982. Though that plant was much smaller, it proved that the design was an effective way to produce clean energy. Why, then, has it taken so long for another plant to be built? One reason is that burning coal and oil is still a much cheaper way to produce electricity. Another is that many people have only recently become conscious of how much damage traditional power plants are doing to the environment.

 ¶4 The Australian government believes that the solar tower will bring other benefits apart from clean energy. It will be by far the highest structure in the world reaching twice the height of the world's current tallest building, the Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan. This should make the plant an important tourist attraction, bringing jobs to the area where it is built. Still, the biggest advantage of the new plant will be its lack of damage to the environment. If it is a success, it is sure to be imitated around the world.

(1) For the past few decades, scientists have been trying to
 1. discover cheaper forms of fuel such as oil.
 2. come up with new alternatives to solar power.
 3. create a new way of burning fossil fuels more efficiently.
 4. find alternative ways to provide the world with electricity.

(2) The solar power plant in Australia will
 1. consist of a low building with huge turbines on its roof.
 2. provide all of the electricity to the cities that surround it.
 3. use a large glass roof to create hot air and send it up a tower.
 4. produce hot air to protect the central tower from the sun's rays.

(3) What is one reason that more solar power plants have not been built?
 1. The first plant that was built in Spain proved to be too small.
 2. The negative effects of burning fossil fuels were not fully understood.
 3. It took too long to build a sufficiently large solar power plant.
 4. Scientists found other ways to produce clean energy.

(4) Why might many tourist visit the new solar power plant?
 1. It will create many new jobs in the area.
 2. It will be the highest structure in the world.
 3. It will stay warm and sunny all year round.
 4. It will be a good way to learn about the environment.

● fossil fuel:
fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that were formed underground from plant and animal remains millions of years ago;化石燃料
● alternative:
one of two or more things that you can choose between;代わりとなる
ex.) After the public protests the government had no alternative but to change its policy.
● approve:
to allow or officially agree to something;…を認識する
 ex.) I don't approve of smoking.
● power plant:
a place where electricity is produced; 発電所
● consist of:
to be formed or made from two or more things; …から成る
ex.) a dessert consisting of fruit and cream
● diameter:
a straight line that goes from one side of a circle to the other side and through the center or the length of this line; 直径
ex.) The cake was about 30 centimeters in diameter.
● generate electricity:電気を起こす
● effective:
successful or achieving the result that you want; 効果的な
ex.) What is the most effective way of teaching grammar?
● be conscious of:
to know that something is present or that something is happening:に気づいている
ex.) She became conscious of his stare.
● structure:
the way that parts of something are arranged or put together; 建物,建造物
 ex.) grammatical structure
● tourist attraction:観光名所

Solar Power:
The Most Promising Alternative Form of Energy 
¶1 オーストラリア政府の試み: 
¶2 <発電所の構造 = simple>
   ➪ 自然に上に行く
   ➪ 強力な風を起こす 
   ➪ タービンを回転させる
¶3 <太陽熱発電の歴史>
¶4 <オーストラリア政府の目算>
    ➪ 重要な観光名所になりえる


 その発電所の設計は驚くほど単純である。それは直径7キロメートルの巨大なガラス屋根を持つ低層の建物から成り立っている。この屋根の中央には高さ1キロメートルの塔がそびえ立つ。屋根の下の空気は太陽光線を利用して,塔の頂上の空気より30℃ほど高くなるまで熱せられる。暖かい空気は自然に上に行くので,熱せられた空気は勢いよく塔を上昇し, 強力な風を起こす。この風は塔内部に設置された巨大なタービンを回転させ,小さな町の需要を満たすには十分な電気を起こすのである。




(1) 過去数十年間,科学者たちが試みてきたことは,
 1. 石油のようなより安価な種類の燃料を発見することである
 2. 太陽熱発電に代わる新しいものを見つけることである
 3. 化石燃料をより効率的に燃やす方法を創造することである
 4. 世界に電力を供給する代替方法を見つけることである
  ▸ ¶1第①②文に該当

(2) オーストラリアの太陽熱発電所は
 1. 屋根に巨大なタービンの付いた低層の建物から成る
 2. その周囲の都市に全ての電力を供給する
 3. 大きなガラス屋根を利用して,空気を熱して塔を上らせる
  ▸ ¶2全体に該当
4. 熱い空気を作って,中央の塔を太陽光線から守る

(3) もっと多くの太陽熱発電所がこれまで建設されなかった理由の1つは何か
 1. スペインに建設された最初の発電所が小さすぎると分かったから
 2. 化石燃料を燃やすことのマイナス面の影響が十分に理解されていなかったから
  ▸ ¶3第④⑤⑥文該当
 3. 十分な大きさの太陽熱発電所を建てるのには時間がかかりすぎたから
 4. 科学者たちは,クリーンエネルギーを作る他の方法を見つけたから

(4) この新しい太陽熱発電所を多くの観光客が訪れるかもしれないのはなぜか
 1. その地域に多くの新しい仕事を生み出すから
 2. 世界で最も高い建造物になるから
  ▸ ¶4第②③文該当
 3. 一年中暖かく晴れたままになるから
 4. 環境について学ぶのによい方法になるから

《 英文要約 》

The passage discusses the global shift towards alternative energy sources, prompted by the finite nature and environmental harm of fossil fuels. Solar power emerges as a promising option, with Australia approving plans for the world's largest solar plant. The plant's design features a vast glass roof spanning 7 kilometers, enclosing a towering 1-kilometer-tall structure. This innovative setup utilizes solar heat to power turbines within the tower, generating electricity. Despite past attempts, widespread adoption has been hindered by the economic dominance of traditional fuels and a growing environmental consciousness. Australia wants to make additional benefits, like tourism and job creation, when the plant succeeds.

The passage explains the global push for alternative energy, driven by fossil fuel limitations and environmental damage. Solar power stands out, with Australia greenlighting plans for the world's largest solar plant. The design boasts a massive glass roof covering 7 kilometers, housing a towering 1-kilometer-tall structure. This innovation harnesses solar heat to drive turbines, generating electricity. Despite prior projects, economic factors and environmental awareness have slowed widespread adoption. Australia sees potential tourism and job creation benefits if successful. The plant could creat global shifts toward sustainable energy.

     Second Traial

    Australia’s Solar Tower
Over the past few decades, / scientists have been looking hard / for new sources of energy. Most of the world's electricity is produced / by burning fossil fuels / such as coal and oil. However, / not only are these fuels limited, / but they also damage the environment. Probably / the most promising alternative form of energy / is solar power, / in which the heat of the sun is used / to make electricity. Now, / the Australian government has approved plans / to build the world’s largest solar power plant.

The plant has a surprisingly simple design. It consists of a low building / with a huge glass roof / 7 kilometers in diameter. In the middle of this roof / stands a 1-kilometer-tall tower. The air / under the roof / is heated / by the sun’s rays / until it becomes about 30℃ hotter / than the air / at the top of the tower. Since hot air naturally rises, / the heated air rushes up the tower, / creating a powerful wind. This wind turns huge turbines / set inside the tower, / generating enough electricity / to meet the needs of a small city.

This is not the first time / that a solar power plant / like this / has been built. A similar plant was built / in Spain in 1982. Though that plant was much smaller, / it proved / that the design was an effective way / to produce clean energy. Why, then, / has it taken so long / for another plant / to be built? One reason is / that burning coal and oil is still a much cheaper way / to produce electricity. Another is / that many people have only recently become conscious of / how much damage traditional power plants are doing / to the environment.

The Australian government believes / that the solar tower will bring other benefits / apart from clean energy. It will be by far the highest structure / in the world reaching twice / the height of the world's current tallest building, / the Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan. This should make the plant / an important tourist attraction, / bringing jobs / to the area / where it is built. Still, / the biggest advantage of the new plant / will be its lack of damage / to the environment. If it is a success, / it is sure to be imitated / around the world.



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  7. 英検2級 Level《長文読解ドリル》 ①

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