TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training



2024年1月17日 公開 / 2024年1月18日更新




The local (    ) very strict with traffic violations.
  ① police is
  ② police are
  ③ polices is
  ④ polices are

police や cattle などはその存在が複数のもので成り立つ
 ☆ people「人々」 
 ☆ police「警察官」 
 ☆ cattle「家畜」 
 ☆ clergy「牧師」 
The police are investigating the robbery that occurred last night.
The cattle were grazing peacefully in the meadow.
The clergy in the community organize various religious events.
The local police are very strict with traffic violations.
The local police enforce traffic violation rules rigorously.
The local police are stringent when it comes to traffic violations.
Traffic violations are dealt with seriously by the local police.
The local police have a strict approach towards traffic offenses.

I don't like a family who (    ).
  ① quarrel among themselves
  ② quarrels among themselves
  ③ quarrels among itself
  ④ quarrel among them

family や class のように同じ種類の人やモノの集合体
  ➪  which
  ➪  who
   ➪ 単数扱い
     His family is a large one.
   ➪ 単数形で複数扱い
     His family are all early risers.
・class (クラス[の生徒])
・audience (聴衆,観衆)
・team (チーム[のメンバー]),
・committee (委員会[の委員たち])
・crew (乗組員)
・staff (職員)
The class is excited about the upcoming field trip.
The audience was captivated by the performer's amazing skills.
The team is practicing hard for the championship match.
The committee has decided to implement the new policy.
The crew is responsible for maintaining the ship during the voyage.
The staff is working together to organize the upcoming event.
I don't like a family who quarrel among themselves.
I dislike families that argue among themselves.
I'm not fond of families that engage in internal quarrels.
Families who constantly quarrel within bother me.
I have a distaste for families that have internal conflicts.

She read a piece of (    ) to him.
  ① poems
  ② a poetry
  ③ poetry
  ④ poetries

poetry は《不可算名詞》で数えるときは
a piece of などを用いる。
① poem は《可算名詞》であることに注意。
「〔不可算名詞〕を数える場合には … 」
She read a piece of poetry to him.
She recited a piece of poetry to him.
She shared a poem with him.
She read aloud a segment of poetry to him.
She presented him with a piece of poetry to read.

There is a plenty of (    ) for improvement in his skiing.
  ① a room
  ② no room
  ③ room
  ④ rooms

〈可算名詞〉 作品
〈可算名詞〉 新聞
〈可算名詞〉 火事
I have a lot of work to finish before the deadline.
Her latest work is a masterpiece of modern art.
Please hand in your paper by the end of the week.
We gathered around the fire to stay warm on a cold winter night.
The fire in the building was extinguished quickly by the firefighters.
There is a plenty of room for improvement in his skiing.
There is ample room for improvement in his skiing.
His skiing skills have a lot of room for improvement.
There's a significant opportunity for improvement in his skiing abilities.
His skiing has plenty of room for enhancement.

Grandmother bought me so many toys that I gave away 【make / for / empty / the old ones / the new ones / room / to / put】 in the toy box.

<make room for A>
<give away A>
の目的語に前述の複数名詞 toys を受ける代名詞
ones を用いて the old ones を作る。
empty と put は捨てなくてはならない。
Grandmother bought me so many toys that I gave away the old ones to make room for the new ones in the toy box.
Grandmother gifted me so many toys that I gave away the old ones to accommodate the new ones in the toy box.
Grandma gave me a surplus of toys, prompting me to make space for new ones by giving away the old ones in the toy box.
I received an excess of toys from Grandma, leading me to exchange the old ones for new ones in the toy box.
Grandma's generous toy-giving led to me replacing the old toys in the toy box with the new ones.

【 on / to / will / be / have / made / room / more 】the program for these performers.

S will have to make room
 room will have to be made …  
主語 room に「多くの」
much (形)の比較級 more をつけて
made の後に〔関連〕を表す前置詞onを続ける。
More room will have to be made on the program for these performers.
Additional space will need to be allocated on the program for these performers.
We'll need to make more room on the program for these performers.
The program will require additional space to accommodate these performers.
These performers will necessitate more room on the program.

If we (    ), we won't get tired.
  ① drive by turning
  ② take turns driving
  ③ take driving by turns
  ④ take a turn driving

<take turns (in / at) doing>
「交代で ~ する」
If we take turns driving, we won't get tired.
If we alternate driving, we'll avoid getting tired.
By taking turns driving, we can prevent exhaustion.
Sharing the driving responsibilities will help us stay fresh.
Alternating driving duties will keep us from getting fatigued.

The waters of the oceans and seas cover (    ) of the globe.
  ① three-fourths
  ② three-fourth
  ③ third-fours
  ④ third-fourths

a half
a quarter
The waters of the oceans and seas cover three-fourths of the globe.
Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is covered by the waters of oceans and seas.
The oceans and seas blanket three-fourths of the globe.
The majority of the Earth's surface is enveloped by oceans and seas.

I'm grateful to my English teacher for having taken (    ) to prepare interesting lessons for me.
  ① a good cause
  ② a big help
  ③ great pains
  ④ much difficulty

 ☆ pain「苦痛」〔不可算名詞〕
 ☆ pains「苦労」〔可算名詞〕
<take pains>
<be grateful to A for B>
The patient experienced severe pain after the surgery.
She took great pains to organize the event successfully.
I'm grateful to my English teacher for having taken great pains to prepare interesting lessons for me.
I'm thankful to my English teacher for painstakingly preparing engaging lessons for me.
I appreciate my English teacher's efforts in crafting interesting lessons for me.
I'm grateful to my English teacher for putting in the effort to create captivating lessons.
I owe gratitude to my English teacher for diligently preparing stimulating lessons for me.

He returned home after three (    ) stay in England.
  ① years
  ② year's
  ③ years'
  ④ years's

☆ <時(時間・日・週・月)>
  ten minutes’ break
  tomorrow’s weather
☆ <金額・距離・重さ>
  three dollars’ worth of candy
  a yard’s distance
  ten kilograms’ weight
☆ <国名>
  Japan’s climate
  the world’s population
He returned home after three years' stay in England.
He returned home after a three-year stay in England.
After residing in England for three years, he came back home.
He completed a three-year stay in England before returning home.
His return home followed a three-year stint in England.

His (    ) are working for the same company.
  ① son-in-law
  ② sons-in-law 
  ③ son-in-laws
  ④ sons-in-laws

in-law は「義理の親(兄弟・子供)」を表す語。
複数形は son の部分に s をつけて
sons-in-law とする。
His sons-in-law are working for the same company.
His sons-in-law are employed at the same company.
His sons-in-law work for the identical company.
Both of his sons-in-law are employed by the same company.
The company employs both of his sons-in-law.

Mr. Smith's niece goes to (    ) college.
  ① woman
  ② woman's
  ③ a women
  ④ a women's

『女子大学』は women’s college。
college は《可算名詞》なので a が付いて
a women’s college となる。
Mr. Smith's niece goes to a women's college.
Mr. Smith's niece attends a women's college.
The niece of Mr. Smith goes to a college for women.
Mr. Smith's niece is enrolled in a women's college.
A women's college is where Mr. Smith's niece is studying.



The local police are very strict with traffic violations.
The local police enforce traffic violation rules rigorously.
The local police are stringent when it comes to traffic violations.
Traffic violations are dealt with seriously by the local police.
The local police have a strict approach towards traffic offenses


I don't like a family who quarrel among themselves.
I dislike families that argue among themselves.
I'm not fond of families that engage in internal quarrels.
Families who constantly quarrel within bother me.
I have a distaste for families that have internal conflicts.


She read a piece of poetry to him.
She recited a piece of poetry to him.
She shared a poem with him.
She read aloud a segment of poetry to him.
She presented him with a piece of poetry to read.


There is a plenty of room for improvement in his skiing.
There is ample room for improvement in his skiing.
His skiing skills have a lot of room for improvement.
There's a significant opportunity for improvement in his skiing abilities.
His skiing has plenty of room for enhancement.


Grandmother bought me so many toys that I gave away the old ones to make room for the new ones in the toy box.
Grandmother gifted me so many toys that I gave away the old ones to accommodate the new ones in the toy box.
Grandma gave me a surplus of toys, prompting me to make space for new ones by giving away the old ones in the toy box.
I received an excess of toys from Grandma, leading me to exchange the old ones for new ones in the toy box.
Grandma's generous toy-giving led to me replacing the old toys in the toy box with the new ones.


More room will have to be made on the program for these performers.
Additional space will need to be allocated on the program for these performers.
We'll need to make more room on the program for these performers.
The program will require additional space to accommodate these performers.
These performers will necessitate more room on the program.


If we take turns driving, we won't get tired.
If we alternate driving, we'll avoid getting tired.
By taking turns driving, we can prevent exhaustion.
Sharing the driving responsibilities will help us stay fresh.
Alternating driving duties will keep us from getting fatigued.


The waters of the oceans and seas cover three-fourths of the globe.
Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is covered by the waters of oceans and seas.
The oceans and seas blanket three-fourths of the globe.
The majority of the Earth's surface is enveloped by oceans and seas.


I'm grateful to my English teacher for having taken great pains to prepare interesting lessons for me.
I'm thankful to my English teacher for painstakingly preparing engaging lessons for me.
I appreciate my English teacher's efforts in crafting interesting lessons for me.
I'm grateful to my English teacher for putting in the effort to create captivating lessons.
I owe gratitude to my English teacher for diligently preparing stimulating lessons for me.


He returned home after three years' stay in England.
He returned home after a three-year stay in England.
After residing in England for three years, he came back home.
He completed a three-year stay in England before returning home.
His return home followed a three-year stint in England.


His sons-in-law are working for the same company.
His sons-in-law are employed at the same company.
His sons-in-law work for the identical company.
Both of his sons-in-law are employed by the same company.
The company employs both of his sons-in-law.


Mr. Smith's niece goes to a women's college.
Mr. Smith's niece attends a women's college.
The niece of Mr. Smith goes to a college for women.
Mr. Smith's niece is enrolled in a women's college.
A women's college is where Mr. Smith's niece is studying.


1 ◆ 可算名詞 ⇔ 不可算名詞
  複数形 ○
  a(n)  ○
  複数形 ×
  a(n)  ×

◆ 日本語の感覚と異なる不可算名詞
 ☆ advice
 ☆ baggage
 ☆ luggage
 ☆ furniture
 ☆ homework
 ☆ housework
 ☆ information
 ☆ machinery
 ☆ poetry
 ☆ news
 ☆ scenery
 ☆ damage
 ☆ progress
 ☆ traffic
 ☆ weather

◆ many / much / few / little

 ② 複数形名詞につく
 ② 単数形名詞につく

 ② 複数形名詞につく
 ② 単数形名詞につく

a few「少しの」(肯定的)
 ② 複数形名詞につく
a little「少しの」
 ② 単数形名詞につく

not a few/quite a few「少なからぬ」
 ② 複数形名詞につく
not a little/quite a little「少なからぬ」
 ② 単数形名詞につく

2 注意すべき不可算名詞
◆ 可算・不可算で意味の異なる名詞
〈可算名詞〉 作品
〈可算名詞〉 新聞
〈可算名詞〉 場所 部屋
〈可算名詞〉 火事

◆ 対応する可算名詞を持つ不可算名詞
〈可算名詞〉 machine

〈可算名詞〉 poem
〈可算名詞〉 scene

3 集合名詞
⑴ family 型:単数・複数の両方の可能性
   ➪ 〈単数扱い〉
   His family is a large one.
   ➪ 〈単数形で複数扱い〉
   His family are all early risers.
・class (クラス[の生徒])
・audience (聴衆,観衆)
・team (チーム[のメンバー])
・committee (委員会[の委員たち])
・crew (乗組員)
・staff (職員)
Many people believe that the Japanese are a hardworking people.

⑵ police 型:単数形で複数扱い
The police have not caught the murderer.

4 注意すべき複数形
 ⑴ 複合名詞の複数形
▸ mothers-in-law
▸ passers-by
▸ lookers-on
a woman doctor
▸ women doctors
a man servant
▸ men servants

 ⑵ 2 つの構成要素
・glasses (めがね)
・spectacles (めがね)
・scissors (はさみ)
・trousers (ズボン),
・pants (ズボン)
・shoes (靴)
・shocks (靴下)
・stockings (ストッキング)
・gloves (手袋)
⑶ 単数形・複数形で意味の異なる名詞
・arm(腕)/ arms(武器)
・letter(手紙・文字)/ letters(文学)
・manner(方法)/ manners(行儀)
・custom(習慣)/ customs(関税)
・content(満足)/ contents(内容)
・pain(苦しみ)/ pains(苦労)

⑷ 2 者を前提とした行為
・change trains / planes (列車/飛行機を乗り換える)
・change one's shirts (シャツを着替える)
・shake hands (with) (握手する)
・take turns (at / in) doing(交代で~する)
・make friends (with) (友達になる)
⑸ 文字・数字・略記号の複数形
 ex.) PTA → PTA’s/PTAs

5 類語問題で問われる名詞
⒜ 『客』を表わす名詞群
 ☆ guest 「招待客・宿泊人」
 ☆ passengers 「乗客」
 ☆ customer 「顧客・常連客」
 ☆ client 「(弁護士などの)依頼人」
 ☆ audience 「聴衆・観客」
 ☆ visitor 「訪問客」
 ☆ spectator 「見物人」
 ☆ patient 「患者」
 ☆ viewer 「テレビの視聴者」
⒝ 『料金』を表わす名詞群
 ☆ fee 「専門職に対して支払う料金」
 ☆ fare 「交通機関の料金」
 ☆ pay 「手当て・報酬」
 ☆ tax 「税金」
 ☆ charge 「サービスに対して支払う(公共)料金」
 ☆ fine 「罰金」
 ☆ penalty 「罰金」
 ☆ admission 「入場料」
 ☆ interest 「利子・利息」
 ☆ rent 「家賃・家賃収入」
 ☆ commission 「手数料・歩合」
⒞ 『仕事』を表わす名詞群
 ☆ business 「事業」
 ☆ work 「仕事」〈不可算〉
 ☆ job 「仕事」〈可算〉
 ☆ labor 「骨の折れる仕事
 ☆ task 「課された仕事」
 ☆ occupation 「職業」
 ☆ profession 「専門職・知的職業」

6 〈冠詞+数詞‐単数名詞+名詞〉
『10 ドル紙幣』
 ○ a ten-dollar bill
 × ten dollars bill
 × ten-dollars bill
  *a three-day trip (2 泊3 日の旅行)
  *a one-month holiday (1 ヶ月の休暇)

⑴ 名詞の所有格はアポストロフィを付ける
 ① -s で終わる複数名詞の所有格はアポストロフィのみ
  * my brothers’ car
 ② 複合名詞は最後の語にアポストロフィが原則
  * my father-in-law’s car
⑵ 所有格としてアポストロフィを付けるのは「人や動物」「時間・距離・価格など」に関する名詞
  * five minutes’ walk
⑶ アポストロフィの後に建物(家・店・病院・寺院)が来たときにはそれを省略可
  * I bought some bread at the baker’s (shop).
8 数字に関する表現
 ⑴ 分数表現:分子(基数)−分⺟(序数詞)
 ・a half「半分」
 ・a quarter「4分の1」
 ⑵ 年 号
 *1999 nineteen ninety-nine
 *1900 nineteen hundred
 *2000 (the year) two thousand / twenty hundred

9 不定冠詞 a(n)
 ⑴ 基本用法
  He sent me a French book. This is the book.
  I'll be back in a month or two.
  You are right in a sense.
  The garbage collector comes three times a week.
 ⑵ a とan で間違いやすいもの
  a university
  a useful book
  a European country
  a UFO
  an hour, an honest boy
  an SOS signal

10 定冠詞 the
 ⑴ 基本用法
  He sent me a French book. This is the book.
  Will you pass me the salt?
  Kyoto is the former capital of Japan.
  Autumn is the best season for reading.
  Let's begin with the first chapter.
  This is the only dictionary I have.
  He and I are of the same age.
  The world is getting smaller and smaller.

⑵ 定冠詞を用いた重要表現
 ① the+形容詞・分詞(複数扱い)
  the rich
  the poor
  the young 
  the old
  the living
  the dead
 The living should not speak ill of the dead.
 ② by the +単位
 Telephone rates are calculated by the minute.
 ③ take +人+ by the 身体の部分
 take me by the hand
 catch me by the arm
 seize me by the collar,
 pat me on the shoulder
 look me in the face
⑶ 語順
① such (quite/rather/what) + a (an) +(形)+名
 I can't finish it in such a short time.
② so (as/too/how/however)+形+ a (an) +名
 I can't finish it in so short a time.
③ half (double/倍数/分数) + the +名
 This box is half the size of that one.

⑷ 無冠詞
 ① 食事・スポーツ
  We usually have breakfast at 7:00.
  Let's play tennis.
 ② 建物などが本来の目的(抽象概念)
  go to school
  after school
  be late for school
  be in class
  be late for class,
  go to bed
  be at (the) table
  be in (the) hospital
  go to church
③ by +交通・通信手段
  by bus
  by train
  by car
  by plane
  by ship
  by air
  by sea
  by land
  by phone
  by mail
★〔例外〕on foot



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



TEX 二井原プロへの




TEX 二井原

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

担当TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら)


  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル【名詞】③

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