TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英検1級 ライティング & 2次面接【予想問題 Best 21】論点整理①

2024年1月1日 公開 / 2024年1月2日更新





(1). テクノロジーと社会


(2). 倫理とビジネス


(3). 社会と政治


(4). 価値観と道徳


(5). 環境問題



Ⅳ) すべての市民に基本的な所得が保証される場合、経済的変化が予想されるか?
Ⅴ)英検1級 予想問題 Best 21

How might immediate global action against climate change impact industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels?

Immediate global action against climate change would likely have significant impacts on industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Here are some potential effects:

Transition Challenges:
Industries such as oil, gas, and coal would face immediate challenges in transitioning their business models. This could involve a rapid shift toward renewable energy sources or cleaner technologies. This transition might require significant investment, restructuring, and retraining of the workforce.

Decreased Demand:
As policies favoring renewable energy and clean technologies are implemented, the demand for fossil fuels could decline rapidly. This shift could particularly affect industries like oil and gas extraction, leading to reduced revenues and profitability.

Regulatory Pressures:
Stricter regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions would likely be imposed on industries contributing heavily to climate change. Compliance with these regulations might necessitate costly upgrades or modifications to equipment and processes.

Financial Impact:
The financial markets could also react, potentially causing a devaluation of fossil fuel-related assets. Investors may start divesting from fossil fuel companies, which could impact stock prices and funding opportunities.

Job Transformations:
While jobs in traditional fossil fuel industries might decline, new opportunities could arise in renewable energy sectors. However, this shift would require retraining and re-skilling of the workforce, and there might be a time gap between job losses and the creation of new roles.

Supply Chain Disruptions:
Industries reliant on fossil fuels, such as transportation and manufacturing, could face disruptions in their supply chains. This could occur due to changes in the availability or cost of raw materials derived from fossil fuels.

Innovation and Adaptation:
There could be increased focus and investment in innovation for cleaner technologies across various sectors. Companies may pivot their strategies to align with the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products and services.

Overall, while immediate global action against climate change may initially disrupt industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels, it could also spur innovation, create new economic opportunities in clean energy sectors, and contribute to a more sustainable future in the long term. The challenge lies in managing this transition equitably, ensuring that affected workers and communities are supported throughout the process.

Vocabulary List :
● 即座の:mmediate
● 気候変動:climate change
● 化石燃料:fossil fuels
● 産業 :industries
● ビジネスモデル:business models
● 再生可能エネルギー源:renewable energy sources
● クリーンな技術:clean technologies
● 需要:demand
● 政策:policies
● 収益:revenues
● 利益:profitability
● 規制:regulations
● 圧力:pressures
● 財務上の:financial
● 金融市場:financial markets
● 評価:valuation
● 投資家:investors
● 労働力:workforce
● 仕事:jobs
● 再教育:retraining
● スキル:skills
● サプライチェーン:supply chains
● 混乱:disruptions
● 革新:innovation
● 持続可能な:sustainable
● 未来:future
● 課題:challenge
● 公平に:equitably
● 影響を受ける:affected
● サポートする:support









What social and economic changes could arise if urgent measures to combat climate change are not taken?

If urgent measures to combat climate change aren't taken, several social and economic changes could occur:

Environmental Displacement:
Climate change could lead to increased natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, and droughts, causing displacement of communities. This could result in a rise in climate refugees, putting pressure on resources and potentially leading to conflicts over land and basic needs.

Health Impacts:
Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns could exacerbate health issues. Increased heatwaves might lead to heat-related illnesses, and changing climates could facilitate the spread of diseases, impacting public health systems.

Economic Losses:
Industries like agriculture, fisheries, and tourism could suffer significant losses due to changing weather patterns. Crop failures, disrupted fishing seasons, and altered tourist destinations due to environmental changes could lead to economic downturns.

Resource Scarcity:
Water scarcity, disrupted agricultural patterns, and declining biodiversity could lead to shortages of essential resources like food and clean water. This scarcity might exacerbate social inequalities and create tensions over access to resources.

Migration and Conflict:
Climate-induced migration could result in population movements, leading to social tensions and potential conflicts over resources and territory. This could strain international relations and regional stability.

Financial Instability:
The insurance industry might face significant challenges due to increased natural disasters. Additionally, investments in industries vulnerable to climate change impacts could suffer, leading to financial market instability.

Inequality Amplification:
Vulnerable communities, often socioeconomically disadvantaged, would bear the brunt of climate change effects, amplifying existing social inequalities. Lack of access to resources and opportunities could worsen for these populations.

Policy Challenges:
Governments might face difficulties in managing the complex impacts of climate change, allocating resources for disaster relief, and formulating long-term strategies without urgent action.

Overall, without urgent measures, the social fabric could undergo substantial strain due to climate change impacts. It would not only affect the environment but also exacerbate existing social, economic, and political challenges. Addressing climate change is crucial not just for environmental sustainability but also for safeguarding societal well-being and stability.

Vocabulary List :
● 気候変動:climate change
● 緊急対策:urgent measures
● 環境的な:environmental
● 避難:displacement
● 自然災害:natural disasters
● 土地:land
● 基本的な必需品:basic needs
● 気候難民:climate refugees
● 健康への影響:health impacts
● 熱関連疾患:heat-related illnesses
● 公衆衛生システム:public health systems
● 経済的な損失:economic losses
● 漁業:fisheries
● 観光:tourism
● 資源の不足:resource scarcity
● 不平等を悪化させる:exacerbate inequalities
● 移住:migration
● 紛争:conflicts
● 金融の不安定:financial instability
● 保険業界:insurance industry
● 社会経済的に脆弱な:socioeconomically disadvantaged
● 不平等の拡大:amplification of inequality
● 政策上の課題:policy challenges
● 災害救助:disaster relief
● 持続可能性sustainability
● 福祉well-being
● 安定stability










How might the implementation of universal basic income influence individuals' work ethics and economic productivity?

The implementation of a universal basic income (UBI) could influence individuals' work ethics and economic productivity in various ways:

Work Ethic Shift:
Critics fear that a UBI might lead to a decline in work motivation among some individuals, as they may choose to work less or opt out of the workforce since their basic needs are covered. However, proponents argue that it could enable people to pursue more meaningful work or further education without the fear of financial instability.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
UBI might encourage entrepreneurship and innovation as individuals could have a financial safety net to take risks and start their own businesses. This could lead to increased creativity and the development of new ideas and products.

Health and Well-being:
With a UBI ensuring a basic level of income, individuals might experience improved mental health and well-being. This could positively impact their productivity and engagement in work activities.

Flexibility in Employment:
UBI could allow people to take up part-time work, focus on caring responsibilities, or engage in volunteer activities without worrying about meeting basic financial needs. This flexibility could enhance overall well-being and potentially improve work-life balance.

Potential for Skill Development:
Some argue that a UBI could encourage individuals to invest in skill development, education, and training since they have a financial cushion to support these pursuits. This could lead to a more skilled workforce in the long term.

Economic Stimulus:
UBI could stimulate economic activity by increasing consumer spending. When people have more financial security, they tend to spend more, which could benefit local businesses and the economy.

Potential Reduction in Unnecessary Jobs:
UBI might lead to a reassessment of the value of certain jobs, especially those that are monotonous or provide low wages. This could push for a reevaluation of work and the creation of more meaningful employment opportunities.

The impact of UBI on work ethics and economic productivity remains a topic of debate. Some believe it could empower individuals and lead to a more dynamic and innovative society, while others express concerns about its potential impact on work incentives and the economy's overall productivity. Implementation methods, the amount of UBI provided, and the specific socio-economic context would greatly influence its outcomes.

Vocabulary List :
● 普遍的基本所得:universal basic income (UBI)
● 労働倫理:work ethic
● 起業家精神:entrepreneurship
● イノベーション:innovation
● 健康と幸福:health and well-being
● 雇用の柔軟性:flexibility in employment
● スキル開発:skill development
● 経済刺激:economic stimulus
● 不必要な仕事:unnecessary jobs
● 財政的安全保障:financial security
● 地元のビジネス:local businesses
● 仕事の再評価:reassessment of work









If every citizen were guaranteed a basic income, several economic changes could be anticipated:

Consumer Spending:
A guaranteed basic income would likely increase overall consumer spending. When people have a reliable income floor, they tend to spend more on goods and services, boosting demand and potentially stimulating economic growth.

Poverty Reduction:
A universal basic income (UBI) could substantially reduce poverty by ensuring that every individual has a minimum income to cover basic needs. This could lead to improvements in health and education outcomes among lower-income groups.

Labor Market Dynamics:
The labor market could experience shifts. Some individuals might choose to work less or pursue education and skill development since their basic needs are met. On the other hand, it could also lead to greater flexibility in job choices and potentially encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.

Potential for Wage Changes:
With a UBI in place, there might be changes in wage dynamics. Jobs that are traditionally undervalued or offer low wages might need to increase pay rates to attract workers, while higher-paying jobs might see less pressure to increase wages.

Taxation and Funding:
Implementing a UBI would necessitate significant funding, likely requiring changes in taxation or the reallocation of existing budgetary resources. Discussions on funding sources and the redistribution of wealth would become critical.

Impact on Social Services:
Depending on the design of the UBI, certain social welfare programs could be simplified or potentially replaced. The UBI might substitute some existing social support systems, affecting the allocation of resources in social services.

Inflation and Pricing:
There could be concerns about inflation due to increased consumer spending resulting from the UBI. If demand outpaces supply, it might lead to price increases in certain sectors, impacting the cost of goods and services.

Economic Equity and Equality:
A UBI might contribute to greater economic equity by ensuring a basic income for all citizens. It could potentially reduce income inequality by providing a financial safety net for everyone.

The economic effects of a universal basic income would depend on various factors, including the amount provided, the method of implementation, funding sources, and the broader economic context. While it has the potential to bring positive changes, careful planning and assessment of its impacts on different sectors of the economy would be necessary.

Vocabulary List :
● 消費支出:consumer spending
● 貧困の削減:poverty reduction
● 労働市場のダイナミクス:labor market dynamics
● 賃金の変化:wage changes
● 課税と資金調達:taxation and funding
● 社会福祉への影響:impact on social services
● インフレーションと価格設定:inflation and pricing
● 経済の公平性と平等性:economic equity and equality
● 消費支出:consumer spending
● 貧困の削減:poverty reduction
● 労働市場のダイナミクス:labor market dynamics
● 賃金の変化:wage changes
● 課税と資金調達:taxation and funding
● 社会福祉への影響:impact on social services
● インフレーションと価格設定:inflation and pricing
● 経済の公平性と平等性:economic equity and equality











英検1級2次 予想問題 Best 21

① 過去問
② 昨今の国内情勢・国内の問題
③ 昨今の世界情勢・地球規模の課題
④ the 17 sustainable development goals
⑤ 21 Lessons for The 21th Century -Noah Hariari


1. Climate Change:

How might immediate global action against climate change impact industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels?
What social and economic changes could arise if urgent measures to combat climate change are not taken?

2. Universal Basic Income:

How might the implementation of universal basic income influence individuals' work ethics and economic productivity?
What economic changes could be expected if every citizen were guaranteed a basic income?

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

How might an increase in female leadership impact the overall societal perspective on gender roles in Japan?
What changes could be expected in corporate culture if more women were in leadership positions?

4. Education Resources and Support:

What improvements in educational outcomes might be seen if more resources and support were allocated to the education system?
How might enhanced educational resources influence the country's future workforce and innovation?

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

What societal changes could arise if efforts towards eliminating gender inequality were successful?
How might persistent gender inequality affect Japan's global competitiveness and social progress?

6. Homogeneous Countries:

What advantages or disadvantages might arise for a homogeneous country seeking to adapt to a more diverse global landscape?
How might embracing diversity impact cultural identity and national unity?

7. Information Technology Benefit

What potential downsides might emerge from an overreliance on improvements in information technology?
How might different sectors of society be affected by rapid advancements in information technology?

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

How might more lenient immigration policies influence Japan's economic growth and cultural diversity?
What challenges and benefits might Japan face by opening its doors to more immigrants?

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

What societal improvements might be seen if more public funds were allocated to social welfare programs?
How might increased investment in social welfare impact poverty rates and social inequality?

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

What cultural and historical significance do old temples hold for Japan's identity and heritage?
How might preserving old temples contribute to tourism and cultural appreciation?

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements

What ethical considerations arise when evaluating the effectiveness of terrorist movements as agents of change in society?
How might society respond to the impact of terrorism on social and political landscapes?

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

What long-term consequences might Japan face if the low birth rate issue remains unaddressed?
How might governmental policies and societal attitudes need to change to counter the threats posed by a declining birth rate?

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

What societal benefits emerge from actively preserving the cultures of indigenous peoples?
How might the loss of indigenous cultures impact the world's collective heritage and knowledge?

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

What instances exist where large corporations prioritize societal benefits over profits?
How might corporate social responsibility initiatives impact the public's perception of profit-driven companies?

15. Relevance of Social Class:

In what ways does social class influence opportunities and access to resources in modern society?
How might the perception of social class impact social mobility and equality?

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

What role does political correctness play in promoting inclusivity and respectful discourse in society?
How might the absence of political correctness impact social interactions and the treatment of marginalized groups?

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

How might increased regulations and oversight impact the working conditions in developing nations?
What global economic shifts could occur if the exploitation of workers in the developing world is curtailed?

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

What ethical considerations arise when debating the imposition of limits on freedom of speech?
How might restricting freedom of speech impact societal discourse and the exchange of ideas?

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

How might legalized gambling contribute to or detract from a country's economic growth and revenue streams?
What social implications arise from widespread legalized gambling within a society?

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

How might enhanced international cooperation combat piracy's economic and security threats on the open seas?
What challenges and obstacles exist in effectively policing and curtailing piracy?

21. World Without Religious:

What societal and geopolitical changes might be required to achieve a world devoid of religious conflict?
How might the absence of religious conflict impact international relations and cultural interactions?

1. Climate Change:

2. Universal Basic Income:

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

4. Education Resources and Support:

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

6. Homogeneous Countries:

7. Information Technology Benefits:

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements:

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

15. Relevance of Social Class:

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

21. World Without Religious Conflict:



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英検1級 ライティング & 2次面接【予想問題 Best 21】論点整理①

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