TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training



2023年12月24日 公開 / 2024年1月11日更新




We saw a lot of (    ) fish in the pond.
  ① lived
  ② alive
  ③ live
  ④ life

★ 名詞修飾 〔限定用法〕
  a beautiful lady
★ 補語になる〔叙述用法〕 
  She is beautiful .
live 「生きている」
発音注意 [laive] 名詞修飾(叙述)用法のみ
◆ 名詞修飾できない形容詞(補語のみ・aで始まる)
 ✰ alive「生きて」
 ✰ alike「似て」
 ✰ alone「一人で」
 ✰ ashamed「恥じて」
 ✰ awake「目が覚めて」
 ✰ aware「気づいて」
 ✰ asleep「眠って」
 ✰ afraid「恐れて」
 ✰ well「元気で」
 ✰ content「満足して」
◆ 名詞修飾のみに用いられる形容詞
 ✰ chief(主な)
 ✰ main(主な)
 ✰ mere(ほんの)
 ✰ only(唯一の)
 ✰ wooden(木の),
 ✰ live /laiv/(生きている)
We saw a lot of live fish in the pond.
We observed numerous live fish swimming in the pond.
There were a plethora of live fish visible in the pond.
The pond was teeming with live fish.
We witnessed a multitude of live fish in the pond.

There were (    ) at the assembly.
  ① a great many people present
  ② a great many present people
  ③ a many great present people
  ④ a many present great people

<a great[good]many+複数名詞>
 ✰ 可算名詞につく形容詞   
  ➪ <a number of ~>
 ✰ 不可算名詞につく形容詞  
  ➪ <a good deal of ~>
    <a good amount of>
There are a number of reasons why people choose to live in the city.
We have a good deal of work to complete before the deadline.
She has saved a good amount of money for her upcoming trip.
There were a great many people present at the assembly.
A vast number of individuals were present at the assembly.
The assembly was attended by a considerable crowd.
There was a large gathering of people at the assembly.
Many people congregated at the assembly.

Whenever I see Mr. Smith, I think (    ) Prof. Johnson.
  ① of latter
  ② of the late
  ③ the late
  ④ the latter

the late …「亡くなった/故…」
late が the や所有格を伴い名詞修飾で用いられる
☆ I never [cannot/can ever] see Mr. Smith without thinking of Prof. Johnson.
☆ Each [Every] time I meet Mr. Smith, I remember the late Prof. Johnson.

Whenever I see Mr. Smith, I think of the late Prof. Johnson.
Whenever I encounter Mr. Smith, memories of the late Prof. Johnson come to mind.
Mr. Smith's presence always reminds me of the late Prof. Johnson.
Thoughts of the late Prof. Johnson arise whenever I see Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith's presence triggers memories of the late Prof. Johnson.

I have so (    ) money with me now that I cannot treat you to dinner.
  ① a little
  ② little
  ③ few
  ④ a few

There is little information available about the new project.
She had little patience for excuses.

 ✰ money 〈不可算名詞〉「お金」
 ✰ coin  〈可算名詞〉「硬貨」
 ✰ bill   〈可算名詞〉「紙幣」
I have so little money with me now that I cannot treat you to dinner.
I currently have so little money that I'm unable to treat you to dinner.
I have such a small amount of money on me right now that I can't take you out for dinner.
I possess very little money at the moment, making it impossible for me to treat you to dinner.
I don't have enough money on hand to take you out for dinner.

I didn’t hear (    ) about that yesterday.
  ① much news
  ② many news
  ③ a few news
  ④ a big news

There is much excitement surrounding the upcoming event.
She doesn't have much experience in this field.
否定文中の much :「あまり…ない」
 There is not much hope.
I didn’t hear much news about that yesterday.
I didn't receive much news about that yesterday.
There wasn't a lot of news about that yesterday.
I was informed about that very minimally yesterday.
There was scarce information about that yesterday.

When I arrived, I found the room crowded with (    ) guests.
  ① a few
  ② few
  ③ quite a few
  ④ only a few

✰ <quite a few+複数名詞>
 「相当の… /かなりの…」
✰ <only a few+複数形可算名詞>
We invited quite a few friends to the party.
Only a few students completed the challenging assignment.
< be crowded with A >

When I arrived, I found the room crowded with quite a few guests.
Upon my arrival, I found the room packed with numerous guests.
When I got there, the room was filled with quite a few guests.
The room was crowded with a considerable number of guests when I arrived.
I found the room teeming with guests when I arrived.

He was more dead than (    ) after the train crash.
  ① alive
  ② live
  ③ lived
  ④ lively

 ✰ alive 「生きている」
   ➪ 補語 ⇔ dead「死んでいる」
 ✰ lively 「生き生きとした」
   ➪ 名詞修飾
Despite the accident, everyone in the car was alive.
The lively discussion brought new ideas to the team.
< more A than B >
He was more dead than alive after the train crash.
He was barely clinging to life after the train crash.
He was in an almost lifeless state after the train crash.
He was more dead than alive following the train crash.
His condition after the train crash was closer to being deceased than alive.

Harrison was last seen (    ) around 9:30 p.m., so we think he was killed sometime after that.
  ① alive
  ② live
  ③ lively
  ④ lived

They saw Harrison alive.      
 S  V   O    C   
〈受身〉➪ Harrison was seen alive.
Harrison was last seen alive around 9:30 p.m., so we think he was killed sometime after that.
Harrison was last spotted alive around 9:30 p.m., so we presume he was killed sometime after that.
Since Harrison was last seen alive around 9:30 p.m., we assume he met his demise sometime later.
We believe Harrison was killed after being last seen alive at 9:30 p.m.
Harrison's last sighting was around 9:30 p.m., suggesting his demise occurred after that time.

The poor baby stopped crying and soon fell sound (    ).
  ① sleep
  ② asleep
  ③ sleepy
  ④ sleeping

fall asleep「眠りに落ちる」《名詞修飾は不可》
形容詞を強める語は very が基本。
 ✰ awake ▸ wide awake
 ✰ asleep ▸ fast asleep
 ✰ alone ▸ very much alone, all alone
 ✰ afraid ▸ awfully afraid
The poor baby stopped crying and soon fell sound asleep.
The distressed baby ceased crying and soon fell into a deep slumber.
The baby stopped crying and quickly drifted into a peaceful sleep.
After the baby stopped crying, it soon fell sound asleep.
The baby quieted down and soon fell into a sound sleep.

They are so (    ) that it is difficult to tell which is which.
  ① alike
  ② likely
  ③ resemble
  ④ same

「alike」「resemble」: 外見や性質の類似性を強調
「same」: 完全な一致を示す
✰ alike   [形]「(外見・性質が)似ている」*限定用法は無し  
✰ same   [形]「(限定用法で通例theを付けて)同じの・同一の」
✰ resemble [動]「~と似ている」〔他〕× resemble with A
✰ likely   [副]「ありそうな,もっともらしい」
      *S is likely to do 「Sは…しそうである」
      *It is likely that「…しそうである」
The two sisters look very alike; it's hard to tell them apart.
We bought the same dress for the party.
The painting resembles a famous masterpiece.
It's likely that we'll have rain tomorrow.
They are so alike that it is difficult to tell which is which.
They resemble each other so much that distinguishing between them is challenging.
They are so similar that it's hard to discern one from the other.
It's difficult to tell them apart because they look so much alike.
Their resemblance is so strong that telling which is which is tough.

Is there (    ) TV tonight?
  ① good anything on
  ② anything good on
  ③ something new in
  ④ anything new about

-thing/-body/-one で終わる代名詞は後ろに形容詞を置く。
I can't find my keys anywhere. Did you see anything on the table?
和訳: 鍵がどこにも見つからないんだ。テーブルの上に何か見た?
Is anybody there? I need help.
Someone is knocking on the door. Could you please answer it?
Is there anything good on TV tonight?
Is there anything worth watching on TV tonight?
Are there any good shows on TV tonight?
Is there anything interesting airing on TV tonight?
Are there any quality programs on TV tonight?

We tried to make group reservations, but there were (   ) left at the hotel.
  ① the few rooms
  ② many vacancies
  ③ only a few rooms
  ④ too many

<only a few+複数名詞>
Only a few students passed the challenging exam.
In the vast library, only a few books were dedicated to the specific topic.
本問では but 以下が否定的内容になるはずで①②は不可。
④は many の後ろに名詞がないので失格。
We tried to make group reservations, but there were only a few rooms left at the hotel.
We attempted to make group reservations, but the hotel only had a limited number of rooms left.
We tried to reserve rooms together, but the hotel had only a few rooms available.
There were only a handful of rooms remaining at the hotel when we tried to make group reservations.
The hotel had very few rooms left when we tried to book them together.

(    ) reader skips the words that he doesn’t know.
  ① All
  ② Few
  ③ Many a
  ④ Most

<many a+可算名詞の単数形>
many a reader は many readers
Many a student has struggled with this complex math problem.
Many a flower blooms in the springtime.
All / Few / Most は必ず複数形名詞が伴う。
All students are required to attend the assembly.
There are only a few seats left for the concert.
Most employees prefer flexible working hours.
Many a reader skips the words that he doesn’t know.
Many readers skip unfamiliar words when reading.
Numerous readers skip words they don't recognize.
A good number of readers skip over words they don't know.
There are plenty of readers who skip words they're unfamiliar with.



We saw a lot of live fish in the pond.
We observed numerous live fish swimming in the pond.
There were a plethora of live fish visible in the pond.
The pond was teeming with live fish.
We witnessed a multitude of live fish in the pond.


There were a great many people present at the assembly.
A vast number of individuals were present at the assembly.
The assembly was attended by a considerable crowd.
There was a large gathering of people at the assembly.
Many people congregated at the assembly.


Whenever I see Mr. Smith, I think of the late Prof. Johnson.
Whenever I encounter Mr. Smith, memories of the late Prof. Johnson come to mind.
Mr. Smith's presence always reminds me of the late Prof. Johnson.
Thoughts of the late Prof. Johnson arise whenever I see Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith's presence triggers memories of the late Prof. Johnson.


I have so little money with me now that I cannot treat you to dinner.
I currently have so little money that I'm unable to treat you to dinner.
I have such a small amount of money on me right now that I can't take you out for dinner.
I possess very little money at the moment, making it impossible for me to treat you to dinner.
I don't have enough money on hand to take you out for dinner.


I didn’t hear much news about that yesterday.
I didn't receive much news about that yesterday.
There wasn't a lot of news about that yesterday.
I was informed about that very minimally yesterday.
There was scarce information about that yesterday.


When I arrived, I found the room crowded with quite a few guests.
Upon my arrival, I found the room packed with numerous guests.
When I got there, the room was filled with quite a few guests.
The room was crowded with a considerable number of guests when I arrived.
I found the room teeming with guests when I arrived.


He was more dead than alive after the train crash.
He was barely clinging to life after the train crash.
He was in an almost lifeless state after the train crash.
He was more dead than alive following the train crash.
His condition after the train crash was closer to being deceased than alive.


Harrison was last seen alive around 9:30 p.m., so we think he was killed sometime after that.
Harrison was last spotted alive around 9:30 p.m., so we presume he was killed sometime after that.
Since Harrison was last seen alive around 9:30 p.m., we assume he met his demise sometime later.
We believe Harrison was killed after being last seen alive at 9:30 p.m.
Harrison's last sighting was around 9:30 p.m., suggesting his demise occurred after that time.


The poor baby stopped crying and soon fell sound asleep.
The distressed baby ceased crying and soon fell into a deep slumber.
The baby stopped crying and quickly drifted into a peaceful sleep.
After the baby stopped crying, it soon fell sound asleep.
The baby quieted down and soon fell into a sound sleep.


They are so alike that it is difficult to tell which is which.
They resemble each other so much that distinguishing between them is challenging.
They are so similar that it's hard to discern one from the other.
It's difficult to tell them apart because they look so much alike.
Their resemblance is so strong that telling which is which is tough.


Is there anything good on TV tonight?
Is there anything worth watching on TV tonight?
Are there any good shows on TV tonight?
Is there anything interesting airing on TV tonight?
Are there any quality programs on TV tonight?


We tried to make group reservations, but there were only a few rooms left at the hotel.
We attempted to make group reservations, but the hotel only had a limited number of rooms left.
We tried to reserve rooms together, but the hotel had only a few rooms available.
There were only a handful of rooms remaining at the hotel when we tried to make group reservations.
The hotel had very few rooms left when we tried to book them together.


Many a reader skips the words that he doesn’t know.
Many readers skip unfamiliar words when reading.
Numerous readers skip words they don't recognize.
A good number of readers skip over words they don't know.
There are plenty of readers who skip words they're unfamiliar with.


形 容 詞 = 名詞を修飾 or 補語

⑴ 限定用法(=名詞修飾)
  This is a serious problem.
 ②〈something, anything, nothing, everything+形容詞〉
  Was there anything wrong with the car?
 ③〈名詞 ← 形容詞句〉
  Japan is a country poor in natural resources.

⑵ 叙述用法(=C になる)
 ① 補語になる場合
  This problem is serious.
  Those present were all very glad to hear the news.

⑶ 限定用法のみに用いる形容詞
 ・live /laiv/(生きている)

⑷ 叙述用法のみに用いる形容詞
 ★ a-で始まる形容詞
 ★ 前置詞・不定詞・動名詞を伴う形容詞
 ・be bound for(~行きの)
 ・be inclined to do(~しがちで)
 ・be proud of(~を自慢している)
 ・be subject to(~を受けやすい)
 ・be unable to do(~することができない),
 ・be worth doing(~する価値がある)

⑸ 限定用法と叙述用法では意味の異なる形容詞
   〈 限 定 用 法 〉    〈 叙 述 用 法 〉
certain  ある         確かな
present 現在の        その場にいる
late    最近の/亡くなった   遅れて
ill     悪い 病気で

◆ 数に関する形容詞
         可算名詞     不可算名詞
たくさんの     many       much
たくさんの         a lot of
少しの(肯定)  a few        a little
ほとんど~ない   few        little
少なからぬ    not a few     not a little
         quite a few    quite a little

⑴ 〔It is ... for A to do〕

⑵ 〔It is ... for A to do / It is ... that S V〕


◆ その他注意すべき形容詞
⑴ 〔the+形容詞〕
 ・the sick(病人)
 ・the young(若者)
 ・the old(老人)
 ・the living(生きている人),
 ・the dead(死人)
 ・the unemployed(失業者)

 ・人be (un)able to do
 ・人be (in)capable of doing
 ・It is (im)possible for 人 to do

⑶ It is 形容詞 that S should (do) 「S が~するのは○形だ」
 ◇ 主観的判断
 ・no wonder「当然で」

 ◇ 感情の強調
 ・strange, odd「奇妙な」
 ・regrettable, a pity「残念な」
 ・should 省略可

⑷ 特定の名詞を修飾する形容詞
large/small 「多い/少ない」

high/low 「多い/少ない」

heavy/light 「多い/少ない」

strong/weak 「濃い/薄い」

⑸ many ⇔ much ⇔ few ⇔ little〔数量形容詞〕
✰ many/ few  ➪ 〈可算名詞〉
✰ much/ little  ➪ 〈不可算名詞〉

✰ many[much] - more - most
✰ few - fewer - fewest
✰ little - less - least

✰ many/few/fewer/fewest ➪ 形 or 名
✰ much/more/most/little/least ➪ 形 or 名 or 副

⑹ a の有無での意味のちがい
✰ a few/ a little(肯定的)「少しの~」
✰ few/ little(否定的)「ほとんど~ない」

✰ 可算名詞名詞につく  ➪ a number of ~
✰ 不可算名詞につく   ➪ a good deal of ~
             a good amount of

⑻ 注意すべき活用形 原級-比較級-最上級
✰ good「良い」・well「元気な,よく」 - better - best
✰ bad 「悪い」・ill「病気の」 - worse - worst
✰ late「時間が遅い」 - later - latest「最新の」
✰ late「順序が遅い」 - latter「後半の」 - last「最後の」

⑼ 後ろに目的語を取る形容詞


〈副 詞〉
 動詞・形容詞・副詞・文を修飾 (名詞以外を修飾)
 《 限定用法 》名詞を修飾
 《 叙述用法 》C (補語) になる

 He speaks English fluently.
 Your mother is very beautiful.
 He can speak English fairly well.
 Fortunately, he passed the test.

 ➪ 文尾か動詞の前
  He plays the piano well.
 ➪ 動詞の前
  He is sometimes late to the office.
 ➪ 文尾か文頭
  We met him yesterday.
 ➪ その直前
  She can run very fast.
 ➪ 文頭
  Certainly he promised to come.
 ➪ 小さい単位が前
  I was born on May 3 in 19800.
  (私は1980 年3 月3 日生まれだ)
  I met her at the station on Sunday.

4 very / much
✰ very   ➪ 形容詞・副詞/現在分詞/原級
✰ much  ➪ 動詞/過去分詞/比較級・最上級

His story was very interesting.
His book was very good.
<the very+最上級>
He is the very best player on this cocker team.
<the very+名詞句>
This is the very book he has looking for.
The teacher was much disliked.
His house is much larger than mine.
<much the+最上級>
She is much the best singer in this country.

◆ much を含む重要表現
<much too+形容詞/副詞>
 He is much too young.
<much to+所有格+感情名詞>
 Much to my surprise[disappointment], he betray us.
<much+the same>
 He is in much the same condition as yesterday.

5 ago / before
✰ ago  ➪ 過去形と併用/単独不可
   I saw the movie three days ago.
✰ before  ➪ 完了形と併用/単独可
   I have seen the movie before.

✰ nowadays  ➪ 現在時制
✰ these days ➪ 現在時制
✰ recently   ➪ 現在完了/過去時制
✰ lately     ➪ 現在完了/過去時制
✰ of late    ➪ 現在完了/過去時制
古い英語では-s の名詞は副詞扱いされていた。
nowadays やevenings「毎晩」などはその名残り。

7 頻度の副詞
✰ always       ➪ 100% 「いつも」
✰ usually, generally  ➪ 80% 「ふつうは」
✰ often, frequently   ➪ 60% 「よく」
✰ not always     ➪ 「必ずしも~というわけではない」
✰ sometimes     ➪ 50% 「時々」
✰ occasionally    ➪ 40% 「ときたま」
✰ seldom       ➪ 20% 「めったに~ない」
✰ rarely        ➪ 20% 「めったに~ない」
✰ never        ➪ 0% 「一度も~ない」

8 -ly の有無で意味の異なる副詞
hard「一生懸命に」 ⇔  hardly「ほとんど~ない」
late「遅く」     ⇔  lately「最近」
near「近くに」   ⇔ nearly「ほとんど」
high「高く」    ⇔ highly「大いに」
short「短く」    ⇔ shortly「まもなく」
sharp「きっかりに」  ⇔ sharply「鋭く」
✰ most  ➪ 形容詞 or 代名詞「ほとんど(の)」
✰ almost  ➪ 副詞「ほとんど」

9 強調の副詞
 ✰ very
 ✰ much
 ✰ far
 ✰ even
 ✰ still
 ✰ yet
 ✰ a great deal
 ✰ a lot
 ✰ lots
 ✰ by far
 ✰ much
 ✰ not+at all
 ✰ in the least
 ✰ a bit
 ✰ whatever
 ✰ simply
 ✰ by no means
 ✰ in no way
 ✰ on no account
 ✰ far from~
 ✰ anything but~
 ✰ on earth
 ✰ in the world
 ✰ the devil



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



TEX 二井原プロへの




TEX 二井原

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

担当TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら)


  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル【形容詞&副詞】①

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