TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文記事を読む:大阪万博 ★英国 Fianancial Times がツッコミ入れる ★準備の見世物ショー











★ 世界最大&最高額の日よけ大屋根リング1度1億円!
★ 清水寺と同じ伝統的抜き工法 -釘&ボルト留め仕様!
★ 経済効果6兆円!(松井氏4年前)
★ 経済効果2兆円!(吉村氏現在)
★ 経済効果の算出法及び根拠  …不明

大阪万博 インフラ整備費9.7兆円 政府 全体像示す

毎日新聞 2023/12/19




機運醸成費用 約38億円!
途上国の出展支援 約240億円!

【大阪府豊中市 学校給食】

【網走刑務所 栄養バランスご飯】




Economic boost:
Casinos can generate significant revenue, create jobs, and stimulate local economies through tourism and spending.

Entertainment and amenities:
They often offer entertainment options, restaurants, and hotels, providing a range of amenities for both locals and tourists.

Tax revenue:
Casinos contribute to tax income for local governments, supporting public services and infrastructure development.

Employment opportunities:
They provide job opportunities across various sectors, including hospitality, gaming, and management.


Problem gambling:
Casinos can lead to addiction and financial problems for individuals and families affected by compulsive gambling behaviors.

Problem gambling:
Increased crime rates, particularly related to theft, fraud, and addiction-driven crimes, might occur in areas with casinos.

Economic volatility:
Dependency on casino revenue can make the local economy susceptible to fluctuations in the gambling industry.

Negative impact on local businesses:
Some local businesses might suffer as casino visitors primarily spend within the casino premises, limiting income for other establishments.

Please note that the impact of casinos on local communities can vary significantly based on various factors, including regulations, community dynamics, and the overall management of the casino operations.

● 経済的な活性化: economic boost
● 娯楽施設と設備: entertainment and amenities
● 税収: tax revenue
● 雇用機会: employment opportunities
● ギャンブル依存症: problem gambling
● 社会問題: social issues
● 経済的な不安定性: economic volatility
● 地元企業への悪影響: negative impact on local businesses


経済的な活性化: カジノは観光や支出を通じて著しい収益を生み出し、雇用を創出し、地域経済を刺激することがあります。
娯楽と施設: よく娯楽オプション、レストラン、ホテルなどを提供し、地元住民や観光客にさまざまな設備を提供することがあります。
税収: カジノは地方政府の税収に貢献し、公共サービスやインフラの開発を支援します。
雇用機会: カジノはホスピタリティ、ゲーム、管理などのさまざまな分野での雇用機会を提供します。


ギャンブル依存症: カジノはギャンブル依存症やそれによる個人や家族の金銭的問題を引き起こす可能性があります。
社会問題: カジノの存在が増加した場所では、盗難や詐欺、依存による犯罪などの犯罪率が上昇することがあります。
経済的な不安定性: カジノ収入への依存は、地域経済が賭博産業の変動に影響を受けやすくする可能性があります。
地元企業への悪影響: カジノの訪問者が主にカジノ内での支出に限定されるため、他の施設への収入が制限される可能性があります。

What is the point of an expo in today’s world?

The chaotic build-up to Japan’s event suggests it is a relic of a past global order 
Financial Times
Mexico and Estonia have pulled out but Denmark, Cameroon and Jamaica still want in. Construction costs are spiralling so fast that Brazil, Argentina and Poland are said to be considering moving their showcases into a glorified warehouse. A European nation was told by one of Japan’s biggest contractors that, yes, they will certainly complete the desired pavilion — a month after the event is finished.

The preparations for the Osaka 2025 World Expo, in the era of binge-watchable docudrama, are going perfectly. If organisers really put in the effort, they may even get a two-season box set out of it.

From many angles, even officials directly involved admit, the scene on the artificial island of Yumeshima in Osaka bay less than 18 months before the world expo is due to open looks less than ideal. Work has finally started on the wooden ring that will encircle the national pavilions, but visitors to the site are still standing in what feels like an empty, 155-hectare car park.

A vast summit this week bringing together organisers and the more than 150 countries involved has gone somewhat better than expected, say participants, but those expectations were remarkably and grumpily low.

This month, the government approved the projected $1.6bn cost for building the main venue — a figure running at almost twice the original estimate and inviting speculation that it could go higher still. This approval, justified by the soaring costs of labour and materials, represented an act of fiscal largesse, which prompted local TV stations to provide yen-by-yen breakdowns of the enlarged burden on already grumbling, inflation-battered taxpayers.

An increasing number of diplomats, griping in private about the task that lies ahead, are even more scathing and hint that, if they felt they could get away with doing so, they would withdraw or downgrade. Quoted costs for pavilion construction are in some cases significantly higher than first envisaged and half of the countries booked to build the premier pavilions have not yet submitted plans. Many, confronting byzantine Japanese building regulations, are struggling to secure the local contractors and approvals they need to build pavilions. The prospect of building something “practical but pointless”, says one Asian diplomat, is very real.

Swirling around all this is the question of what the purpose of the whole expo enterprise really is, and how best to generate the sort of enthusiasm that, in the case of wildly over-budget sports events such as world cups or Olympics, is ultimately provided by the sport itself. The fact that, after its six-month run, the entire expo will be completely demolished presents additional communications challenges around sustainability.

World expos, dating back to London’s Great Exhibition of 1851, once had a much clearer purpose: they were truly thrilling international showcases for inhabitants of a world that travelled less and had limited exposure to the food, technology and culture of “abroad”. The Osaka expo, along with many of the participating countries, are doubtless earnest in the desire to provide a modernised version of that thrill. The difficulty lies in defining “global reach” in an era when a single YouTube video of how to bake a Minecraft cake village, or how to cook chicken biryani, receives more views than the 28mn visitors the expo organisers are expecting.

But, whether disastrous or delightful, this will all be extraordinarily watchable. And perhaps that is how expos must evolve: as spectacles of preparation, rather than completion.

Many of the problems confronting the Osaka expo are, fascinatingly, Japan’s in microcosm: the acuteness of the labour shortage, regulatory intransigence and budgetary slippage prominent among them. But the faith in the meaning of the event itself is exquisitely Japanese too. World expos are emotionally anchored in an old global order from which Japan has benefited enormously; the looming replacement of that order — both technological and geopolitical — is likely to be far less kind. Japan’s nostalgic passion for this sort of project is a driving force which should not be underestimated, and which will be a white-knuckle pleasure to watch.

The manifest chaos and public backlash around the expo put us, the viewers, exactly where we should be at this point for the story arc to work. If expos are to remain relevant, they must do so in an era where the world, its viewing tastes shaped by emotion-churning documentaries on catastrophic music festivals or celebrity-owned underdog football teams, wants to see these things framed as a crisis or a crisis overcome. A multibillion-dollar world expo, in a world that doesn’t really need them, guarantees at least one of the two.

● Expo: エキスポ
● chaotic build-up: 混沌とした準備
● relic of a past global order: 過去の世界秩序の遺物
● construction costs: 建設費
● spiralling: 急速に増大している
● glorified warehouse: 格調高い倉庫
● pavilion: パビリオン
● binge-watchable: 一気見できる
● box set: ボックスセット
● artificial island: 人工島
● site: 現場
● car park: 駐車場
● summit: 首脳会議
● fiscal largesse: 財政的寛容
● labor and materials: 労働力と資材
● inflation-battered taxpayers: インフレに苦しむ納税者
● diplomats: 外交官たち
● regulatory intransigence: 規制の頑固さ
● communications challenges: コミュニケーション上の課題
● emotional-churning documentaries: 感動を呼ぶドキュメンタリー
● catastrophic: 破滅的な
● underdog: 劣勢の立場にある者
● spectacular: 見応えのある
● microcosm: 縮図
● nostalgic passion: 懐古的な情熱
● geopolitical: 地政学的
● white-knuckle pleasure: 白熱した喜び
● story arc: 物語の展開
● multibillion-dollar: 数十億ドルの
● relevance: 関連性














TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  7. 英文記事を読む:大阪万博 ★英国 Fianancial Times がツッコミ入れる ★準備の見世物ショー

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