TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training







Proust and James are great novelists, and (    ) is easy to read.
  ① both
  ② all
  ③ none
  ④ neither

neither 「どちらも~ない」《3人称単数扱い》
 I don’t smoke, and neither do I drink.
 I don’t smoke, and I don’t drink, either .
 I neither smoke nor drink.
  × Neither you nor I are wrong.
 ◎ Neither you nor I am wrong.
  × I cannot swim. Neither I can.
 ◎ I cannot swim. Neither can I.
Proust and James are great novelists, and neither is easy to read.
Proust and James are both renowned novelists, yet neither of their works is easy to read.
While both Proust and James are exceptional novelists, neither of their writings lends itself to easy comprehension.
Though Proust and James are acclaimed for their novels, neither author produces easily digestible prose.

“Are your parents traveling with you?” “No, not (    ); Mother only.”
  ① each
  ② one
  ③ either
  ④ both

⒜ 2者の〈部分否定〉&〈全部否定〉
 ☆ not ... both
 ☆ both ... not
 ☆ neither
 ☆ not ... either
 ☆ I don’t know both of them.
 ☆ I don’t know either of them.
 ☆ I know neither of them.
〔参考〕 *Nは名詞を表す

 ☆ Not all of the passengers were rescued.
 ☆ Not every passenger was rescued.
 ☆ None of the passengers were rescued.
 ☆ No passengers were rescued.

An interesting book is not necessarily a good book.
An interesting book is never a good book.
“Are your parents traveling with you?”
“No, not both; Mother only.”
"Are both of your parents accompanying you?"
"No, only my mother."
"Do both your parents travel with you?"
"No, just my mother."
"Are both your parents coming along?"
"No, only my mother is."

I can’t read this book (    ) learning a lesson.
  ① but
  ② without
  ③ with
  ④ though

<never [can’t ] …without doing>
『…すれば必ず ~ する』《二重否定》
 It never rains but it pours.
 =It never rains without pouring.
 Scarcely a day passed but I met her.
 =Scarcely a day passed without meeting her.
I never [cannot] look at this picture without being reminded of my late father.
=Whenever [Every time] I look at this picture, I am reminded of my late father.
=I never [cannot] look at this picture but [that] I am reminded of my late father.
I can’t read this book without learning a lesson.
I can't peruse this book without gaining insight.
Reading this book invariably leads to me learning something.
Each time I read this book, I glean a valuable lesson.

It is said that the poor are not (   ) unhappy.
  ① always
  ② hardly
  ③ seldom
  ④ sometimes

<not always>「いつでも~とは限らない」
② hardly
直前の not と合わない。
It is said that the poor are not always unhappy.
There's a belief that not all individuals who are financially disadvantaged are unhappy.
Contrary to popular belief, unhappiness isn't a constant among those who are impoverished.
The notion exists that not all poor people experience perpetual unhappiness.

“Who won the first prize, Paul or John?”
“(    ) of them did. George did.”
  ① None
  ② No one
  ③ Neither
  ④ Either

Neither of them did.
=They didn’t win the prize either.
neither は bothに対応する否定語で対象は常に2つ。
それ以上のときには none を用いる。
“Who won the first prize, Paul or John?”
“Neither of them did. George did.”
"Did Paul or John secure the first prize?"
"No, it was George who won."
"Was the first prize won by either Paul or John?"
"No, it was actually George who won."
"Did either Paul or John win the first prize?"
"No, George emerged as the winner."

(    ) brothers do not like carrots.
  ① Both my
  ② My both
  ③ The both
  ④ Both two my

× My both daughters are married.  
◎ Both my daughters are married.    
◎Both of my daughters are married.
◎ My daughters are both married.
Both my brothers do not like carrots.
Neither of my brothers has a liking for carrots.
It's not the case that both of my brothers enjoy eating carrots.
Both of my brothers share a dislike for carrots.

All horses are animals, but not (    ) animals are horses.
  ① any
  ② some
  ③ all
  ④ every

<not+all[every] >
I don’t know everything about him.
I don’t know anything about him.
All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.
While every horse is an animal, not every animal is a horse.
All horses belong to the category of animals, but other animals exist beyond horses.
Every horse falls under the classification of animals, but the animal kingdom extends beyond horses.

(    ) do we hear such a beautiful chorus from church choirs.
  ① Almost
  ② Seldom
  ③ Not
  ④ Rather

空所の後ろの文構造に注目。do(助動詞) S V になっており,文頭に否定語が出たことによる強制倒置であ
ることがわかる。③も否定語だがNot do we hear…と言わない。Never do we hear…なら可。 
『ほとんど…ない』 〈程度〉  
 hardly [-]
 scarcely [-]
 barely  [+]
『めったに…ない』 〈頻度〉
形容詞の little, few「ほとんど…ない」は〈数量〉
Seldom do we hear such a beautiful chorus from church choirs.
Rarely do we encounter such a stunning chorus from church choirs.
It's infrequent to hear such a beautiful choir performance from church choirs.
Church choirs seldom deliver such a beautiful chorus.

We can’t read an interesting book for an hour (    ) being the better and happier for it.
  ① without
  ② instead of
  ③ owing to
  ④ rather than

<cannot[never]…without doing ~>
「~ しないで…することはない」
 It is impossible for us to read an interesting book for an hour without being better and happier for it.
 Nobody can read an interesting book for an hour without being better and happier for it.
We can’t read an interesting book for an hour without being the better and happier for it.
Whenever we spend an hour reading an engaging book, we always end up feeling improved and happier.
Reading an intriguing book for an hour inevitably leads to feeling better and happier.
It's impossible to read a captivating book for an hour without experiencing improvement and happiness.

We can’t thank you (    ) much for your kind help. We owe our success to you.
  ① very
  ② too
  ③ so
  ④ as

<cannot ~ too much>
「 ~ してしすぎることはない」
I can’t thank you enough.
=I can’t thank you too much.
 You cannot emphasize its importance too much.
 You cannot overemphasize its importance.
 It is impossible to emphasize its importance too much.
We can’t thank you too much for your kind help. We owe our success to you.
No amount of gratitude can adequately express our appreciation for your kind assistance. Our success is owed to you.
There's no limit to how much we appreciate your kind help, which has been instrumental in our success.
We cannot overstate how grateful we are for your kind assistance; our success is directly attributed to you.



Proust and James are great novelists, and neither is easy to read.
Proust and James are both renowned novelists, yet neither of their works is easy to read.
While both Proust and James are exceptional novelists, neither of their writings lends itself to easy comprehension.
Though Proust and James are acclaimed for their novels, neither author produces easily digestible prose.


“Are your parents traveling with you?”
“No, not both; Mother only.”
"Are both of your parents accompanying you?"
"No, only my mother."
"Do both your parents travel with you?"
"No, just my mother."
"Are both your parents coming along?"
"No, only my mother is."


I can’t read this book without learning a lesson.
I can't peruse this book without gaining insight.
Reading this book invariably leads to me learning something.
Each time I read this book, I glean a valuable lesson.


It is said that the poor are not always unhappy.
There's a belief that not all individuals who are financially disadvantaged are unhappy.
Contrary to popular belief, unhappiness isn't a constant among those who are impoverished.
The notion exists that not all poor people experience perpetual unhappiness.


“Who won the first prize, Paul or John?”
“Neither of them did. George did.”
"Did Paul or John secure the first prize?"
"No, it was George who won."
"Was the first prize won by either Paul or John?"
"No, it was actually George who won."
"Did either Paul or John win the first prize?"
"No, George emerged as the winner."


Both my brothers do not like carrots.
Neither of my brothers has a liking for carrots.
It's not the case that both of my brothers enjoy eating carrots.
Both of my brothers share a dislike for carrots.


All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.
While every horse is an animal, not every animal is a horse.
All horses belong to the category of animals, but other animals exist beyond horses.
Every horse falls under the classification of animals, but the animal kingdom extends beyond horses.


Seldom do we hear such a beautiful chorus from church choirs.
Rarely do we encounter such a stunning chorus from church choirs.
It's infrequent to hear such a beautiful choir performance from church choirs.
Church choirs seldom deliver such a beautiful chorus.


We can’t read an interesting book for an hour without being the better and happier for it.
Whenever we spend an hour reading an engaging book, we always end up feeling improved and happier.
Reading an intriguing book for an hour inevitably leads to feeling better and happier.
It's impossible to read a captivating book for an hour without experiencing improvement and happiness.


We can’t thank you too much for your kind help. We owe our success to you.
No amount of gratitude can adequately express our appreciation for your kind assistance. Our success is owed to you.
There's no limit to how much we appreciate your kind help, which has been instrumental in our success.
We cannot overstate how grateful we are for your kind assistance; our success is directly attributed to you.


I don’t know both of the parents.
I don’t know either of the parents.
=I know neither of the parents.
⒝ 3者以上の場合

Not all of the passengers were rescued.
Not every passenger was rescued.
None of the passengers were rescued.
No passengers were rescued.

I’m not always at home on Sundays.
I’m never at home on Sundays.

5 《潜在否定》慣用表現 Best 10
⑴ anything but 「…どころではない」
  He is anything but a musician.
⑵ the last 名 to do/関係詞節… 「最も…しそうにない~」
  He is the last person to tell a lie.
⑶ far from
  The result is far from satisfactory.
⑷ beyond/above
  He is above stealing.
⑸ never fail to do
  Never fail to go to wash your hands before going for a drive.
⑹ free from
  No one is free from faults.
⑺ not …in the least
  This book is not in the least easy.
⑻ by no means
  She is by no means stupid.
⑼ nothing but
  Don’t believe what he says. He is nothing but a liar.
⑽ do nothing but do
  He does nothing but worry every day.
6 〈倒置〉 否定語・only・well +助+S V
  I little dreamed of seeing him again.
  ➪ Little did I dream of seeing him again.
  I have never seen her since then.
  ➪ Never have I seen her since then.
Only then did he realize it.
Not only does she dislike him but she despises him.
Hardly had he gone when they began to speak ill of him.



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



TEX 二井原プロへの




TEX 二井原

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

担当TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら)


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  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル【否定】①

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