TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英検1級2次面接 予想問題5大テーマ 直前チェック  論点整理 ①

2023年11月22日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




(1). テクノロジーと社会


(2). 倫理とビジネス


(3). 社会と政治


(4). 価値観と道徳


(5). 環境問題


Do you believe the Japanese healthcare system can serve as a global model?

Universal insurance system:
All citizens are enrolled in health insurance, ensuring access to healthcare services for many people.

Focus on preventive care:
The Japanese healthcare system emphasizes disease prevention and health maintenance, encouraging regular health check-ups and vaccinations.

Compared to other developed nations, healthcare costs in Japan are relatively restrained while maintaining high medical standards.

Longevity and low infant mortality:
Japan boasts a long average lifespan and low infant mortality rate, indicating the quality of healthcare access and standards.

Cutting-edge technology and top-notch medical facilities:
Japan has numerous facilities offering advanced medical technology, providing sophisticated treatments and healthcare services.

High-quality healthcare professionals:
Physicians, nurses, and other medical staff receive high-level education and training, delivering specialized knowledge and skills in patient care.

● 普遍的な保険制度: universal insurance system
● 予防医療への注力: focus on preventive care
● コスト効率の良さ: cost-effectiveness
● 長寿命と低い乳幼児死亡率: longevity and low infant mortality
● 最先端技術と一流の医療施設: cutting-edge technology and top-notch medical facilities
● 高品質な医療専門家: high-quality healthcare professionals






高い医療従事者の質: 医師や看護師などの医療スタッフは高い水準の教育と訓練を受けており、患者へのケアにおいて専門知識と技術を提供しています。

Will the increasing use of robots and computers pose significant challenges to society?

1. Job Displacement:
Automation could replace certain job sectors, leading to unemployment for those in roles that are easily automated. It will be essential to retrain and upskill the workforce for new types of jobs that emerge.

2. Economic Inequality:
Automation might exacerbate income inequality if the benefits are not distributed equitably. Those who own the technology or possess skills to work alongside it might gain significantly more than others.

3. Ethical Dilemmas:
As AI and robotics advance, ethical questions arise about their use in warfare, decision-making processes, and even personal autonomy. Ensuring responsible and ethical development and use of these technologies is critical.

4. Privacy Concerns:
Increased use of technology means more data collection, raising concerns about privacy breaches and the potential misuse of personal information.

5. Social Impact:
There could be psychological and social implications due to increased reliance on technology. Issues like social isolation or dependence on technology may surface.

6. Control and Regulation:
Balancing innovation with necessary regulations to ensure safety, accountability, and transparency in these technologies will be a significant challenge.

These challenges are not insurmountable, but they do require proactive measures from governments, businesses, and society as a whole to navigate and mitigate their potential negative impacts while harnessing the benefits of advancing technology.

● 仕事の置き換え: job displacement
● 経済的不平等: economic inequality
● 倫理的ジレンマ: ethical dilemmas
● プライバシーの懸念: privacy concerns
● 社会的影響: social impact
● 管理と規制: control and regulation









How is information technology altering the landscape of news media, for better or worse?

Information technology has dramatically transformed the news media landscape, bringing both positive and negative changes:

For Better:

Information technology has made news more accessible to a global audience. News is now available 24/7 through various digital platforms, allowing people to stay informed regardless of location.

Diverse Perspectives:
Online platforms enable a wider range of voices and perspectives. Citizen journalism, blogs, and social media allow for the dissemination of diverse viewpoints, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of events.

Interactive Engagement:
News consumption has become more interactive. Audiences can engage with news content through comments, shares, and discussions, fostering a sense of community and dialogue.

For Worse:

Misinformation and Disinformation:
The ease of sharing information online has led to the spread of misinformation and disinformation. False or misleading news can go viral rapidly, causing confusion and distrust.

Erosion of Traditional Journalism:
Traditional news outlets face challenges due to the shift in advertising revenue and changing consumption patterns. This shift has resulted in layoffs, reduced resources, and compromised quality journalism.

Echo Chambers and Polarization:
Online algorithms tend to personalize content, creating echo chambers where individuals are exposed only to views that align with their beliefs. This can reinforce polarization and limit exposure to diverse perspectives.

Overall, while information technology has expanded access to news and diversified sources, it also poses challenges related to credibility, quality, and the impact on traditional journalism. Navigating these challenges involves promoting media literacy, enhancing fact-checking processes, and supporting credible journalism in the digital age.

● 情報技術: information technology
● 変える: altering
● 風景、景色: landscape
● ニュースメディア: news media
● より良い方向で: for better
● より悪い方向で: for worse
● アクセス可能性: accessibility
● 多様な視点: diverse perspectives
● 対話的な関与: interactive engagement
● 誤情報とディスインフォメーション: misinformation and disinformation
● 伝統的ジャーナリズムの侵食: erosion of traditional journalism
● エコーチェンバーと極端化: echo chambers and polarization











Are current global agricultural practices sustainable in the long term?

Current global agricultural practices face significant challenges in terms of long-term sustainability. Several factors contribute to this concern:

Environmental Impact:
Many agricultural practices contribute to deforestation, soil degradation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. Extensive use of pesticides, fertilizers, and monoculture farming techniques can harm ecosystems and reduce soil fertility.

Resource Depletion:
Agriculture heavily relies on finite resources like water and arable land. Overuse of water for irrigation, soil erosion, and urbanization threaten the availability of these resources for future generations.

Climate Change:
Agriculture is both impacted by and contributes to climate change. Extreme weather events, shifting rainfall patterns, and rising temperatures affect crop yields, while agricultural activities release greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.

Food Security and Distribution:
Despite producing enough food globally, there are challenges in distributing food equitably. Food waste, inefficient supply chains, and unequal access to resources lead to issues of hunger and malnutrition.

Efforts are underway to address these challenges through sustainable agricultural practices. Initiatives such as agroecology, precision farming, crop diversification, and regenerative agriculture aim to minimize environmental impact, preserve resources, and enhance resilience in the face of climate change.

However, achieving long-term sustainability in agriculture requires a holistic approach involving policymakers, farmers, researchers, and consumers. It involves adopting more sustainable farming methods, investing in research for innovative solutions, improving food distribution systems, and promoting more conscientious consumption habits.

● 環境への影響: environmental impact
● 資源枯渇: resource depletion
● 気候変動: climate change
● 食料安全保障と流通: food security and distribution








Are current global agricultural practices sustainable in the long term?

Current global agricultural practices face significant challenges in terms of long-term sustainability. Several factors contribute to this concern:

Environmental Impact:
Many agricultural practices contribute to deforestation, soil degradation, water pollution, and biodiversity loss. Extensive use of pesticides, fertilizers, and monoculture farming techniques can harm ecosystems and reduce soil fertility.

Resource Depletion:
Agriculture heavily relies on finite resources like water and arable land. Overuse of water for irrigation, soil erosion, and urbanization threaten the availability of these resources for future generations.

Climate Change:
Agriculture is both impacted by and contributes to climate change. Extreme weather events, shifting rainfall patterns, and rising temperatures affect crop yields, while agricultural activities release greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.

Food Security and Distribution:
Despite producing enough food globally, there are challenges in distributing food equitably. Food waste, inefficient supply chains, and unequal access to resources lead to issues of hunger and malnutrition.

Efforts are underway to address these challenges through sustainable agricultural practices. Initiatives such as agroecology, precision farming, crop diversification, and regenerative agriculture aim to minimize environmental impact, preserve resources, and enhance resilience in the face of climate change.

However, achieving long-term sustainability in agriculture requires a holistic approach involving policymakers, farmers, researchers, and consumers. It involves adopting more sustainable farming methods, investing in research for innovative solutions, improving food distribution systems, and promoting more conscientious consumption habits.

● 農業の持続可能性: sustainability of agriculture
● 環境への影響: environmental impact
● 資源枯渇: resource depletion
● 気候変動: climate change
● 食料安全保障と流通: food security and distribution
● 持続可能な農業実践: sustainable agricultural practices
● アグロエコロジー: agroecology
● 精密農業: precision farming
● 作物の多様化: crop diversification
● 再生農業: regenerative agriculture
● 政策立案者: policymakers
● 農家: farmers
● 研究者: researchers
● 消費者: consumers
● 持続可能な農業方法: sustainable farming methods
● 革新的な解決策の研究: research for innovative solutions
● 食品流通システムの改善: improvement of food distribution systems
● 配慮深い消費習慣: conscientious consumption habits








To what extent has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?

The influence of Western values has undeniably left an impact on Japanese society, culture, and identity. However, it's essential to understand that Japan has a unique ability to assimilate external influences while maintaining its core values and traditions.

Cultural Exchange:
Japan has historically engaged in cultural exchanges with the West, adopting certain Western elements while preserving its distinct cultural identity. This exchange has contributed to Japan's diverse cultural landscape.

Adaptation and Synthesis:
While aspects of Western culture have been embraced in Japan—such as fashion, technology, and certain ideologies—these have often been integrated and adapted to align with traditional Japanese values and customs.

Cultural Resilience:
Despite the influence of Western values, Japan retains strong cultural roots and traditions. Elements like tea ceremonies, traditional arts like ikebana or kabuki, and reverence for nature continue to hold significance in Japanese society.

National Pride:
There's a prevalent sense of national pride and identity in Japan, emphasizing the uniqueness of Japanese culture, language, and societal values. This pride often coexists alongside the incorporation of Western values.

Generational Shifts:
Younger generations in Japan might exhibit more openness to Western values due to globalization, but it doesn't necessarily equate to a weakening of Japanese identity. Rather, it showcases a dynamic evolution in societal norms and values.

In summary, while the influence of Western values has been notable in Japan, it hasn't eroded Japanese identity entirely. Instead, Japan has demonstrated resilience in preserving its unique cultural identity while selectively integrating aspects of Western culture into its societal fabric.

● 西洋の価値観の影響: influence of Western values
● 日本の社会、文化、アイデンティティへの影響: impact on Japanese society, culture, and identity
● 独自の文化的アイデンティティ: distinct cultural identity
● 文化的な交流: cultural exchange
● 適応と統合: adaptation and synthesis
● 伝統的な日本の価値観と習慣: traditional Japanese values and customs
● 文化的な強さ: cultural resilience
● 国民の誇り: national pride
● 日本の独自性: uniqueness of Japan
● 言語や社会的価値観: language and societal values
● 世代間の変化: generational shifts
● 社会規範と価値観の動的な進化: dynamic evolution in societal norms and values








Can businesses maintain ethical standards and still thrive financially in today's global economy?

Businesses can maintain ethical standards and thrive financially in today's global economy. In fact, ethical practices can often contribute to long-term success and financial growth. Here's how:

Customer Trust and Loyalty:
Ethical businesses tend to build stronger relationships with their customers. When customers trust a company's ethical practices, they are more likely to remain loyal and support the brand, leading to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Employee Engagement and Retention:
Companies that prioritize ethical standards often have higher employee morale and engagement. This can result in increased productivity, lower turnover rates, and attraction of top talent, which ultimately benefits the company's bottom line.

Reputation and Brand Value:
Ethical behavior enhances a company's reputation and brand value. A positive reputation attracts stakeholders, investors, and partners, providing better opportunities for growth and partnerships.

Risk Mitigation:
Ethical businesses tend to avoid legal and reputational risks associated with unethical behavior. This helps in avoiding costly litigations, fines, or damages to the brand's reputation.

Consumer Preferences:
In today's society, consumers are increasingly conscious of ethical considerations. Many consumers prefer to support businesses that align with their ethical values, leading to increased demand for ethically produced goods and services.

Regulatory Compliance:
Adhering to ethical standards ensures compliance with various regulations and standards, avoiding legal repercussions and fines associated with non-compliance.

While short-term gains might sometimes appear to conflict with ethical practices, the long-term benefits of maintaining ethical standards often outweigh immediate financial gains. Businesses that prioritize ethics and sustainability tend to create more resilient and enduring models in the global economy.

● 倫理的な基準: ethical standards
● ビジネスと経済的に繁栄する: thrive financially in business
● グローバル経済: global economy
● 長期的な成功: long-term success
● 財務的成長: financial growth
● 顧客の信頼と忠誠心: customer trust and loyalty
● 従業員の関与と定着: employee engagement and retention
● 評判とブランド価値: reputation and brand value
● リスクの緩和: risk mitigation
● 消費者の嗜好: consumer preferences
● 規制順守: regulatory compliance
● 短期的な利益: short-term gains
● 持続可能性: sustainability
● 柔軟で耐久性のあるビジネスモデル: resilient and enduring business models



従業員の関与と定着: 倫理的基準を優先する企業は、より高い従業員の士気と関与を持つことが多いです。これは生産性の向上、離職率の低下、優秀な人材の獲得につながり、最終的には企業の収益に貢献します。


リスクの緩和: 倫理的なビジネスは、非倫理的な行動に関連する法的および評判上のリスクを回避する傾向があります。これにより、高額な訴訟や罰金、ブランドの評判への損害を防ぐことができます。

消費者の嗜好: 現代の社会では、消費者が倫理的な考慮事項をますます意識しています。多くの消費者は、自分の倫理的価値観に合致する企業を支援することを好むため、倫理的に生産された商品やサービスの需要が増えています。

規制順守: 倫理的基準を守ることで、さまざまな規制や基準を遵守し、非遵守に伴う法的な問題や罰金を回避できます。


Do you agree or disagree that surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places?

The idea of installing surveillance cameras in all public places is a complex issue that involves various perspectives. Here are points both in agreement and disagreement:


Enhanced Security:
Surveillance cameras can deter crime and improve public safety by providing a monitoring system to track unlawful activities.

Crime Prevention:
The presence of cameras might discourage criminal behavior, reducing theft, vandalism, and other offenses in public spaces.

Assistance in Investigations:
Cameras can aid law enforcement in identifying suspects or gathering evidence after an incident, facilitating quicker resolutions to crimes.


Privacy Concerns:
Continuous monitoring raises serious privacy issues, potentially infringing on individuals' rights to privacy in public spaces.

Potential Misuse:
There's a risk of misuse or abuse of surveillance systems by authorities or other entities, leading to surveillance beyond its intended scope or purpose.

Social Implications:
Constant surveillance might create a culture of distrust or unease among the public, impacting the sense of freedom and individual expression in public spaces.

The decision to install surveillance cameras in public places requires careful consideration of both security needs and the protection of individual rights and freedoms. Striking a balance between these considerations is crucial in any implementation.

● セキュリティの向上enhanced security
● 犯罪防止crime prevention
● 捜査支援assistance in investigations
● プライバシーの懸念privacy concerns
● 悪用の可能性potential misuse
● 社会的影響social implications
● 公共の場public spaces
● 監視カメラsurveillance cameras
● 深刻な問題serious issues
● 自由な行動freedom of action



セキュリティの向上: 監視カメラは犯罪を抑止し、違法行為を監視するシステムを提供することで、公共の安全性を高めることができます。

犯罪防止: カメラの存在は犯罪行為を妨げることがあり、公共の場での窃盗、破壊行為、その他の犯罪を減らすことができます。

捜査支援: カメラは事件後の容疑者の特定や証拠の収集に役立ち、犯罪の迅速な解決に貢献します。


プライバシーの懸念: 継続的な監視は深刻なプライバシー問題を引き起こす可能性があり、公共の場での個人のプライバシー権を侵害する可能性があります。

悪用の可能性: 当局や他の団体による監視システムの誤用や濫用のリスクがあり、本来の目的や範囲を超えた監視が行われる可能性があります。

社会的影響: 恒久的な監視は、公共の場での自由な行動や個人の表現に影響を与え、不信感や不安を生む可能性があります。


Is a university degree essential for achieving success in life and career.

The necessity of a university degree for success in life and career depends on various factors and differs from person to person. Here are some key points:

Yes, a degree can be essential for success:

Access to Opportunities:
In many professions and industries, a degree is a prerequisite for entry, providing access to certain job opportunities.

Skill Development:
University education can equip individuals with critical skills such as analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, which are valuable in many careers.

Networking and Resources:
Universities offer networks, resources, and mentorship opportunities that can be crucial for career growth.

No, a degree is not always essential:

Skill-Based Industries:
Some fields prioritize skills and experience over formal education. In creative industries or technology, a strong portfolio or practical experience might hold more weight than a degree.

Many successful entrepreneurs have built thriving businesses without a university degree, relying more on innovation, networking, and real-world experience.

Evolving Job Market:
The job market is evolving, and alternative forms of education (online courses, certifications, vocational training) are gaining recognition, sometimes providing a more direct path to specific careers.

While a degree can open doors, success is often a combination of education, skills, experience, and sometimes luck. What's crucial is continuous learning, adaptability, and a willingness to seize opportunities, whether or not they align with a traditional university path.

● 成功と学位Success and Degree
● 多様な要因Various Factors
● 個人の違いIndividual Differences
● 重要なポイントKey Points
● 学位の重要性Importance of a Degree
● 機会へのアクセスAccess to Opportunities
● スキルの発展Skill Development
● ネットワーキングとリソースNetworking and Resources
● 学位の必要性Necessity of a Degree
● スキル重視の産業Skill-Based Industries
● 起業と学位Entrepreneurship and Degree
● 変化する仕事市場Evolving Job Market
● 成功の要素Elements of Success
● 学びと適応力Learning and Adaptability
● 機会をつかむ意欲Willingness to Seize Opportunities











1. Do you believe the Japanese healthcare system can serve as a global model?
2. Will the increasing use of robots and computers pose significant challenges to society?
3. How is information technology altering the landscape of news media, for better or worse?
4. Are current global agricultural practices sustainable in the long term?
5. To what extent has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?
6. Can businesses maintain ethical standards and still thrive financially in today's global economy?
7. Do you agree or disagree that surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places?
8. Is a university degree essential for achieving success in life and career.
9. Is world peace achievable?
10. Should taxpayer money be allocated to support the arts?
11. Is corruption an inevitable part of modern society?
12. Will the consequences of continued biodiversity loss lead to catastrophe?
13. Should the government prioritize domestic issues over international matters?
14. Has urbanization in Japan reached a concerning level?
15. Are moral values declining in today’s society?
16. Should countries have the right to possess chemical and biological weapons?
17. Do you agree or disagree that the Internet should be free from censorship?
18. Is extensive media coverage of environmental problems making a tangible impact?
19. Is government action the key to addressing climate change?
20. Can Japanese companies remain competitive in the global economy today?
21. Do you agree or disagree that the lack of female leaders is a serious problem in Japan?
22. Does current education lack adequate resources and support? Share your thoughts.
23. Will gender inequality ever be completely eradicated?
24. Can homogeneous countries thrive in today's diverse world?
25. Are improvements in information technology always beneficial to society?
25. Should Japan adopt more lenient immigration policies? Share your perspective.
26. Are enough public funds invested in social welfare?
27. Are Japanese old temples worth preserving? Discuss their cultural significance.
28. Are terrorist movements an effective means to bring about societal change?
29. Are the threats posed by the low birth rate taken seriously enough in society?
30. Are the threats posed by the low birth rate taken seriously enough in society?



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英検1級2次面接 予想問題5大テーマ 直前チェック  論点整理 ①

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