TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training



2023年11月21日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




Cormorant fishing, (   ) ukai, found in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu, is a popular seasonal tourist attraction.
  ① but
  ② so
  ③ and
  ④ or

Cormorant fishing(S) is(V) a popular seasonal tourist attraction(C)
この場合の or の前には通例カンマが置かれる。
ex.) I’m majoring in psychology, or the science of the mind.
Cormorant fishing, or ukai, found in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu, is a popular seasonal tourist attraction.
Cormorant fishing, known as ukai, a seasonal tourist attraction, is popular in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu.
Cormorant fishing, referred to as ukai, is a favored seasonal tourist attraction in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu.
Ukai, or Cormorant fishing, is a well-liked seasonal tourist attraction found in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu.

He has a slight fever. That is (    ) he will not go to the concert.
  ① which
  ② because
  ③ why
  ④ when

[結果]That’s because[原因]「というのは~だから」
[原因]That’s why[結果]「そういうわけで」
He has a slight fever. That is why he will not go to the concert.
"Due to his slight fever, he won't be attending the concert."
"His slight fever means he won't make it to the concert."
"Because of his slight fever, he has decided not to go to the concert."
"If he didn't have a slight fever, he would have gone to the concert."
"Were it not for his slight fever, he'd be at the concert."
"In the absence of his slight fever, he'd have been able to attend the concert."
"Despite his slight fever, he won't be going to the concert."
"Although he has a slight fever, his decision is not to attend the concert."
"His slight fever notwithstanding, he's chosen to skip the concert."

The time will come (   ) we can go by train from Nagoya to Tokyo in an hour.
  ① if
  ② when
  ③ where
  ④ which

the time を先行詞に持つ when 節はよく後置されて,
この場合のwhen は省略不可。
The time will surely come when you’ll understand what I say.
The time will come when we can go by train from Nagoya to Tokyo in an hour.
The time will come when we can cover the distance from Nagoya to Tokyo in an hour by train.
There will be a time when traveling by train from Nagoya to Tokyo in an hour becomes possible.
A time will arrive when we can reach Tokyo from Nagoya in an hour by train.

John (    ) really likes this place.
  ① who is from New York
  ② , that is from New York,
  ③ that is from New York
  ④ , who is from New York,

また that は限定性が強いために継続(非制限)用法はない。
John を限定用法で表すのは同名の人間がいる場合で,
 The John who is …
John , who is from New York, really likes this place.
John, hailing from New York, has a strong fondness for this place.
This place is greatly liked by John, who originates from New York.
A person who really enjoys this place is John, and he's from New York.

Nowadays the kitchen has become a place (    ) you simply do the cooking and wash-up and nothing else.
  ① When
  ② as
  ③ where
  ④ which

S V 構造が2つ。
 the kitchen has become a place
 you simply do the cooking and wash-up and nothing else in it
 ⇒The kitchen has become a place which you …in.
   which=a place=it(代名詞)
 =The kitchen has become a place [ in which you … ].
  where=in a place=in it=there(副詞)
where は2文をつなぐ働きと
Nowadays the kitchen has become a place where you simply do the cooking and wash-up and nothing else.
Nowadays, the kitchen serves only for cooking and washing up, devoid of any other purpose.
The kitchen today is solely utilized for cooking and washing up, with no additional functions.
In recent times, the kitchen is merely a space for cooking and washing dishes without any other activities.


The town (    ) the international conference was held last year is near the lake.
  ① in that
  ② in where
  ③ which
  ④ in which

 The town is near the lake.
 The international conference was held in it last year.
⇒ The town [ which the international conference was held in last year] is near the lake.
international conference「国際会議」
まず,The town(S) … was(V)の骨格を見抜いて,空所の後
 the international conference was held last year
③which,②in whereを消去。
前置詞の後に関係代名詞 that は語法的に不可なので①in thatも失格。
☆ where=in[at, on] which
☆ when=in[at, on] which
☆ why=for which
☆ how=in which
  China is a country which I want to visit.
 China is a country where I want to live.
 China is a country (which) I want to live in.
 China is a country in which I want to live.
The town in which the international conference was held last year is near the lake.
The town where the international conference occurred last year is located near the lake.
Near the lake lies the town where the international conference took place last year.
The town hosting last year's international conference is close to the lake.

“Why do you skip lunch every day?”
“That’s (   ) I lose weight.”
  ① how
  ② way
  ③ when
  ④ where

◎ how S V
◎ the way S V
◎ the way in which S V
× the way how S V
〔理由〕That is why 「そうゆうわけで」  
〔方法〕That is how 「そのようにして」
〔場所〕That is where 「ここが~の場所だ」   
〔 時 〕 That is when 「これが~の時だ」
“Why do you skip lunch every day?”
“That’s how I lose weight.”
“Why do you skip lunch every day?”
“That’s my method for losing weight.”
“Skipping lunch is how I manage to lose weight.”

The way (    ) political campaigns are conducted varies widely from country to country.
  ① in that
  ② in which
  ③ when
  ④ how

 The way varies widely from country to country.  
 Political campaigns are conducted in the way .
➪ The way [ which political campaigns…in ] varies …
The way(S) … varies(V) の骨格を掴む。
 political campaigns are conducted
the way how とは言わないので④は失格。
前置詞の後に関係代名詞 that は使えないので①も不可。
③ when は先行詞に時を表す表現が置かれる。
the way は in the way の表現で用いられる。
この2点から② in whichが正解と分かる。
 in the way that seems most appropriate to A
ちなみに in the way は「方法」だけでなく
 ex.) get[stand] in the way of agreement
The way in which political campaigns are conducted varies widely from country to country.
Political campaigns are conducted in diverse ways across different countries.
The conduct of political campaigns varies significantly from country to country.
There's a wide-ranging difference in how political campaigns are carried out from one country to another.

He must have had some accident on the way, (    ) he would have been here by now.
  ① and
  ② before
  ③ if
  ④ or

on the way「途中で」
or を言い換えると
 if he had not had some accident on the way
また,or を or else/otherwise[接]としてもよい。
He must have had some accident on the way, or he would have been here by now.
He likely encountered an accident on the way; otherwise, he would have arrived here by now.
He must have faced an accident on the way, or else he would have reached here by now.
If he hadn't encountered an accident on the way, he would have been here already.

You have to hurry (    ) you want to go with them.
  ① either
  ② if
  ③ so
  ④ then

 ②《譲歩》「たとえ…でも」(=even if )
(b)〔名詞節〕「…かどうか」(=whether…or not )
You have to hurry
④ thenを用いるなら前後の文を逆に入れ替えるが,
then は副詞なので次のように言う。
 If you want to go with them, then you have to hurry.
You have to hurry if you want to go with them.
You need to hurry if you intend to join them.
If you want to go with them, you have to hurry.
To accompany them, you must hurry.

(    ) it rained, everyone had a good time.
  ① Although
  ② However time
  ③ Though much
  ④ How much

S V 構造が2つなので空所に接続詞が必要。
S V と S V の内容が対立的。
《譲歩》を表す接続詞 (al)though「~にもかかわらず」
③は much の意味が不明。
 Despite[In spite of] rain, everyone had a good time.
Although it rained, everyone had a good time.
Despite the rain, everyone had a great time.
Everyone had a great time despite the rain.
The rain didn't hinder everyone from having a good time.

(    ) I overslept, I missed the bus.
  ① Until
  ② Before
  ③ As
  ④ Morning

S V構造が二つ。
as が接続詞として理由を表している。
As I overslept, I missed the bus.
Due to oversleeping, I missed the bus.
Missing the bus resulted from oversleeping.
I missed the bus because I overslept.


Write down this phone number before (   ).
  ① you don’t forget
  ② you won’t forget
  ③ you forget
  ④ you’ll forget

before が時の副詞節を導いている為、現在時制を用いる。
beforeは「…する前に」 の意味だが
英作文で,日本語につられて before 以下を否定文
接続詞は before と after。それぞれ、
 2 hours before ~
 2 hours after ~ 
Write down this phone number beforeyou forget .
Before you forget, make sure to write down this phone number.
Write down this phone number before it slips your mind.
Don't forget to jot down this phone number.

The children were (    ) excited by the prospect of going to the zoo that we could not keep them quiet.
  ① much
  ② so
  ③ such
  ④ very

so+形/副+that …の soは「それ程」の意の副詞で
prospect 「見込み」
次の〈so…that構文〉は soが「そのように」の意味の副詞。
The world is so made that someone loves you. 〔様態〕
The children were so excited by the prospect of going to the zoo that we could not keep them quiet.
The children were so enthusiastic about the prospect of going to the zoo that we couldn't quiet them down.
The anticipation of going to the zoo had the children so excited that we couldn't calm them.
The children were too thrilled about the idea of going to the zoo, making it impossible for us to keep them quiet.

Don’t despise a man just (    ) he is poor.
  ① because
  ② for
  ③ since
  ④ in case

<not … because S V >「~だからといって…ではない」 
for, since, as も理由を表すがこの構文では使えない。
また,beause のみが次の2個が可能。
 ★ only/just/simplyなどで強調できる
◎ It was because he got sick that we decided to return.
× It was as he got sick that we decided to return.
× It was since he got sick that we decided to return.

She did not come home because it was raining.
(a) 雨が降っていたから帰ってこなかった
(b) 雨が降っていたから帰ってきたのではない
Don’t despise a man just because he is poor.
Never look down on a man just because of his poverty.
Don't judge a man solely based on his poverty.
A person's poverty should not be a reason for contempt.



Cormorant fishing, or ukai, found in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu, is a popular seasonal tourist attraction.
Cormorant fishing, known as ukai, a seasonal tourist attraction, is popular in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu.
Cormorant fishing, referred to as ukai, is a favored seasonal tourist attraction in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu.
Ukai, or Cormorant fishing, is a well-liked seasonal tourist attraction found in Japan near Kyoto and Gifu.


He has a slight fever. That is why he will not go to the concert.
"Due to his slight fever, he won't be attending the concert."
"His slight fever means he won't make it to the concert."
"Because of his slight fever, he has decided not to go to the concert."
"If he didn't have a slight fever, he would have gone to the concert."
"Were it not for his slight fever, he'd be at the concert."
"In the absence of his slight fever, he'd have been able to attend the concert."
"Despite his slight fever, he won't be going to the concert."
"Although he has a slight fever, his decision is not to attend the concert."
"His slight fever notwithstanding, he's chosen to skip the concert."



The time will come when we can go by train from Nagoya to Tokyo in an hour.
The time will come when we can cover the distance from Nagoya to Tokyo in an hour by train.
There will be a time when traveling by train from Nagoya to Tokyo in an hour becomes possible.
A time will arrive when we can reach Tokyo from Nagoya in an hour by train.


John , who is from New York, really likes this place.
John, hailing from New York, has a strong fondness for this place.
This place is greatly liked by John, who originates from New York.
A person who really enjoys this place is John, and he's from New York.


Nowadays the kitchen has become a place where you simply do the cooking and wash-up and nothing else.
Nowadays, the kitchen serves only for cooking and washing up, devoid of any other purpose.
The kitchen today is solely utilized for cooking and washing up, with no additional functions.
In recent times, the kitchen is merely a space for cooking and washing dishes without any other activities.


The town in which the international conference was held last year is near the lake.
The town where the international conference occurred last year is located near the lake.
Near the lake lies the town where the international conference took place last year.
The town hosting last year's international conference is close to the lake.



“Why do you skip lunch every day?”
“That’s how I lose weight.”
“Why do you skip lunch every day?”
“That’s my method for losing weight.”
“Skipping lunch is how I manage to lose weight.”


The way in which political campaigns are conducted varies widely from country to country.
Political campaigns are conducted in diverse ways across different countries.
The conduct of political campaigns varies significantly from country to country.
There's a wide-ranging difference in how political campaigns are carried out from one country to another.


He must have had some accident on the way, or he would have been here by now.
He likely encountered an accident on the way; otherwise, he would have arrived here by now.
He must have faced an accident on the way, or else he would have reached here by now.
If he hadn't encountered an accident on the way, he would have been here already.


You have to hurry if you want to go with them.
You need to hurry if you intend to join them.
If you want to go with them, you have to hurry.
To accompany them, you must hurry.


Although it rained, everyone had a good time.
Despite the rain, everyone had a great time.
Everyone had a great time despite the rain.
The rain didn't hinder everyone from having a good time.


As I overslept, I missed the bus.
Due to oversleeping, I missed the bus.
Missing the bus resulted from oversleeping.
I missed the bus because I overslept.


Write down this phone number beforeyou forget .
Before you forget, make sure to write down this phone number.
Write down this phone number before it slips your mind.
Don't forget to jot down this phone number.


The children were so excited by the prospect of going to the zoo that we could not keep them quiet.
The children were so enthusiastic about the prospect of going to the zoo that we couldn't quiet them down.
The anticipation of going to the zoo had the children so excited that we couldn't calm them.
The children were too thrilled about the idea of going to the zoo, making it impossible for us to keep them quiet.



Don’t despise a man just because he is poor.
Never look down on a man just because of his poverty.
Don't judge a man solely based on his poverty.
A person's poverty should not be a reason for contempt.


Ⅰ. 2文合成
☆ 主格
I know an American .
He speaks Japanese well.
➪ I know an American who speaks Japanese well.
(a) She has a son who lives in Tokyo.
(b) She has two sons who live in Tokyo.

☆ 目的格
The steak was good.
I ate it yesterday.
➪ The steak which I ate yesterday was good.
=The steak I ate yesterday was good.

Ⅱ. whose
⑴ He was reading a book . I didn't know its title.
 ➪ He was reading a book whose title I didn't know.
⑵ He was reading a book . I didn't know the title of the book .
 ➪ He was reading a book the title of which I didn't know.

Ⅲ. 関係代名詞 & 関係副詞
次の空所はwhich かwhere か?
★ This is the place (   ) I lived.
*空所にwhich は不可。
I lived the place.とは言えない。
live が自動詞。
正解はwhere か in which。
★ This is the place (   ) I visited.
*関係副詞where は不可。
visit は他動詞で I visited the place. と言える。
よってwhich が正解。

 ❑ 関係代名詞  ➪ 不完全文
 ❑ 関係副詞   ➪ 完全文

Ⅳ. < 前置詞+関係代名詞 >
1. 右側の動詞部分に注目し,熟語を見抜く  
  ☞ be successful in
Poor planning may result in choosing a job in which you will not be truly successful.
 (1) Poor planning may result in choosing a job.
 (2) You will not be truly successful in the job.

2. 左側の先行詞に注目し,熟語を見抜く  
  ☞ under the conditions
The conditions under which these works were created were usually of a most difficult kind.
 (1) The conditions were usually of a most difficult kind.
 (2) These works were created under the conditions. * under the condition = under them

3. 右側の動詞と左側の先行詞の両方を見て見抜く
  ☞ talk with
She is the girl with whom I talked yesterday.
 (1) She is the girl.
 (2) I talked with her yesterday.
◆ 一般に関係副詞=前置詞+関係代名詞と言える
☆ where =in[at, on] which
☆ when =in[at, on] which
☆ why =for which
☆ how =in which
 China is a country which I want to visit.
 =China is a country where I want to live.
 =China is a country (which) I want to live in.
 =China is a country in which I want to live.

Ⅴ. 継続用法
(1) I said nothing, which made him still more angry.
 ➪ I said nothing, and it made him still more angry.

(2) I respect his father, who is a great scholar.
 ➪ I respect his father, for he is a great scholar.

(3) Alice, who is the brightest girl in the class, solved it.
 ➪ Alice, because she is the brightest girl in the class, solved it.

(4) He spoke English and French, neither of which I could understand.
 ➪ He spoke English and French, but I could understand neither of them.

(5) I went into the restaurant, where I happened to meet her.
 ➪ I went into the restaurant, and there I happened to meet her.

Ⅵ. 〔関係形容詞〕
❑ what〈関係形容詞〉「少ないながらもすべての〜」
 He gave me what little money he had.

❑ which〈関係形容詞〉「その〜」
 The letter was written in French, which language I do not understand.
 =The letter was written in French, and I do not understand the language.

Ⅶ. I think (believe/suppose)
I saw a woman who (I thought) was a friend of my mothers.
<who/which+SV+V’X> 構造を
SV を〈挿入〉と考えて
Do what (you think)is right.
Which is the girl whom (you said)he was going out with ?

Ⅷ. 文または文の一部を先行詞とする関係詞
(1) Her father returned home from abroad, which made her very glad.

(2) She said she had no money, which was a lie.

(3) I advised him to give up drinking, which he never did.

(4) As is often the case with Nancy, she was late for school again.

(1) Jane is the only one of her family that has no love for rock music.
 ジェーンは家族の中でロックが好きではないただ1 人の人間だ。

(2) He knows that way of speaking which attracts everyone.

Ⅸ. 関係代名詞 than
He does not have the money. + The money is needed.
(a) He does not have the money which is needed.
(b) He does not have more money than is needed.

(1) He has more money than he had last year.
(2) I have more money than I can spend.

Ⅹ. 複合関係詞 whoever・whomever
◆ 〔名詞節〕
 (1) You may invite to the party whoever likes to come .
 (2) He spoke to whomever he met.

◆ 〔副詞節〕
whoever (=no matter who) …「誰が〜しても」
whomever (=no matter whom) …「誰に(を)〜しても」
 Whoever comes, I won't let him in.
 Whomever she invites , she is very kind to him.

Ⅺ. 連鎖関係詞
❑ whenever ~ (=no matter when ~) 「いつ〜しても」
❑ wherever ~ (=no matter where ~) 「どこに〜しても」
(1) He'll give you advice whenever you ask for it.
(2) Sit wherever you like.

〔名詞節〕 「〜するものはどちらでも」
(1) Take whichever you like.
(2) You may use whichever dictionary there is on the desk.

〔副詞節〕 「どちらが(を)〜しても」= no matter which ~
(1) Whichever wins, I'll be happy.
(2) Whichever side wins, I'll be happy.

(1) I will do whatever I can do for you.
(2) Please sing whatever song you know.

「どんな…が〜しても」(=no matter what ~)
(1) Whatever you ( may ) say, I don't believe you.
(2) Whatever language you study, you cannot master it in a short time.
no ~ whatever「少しの~もない」<否定の強調>
I know nothing whatever about it.

「どんな方法で〜しても」(=no matter how)
(1) The novel, however interesting ( it is ), is not good for children.
(2) However we ( may ) go, we must get there by seven.
 どんな方法で行くにしても,7 時までにそこに着かねばならない。
(3) However often you ( may ) try that way, you will not succeed.
cf.) 論理接続の副詞「しかしながら」
 Air travel is fast; sea travel is, however, restful.

◆ 複合関係詞 まとめ
⑴ 複合関係代名詞 ➪ 名詞節
whoever(whomever), whichever, whatever
Whatever has a beginning has an end.
The club admits whoever pays the entry fee.
Don’t tell it to whomever you don’t trust.
Choose whichever you think better.

⑵ 複合関係代名詞・複合関係副詞 ➪ 副詞節
whoever(whomever), whichever, whatever
whenever, wherever, however
Whoever may come, tell him I’m out.
=No matter who may come, tell him I’m out.
Whatever may happen, I will never change my mind.
= No matter what may happen, I will never change my mind.
Whenever you may visit him, you will find him studying.
= No matter when you may visit him, you will find him studying.
However hard he may try, he will not succeed.
= No matter how hard he may try, he will not succeed.



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 英文法5分ドリル【関係詞・接続詞】③

© My Best Pro