TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文記事を読む:大谷選手2年連続 MVP!  米国メディア報道:Was Shohei Ohtani Just a Dream?

2023年11月17日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




New Yorker の記事に語彙リストと日本語訳をつけました。

Was Shohei Ohtani Just a Dream?

This past season, he was baseball’s best hitter and, impossibly, its best pitcher, too. And then he got hurt.
By Louisa Thomas

September 23, 2023 Even now, a month later, it has the quality of a dream. In the second game of a doubleheader, the pitcher from the day’s first game stands in the batter’s box. He is a right-handed hurler, perhaps the most unhittable pitcher in baseball. And he is a left-handed slugger, the league leader in home runs. He is tall, six feet four, but ideally proportioned—baseball’s Vitruvian Man. He is nearing thirty but seems ageless; his face is as smooth as his swing.

In the day’s first game, his outing on the mound had ended early, after an inning and a third—his velocity was down, the shape of his pitches not quite right. He still struck out two and crushed a four-hundred-and-forty-two-foot home run, his forty-fourth of the season. Now, in the fifth inning of the nightcap, he settles into his stance. The Cincinnati Reds lead the Los Angeles Angels, 4–1, but no one cares much about the score, or about anything, really, except the man at the plate, Shohei Ohtani. The pitch comes: Ohtani taps his toes, coils his hips, readies his hands, and strokes a line drive into right field. He flies around first and easily slides into second.

In a break between pitches, the Reds’ rookie shortstop, Elly De La Cruz—a phenom who’d hit a towering three-run homer and a three-run triple in the opening game, after Ohtani left the mound—walks over to Ohtani and playfully pokes him in the arm several times, as if to confirm that Ohtani is real. Ohtani laughs, and returns the compliment.

Baseball is a game of moments, and many of the most memorable moments this season have belonged to Ohtani. Ohtani, pitching for Japan, striking out his Angels teammate Mike Trout, who was playing for the United States, on a full count, to win the World Baseball Classic, in late March. Ohtani hitting two home runs while also striking out ten batters, in June. Ohtani, in July, throwing a one-hit shutout in the first game of a doubleheader and hitting two home runs in the second. The quality of his home runs, too—coming off the barrel at more than a hundred miles an hour, accompanied by a perfect, reverberating sound. The hundred-mile-an-hour fastballs, the big sweeping curves, the barrage of broken records, almost comic in their specificity and their frequency: the first player to hit two home runs and throw a shutout on the same day, the first player to hit forty home runs and record ten wins in a season. Two-thirds of the way through the season, he was leading the league in not only home runs but also triples—something only two players in history have accomplished.

And he seemed to be getting better. In 2021, he won the American League most-valuable-player award unanimously, mostly for his offensive production. In 2022, he came in second, to Aaron Judge—who was rewarded for catching Roger Maris’s home-run mark—but in fact had an even more impressive season than he’d had the year before, on account of his improvements as a pitcher. He arrived in the major leagues with a fastball and a nasty splitter; he now commands seven pitches—and they all have different complexions, depending on what the situation requires. Always a reliable and powerful hitter, he has become the leagues’ most productive offensive player. Simply being a credible pitcher and a credible hitter would have been incredible enough—according to a Baseball Prospectus analysis of the best two-way players since 1900, only a handful of Negro League players pitched and hit regularly for a sustained period. Not until Ohtani, who has reached another plane altogether, competing not with the greats of today’s game, or even the ghosts of the game’s long past, but, rather, with what should be considered possible.

Now the regular season is ending and the postseason is beginning—without the Angels, who, as is their habit, wasted the talent of Ohtani and his superstar teammate Trout, fading from playoff contention after the trade deadline. And the moment I can’t stop thinking about isn’t a blast from the plate or a heater from the mound. It’s Ohtani’s encounter with De La Cruz at second base. Is he real? Yes, the answer came with a laugh. Too real, perhaps: flesh and blood, bone and tissue. There had already been, from time to time this season, indications that Ohtani was human—he suffered broken fingernails, blisters, fatigue. When he joked with De la Cruz, he knew something that the rest of us learned only later: during the first game that day, he had torn his ulnar collateral ligament, a thin band of tissue on the inside of the elbow which keeps the joint stable. This was a disaster: U.C.L. injuries often require medical intervention, and for baseball players, usually what’s known as Tommy John surgery, and that would keep him off the mound for at least a year, with no guarantee of a full recovery. He will soon be a free agent, and the injury might cost him tens of millions of dollars, if not much more. And yet, instead of retreating into regret or anger, he insisted on batting in the second game, in his usual spot as the designated hitter, and the news wasn’t announced until later. Instead of brushing off De La Cruz, he smiled.

How? Maybe the injury didn’t come as a surprise—he’d experienced the same one in 2018; he had Tommy John surgery, and didn’t pitch for a year. Like everyone else in baseball, he knows the risks involved in throwing a ball at or beyond the threshold of human physiognomy. (Researchers once looked into the amount of force that major-league pitchers generate on their shoulders. They used cadavers for the test and found that the force a cadaver’s shoulder could withstand before the joint broke was less than the kind of forces they measured when pitchers threw.) Even a young, healthy arm is taxed to an unfathomable degree. “There’s long-standing evidence that a fastball at ninety-four miles per hour gets close to the maximum load a normal U.C.L. can withstand,” David Altchek, an orthopedist at the Hospital for Special Surgery and the medical director for the New York Mets, told me. Velocities have risen too rapidly for medical studies to keep up, but, anecdotally, U.C.L. tears are becoming more common, particularly among hard throwers. USA Today recently reported that, of the sixty-four hardest-throwing pitchers this season, nearly half had either undergone Tommy John surgery to repair their U.C.L. or were about to.

Ohtani came back after his first Tommy John surgery, of course. And he did what he must have felt he needed to do: throw harder and harder, despite the risk. He trained with weighted balls, which are known to help increase pitch velocity but which also, according to what limited evidence there is, put the elbow under extra stress. (Altchek, who was careful not to say anything about Ohtani’s particular situation, told me, of such training, “After reconstruction, I would be loath to use that ever again.”) This past season, Ohtani’s fastball averaged close to ninety-seven miles per hour; it was almost a hundred when Ohtani faced Team U.S.A. during the World Baseball Classic. He sometimes throws a hundred and one. One analyst ranked him as the second best strikeout artist in the league. His workload increased, too: in the past, he’d pitched in a six-man rotation. This year, he pitched every sixth day. And it seemed to work. But he admitted to some additional fatigue, and there were times when the team adjusted the schedule to give him a little extra rest. The adjustments were minor, considering the herculean task. He was taking practice swings when most pitchers ice and rest.

What did he think about all this? We don’t really know—he rarely gives interviews. We know that he ranks sleeping as one of his primary activities and likes to make omelettes, that he sometimes plays Clash Royale online with his teammates. We know that, when he was a member of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters, in Japan’s professional baseball league, it took an unconventional coach to allow a skinny eighteen-year-old to hit and pitch, and that, in America, it took another unconventional coach to allow Ohtani to do so without restrictions. Even after he showed that he could succeed as both a pitcher and a hitter, plenty of smart people wondered what heights he could reach if he focussed on only one task. It took imagination to think that he might get better at each of his tasks by doing both. And it took faith to imagine that he could do it without too high a cost.

He has become an avatar for the game’s global ambitions, and major-league baseball’s dream of renewed relevance. After decades of hand-wringing about the gloomy state of the national pastime, the league has tried to make the game faster, crisper, more highlight-friendly. To an extent, these efforts have worked. Television ratings show mixed results, but attendance is up, after years of decline. Ohtani has something to do with this. Through July, his nine road starts as a pitcher were attended by an average of nearly four thousand more fans than the host teams usually drew.

Then he was gone. For a couple of weeks after that doubleheader in August, he kept hitting, but an oblique injury put him on the injured list, and finally the team shut him down. He underwent his second Tommy John surgery. After the season, he will become a free agent. Before the injury, people speculated about a six-hundred-million-dollar contract. Some team might still pay him half a billion dollars, even if the plan is to have him only hit next season and resume pitching, if all goes well, in 2025. His value to a team and to the majors is far higher. He is in that tiny echelon of athletes who not only transcend a sport but transform it. He has been called Japan’s Babe Ruth, but he is better than Ruth was. Like Ruth, though, his dreamlike season is a memory now.

● quality - 質
● dream - 夢
● game - 試合
● pitcher - 投手
● right-handed - 右投げ
● hurler - 投げ手
● left - 左
● batter - 打者
● league leader - リーグリーダー
● home run - 本塁打
● tall - 長
● proportion - サイズ
● feet - フィート
● size - サイズ
● batter’s box - バッターボックス
● strikeout - 三振
● four-hundred-and-forty-two feet - 四百四十二フィート
● fly - フライ
● line drive - ラインドライブ
● right field - 右翼
● first base - 一塁
● second base - 二塁
● rookie - ルーキー
● phenom - 現象
● triple - トリプル
● baseball - 野球
● classic - クラシック
● versus - 対
● world - 世界
● player - 選手
● game end - 試合終了
● designated hitter - 打者ボックス
● condition - 調子
● record - 記録
● fastball - 速球
● curve - カーブ
● broken records - 断片
● league - リーグ
● triples - トリプルスリー
● leader - リーダー
● history - 歴史
● home run - ホーマーラン
● shutout - 完封
● perfect - 完璧
● sound - 音
● mile - マイル
● miles per hour - 時速
● bat - バット
● pitching - 投球
● swept - 発散
● contract - 契約
● upgrade - アップグレード
● training - トレーニング
● baseball - ベースボール
● pitch velocity - 球速
● body - 体
● joint - 関節
● surgery - 手術
● rehabilitation - リハビリ
● process - プロセス
● release - リリース
● risap - ライザップ
● pitcher - ピッチャー
● ball - ボール
● game - 試合
● load - 負荷
● average - 平均
● training - 訓練
● scientific - 科学的
● evidence - 証拠
● shoulder - 肩
● experiment - 実験
● muscle - 筋
● break - 破壊
● strength - 強度
● withstand - 抵抗
● change - 変化
● increase - 増加
● risk - リスク
● maximum - 最大
● burden - 負担
● restriction - 制限
● realization - 実現


今でも、1か月後でも、それは夢のような質を持っています。 ダブルヘッダーの2番目のゲームで、その日の最初の試合の投手がバッターズボックスに立っています。彼は右投げの投手であり、おそらく野球界で最も打ちにくい投手です。そして、彼は左打者の強打者であり、本塁打のリーグリーダーです。彼は背が高く、6フィート4インチありますが、理想的な体比率です——野球のビトルビアン・マンです。彼は30歳に近づいていますが、年齢を感じさせません。彼の顔は彼のスイングと同じくらい滑らかです。


投球間の休憩中、レッズの新人ショートストップ、エリー・デ・ラ・クルスは、大谷に歩み寄り、大谷が本物であることを確認するかのように腕を何度か軽く poke します。大谷は笑い、お返しします。



今やレギュラーシーズンは終わり、ポストシーズンが始まります—エンゼルスはプレーオフ争いから後退し、その悪いクセ通り、大谷と彼のスーパースターチームメイトのトラウトの才能を無駄にしてしまいました。そして私が考え続けられない瞬間は、板についた強打やマウンドからの速球ではありません。それは大谷翔平とデ・ラ・クルスの2塁ベースでの出会いです。彼は本物ですか? はい、笑いながら答えが出ました。あまりにもリアル過ぎるかもしれません:肉と血、骨と組織。このシーズン、大谷が人間であることを示す兆候が時折ありました—爪が割れたり、水ぶくれができたり、疲れたりしました。デ・ラ・クルスとのジョークの時に、彼は後で私たちが後で知ることになることを知っていました:その日の最初の試合で、彼は肘の内側にある薄い組織である尺骨側副靱帯を断裂させていたのです。これは災難でした:U.C.L.の怪我は通常、医学的介入が必要であり、野球選手にとっては通常、トミージョン手術と呼ばれるものであり、それにより最低1年間はマウンドを離れなければならず、完全な回復の保証はありません。彼は間もなくフリーエージェントになり、その怪我は彼に何千万ドル、それ以上の損失をもたらすかもしれません。それでも、後悔や怒りに陥る代わりに、彼は通常通りデザイネイテッドヒッターとして2番目の試合に打席に立つことを主張し、そのニュースは後で発表されました。デ・ラ・クルスを無視する代わりに、彼は微笑んだのです。

どうして? おそらく怪我は驚きではなかったのかもしれません—彼は2018年に同じ怪我を経験しており、トミージョン手術を受け、1年間ピッチングをしませんでした。野球界の他の誰もが知っているように、ボールを人間の身体の限界以上に投げることに伴うリスクを彼も知っています。 (研究者たちはかつて、メジャーリーグの投手が肩に生成する力の量を調べました。彼らはテストに死体を使用し、投手が投げる時に測定された力が、関節が壊れる前に死体の肩が耐えられる力よりも少なかったことを発見しました。)若くて健康な腕でも、信じられないほど負担がかかります。 「94マイルの速球は通常のU.C.L.が耐えられる最大の負荷に近づくことの長期にわたる証拠があります」と、ニューヨーク・メッツの医療ディレクターであるスペシャルサージャリー病院の整形外科医、デビッド・アルチェックは私に語りました。速度は医学的研究が追いつく速さで上昇しており、経験的には、特にハードスロアーの間でU.C.L.の断裂がより一般的になっています。USAトゥデイは最近、今シーズンの最も速い64人の投手のうち、ほぼ半数がU.C.L.を修復するためのトミージョン手術を受けたか、受ける予定であることを報じています。

大谷はもちろん、初めてのトミー・ジョン手術の後に戻ってきた。そして、彼が自分が必要だと感じたことをした:リスクがあるにも関わらず、ますますハードに投げ続けること。彼はウェイトボールでトレーニングを行いました。これは球速を増加させるのに役立つことが知られていますが、限られた証拠によると、肘に余分なストレスをかける可能性もあります。(Ohtaniの特定の状況については慎重に何も言わないようにしていたAltchekは、「再建手術後、そのような方法をもう二度と使いたくない」と私に語った。)この前のシーズン、大谷の速球の平均は約97マイルでした。ワールドベースボールクラシックでTeam USAと対戦したときにはほぼ100マイルでした。彼は時々101マイルを投げます。あるアナリストは彼をリーグで2番目に優れた三振アーティストと評価しました。彼のワークロードも増えました。過去には6人ローテーションで投げていましたが、今年は6日ごとに投げました。そして、それはうまくいったようです。しかし、彼は追加の疲労を認めましたし、チームがスケジュールを調整して彼に少し余裕を持たせることもありました。その調整は、ヘラクレスのような仕事を考えると些細なものでした。彼は、ほとんどの投手がアイスと休息を取る時に練習スイングをしていました。

これについて彼はどう考えていたのでしょうか? 実際、私たちはほとんど知りません - 彼は滅多にインタビューを受けません。彼は睡眠を自分の主要な活動の1つと考え、オムレツを作るのが好きだと知っています。時々、彼はチームメイトとオンラインでClash Royaleをプレイします。彼が日本のプロ野球リーグ、北海道日本ハムファイターズの一員だったとき、スキニーな18歳の彼に打撃と投球を許可したのは非伝統的なコーチであり、アメリカでは、制限なしで大谷にそれを許可したのもまた別の非伝統的なコーチでした。彼が投手としても打者としても成功できることを証明した後も、多くの賢い人々が彼が1つのタスクに集中した場合にどれだけの高みに到達できるか疑問に思っていました。彼が両方を行うことでそれぞれのタスクでより良くなる可能性を考えるには想像力が必要でした。そして、高いコストなしにそれを行えると想像するには信念が必要でした。





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