TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英文記事を読む:性別変更の手術要件は違憲 日本の最高裁が決定

2023年11月16日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新







Do the benefits of legalizing same sex marriage outweigh its disadvantages?

The question of whether the benefits of legalizing same-sex marriage outweigh its disadvantages is a matter of perspective and opinion. It's important to note that the perceived benefits and disadvantages of legalizing same-sex marriage can vary depending on one's beliefs, values, and cultural context. Here are some common arguments made on both sides:

Benefits of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage:

Equality and Human Rights:
Many proponents argue that legalizing same-sex marriage is a matter of equality and human rights. It allows LGBTQ+ individuals to enjoy the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual couples.

Social Acceptance:
Legal recognition of same-sex marriage can help reduce stigma and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. It sends a message that same-sex relationships are equal and valid.

Economic Benefits:
Marriage can provide economic benefits, such as tax advantages, inheritance rights, and access to spousal health benefits, which can improve the financial well-being of same-sex couples.

Stability and Commitment:
Marriage is often associated with commitment and stability in relationships, and legalizing same-sex marriage can promote healthier and more stable family units.

Disadvantages or Concerns about Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage:

Religious and Cultural Beliefs:
Some individuals and religious groups oppose same-sex marriage on religious or cultural grounds, believing that marriage should be exclusively between a man and a woman.

Impact on Traditional Marriage:
Critics argue that redefining marriage to include same-sex couples may have unintended consequences for traditional marriage or societal values.

Freedom of Religion and Conscience:
Concerns are raised about potential conflicts between same-sex marriage and religious freedom, particularly for individuals or businesses with religious objections to same-sex unions.

Legal and Educational Issues:
Some opponents argue that legalizing same-sex marriage may have implications for education, adoption, and other areas, raising concerns about how children are taught about marriage and family.
It's important to recognize that the legalization of same-sex marriage has occurred in many countries and regions around the world, and in many cases, the perceived benefits have been celebrated while the disadvantages have not materialized as feared by opponents. Public opinion on this issue varies widely, and the balance between benefits and disadvantages is a subject of ongoing debate and discussion.
Ultimately, whether one believes the benefits outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa often depends on one's values, beliefs, and personal perspective on marriage and LGBTQ+ rights. Society and lawmakers make decisions on this issue based on the prevailing social and political climate and legal considerations.

● benefits - 利点
● legalizing - 合法化する
● same-sex marriage - 同性結婚
● outweigh - 上回る
● disadvantages - 不利な点
● perspective - 視点
● opinion - 意見
● perceived - 認識された
● equality - 平等
● human rights - 人権
● social acceptance - 社会的受け入れ
● stigma - 社会的汚名
● discrimination - 差別
● economic benefits - 経済的利益
● tax advantages - 税制上の優遇
● inheritance rights - 相続権
● stability - 安定性
● commitment - コミットメント
● traditional marriage - 伝統的な結婚
● religious and cultural beliefs - 宗教と文化的な信念
● freedom of religion - 宗教の自由
● conscience - 良心
● legal and educational issues - 法律と教育に関する問題
● implications - 含意
● adoption - 養子縁組
● prevailing - 支配的な
● ongoing - 継続中の
● debate and discussion - 議論と討論
● balance - バランス
● values - 価値観
● beliefs - 信念
● perspective - 視点
● LGBTQ+ rights - LGBTQ+ の権利
● lawmakers - 法律家







BBC 2023/10/26

Japan's top court says trans sterilisation requirement unconstitutional

Japan's Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional to require citizens to be sterilised before they can officially change genders.
The 2004 law said people could only change their gender if they have no reproductive capacity.
Wednesday's ruling came after a transgender woman filed a petition challenging the law.
Rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) had called the law "abusive and outdated".
It celebrated Wednesday's ruling, calling it an "important victory for transgender rights in Japan".
"This judgement upholds the rights to health, privacy and bodily autonomy of trans people in Japan," Kanae Doi, Japan Director at HRW told the BBC. "It follows years of advocacy and litigation to remove this abusive... requirement."
The ruling reverses a 2019 verdict by the court which found the same law constitutional.
Japan is one of 18 countries that mandate the sterilisation surgery - a requirement that is also opposed by the World Health Organization. It is also the only Group of Seven (G7) nation that does not legally recognise same-sex unions.
The woman's lawyer had argued that her reproductive ability has already been diminished by years of hormone therapy, adding that surgery entailed physical suffering and the risk of after-effects.
Her request was denied by both the family and high court before she approached the Supreme Court.
But some groups opposed to the law being changed had argued that if people were allowed to change their registered gender without surgery, it could result in women feeling unsafe. They also argued that it could cause legal confusion.

● sterilised: 不妊化手術を受ける
● official change genders: 公式に性別を変更する
● reproductive capacity: 生殖能力
● transgender woman: トランスジェンダーの女性
● abusive and outdated: 虐待的で時代遅れ
● transgender rights: トランスジェンダーの権利
● judgement: 判決
● health, privacy, and bodily autonomy: 健康、プライバシー、身体の自律権
● advocacy and litigation: 提唱と訴訟
● constitutional: 憲法に合致する
● mandate: 義務付ける
● world health organization: 世界保健機関
● legal recognition: 法的に認識
● hormone therapy: ホルモン療法
● physical suffering: 身体的な苦痛
● after-effects: 影響
● family court: 家庭裁判所
● high court: 高等裁判所
● legal confusion: 法的な混乱
● conservative sections: 保守的な部分
● opinion polls: 世論調査
● lgbtq-friendly laws: lgbtqに対する友好的な法律
● local family court: 地元の家庭裁判所
● article 13 of the constitution: 憲法第13条
● respected as individuals: 個人として尊重される

未成年の性別違和治療禁止法、連邦地裁が無効判断 米アーカンソー州
スペイン、性別変更手続きを簡易化 有給の生理休暇も導入へ

October 25, 2023
TOKYO, Oct 24 (Thomson Reuters Foundation)
An unprecedented ruling by a Japanese court this month is buoying hopes in the transgender community that a national law requiring sterilisation for official gender changes could be struck down by the Supreme Court this week.
Japan, the only Group of Seven nation that does not legally recognise same-sex unions, also forces anyone wanting to officially change their gender to have surgery to remove the sexual organs they were born with – a practice Human Rights Watch criticised as “outdated and abusive”.
But on Oct. 12, a family court found in favour of Gen Suzuki, a trans man who filed suit demanding to be officially listed as male without surgery, ruling the requirement unconstitutional.
Trans people like me now have a choice, Suzuki told a news conference at the time. “We want to choose what happens to our bodies ourselves.”
The ruling, the first such by any Japanese court, came as the country’s Supreme Court is considering a similar case brought by a trans woman.
A decision is expected on Wednesday and could result in the requirement for surgery being revoked.
This ruling is good. It shows that awareness that requiring surgery is a human rights violation has spread throughout society, Masataka Masaki, a trans man and representative of activist group ESTO, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
I believe this may influence the Supreme Court, but it depends on the judges.
While gay sex has been legal in Japan since 1880, social attitudes mean many in the LGBTQ+ community have long opted for invisibility – even some bar owners in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ni-chome gay district are not out to their families.
Awareness of trans people in Japan grew in the late 1990s with medical recognition of Gender Identity Disorder (GID).
The 2003 GID Special Cases Act allowed legal gender changes, but only if the person was diagnosed with GID, was unmarried and had no children who were still minors, in addition to surgery.
In a 2019 case brought by a trans man, the Supreme Court ruled that requiring surgery was constitutional.
Up until then, genders were divided biologically into male and female, and so doing away with that was likely seen as causing possible social confusion, said Takayoshi Okada, a constitutional law specialist at the Prefectural University of Hiroshima.
But judges in that case also raised human rights concerns in what Okada said may have been a message to the government that change was needed, and could foreshadow what he said could well be a positive outcome in the pending case, especially given the decision in favour of Suzuki.
Another sign that the Supreme Court may rule against the requirement for surgery is that it is being heard by the Grand Bench of all its 15 judges.
This is something that happens when precedent may be overturned, Okada said.
A Justice Ministry official said the 2019 case had found the surgery rule was constitutional, but declined to say more.
Socially, much has changed since then.
An opinion poll this year found a majority of Japanese in favour of same-sex marriage.
A 2021 survey of local government officials said nearly all had no objections to a trans colleague and 70% were more-or-less fine with official gender changes without surgery.
Legally, the situation has been more mixed.
Last year, a Tokyo court ruled that only the child of a trans woman born before she went through surgical and legal transition could be recognised legally as her child, while the child born after her transition could not be.
In June, a law to promote understanding of the LGBTQ+ community drew fire from all sides, with LGBTQ+ activists saying it lacked rights guarantees and opponents calling it too permissive.
One ruling party lawmaker raised fears of crimes “by impersonators in women’s restrooms”.
The law also fed a wave of anti-trans feeling.
Activists’ offices received hate mail, and a group of 100 ruling party lawmakers formed a group to “protect women’s safety and guarantee fairness in women’s sports”.
Masaki said a sense of fear was being deliberately fanned.
The stakes for the trans community, especially its young, are high.
Some 52.4% of transgender and nonbinary people aged 18-29 who took part in a 2023 survey by the Nippon Foundation, a private charity, said they had contemplated suicide compared to 39.4% of cis-gendered men – or those comfortable with their sex assigned at birth – and 47.9% cis-gendered women.
Many trans people in their teens and 20s die by suicide, so making a world where they don’t feel they need to die is important, Masaki said.
The whole idea of getting rid of the surgery requirement is linked to this.
I believe this may influence the Supreme Court, but it depends on the judges.

● official gender changes: 公式な性別変更
● sterilization: 不妊化
● supreme court: 最高裁判所
● transgender community: トランスジェンダーコミュニティ
● same-sex unions: 同性結婚
● sexual organs: 性器
● human rights watch: ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ
● outdated: 時代遅れ
● abusive: 虐待的
● family court: 家庭裁判所
● trans man: トランスジェンダーの男性
● unconstitutional: 違憲
● trans people: トランスジェンダーの人々
● news conference: 記者会見
● ruling: 判決
● awareness: 意識
● GID (Gender Identity Disorder): GID(性同一性障害)
● special cases act: 特例法
● constitutional: 憲法に合致している
● precedent: 先例
● constitutional law specialist: 憲法法専門家
● justice ministry official: 法務省の役人
● opinion poll: 世論調査
● local government officials: 地方自治体職員
● understanding: 理解
● permissive: 寛容
● impersonators: なりすまし者
● restrooms: トイレ
● activists: 活動家
● hate mail: 憎悪の手紙
● suicide: 自殺
● cis-gendered: cis-gendered(生まれたときの性別に快適である)
● nippon foundation: nippon foundation(日本財団)

Japan, グループ・オブ・セブンの国で唯一、同性結婚を法的に認識していない国であり、また、性別を公式に変更したい人に対して、生まれ持った性器を摘出する手術を受けることを要求しています。これは人権団体ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチが「時代遅れで虐待的」と非難した実践です。
しかし、10月12日、家庭裁判所は、手術を受けずに公式に男性として登録されることを求めたトランスジェンダーの男性であるGen Suzukiのために有利な判決を下し、この要件は違憲であると判定しました。
「この判決は良いものです。手術が人権侵害であるという意識が社会全体に広まっていることを示しています。」と、活動家団体ESTOの代表であるトランスジェンダーの男性であるMasataka Masakiは、Thomson Reuters Foundationに語りました。
2023年にNippon Foundation(私立慈善団体)が実施した調査によれば、18~29歳のトランスジェンダーおよびノンバイナリーの人々の52.4%が自殺を考えたと回答しました。これは、性別が生まれたときに割り当てられた性別に快適であるcis-genderedの男性の39.4%やcis-genderedの女性の47.9%よりも高い数字です。



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TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  7. 英文記事を読む:性別変更の手術要件は違憲 日本の最高裁が決定

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