TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


大学入試 アウトプット 英単語 ④

2023年11月5日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




対象の大学レベルは国公立・早慶・MARCH 等です。


The old man looked (    ) with the boy's performance.

The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
=The old man appeared delighted by the boy’s performance.
=The boy's performance brought a smile to the old man's face.
▸ pleased「喜んで」 ◂ 「喜ばされて」


John isn't a bad boy. If (    ), he's a pretty good one.

John isn’t a bad boy. If anything, he’s a pretty good one.
=John isn't a bad kid. In fact, he's quite a good one.
=If you ask me, John is a pretty good boy.
▸ if anything「どちらかと言えば」


The final game made me so (     ) that I could not remain seated.

The final game made me so excited that I could not remain seated.
=The last game filled me with such excitement that I couldn't sit still.
=I was so thrilled by the final game that I couldn't stay in my seat.
▸ excited「わくわくして」 ◂ 「興奮させられて」


She (    ) not give up smoking, although I told her to many times.

She would not give up smoking, although I told her to many times
=I repeatedly told her to quit smoking, but she refused.
=No matter how many times I advised her to quit, she wouldn't give up smoking.


約80,000 席の収容力があります。
The new stadium is very big. It has a seating (    ) of about 80,000.

The new stadium is very big. It has a seating capacity of about 80,000.
=The new stadium is massive, with a seating capacity of around 80,000.
=This stadium is huge, and it can accommodate approximately 80,000 people.
▸ capacity 「(部屋・建物・乗り物等の) 収容能力」


The daughters took (    ) helping their mother cook.

The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.
=The daughters alternated in assisting their mother with cooking.
=They shared the responsibility of helping their mother cook, taking turns.
▸ take turns (in/at) doing「交代で…する」


The position was filled by a man (    ) she thought was thoroughly competent.

The position was filled by a man who [that] she thought was thoroughly competent.
=She believed the man who filled the position was highly competent.
=In her opinion, the person who took the position was exceptionally skilled.
▸ 〈連鎖関係詞節〉と呼ばれる構造
空所直後のshe thought を挿入と考え
was に対する主語の機能を果たす語を


It (    ) to be seen whether or not the operation was successful.

It remains to be seen whether or not the operation was successful.
=Whether the operation was successful or not is still uncertain.
=We don't know yet if the operation was a success or not.
▸ remain to be done「まだ…されていない」
  (=have yet to be done, be yet to be done)


That girl (    ) the red sweat suit runs around the track every morning.

That girl in the red sweat suit runs around the track every morning.
=The girl wearing the red sweat suit jogs around the track every morning.
=Every morning, you can see the girl in the red sweat suit running around the track.
▸ in〈着衣〉を表す用法。


I have no doubt (    ) about his ability.

I have no doubt whatever about his ability.
=I have absolutely no doubt regarding his ability.
=I am completely confident in his capabilities.
▸〈no+名詞〉の後にwhatever, whatsoever


There (    ) many students working part-time.

There are many students working part-time.
=Numerous students are engaged in part-time jobs.
=A significant number of students work part-time.
▸ There is 構文ではbe 動詞の後の名詞を主語と考える。


She (    ) me as a very efficient secretary.

She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
=In my opinion, she comes across as a highly efficient secretary.
=I have the impression that she's an extremely efficient secretary.
▸ strike A as B「A にB の印象を与える」


“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low (    ) but I didn’t know the reason.”

“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
="Bob is feeling down because he lost some money."
="Bob is in a low mood due to his financial loss."
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”
▸ be in low[bad, poor] spirits「機嫌が悪い」
  (=be in a bad mood)


Please help (    ) to some of the cakes on the table.

Please help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
=Feel free to take some of the cakes from the table.
=You're welcome to grab a slice of cake from the table.
▸ help oneself to A「A を自由に取って飲食する」


I tried to solve the problem, (    ) I found a waste of time.

I tried to solve the problem, which I found a waste of time.
=I attempted to solve the problem, but I considered it a time-waster.
=I tried to address the issue, but I thought it was a futile effort.
  先行詞は前文のto solve the problem の内容


Some people like to eat fish (    ).

Some people like to eat fish alive.
=Some individuals enjoy consuming live fish.
=There are people who prefer eating fish while they are still alive.
▸ alive「生きている」


As a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment
(    ) (    ) (    ) learn foreign languages.

As a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment in which to learn foreign languages.
=During his childhood, Derek had access to an optimal environment for learning foreign languages.
=Derek, as a child, was in an ideal setting to acquire foreign language skills.
▸ 前置詞+関代+to do で直前の名詞を修飾する用法がある


列車が到着したとき,私たちは30 分近く待ち続けていた。
We (    ) (    ) (    ) for nearly thirty minutes when the train arrived.

We had been waiting for nearly thirty minutes when the train arrived.
=When the train finally arrived, we had been waiting for almost half an hour.
=We waited for close to thirty minutes before the train showed up.
▸ when 節で示された過去の時点を基点に


It’s not my (    ) if the party is cancelled.

It’s not my fault if the party is cancelled.
=I'm not to blame if the party gets canceled.
=The party being canceled is not my responsibility.
▸ A’s fault「A の責任」blame には所有格がつかない。
〈例〉I’m to blame for it. (私の責任ではない)


“(    ) you succeed!” he said to me.

“May you succeed!” he said to me.
="I wish you success!" he said to me.
=He expressed his hope for your success.
▸ May S do …!〈祈願〉 堅苦しい文語。


I (    ) (    ) (     ) him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.

I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
=I clarified to him that he would need to wait a bit longer for the bus.
=I provided him with an explanation that waiting a little longer for the bus was necessary.
▸ explain A to B「A のことをBに説明する」
  A が長いの場合によく後方に移動する


Some people are fond of going out to the cinema, while (    ) prefer to stay indoors to watch television.

Some people are fond of going out to the cinema, while others prefer to stay
indoors to watch television.
=Some individuals enjoy going to the cinema, whereas others like staying indoors to watch television.
=Going to the movies is favored by some, but there are those who prefer watching TV at home.
▸ some … and others ~
 and はwhile でも可。


The boys decided to fight, but the girls begged them
(    ) (    ).

The boys decided to fight, but the girls begged them not to.
=The boys made the decision to engage in a fight, while the girls pleaded with them to abstain.
=The boys opted for a fight, but the girls implored them not to do so.
▸ 否定の代不定詞はnot to で表す


“Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the (    ) number. This is Mars University.”

“Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the wrong number. This is Mars University.”
="Hello, this is Jane Smith. Is it possible to speak with Mr. Brown?"
="I'm Jane Smith. May I have a word with Mr. Brown, please?"
▸ the wrong A「間違ったA」


(    ) (    ) in your place, I would not forgive him for betraying me.

Were I in your place, I would not forgive him for betraying me.
=If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't forgive him for betraying me.
=If I were in your position, I'd hold a grudge against him for betraying me.
▸ Were I in your place 「君の立場なら」

【音読用 基本英文】

026 The old man looked pleased with the boy’s performance.
▸ pleased「喜んで」 ◂ 「喜ばされて」

027 John isn’t a bad boy. If anything, he’s a pretty good one.
▸ if anything「どちらかと言えば」

028 The final game made me so excited that I could not remain seated.
▸ excited「わくわくして」 ◂ 「興奮させられて」

029 She would not give up smoking, although I told her to many times

030 The new stadium is very big. It has a seating capacity of about 80,000.
▸ capacity には「(部屋・建物・乗り物などの) 収容能力」がある。

031 The daughters took turns helping their mother cook.
▸ take turns (in/at) doing「交代で…する」

032 The position was filled by a man who [that] she thought was thoroughly competent.
▸ 空所直後のshe thought を挿入と考えwas に対する主語の機能を果たす語を入れる

033  It remains to be seen whether or not the operation was successful.
▸ remain to be done「まだ…されていない」(=have yet to be done, be yet to be done)

034  That girl in the red sweat suit runs around the track every morning.

035  I have no doubt whatever about his ability.
▸〈no+名詞〉の後にwhatever, whatsoever を置いて否定の強調を表す用法。

036  There are many students working part-time.
▸ There is 構文ではbe 動詞の後の名詞を主語と考える。

037  She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
▸ strike A as B「A にB の印象を与える」

038  “Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”
▸ be in low[bad, poor] spirits「機嫌が悪い」(=be in a bad mood)

039  Please help yourself to some of the cakes on the table.
▸ help oneself to A「A を自由に取って飲食する」

040  I tried to solve the problem, which I found a waste of time.
▸〈非制限用法〉の関代。 前文のto solve the problem の内容が先行詞

041  Some people like to eat fish alive.
▸ alive「生きている」lively「生き生きとした」と区別。

042  As a child, Derek was exposed to an ideal environment in which to learn foreign languages.
▸ 前置詞+関代+to do で直前の名詞を修飾する用法がある

043  We had been waiting for nearly thirty minutes when the train arrived.
▸ when 節で示された過去の時点を基点にそれまでの継続を表す〈過去完了進行形〉。

044  It’s not my fault if the party is cancelled.
▸ A’s fault「A の責任」blame には所有格がつかない。〈例〉I’m to blame for it.

045  “May you succeed!” he said to me.
▸ May S do …!〈祈願〉 堅苦しい文語。

046  I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
▸ explain A to B「A のことをBに説明する」A が長いの場合によく後方に移動する

047  Some people are fond of going out to the cinema, while others prefer to stay indoors to watch television[./太字]
▸ some … and others ~「…なものもあれば~なものもある」and はwhile でも可。

[太字]048  The boys decided to fight, but the girls begged them not to.

▸ 否定の代不定詞はnot to で表す。

049  “Hello. This is Jane Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Brown?”
“I’m afraid you have the wrong number. This is Mars University.”
▸ the wrong A「間違ったA」

050  Were I in your place, I would not forgive him for betraying me.

▸ Were I in your place ← If I were in your place「君の立場なら」



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



  1. マイベストプロ TOP
  2. マイベストプロ神戸
  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 大学入試 アウトプット 英単語 ④

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