TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


大学入試 アウトプット英単語③

2023年11月4日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




対象の大学レベルは国公立・早慶・MARCH 等です。


I guess it will be a long time (    ) I can return to Japan.

I guess it will be a long time before I can return to Japan.
=It may be a while before I can return to Japan.
▸ 〈It is+時間+before …〉「…するまでは~の時間がかかる」


私の母が亡くなってから10 年になる。
⒜ Ten years (    ) (    ) (    ) my mother died.
⒝ It (    ) (    ) ten years (    ) my mother died.
⒞ My mother (    ) ten years (    ).
⒟ My mother (    ) (    ) (    ) for ten years.

⒜ Ten years have passed since my mother died.
⒝ It has been ten years since my mother died.
⒞ My mother died ten years ago.
⒟ My mother has been dead for ten years.
=It's been a decade since my mother passed away.
▸〈時間+have passed since S did〉
  「S が…してから~になる」


He has agreed to come on (    ) that there won't be any danger.

He has agreed to come on condition that there won't be any danger.
=He agreed to come, provided there's no danger.
▸〈on condition that S V〉「…という条件で」
that はよく省略される


You have (    ) (    ) study hard to pass the exam.

You have only to study hard to pass the exam.
=You just need to study hard to pass the exam.
▸ 〈You have only to do〉「…しさえすればよい」
  (=All you have to do is (to) do … )


This is (    ) I (    ) English grammar.

This is how I mastered[ learned] English grammar.
=This is the way I learned English grammar.
▸〈This is how[the way] S V〉「このようにして…」


I don’t mind in the (    ).

I don’t mind in the least [slightest].
=I don't mind at all.
▸〈not …in the least[slightest]〉「少しも…でない」
否定の強調でnot … at all と同義。


We find (    ) difficult to (    ) cigarettes.

We find it difficult to sell cigarettes.
=Selling cigarettes is challenging for us.
▸ SVOC でO が不定詞の場合必ず形式目的語it を用いる。


ジョンのほうが2 人のうちでは背が高い。
John is (     ) taller of the two.

John is the taller of the two.
=John is the taller one.
▸〈the+比較級+of the two (+複数名詞)〉
 「2 つの中でより…」


その飛行機には500 人もの乗客が乗っていた。
On board the plane were (     ) (     ) than 500 passengers.

On board the plane were no less[fewer] than 500 passengers.
=There were no fewer than 500 passengers on board the plane.
▸〈no less than A〉「A も(たくさん)」
A が可算名詞の複数形ならless はfewer でも可。


It was raining this morning, so I had (     ) getting a taxi.

It was raining this morning, so I had difficulty [ trouble ] getting taxi.
=I had trouble getting a taxi this morning because it was raining.
▸ 〈have difficulty[trouble] (in) doing〉「…するのが難しい」


(     ) (     ) surprise, Linda married John.

To my surprise, Linda married John.
=Surprisingly, Linda married John.
▸〈to A’s+感情名詞〉「A が…したことに」
感情名詞としては joy, grief, disappointment が重要


He was the (     ) person I expected to run into in London.

He was the last person I expected to run into in London.
=He was the least likely person I expected to meet in London.
▸〈the last A+関代〉「決して…しないA」


Julie was born (     ) (     ) (     ) the Los Angeles Olympics took place.

Julie was born two years after the Los Angeles Olympics took place.
=Julie was born two years after the Los Angeles Olympics occurred.
▸ 時の前後の差を表す場合はafter, before の前に置く


How (     ) you’re dressed up today?

How come you’re dressed up today?
=Why are you dressed up today?
▸〈How come S V …?〉「どうして…するのか」


What on (     ) is wrong with your sister? She says she can hear heavenly voices and see visions of angels.

What on earth is wrong with your sister? She says she can hear heavenly voices and see
visions of angels.
=What in the world is wrong with your sister?
▸〈疑問詞+on earth/in the world/ever〉 ― 疑問詞の強調


Drop me a (     ) as soon as you get there.

Drop me a line as soon as you get there.
=Send me a message when you arrive there.
▸〈drop A a line〉「A に一筆書く」
 line (n)「短い手紙」


If I had been told so then, I (     ) (     ) happier now.

If I had been told so then, I would be happier now.
=If I had been told that back then, I would be happier now.
▸〈仮定法過去・過去完了〉 の併用形
  文末のnow に注目すべき


(     ) (     ) (     ) raining the day before, the picnic was postponed.

It having started raining the day before, the picnic was postponed.
=With it having started raining the day before, the picnic was postponed.


(     ) you have started doing something, never give up.

Once you have started doing something, never give up.
=Once you start something, never give up.
▸〈 once 〉(接)「ひとたび…すると」


医者は30 分で家に着くでしょう。
The doctor will get home (     ) half an hour.

The doctor will get home in half an hour.
=The doctor will be home in half an hour.
▸ 〈経過〉を表す用法。


This letter needs (     ) (     ) (     ) before it is sent.

This letter needs to be corrected before it is sent.
=This letter needs to be fixed before sending it.
▸ need to be done「…される必要がある」(=need doing)


We used to work in the same shop and we (     ) often have coffee together.

We used to work in the same shop and we would often have coffee together.
=We used to work in the same shop and would often have coffee together.
▸ would (often) do〈過去の習慣的動作〉


Work is not the only object in life (     ) (     ) (     ) play is.

Work is not the only object in life any more than play is.
=Work is no more an object in life than play is.
▸〈A is not B any more than C is D〉
 「C がD でないようにA はB でない」


She sat (     ) (     ) her children.

She sat surrounded by her children.
=She sat, surrounded by her children.
▸ She とsurround は受動関係だから〈過去分詞〉


He (     ) (     ) the book from her.

He regretted borrowing the book from her.
=He regretted having borrowed the book from her.
▸〈regret doing〉「…したことを後悔する」

【音読用 基本英文】
001 I guess it will be a long time before I can return to Japan.
▸ 〈It is+時間+before …〉

002 I guess it will be a long time before I can return to Japan.
▸ It is+時間+before …「…するまでは~の時間がかかる」
⒜ Ten years have passed since my mother died.
⒝ It has been ten years since my mother died.
⒞ My mother died ten years ago.
⒟ My mother has been dead for ten years.
▸ 時間+have passed since S did「S が…してから~になる」のバリエーション。

003 He has agreed to come on condition that there won't be any danger.
▸ on condition that SV「…という条件で」that はよく省略される

004 You have only to study hard to pass the exam.
▸ You have only to do「…しさえすればよい」(=All you have to do is (to) do …)

005 This is how I mastered[ learned] English grammar.
▸ This is how[the way] SV「このようにして…」

006 I don’t mind in the least [slightest].
▸ not …in the least[slightest]「少しも…でない」否定の強調でnot … at all と同義。

007 We find it difficult to sell cigarettes.
▸ SVOC でO が不定詞の場合,必ず形式目的語it を用いる。

008 John is the taller of the two.
▸ the+比較級+of the two (+複数名詞)「2 つの中でより…」

009 On board the plane were no less[fewer] than 500 passengers.
▸ no less than A「A も(たくさん)」
A が可算名詞の複数形ならless はfewer でも可。

010 It was raining this morning, so I had difficulty [ trouble ] getting taxi.
▸ have difficulty[trouble] (in) doing「…するのが難しい」

011 To my surprise, Linda married John.
▸ to A’s+感情名詞「A が…したことに」
 感情名詞としては joy, grief, disappointment が頻出

012 He was the last person I expected to run into in London.
▸ the last A+関代「決して…しないA」

013 Julie was born two years after the Los Angeles Olympics took place.
▸ 時の前後の差を表す場合はafter, before の前に置く。

014 How come you’re dressed up today?
▸ How come S V …?「どうして…するのか」

015 What on earth is wrong with your sister? She says she can hear heavenly voices and see visions of angels.
▸ 疑問詞+on earth/in the world/ever ― 疑問詞の強調

016 Drop me a line as soon as you get there.
▸ drop A a line「A に一筆書く」line (n)「短い手紙」

017 If I had been told so then, I would be happier now.
▸〈仮定法過去・過去完了〉 の併用形。文末のnow に注目。

018 It having started raining the day before, the picnic was postponed.

019 Once you have started doing something, never give up.
▸ once (接)「ひとたび…すると」

020 The doctor will get home in half an hour.
▸ 〈経過〉を表す用法

021 This letter needs to be corrected before it is sent.
▸ need to be done「…される必要がある」(=need doing)

022 We used to work in the same shop and we would often have coffee together.
▸ would (often) do〈過去の習慣的動作〉

023 Work is not the only object in life any more than play is.
▸ A is not B any more than C is D「C がD でないようにA はB でない」

024 She sat surrounded by her children.
▸ She とsurround は受動関係だから〈過去分詞〉。

025 He regretted borrowing the book from her.
▸ regret doing「…したことを後悔する」



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  3. 兵庫の出産・子育て・教育
  4. 兵庫の大学受験・共通テスト(センター試験)
  5. TEX 二井原
  6. コラム一覧
  7. 大学入試 アウトプット英単語③

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