TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(てっくすにいはら) / 英語講師

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training


英検1級 2次面接 予想問題21:AIによって英語の価値は下がるか

2023年10月17日 公開 / 2023年12月2日更新




Agree or disagree:
AI will reduce the value of English in Japan.

I cannot agree or disagree definitively on this matter, as it involves predicting the impact of AI on the value of the English language in Japan, which is a complex and multifaceted issue. The influence of AI on language learning and usage can vary depending on how it is implemented and integrated into society.

AI can provide valuable tools for language learning and translation, which may make English language skills more accessible to people in Japan. This could potentially increase the value of English proficiency in the job market, as English is widely used in global business and technology.

On the other hand, some argue that overreliance on AI for language tasks could diminish the incentive for individuals to learn and improve their English skills organically. In the long run, the impact of AI on language value may also depend on the broader socioeconomic and cultural factors within Japan.

Ultimately, the outcome will depend on how AI technology is adopted, the policies surrounding language education, and the evolving needs of the job market. So, the question of whether AI will reduce the value of English in Japan is a subject of ongoing debate and research, and its conclusion is not definitively agreed upon.

● 人工知能  (AI)
● 日本  (Japan)
● 英語の価値  (value of English)
● 断固として  (definitively)
● 予測する  (predicting)
● 影響  (impact)
● 複雑  (complex)
● 多面的  (multifaceted)
● 実装される  (implemented)
● 社会  (society)
● 言語学習  (language learning)
● 翻訳  (translation)
● 有用な  (valuable)
● ツール  (tools)
● 提供する  (provide)
● 時代  (era)
● 影響  (influence)
● 採用される  (adopted)
● 政策  (policies)
● 社会経済  (socioeconomic)
● 文化的  (cultural)
● 広範  (broader)
● 経済的  (economic)
● 変化する  (evolving)
● 仕事市場  (job market)
● 議論  (debate)
● 研究  (research)
● 結論  (conclusion)





Will AI replace English teachers in Japan?

AI has the potential to augment and assist English teachers in Japan, but it is unlikely to completely replace them. While AI can be used to support language learning in various ways, there are several reasons why human English teachers will likely continue to play a crucial role:

Personalized Learning:
AI can provide personalized language exercises and feedback, but it lacks the ability to fully understand and respond to the unique needs and emotions of each student. Human teachers can adapt their teaching methods to better suit individual students and provide emotional support and motivation.

Cultural and Contextual Understanding:
Language learning is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it also involves cultural and contextual understanding. Human teachers can provide insights into cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and real-world applications of language.

Communication Skills:
Learning a language often involves developing communication skills and fluency. Human teachers can engage students in conversational practice, debates, and discussions, which are essential for becoming proficient in a language.

Complex Problem Solving:
Language learning can involve complex problem-solving and critical thinking, which AI may struggle to fully address. Human teachers can guide students through challenging language concepts and help them overcome obstacles.

Motivation and Emotional Support:
Learning a language can be a long and sometimes frustrating process. Human teachers can provide motivation, encouragement, and emotional support, which is crucial for keeping students engaged and motivated.

Language teaching often requires adapting to changing circumstances, student needs, and teaching methods. Human teachers can easily adapt to these changes, while AI systems may have limitations in this regard.

AI can be a valuable tool for English teachers, assisting in tasks like assessment, language practice, and even providing feedback. It can help teachers become more effective by automating routine tasks, enabling data-driven insights into student progress, and offering additional resources for students. However, it is unlikely to fully replace the role of human English teachers in providing a well-rounded and holistic language learning experience in Japan or anywhere else.

● 人工知能 - AI
● 日本 - Japan
● 英語の価値 - value of English
● 断固として - definitively
● 予測する - predicting
● 影響 - impact
● 複雑 - complex
● 多面的 - multifaceted
● 実装される - implemented
● 社会 - society
● 言語学習 - language learning
● 翻訳 - translation
● 有用な - valuable
● ツール - tools
● 提供する - provide
● 時代 - era
● 影響 - influence
● 採用される - adopted
● 政策 - policies
● 社会経済 - socioeconomic
● 文化的 - cultural
● 広範 - broader
● 経済的 - economic
● 変化する - evolving
● 仕事市場 - job market
● 議論 - debate
● 研究 - research
● 結論 - conclusion









Is there any significance in learning English in the age of AI?

Yes, there is still significant importance in learning English, even in the age of AI. While AI has advanced language translation and communication technologies, there are several reasons why learning English remains relevant:

Global Communication:
English is one of the most widely spoken languages globally, and it serves as a common language for international business, diplomacy, science, and culture. Learning English allows individuals to communicate and collaborate with people from different parts of the world.

Job Opportunities:
English proficiency is often a valuable asset in the job market. Many multinational companies use English as their primary language for communication, and having strong English language skills can open up a wider range of job opportunities, especially in fields like technology, finance, and tourism.

Access to Information:
A significant portion of the world's information and resources is available in English. Learning English grants access to a vast amount of literature, research, and online content that may not be as readily available in other languages.

English is often the language of instruction in higher education and many academic disciplines. To pursue advanced studies or research in various fields, proficiency in English is often a requirement.

Cultural Exchange:
English is a gateway to experiencing and understanding diverse cultures. Learning the language can enable people to engage with English-language literature, films, music, and art, broadening their cultural horizons.

AI Complements, Doesn't Replace:
While AI can assist with language tasks and translation, it cannot fully replicate the nuanced understanding, creativity, and cultural context that humans bring to language. Learning English is not just about language proficiency; it's also about cultural awareness and the ability to connect with people on a deeper level.

Travel and Tourism:
English is a valuable tool for travelers, as it is widely spoken in many tourist destinations. Having a good command of English can enhance the travel experience and facilitate communication with locals.

International Relations:
English is often used as the language of international diplomacy and global organizations. Proficiency in English can be crucial for individuals working in these fields.

In summary, while AI has transformed language-related tasks and made translation more accessible, learning English continues to be important for personal, academic, professional, and cultural reasons. It enhances global communication, broadens opportunities, and enriches one's understanding of the world.

● 英語の重要性 - importance of English
● 国際コミュニケーション - global communication
● 就職の機会 - job opportunities
● 情報へのアクセス - access to information
● 教育 - education
● 文化交流 - cultural exchange
● AIは補完するだけで置き換えない - AI complements, doesn't replace
● 旅行と観光 - travel and tourism
● 国際関係 - international relations











英検1級2次 予想問題 Best 21

① 過去問
② 昨今の国内情勢・国内の問題
③ 昨今の世界情勢・地球規模の課題
④ the 17 sustainable development goals
⑤ 21 Lessons for The 21th Century -Noah Hariari


1. Climate Change:

How might immediate global action against climate change impact industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels?
What social and economic changes could arise if urgent measures to combat climate change are not taken?

2. Universal Basic Income:

How might the implementation of universal basic income influence individuals' work ethics and economic productivity?
What economic changes could be expected if every citizen were guaranteed a basic income?

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

How might an increase in female leadership impact the overall societal perspective on gender roles in Japan?
What changes could be expected in corporate culture if more women were in leadership positions?

4. Education Resources and Support:

What improvements in educational outcomes might be seen if more resources and support were allocated to the education system?
How might enhanced educational resources influence the country's future workforce and innovation?

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

What societal changes could arise if efforts towards eliminating gender inequality were successful?
How might persistent gender inequality affect Japan's global competitiveness and social progress?

6. Homogeneous Countries:

What advantages or disadvantages might arise for a homogeneous country seeking to adapt to a more diverse global landscape?
How might embracing diversity impact cultural identity and national unity?

7. Information Technology Benefit

What potential downsides might emerge from an overreliance on improvements in information technology?
How might different sectors of society be affected by rapid advancements in information technology?

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

How might more lenient immigration policies influence Japan's economic growth and cultural diversity?
What challenges and benefits might Japan face by opening its doors to more immigrants?

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

What societal improvements might be seen if more public funds were allocated to social welfare programs?
How might increased investment in social welfare impact poverty rates and social inequality?

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

What cultural and historical significance do old temples hold for Japan's identity and heritage?
How might preserving old temples contribute to tourism and cultural appreciation?

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements

What ethical considerations arise when evaluating the effectiveness of terrorist movements as agents of change in society?
How might society respond to the impact of terrorism on social and political landscapes?

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

What long-term consequences might Japan face if the low birth rate issue remains unaddressed?
How might governmental policies and societal attitudes need to change to counter the threats posed by a declining birth rate?

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

What societal benefits emerge from actively preserving the cultures of indigenous peoples?
How might the loss of indigenous cultures impact the world's collective heritage and knowledge?

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

What instances exist where large corporations prioritize societal benefits over profits?
How might corporate social responsibility initiatives impact the public's perception of profit-driven companies?

15. Relevance of Social Class:

In what ways does social class influence opportunities and access to resources in modern society?
How might the perception of social class impact social mobility and equality?

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

What role does political correctness play in promoting inclusivity and respectful discourse in society?
How might the absence of political correctness impact social interactions and the treatment of marginalized groups?

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

How might increased regulations and oversight impact the working conditions in developing nations?
What global economic shifts could occur if the exploitation of workers in the developing world is curtailed?

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

What ethical considerations arise when debating the imposition of limits on freedom of speech?
How might restricting freedom of speech impact societal discourse and the exchange of ideas?

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

How might legalized gambling contribute to or detract from a country's economic growth and revenue streams?
What social implications arise from widespread legalized gambling within a society?

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

How might enhanced international cooperation combat piracy's economic and security threats on the open seas?
What challenges and obstacles exist in effectively policing and curtailing piracy?

21. World Without Religious:

What societal and geopolitical changes might be required to achieve a world devoid of religious conflict?
How might the absence of religious conflict impact international relations and cultural interactions?

1. Climate Change:

2. Universal Basic Income:

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

4. Education Resources and Support:

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

6. Homogeneous Countries:

7. Information Technology Benefits:

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements:

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

15. Relevance of Social Class:

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

21. World Without Religious Conflict:



TEX 二井原


TEX 二井原(英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training)



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  7. 英検1級 2次面接 予想問題21:AIによって英語の価値は下がるか

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