9月29日同志社大学今出川キャンパスにおいて、国際ビジネスコミュニケーション学会(JBCA)関西支部例会が行われました。同会関西支部長Alex Hayashi氏とのご縁から、グレン社長がオープニング講演をさせていただきました。グレン社長の母国ニュージーランドについてのプレゼンテーションの内容と様子をお伝えします。
"New Zealand-The Country, The People, The Culture" (要旨)
The first section of the presentation will cover New Zealand's history, which is quite short in comparison to Japan. I will also look at the geography and climate of New Zealand which in some ways are very similar to those of Japan, but in others completely different.
In the second section I will take a look at just who are modern day New Zealanders-and look how our history has led to this multi-cultural society. I will also introduce some New Zealander's, both past and present, who have achieved fame on the world stage via their various pursuits.
Then in the third section I will focus on the contrasting nature of New Zealand-both in the landscape and how people live their lives. While the hustle and bustle of big city life is attractive to many Kiwis,the quite rural lifestyle is still pursued as the "Quarter Acre Dream".
Finally I will introduce how the NZ economy has dramatically altered in my life time, and how the traditional primary industries, once the mainstay of the economy are now being joined by newer more innovative businesses.
As island nations, both NZ and Japan have many points in common and I hope to be able to introduce some ideas and thoughts about what New Zealand and Japan can learn from each other for a better future.