Reference 「推薦状」その1
(Today’s Column is all in English as it’s a long weekend. I hope you have the time to read it!)
The last few weeks I have been helping a manager at a global company prepare a presentation. The presentation was for a high level American executive (Vice President) and his Japanese colleagues.
My student did the presentation last week, and he reported that it was very successful, and he got a lot of positive feedback from both Japanese and American colleagues.
In fact he did such a good presentation that he was asked to do the same presentation at his company’s global managers meeting later this year. He is very excited about this opportunity.
As a teacher I was very happy and proud of his achievement.
What may surprise you is that to prepare, we spent very little time on what he said, we spent almost all the time his PowerPoint slides.
We concentrated on keeping the slides simple – clear – concise. For example some of things we did were:
•Simple – the information on each slide was made easier to understand – graphics made less complex; better labeling of content
•Clear – correction of spelling and grammar mistakes; using PowerPoint features to give impact
•Concise – we used short phrases to highlight main points; deleted overly complex tables and data
By doing this with the slides, my student became a lot clearer in his mind about what he was going to say. So he grew in confidence, and when he gave the presentation, it went very well.
As a teacher, this is success story is why I like my job so much.
I hope I can help you too.