・the, that. 指示代名詞、関係代名詞、suchやsomeが示すもの、省略されている語句、年代の読み方と意味など、20か所近い突っ込みをすることで、英文法の基礎を固めなおし、読解力を向上させることが可能です
・群れを離れ、独立の群れを作って行動するオオカミにはToxoplasma gondiiという寄生虫が見られることが多い
Wolf Packs
There is a widespread idea that wild packs of wolves are led by an aggressive leader-an alpha male that dominates the group, and that this results in violent power struggles when other members of the group challenge the alpha male.
It turns out, however, that this idea may largely be a myth. It appears to have arisen from research on captured wolves, which often demonstrated such behavior.
Captive packs are usually made up of adult wolves being forced to live together even though they did not grow up with each other and are not related, which is why it is common for power struggles in such packs to result in violence.
Research has now found, though, that captive and wild wolves are too dissimilar to assume that the behaviors of one resemble those of the other.
As one biologist describes it, a wild wolf pack operates much like a multigenerational human family, while a captive pack has more in common behaviorally with humans in prisons, where strangers are forced to live together.
Biologists studying wild wolves in the 1980s and 1990s made some interesting observations.
They found that a pair of wolves consisting of an older adult male and a female wolf generally acted as the leaders of a pack composed of their offspring and other adult wolves without partners.
All wolves in the pack follow the lead male’s decisions, and all but the lead male also submit to the lead female.
This system appears to be fully accepted by most wild wolves and is usually enforced by communication rather than violence.
The social structure is also flexible for example, when food is hard to find, the wolf leaders often ensure that the pack’s youngest are fed first.
Such behavior demonstrates how these leaders act similarly to the human parents of a large family.
When a significant conflict does occur among the members, dissatisfied wolves may leave the pack.
These wolves often seek out protection in a different pack, while some start their own pack after finding a mate.
In 2022, researchers discovered that wild wolves that had started their own pack often had something in common: many of them were carrying a particular parasite called Toxoplasma gondii.
This parasite appears to make the wolves more likely to take bolder and riskier actions, which can aid their survival in some situations.
Scientists continue to be fascinated by the social relationships of wild wolves and their packs.