(C) Laura Secord
Laura Secord is a famous figure in Canada. During the War of 1812, in which Canada and Britain fought against the United States, American soldiers invaded Canada.
A group of American soldiers forced Secord's family to let them stay in their house.
→ほぼ全員が誤解します。アメリカ軍がやってきて、Secord familyに家の中に居ておとなしくしているように強制したと理解しますが、完璧に間違っています。そうであれば、let themは不要です。正解は、アメリカ兵がやってきて、自分たちをSecordさんの家に滞在させることを強制したという意味です(アメリカ兵が来て、おとなしくしろ、今日から俺たちがこの家を拠点として使う、変な動きをするとぶっ殺すぞ!)。letは学校で使役動詞として習いますが、知識としては知っていても、体が反応しないという印象です
Secord overheard them planning an attack on the British at a place called Beaver Dams.
→この構文は学校では知覚動詞として習うのですが(I saw him going into the park.私は、彼が公園の中に入っていくのを見た)、ほとんどの人が聞いた時点では理解できていません(読むと多少は増し)Secordはアメリカ兵たちがイギリス軍を攻撃する計画を立てているのを立ち聞きしたという意味です
She traveled 30 kilometers through dangerous forests filled with enemy soldiers to alert the British.
Knowing that the attack was coming helped the British to defeat the Americans.
For some time, however, a few historians thought the story was partly untrue.
This is because documents written at the time of the battle do not mention Secord.
The historians also believed the British had already been warned by local allies.
However, documents written by the British commander some years later were uncovered in 1959. These documents confirmed that Secord had indeed brought him the information.