2020-2 準1級英作文問題への英検解答例の研究です
・Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
・Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer.
・Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
・Suggested length: 120-150 words
・Write your essay in the space provided on Side B of your answer sheet.
・Any writing outside the space will not be graded.
TOPIC: Agree or disagree: More needs to be done to improve public safety
● Accidents
● Crime
● Food
● Technology
気を付けるべき点は、More needs to be done......という問いに対して、Agree Disagreeどちらにしても、旗色を鮮明にすることです
●Write an essay on the given TOPIC. →要するに、出した課題に対して答えになっているかという点を見られるのですが、完璧です。
●Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer →第2、3段落で一つずつ述べています。
●Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion →introduction:第1段落, main body:第2、3段落, and conclusion第4段落という構成であり、完璧。
●Suggested length: 120-150 words →147単語ですが、採点者は単語数を実際は数えているとは思えません、解答用紙の15-20行に納まっていればOKと判定しているはずです。
I agree more needs to be done to improve public safety. I would like to explain my opinion in terms of crime and technology.
Victims of violent crime can suffer from serious trauma, and the psychological effects of this trauma can last for a long time. Violent crime also causes increased tensions in local communities. To reduce such crime, more patrols by both police and volunteers are needed, and this will increase people's feeling of safety.
The rise of technology also threatens public safety. People can use social media, for example, to bully or stalk others online. Moreover, advances in technology have made it easier for people's personal information to be stolen Due to this, more laws are needed to limit how this technology is used.
For these reasons, I think public safety should be further improved by reducing violent crime and making laws about new technology