● Antarctica
*● the Antarctic Continent
● in the far north
= the ( )( ) Aristotle
● an explorer
● wonder about ~
*● wonder at ~
*● wander
◆ supposedly
● three separate groups from ~
● arctic (形・名)
● a polar bear
● the polar circles
● the political landscape
★ get the picture
● Greece
★ the exact opposite of ~
★ the reverse of ~
★ We sat opposite (t ) each
= We sat (o ) each other.
★ across from ~
★ across A from B
★ She is alleged to have bribed
the judge.
● extremely remote
◆ may have known of ~
◆ long before ・・・
*◆ three weeks before ・・・
◆ such as ~
= ( )( )
● pass (t ) many phases
= ( ) ~
*● an open-air stall
*● in the open air
★ an accidental discovery
★ deliberate (形)*2つの意味は?
● an ocean-going liner
★ settle the matter
= (c )(e )(o )
◆ at up to four times their speed
◆ ( ) is up to you ( )
give her a ride home.
*★ give ~ a lift home
◆ She is up to no good.
◆ My Dutch isn't up to translating
the play from Japanese.
*★ be equal to ~