● in origin
● the place of origin of (civil )
● (o ) European origin
▲ a fever of unknown origin
● a woman (o ) a noble family
▲ She is (o ) noble birth.
▲ a woman of great humility
▲ a woman (o ) childbearing age
● be humbly born
▲ He humbled himself before his senior executive.
● the nobility
▲ the peerage
▲ the aristocracy
▲ a peer *女性形は?
▲ an aristocrat
● tire ~ *2つの意味は?
● tiring
● tiresome
(演習、その5)have no idea の使い方:
● This photo will (g ) you some
(i ) of the vacant lot.
(演習、その7) faint、foggy 、slight:
● He has a (fai ) memory
of his boyhood.
▲ foggy
▲ hazy
▲ fuzzy
▲ She has a poor memory (f )
▲ to the best of my recollection
(演習、その8) as・・・や before・・・:
(演習、その9)a poem と poetry:
▲ my poetic gift
= a (s )( )
● a savage act
= a (bar ) act
● a savage
= a (b )
= (h )
= (h )
= ( )( )( )
▲ our species
= a (multir )(c )
▲ a salad bowl
◆ American culture is ( )( )
( ) a salad bowl ( )( )
a melting pot.
(a) looked
(b) as
(c) upon
(d) rather
(e) than
▲ multiethnic education
= a (m ) toilet
◆ a safety ( )
(a) hood
(b) food
◆ Go and get the ( ) and
the dustpan.
(a) broom
(b) bloom
◆ It won't ( )( )( ).
(a) different
(b) difference
(c) much
(d) make
● a bumpy road
▲Never attempt a bumpy landing.
◆ We had the first spring ( )
(a) gale
(b) gaze
◆「中3」関係詞 that 。