2022年9月15日(木) JIJICOに「日当たりの悪い寝室で寝ていると体調不良になる?理想的な寝室の環境とは!?」が37本目のコラムとして掲載されました JIJICOには2019年9月から毎月1本ペースで掲載されています 東洋医学の啓蒙を目的としたJIJICOへの投稿4年目のスタートです
◇2022年11月16日(水)掲載JIJICO39本目コラム「新型コロナウイルスに感染後の後遺症が長期化するのを防止出来る?症状改善に鍼灸治療の可能性は!?」を英文にしました Can acupuncture and moxibustion be used to treat prolonged physical symptoms after Covid-19 infection?◇
清野鍼灸整骨院HP http://seino-1987.jp/
2022年11月16日(水) JIJICOに「新型コロナウイルスに感染後の後遺症が長期化するのを防止出来る?症状改善に鍼灸治療の可能性は!?」のコラムを掲載していただきました。 コロナ後遺症に関しては、当院で行っているコロナ後遺症実証治療でのデータを元に、現時点での最新情報を交え、医師たちの意見を拝聴した後、東洋医学の視点でまとめてみた39本目のコラムです。
Can acupuncture and moxibustion be used to treat prolonged physical symptoms after Covid-19 infection?
Modified and translated by CFJA
Can acupuncture and moxibustion be used to treat prolonged physical symptoms after Covid-19 infection?
Three years have passed since the outbreak of COVID-19 infection in the Seafood Market in Wuhan, South China, at the end of 2019. Vaccination of healthcare workers began on February 17, 2021, and the elderly began receiving the vaccine on April 12, 2021. Although the number of deaths has decreased, there are still many people suffering from the COVID-19 sequelae. Although the effects of the virus on the human body have not yet been fully explained, it is becoming clearer how the virus affects the body after infection.
From 2019 to 2022, COVID-19 has infected 631.8 million people worldwide (6.59 million deaths) and 4.46 million people in Canada (48,494 deaths). This means that about one out of every 8.7 Canadians has been infected. At onset, symptoms include fever, cough, dyspnea and fatigue. The original Covid-19 caused many cases of severe illness and death. With the Delta variant of Covid, the probability of severe illness has gradually decreased, partly due to the progress in vaccination of the population. The Omicron variant is not thought to cause as much severe illness. However, even when the elderly( over 65 years of age)do not become seriously ill after infection, there are a great many cases of death due to worsening of underlying diseases.
There are many people who are asymptomatic when COVID-19 enters the body. After 14 days of infection with COVID-19, the probability of infecting others decreases to 0.6%. The virus is no longer detectable, but the patient's strength has been depleted for 2 weeks since the time of onset of illness. Even though it is possible to go back to one's daily life and go back to work, this does not mean that the physical strength that has decreased during the convalescent period will immediately return to the regular state. Muscle strength declines by about 15% after one week of bedridden living, and by about 50% after three to five weeks of bedridden living. At the same time, the general condition of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and other organs deteriorates as well. After 2 weeks, most of the symptoms at the onset of the disease will disappear, but there are a certain number of people who suffer from residual symptoms. There are many cases of re-infection of Covid-19 even after symptoms have disappeared, and there is a high probability that the symptoms that do not disappear will gradually worsen.
After the initial symptoms of the acute phase have reduced and the patient has recovered to the point where he/she can leave their home, receiving acupuncture and moxibustion treatment as early as possible will be helpful to support the physical condition to ensure a smooth recovery.
What is the definition of Covid-19 after effects?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) post COVID-19 condition definition published in October 2021, post Covid-19 after effects are "symptoms that develop within 3 months of infection with the Covid-19, last at least 2 months, and cannot be explained by anything other than the Covid-19 and that may affect daily life (work and household chores)”.
Its characteristics include:
•10-20% of patients infected with Covid-19 suffer sequelae. Its diagnosis is made 3 months after infection or recovery from the virus
•Sequelae symptoms may persist from the time of infection and onset, or they may reappear after the patient has recovered once.
•There is no correlation between the severity of infection and the incidence of sequelae.
In "罹患後症状のマネジメント(Management of Post-associated Symptoms)", a separate volume of the "新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) 診療の手引き(Guide to Clinical Practice of COVID-19)" published by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, COVID-19 sequelae are symptoms that have persisted since the acute phase of COVID-19 infection, or that have newly or recurrently occurred and persisted during the course of the disease, without any other apparent cause, even though the infectivity has disappeared. We treat patients based on the understanding that the symptoms are likely to be Covid-19 sequelae, after confirming that the symptoms appeared after the infection, including the physician's diagnosis and the relationship to the underlying disease.
What symptoms are aftereffects of Covid-19?
The incidence of Covid-19 sequelae varies from study to study. The reasons for this may be that the definition of sequelae is not consistent, and the timing and duration of surveys are various. The figures differ greatly depending on how many vaccinations the person has completed and which type of Covid-19 the person was infected with. According to "Nikkei Science" (November 2022 issue), which is a science magazine in Japan, one in 20 people say they have aftereffects. How long do the aftereffects persist?
According to "Management of Post-Acute Symptoms," the duration of aftereffects is
•For 1 to 2 months; 23%
•For 3 to 5 months: 34%
•For 6 months to 1 year; 28%
•For more than 1 year; 15%
The top five symptoms in the percentage of symptom occurrence in “Nikkei Science” (November 2022 issue) are as follows.
Conventional Covid-19 before Delta strain
•Olfactory disturbance
•Taste disorder
•Hair loss
Delta variant
•Olfactory disorder
•Taste disorder
•Hair loss
Omicron variant
•Sleep disturbance
In addition to the typical symptoms listed above, symptoms that are considered post-Covid sequelae vary widely from person to person, including depressed mood, breathlessness, palpitations, insomnia, body aches, and erectile dysfunction. The degree of symptoms also varies. For example, fatigue may be relieved after a night's sleep, or it may be so intense that "my body feels heavy like lead and I can't move," "I can't think," "I can't speak,"or "I can't concentrate”. Some patients may experience such intense fatigue that they cannot move after a few hours or days of taking a walk or doing even light housework. If the Covid sequelae become prolonged, the patient may not be able to take a daily or social life as he or she wishes, and schooling, employment, and family life may be severely affected. Dr. Koichi Hirahata, Director of Hirahata Clinic in Japan, says that many people are forced to take a temporary retirement or leave their jobs due to the physical discomfort they experience after being diagnosed with a Covid-19 infection. He also says that the lack of understanding of those around people who have gotten Covid infection about the inability to work due to the Covid-19 aftereffects is creating emotional distress.The increase in the number of patients with COVID-19 sequelae could carry a risk of becoming a severe social problem.
How does Covid-19 aftereffects affect a person's health?!
The Covid-19 sequelae seem to gradually make it more difficult to lead a daily life as they become more severe. When we talk to patients who come to our clinic after attending an outpatient Covid-19 clinic, they seem to have been instructed by their doctors that they should lead a less strenuous life for two months and take appropriate actions corresponding to their illness in order to avoid a transition to severe sequelae. Those with post-Covid sequelae caused by the Omicron variant tend to have a high rate of difficulty in their daily lives, regardless of their age. According to the diagnostic criteria for physicians as indicated by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) Research Group “for the Development of Treatment Methods and Treatment Guidelines for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,” the performance status (PS), in which indicators of general condition are rated on a 10-point scale according to the level of daily living. The Grade 6 condition is "On days when he is in good condition, he can do light work, but rests at home more than 50% of the week”. "The patient is able to take care of him/herself and does not need assistance, but is unable to engage in normal social activities or light work.” The condition is considered to be the Grade 7 condition. People with post-Covid syndrome may have repeated “crashes” and transition to “ME/CFS” before reaching this state, and they may continue to have “PEM” and then become bedridden. (See definitions below)
i) Crash
•A condition in which a person is bedridden for several days and can hardly move. It can be caused by unacceptable amounts of exercise, stress or mental work.
ii) ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
•Intractable disorder characterized by extreme and prolonged deterioration of physical condition after exertion, sleep disturbance, higher brain dysfunction, and autonomic neuropathy.
iii) PEM (Post-exertional malaise)
•A symptom of sudden onset of strong malaise 5 to 48 hours after mild exertion or stress.
Therefore, it’s sure that Post-Covid sequelae can be a gradual progression and worsening of symptoms, even if the patient keeps staying home and tries to recover.
How does your daily routine disturb your recovery from Covid-19 aftereffects?
We have conducted a questionnaire survey on daily living for those who are undergoing demonstrative treatment for Covid aftereffects. On October 9, 2022, Seino, who is our master, gave a lecture on the possibility of treatment for Covid sequelae at the 3rd Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association of Osaka Prefecture Academic Seminar in 2022. At that time, he reported the tendency to be the object of guidance in daily life, but so far he has not found any remarkable tendency to be caused by this. However, the following tendencies have been observed in our clinical experiences.
• Drinking and having a lot of cold drink and cold food
• Living in low room temperatures without heating in winter
• Living below 25°C (77°F) with constant use of air conditioning in summer
• Using air conditioning while sleeping in summer
• Insufficient sleep
• Poor quality of sleep, such as sleeping late at night
• Sleeping on a bedding directly on the flooring
• Sleeping in a north-facing room with no sunlight
• Bathing in a bathtub filled with hot water for a long time
All of the above are considered to interfere with the functional activities of internal organs. We believe that these are difficult lifestyles to maintain good health. When we proposed the above lifestyle improvements, we have received comments from those who have implemented them that their physical condition has improved. Another way to prevent infection that can be done on a daily basis is to gargle your nose. Gargling your nose two to three times daily may help prevent the symptoms from worsening.
Is it possible to make use of the perspective of Eastern medicine in improving the Covid-19 sequelae?
The infectious period is considered to be from 2 days prior to the onset of illness to 14 days after the onset of illness. Recently, more and more patients are coming to our clinic around 2 weeks after the onset of Covid infection. Symptoms at that time are divided into those with symptoms that have continued for about 2 weeks since the onset of the disease and those with newly emerged symptoms which have emerged 1 to 2 weeks later after the onset. In some cases, patients may have both. Through the empirical treatment of post-Covid syndrome, we have experienced that improvement is rarely achieved in a single visit, and more frequent and repeated treatments are required compared to patients with similar symptoms without the Covid infection. However, we have definitely experienced cases in which symptoms are improved by repeated acupuncture and moxibustion treatment and cupping therapy for purifying blood.
Half of the patients with post-Covid syndrome improve with just taking rest without any treatment. On the other hand, there are those who have difficulty improving and those who continue to deteriorate even with taking rest. There was a case in which a 93 year old Japanese patient in Japan who was hospitalized for 9 days after the onset of the disease, became bedridden one week after discharge from hospital, and was ordered by his doctor to withdraw from medical treatment, regained his daily life after one month of moxibustion treatment. It may have been just a lucky case, but it is an event that makes us feel the high possibility of moxibustion treatment. If you are suffering from post-Covid syndrome, you may want to consider treatment from the perspective of eastern medicine to prevent worsening of symptoms. Our clinic also offers home visit treatment, so if you have difficulty going out, please feel free to contact us.”
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清野鍼灸整骨院 清野充典
清野鍼灸整骨院は1946年(昭和21年)創業 現在77年目