英作文《 地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング 》③

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

《 Part 1: 英文7変化インプット 》


He has a (   ) deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.

He has a good [great] deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.
▸ a good deal of A(不可算名詞)「たくさんのA」
 ✰ a good deal of money: たくさんのお金
 ✰ a good deal of time: たくさんの時間
 ✰ a good deal of effort: たくさんの努力
 ✰ a good deal of work: たくさんの仕事
 ✰ a good deal of patience: たくさんの忍耐
He has a good deal of free time, most of which he devotes to fishing.
He has a great deal of free time, much of which he spends fishing.
He has a good deal of free time, the majority of which he spends fishing.
He has a great deal of free time, a large portion of which he devotes to fishing.
He has a good amount of free time, with most of it dedicated to fishing.
He has a significant amount of free time, and he spends much of it fishing.
He has a considerable amount of free time, most of which he uses for fishing.


Move to the back of the bus and (   ) (   ) for others.

Move to the back of the bus and make room for others.
▸ make room for A「Aに席を譲る,場所を空ける」
「余地・スペース」の意を表す room は〈不可算〉
 ✰ breathing room: 余地、余裕
 ✰ wiggle room: 余地、自由度
 ✰ elbow room: 余地、広さ
 ✰ maneuvering room: 余地、操作スペース
 ✰ headroom: 余地、余白
Move to the rear of the bus and make space for others.
Head to the back of the bus and make room for others.
Go to the back of the bus and create space for others.
Shift to the rear of the bus to make room for others.
Proceed to the back of the bus and clear space for others.


Yesterday morning, I (   ) missed the bus.

Yesterday morning, I almost [nearly] missed the bus.
▸ almost[nearly]「ほとんど…」「危うく…するところ」
 ✰ almost[nearly] finished: ほとんど終わった
 ✰ almost[nearly] impossible: ほとんど不可能
 ✰ almost[nearly] certain: ほぼ確実
 ✰ almost[nearly] identical: ほぼ同一の
 ✰ almost[nearly] empty: ほとんど空の
Yesterday morning, I almost missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I nearly missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I came close to missing the bus.
Yesterday morning, I barely caught the bus on time.
Yesterday morning, I narrowly made it onto the bus.
Yesterday morning, I was just in time to catch the bus.
Yesterday morning, I just managed to catch the bus.


The movie was very (   ) , so I stopped watching it.

The movie was very boring , so I stopped watching it.
▸ boring「退屈な」 ← 「人を退屈にさせるような」
 ✰ boring movie: 退屈な映画
 ✰ boring lecture: つまらない講義
 ✰ boring job: 退屈な仕事
 ✰ boring routine: つまらない日常
 ✰ boring conversation: 退屈な会話
The movie was very dull, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was dreadfully boring, so I quit watching it.
The movie was really boring, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was incredibly uninteresting, so I quit watching it.
The movie was incredibly tedious, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was exceedingly uneventful, so I quit watching it.
The movie was terribly monotonous, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was extremely lackluster, so I quit watching it.
The movie was awfully dull, so I stopped watching it.


“The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.”
“I heard it was really (    ).”

“The students all went to the movie yesterday evening.”
“I heard it was really amusing.”
▸ amusing「面白い」 ← 「人を楽しくさせるような」
 ✰ amusing story: 面白い話
 ✰ amusing joke: 楽しいジョーク
 ✰ amusing anecdote: 面白い逸話
 ✰ amusing game: 楽しいゲーム
 ✰ amusing activity: 面白い活動
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was truly amusing."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was really entertaining."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was genuinely amusing."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was exceptionally entertaining."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was truly delightful."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was really enjoyable."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was quite amusing."


“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low (   ) but I didn’t know the reason.”

“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”
▸ be in low[bad, poor] spirits「機嫌が悪い」
 ✰ high spirits: 上機嫌
 ✰ low spirits: 憂鬱な気分
 ✰ good spirits: 心が明るい状態
 ✰ raise someone's spirits: 何かの影響で人の気分を上げる
 ✰ lift someone's spirits: 誰かの気持ちを元気づける
"Bob is down because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling down because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I noticed he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling downhearted because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling depressed because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I noticed he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling gloomy because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling blue because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I noticed he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."


There are scarcely (   ) flowers in our garden.

There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.
▸ scarcely[hardly] any+A「ほとんどAがない」
 ✰ scarcely any time: ほとんど時間がない
 ✰ hardly any money: ほとんどお金がない
 ✰ scarcely any food: ほとんど食べ物がない
 ✰ hardly any sleep: ほとんど眠れない
 ✰ scarcely any progress: ほとんど進展がない
There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.
There are barely any flowers in our garden.
There are hardly any flowers in our garden.
There are almost no flowers in our garden.
There are very few flowers in our garden.
There are only a handful of flowers in our garden.
There are scarcely any blossoms in our garden.


She (   ) me as a very efficient secretary.

She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
▸ strike「…に印象を与える」
 ✰ strike a chord: 強い共感を与える
 ✰ strike a balance: バランスをとる
 ✰ strike a deal: 取引を成立させる
 ✰ strike fear: 恐怖を与える
 ✰ strike a pose: ポーズを取る
It seems to me that she is a very efficient secretary.
She impresses me as a very efficient secretary.
She strikes me as a highly efficient secretary.
It seems to me that she is a very efficient secretary.
She impresses me as a very efficient secretary.
She strikes me as a highly efficient secretary.
To me, she comes across as a very efficient secretary.
In my opinion, she appears to be a very efficient secretary.


We (  ) go to the movies, only once or twice a year.

We seldom [rarely] go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
▸ seldom[rarely]「めったに…ない」
 ✰ seldom[rarely] seen: めったに見られない
 ✰ seldom[rarely] heard: めったに聞かれない
 ✰ seldom[rarely] used: めったに使われない
 ✰ seldom[rarely] found: めったに見つからない
 ✰ seldom[rarely] visited: めったに訪れない
We rarely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We seldom go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We hardly ever go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We almost never go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We scarcely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We barely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We very rarely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.


One thousand dollars will (   ) all your expenses for the trip.

One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
▸ cover A「A(費用など)をまかなう」
 ✰ cover expenses: 費用をまかなう
 ✰ cover costs: 費用をカバーする
 ✰ cover bills: 請求書を支払う
 ✰ cover fees: 手数料を支払う
 ✰ cover tuition: 授業料をまかなう
One thousand dollars will pay for all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will take care of all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will meet all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will suffice for all your expenses for the trip.


His salary is too (   ) to support his family.

His salary is too low to support his family.
▸ low「給料が安い」の意がある
 cheap は「品物などが安い」の意
 ✰ low wages: 低賃金
 ✰ low income: 低所得
 ✰ low budget: 低予算
 ✰ low interest rates: 低金利
 ✰ low cost of living: 低い生活費
 ✰ cheap goods: 安い商品
 ✰ cheap meals: 安い食事
 ✰ cheap tickets: 安いチケット
 ✰ cheap hotels: 安いホテル
 ✰ cheap clothes: 安い服
His salary is too low to sustain his family.
His salary is too low to provide for his family.
His salary is too low to sustain his family.
His salary is too low to provide for his family.
His salary is inadequate to support his family.
His salary is insufficient to sustain his family.
His salary is not enough to provide for his family.


(   ) a (   ) people attended the wedding ceremony.

Not [Quite] a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
▸ not a few+複数名詞「かなりの数の」
 ✰ not a few people: かなりの数の人々
 ✰ not a few challenges: かなりの数の課題
 ✰ not a few difficulties: かなりの数の困難
 ✰ not a few problems: かなりの数の問題
 ✰ not a few mistakes: かなりの数の間違い
Not quite a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
Not a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
Many people attended the wedding ceremony.
A considerable number of people attended the wedding ceremony.
A substantial number of people attended the wedding ceremony.


Japanese people (   ) ever go on a trip alone.

Japanese people hardly [scarcely] ever go on a trip alone.
▸ hardly[scarcely] ever「めったに…ない」〈程度〉
 ✰ hardly ever see him: 彼にはほとんど会わない
 ✰ scarcely ever rains: この地域ではほとんど雨が降らない
 ✰ scarcely ever smiles: 彼はほとんど笑わない
 ✰ hardly ever eat fast food: 彼らはほとんどファストフードを食べない
 ✰ seldom visit my relatives: 私は家族を滅多に訪問しない
 ✰ rarely arrives on time: 彼は滅多に時間通りに到着しない
 ✰ seldom sunny in this city: この都市で天気はまれだ
Japanese people hardly ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people scarcely ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people rarely go on a trip alone.
Japanese people seldom go on a trip alone.
Japanese people almost never go on a trip alone.


“Can you (    ) me some money?”
“Of course, how much do you need?”

“Can you lend me some money?”
“Of course, how much do you need?”
▸ lend A B「AにBを貸す」
 hire は基本的に人を雇う場合に用いる
 ✰ lend someone money: お金を誰かに貸す
 ✰ lend someone a hand: 誰かの手助けをする
 ✰ lend someone support: 誰かを支援する
 ✰ lend someone an ear: 誰かの話を聞く
 ✰ lend someone your car: 誰かに車を貸す
 ✰ hire employees: 従業員を雇う
 ✰ hire a contractor: 請負業者を雇う
 ✰ hire a consultant: コンサルタントを雇う
 ✰ hire a lawyer: 弁護士を雇う
 ✰ hire a babysitter: ベビーシッターを雇う
"Can you lend me some cash?"
"Of course, how much do you need?"
"Can you lend me some money?"
"Can you lend me some funds?"
"Can you lend me some currency?"
"Can you lend me some dough?"
Certainly, what amount are you looking for?
Absolutely, how much is required?
Of course, what quantity do you require?
Sure, how much do you require?
Certainly, how much are you in need of?


“Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?”
“I’m sorry but I’m a (   ) here.”

“Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?”
“I'm sorry but I’m a stranger here.”
▸ stranger は「見知らぬ人」の他に
 ✰ stranger to the area: その地域に不案内な人
 ✰ stranger to the city: その都市に不案内な人
 ✰ stranger to the neighborhood: その近隣に不案内な人
 ✰ stranger to the building: その建物に不案内な人
 ✰ stranger to the country: その国に不案内な人
"Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?"
"I'm sorry but I’m a stranger here."
"Can you tell me where the Red Cross Hospital is?"
"I'm sorry but I’m not from around here."
"I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with this area."
"I'm sorry, but I'm new to this town."
"I'm sorry, but I'm not local."


It’s not my (    ) if the party is cancelled.

It’s not my fault if the party is cancelled.
▸ A’s fault「Aの責任」
 ✰ It's A's fault: それはAの責任だ
 ✰ A is at fault: Aが責任を負う
 ✰ A admits fault: Aは責任を認める
 ✰ Blame A for the fault: 責任をAに負わせる
 ✰ A's fault and responsibility: Aの責任と責務
It’s not my responsibility if the party is canceled.
It’s not my fault if the party is called off.
It’s not my fault if the party gets canceled.
It’s not on me if the party is called off.
It’s not up to me if the party is canceled.


You had better (    ) a doctor about your health.

You had better consult a doctor about your health.
▸ consult a doctor「医者に診察してもらう」
 see a doctor も同義
 ✰ consult a doctor: 医師に相談する
 ✰ consult a lawyer: 弁護士に相談する
 ✰ consult a dictionary: 辞書を参照する
 ✰ consult with colleagues: 同僚と協議する
 ✰ consult an expert: 専門家に相談する
You had better consult a doctor about your health.
You had better see a doctor about your health.
You had better visit a doctor regarding your health.
You had better seek advice from a doctor about your health.
You had better talk to a doctor about your health.
You had better make an appointment with a doctor about your health.


One day, everybody will (    ) (    ) (   ) travel where they want.

One day, everybody will be able to travel where they want.
▸ be able to do「…することができる」
 ✰ be able to understand: 理解することができる
 ✰ be able to speak: 話すことができる
 ✰ be able to learn: 学ぶことができる
 ✰ be able to solve: 解決することができる
 ✰ be able to achieve: 達成することができる
One day, everybody will have the ability to travel where they want.
One day, everybody will have the opportunity to travel where they want.
One day, everybody will be capable of traveling where they want.
One day, everybody will have the chance to travel where they want.
One day, everybody will have the freedom to travel where they want.


He trained the dog to look after his (    ) of sheep.

He trained the dog to look after his flock of sheep.
▸ flock「鳥や羊の群れ」
 ✰ flock of birds: 鳥の群れ
 ✰ flock of sheep: 羊の群れ
 ✰ flock of tourists: 観光客の群れ
 ✰ flock of fans: ファンの群れ
 ✰ flock of students: 生徒の群れ
He trained the dog to take care of his flock of sheep.
He trained the dog to guard his flock of sheep.
He trained the dog to care for his flock of sheep.
He trained the dog to watch over his flock of sheep.
He trained the dog to protect his flock of sheep.
He trained the dog to oversee his flock of sheep.


Bill is in the (   ) of drinking milk with all his meals.

Bill is in the habit of drinking milk with all his meals.
▸ habit「個人的な習慣」
 ✰ daily habits: 日常の習慣
 ✰ bad habits: 悪い習慣
 ✰ smoking habit: 喫煙の習慣
 ✰ reading habit: 読書の習慣
 ✰ eating habits: 食事の習慣
 ✰ cultural customs: 文化的習慣
 ✰ traditional customs: 伝統的な習慣
 ✰ social customs: 社会的習慣
 ✰ religious customs: 宗教的習慣
 ✰ local customs: 地域の習慣
Bill is accustomed to drinking milk with all his meals.
Bill is in the habit of consuming milk with all his meals.
Bill has developed the habit of drinking milk with all his meals.
Bill is used to consuming milk with all his meals.
Bill routinely drinks milk with all his meals.
Bill regularly includes milk in all his meals.

《 Part 2:瞬発アウトプット 》


He has a good [great] deal of free time, which he usually spends fishing.
He has a good deal of free time, most of which he devotes to fishing.
He has a great deal of free time, much of which he spends fishing.
He has a good deal of free time, the majority of which he spends fishing.
He has a great deal of free time, a large portion of which he devotes to fishing.
He has a good amount of free time, with most of it dedicated to fishing.
He has a significant amount of free time, and he spends much of it fishing.
He has a considerable amount of free time, most of which he uses for fishing.


Move to the back of the bus and make room for others.
Move to the rear of the bus and make space for others.
Head to the back of the bus and make room for others.
Go to the back of the bus and create space for others.
Shift to the rear of the bus to make room for others.
Proceed to the back of the bus and clear space for others.


Yesterday morning, I almost missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I nearly missed the bus.
Yesterday morning, I came close to missing the bus.
Yesterday morning, I barely caught the bus on time.
Yesterday morning, I narrowly made it onto the bus.
Yesterday morning, I was just in time to catch the bus.
Yesterday morning, I just managed to catch the bus.


The movie was very boring , so I stopped watching it.
The movie was very dull, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was dreadfully boring, so I quit watching it.
The movie was really boring, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was incredibly uninteresting, so I quit watching it.
The movie was incredibly tedious, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was exceedingly uneventful, so I quit watching it.
The movie was terribly monotonous, so I stopped watching it.
The movie was extremely lackluster, so I quit watching it.
The movie was awfully dull, so I stopped watching it.


"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was truly amusing."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was really entertaining."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was genuinely amusing."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was exceptionally entertaining."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was truly delightful."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was really enjoyable."
"The students all went to the movie yesterday evening."
"I heard it was quite amusing."


“Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money.”
“Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason.”
"Bob is down because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is depressed because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling down because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I noticed he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling downhearted because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling depressed because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I noticed he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling gloomy because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I saw he was feeling low but I didn’t know the reason."
"Bob is feeling blue because he’s lost some money."
"Oh, I noticed he was in low spirits but I didn’t know the reason."


There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.
There are barely any flowers in our garden.
There are hardly any flowers in our garden.
There are almost no flowers in our garden.
There are very few flowers in our garden.
There are only a handful of flowers in our garden.
There are scarcely any blossoms in our garden.


She strikes me as a very efficient secretary.
It seems to me that she is a very efficient secretary.
She impresses me as a very efficient secretary.
She strikes me as a highly efficient secretary.
It seems to me that she is a very efficient secretary.
She impresses me as a very efficient secretary.
She strikes me as a highly efficient secretary.
To me, she comes across as a very efficient secretary.
In my opinion, she appears to be a very efficient secretary.


We rarely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We seldom go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We hardly ever go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We almost never go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We scarcely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We barely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.
We very rarely go to the movies, only once or twice a year.


One thousand dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will pay for all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will take care of all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will meet all your expenses for the trip.
One thousand dollars will suffice for all your expenses for the trip.


His salary is too low to support his family.
His salary is too low to sustain his family.
His salary is too low to provide for his family.
His salary is too low to sustain his family.
His salary is too low to provide for his family.
His salary is inadequate to support his family.
His salary is insufficient to sustain his family.
His salary is not enough to provide for his family.


Not quite a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
Not a few people attended the wedding ceremony.
Many people attended the wedding ceremony.
A considerable number of people attended the wedding ceremony.
A substantial number of people attended the wedding ceremony.


Japanese people hardly ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people scarcely ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people rarely go on a trip alone.
Japanese people seldom go on a trip alone.
Japanese people almost never go on a trip alone.


“Can you lend me some money?”
“Of course, how much do you need?”
"Can you lend me some cash?"
"Can you lend me some funds?"
"Can you lend me some currency?"
"Can you lend me some dough?"
Certainly, what amount are you looking for?
Absolutely, how much is required?
Of course, what quantity do you require?
Sure, how much do you require?
Certainly, how much are you in need of?



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