
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



This book will (    ) us to understand the country better.
  ① take
  ② enable
  ③ make
  ④ bid

『人が ~ するのを可能にする』
☆ 無生物主語 enable 人 to do
☆ 無生物主語 allow 人 to do
☆ 無生物主語 permit 人 to do
☆ make it possible for 人 to do
☆ Because of 無生物主語 人 can to
☆ Due to 名, 無生物主語 人 can to
☆ On account of 名, 無生物主語 人 can to
☆ Owing to 名, 無生物主語 人 can to
☆ 無生物主語 prevent 人 from doing
☆ 無生物主語 keep 人 from doing
☆ 無生物主語 stop 人 from doing
This book will enable us to understand the country better.
This book will enhance our comprehension of the country.
This book will facilitate our understanding of the country.
This book will empower us to grasp the country better.
This book will equip us with a better understanding of the country.
This book will provide us with insights into the country.

I must get the curtains (    ) as soon as possible.
  ① wash
  ② washed
  ③ to wash
  ④ washes

<get[have] A done>
⑴ 〔使役〕「Aを~してもらう/させる」    
⑵ 〔受身・被害〕「Aを~される」
⑶ 〔完了〕「(自分が)Aを~してしまう」  
I must get the curtains washed as soon as possible.
I need to have the curtains laundered as soon as possible.
I have to get the curtains cleaned as soon as possible.
I need to have the curtains washed without delay.
I must ensure the curtains are washed at the earliest opportunity.
It's imperative that I get the curtains washed right away.

Her parents didn’t (    ) her to go to America.
  ① admit
  ② allow
  ③ forgive
  ④ let

allow A to do
「Aが ~するのを許す」
目的格補語にto doを取るのはallowのみ。
let は to go が goであれば正解。
admit は「許す」の意味もあるが「入るのを許す」
<admit A into[to]B>
<forgive 人 for モノ・事>
I admit my dog into the house when it's raining outside.
Please forgive me for being late to the meeting.
Her parents didn’t allow her to go to America.
Her parents prohibited her from going to America.
Her parents refused to let her go to America.
Her parents declined her request to go to America.
Her parents forbade her from traveling to America.
Her parents vetoed her plans to go to America.

The rise in house prices (    ) him to sell his house at a big profit.
  ① directed
  ② enabled
  ③ handed
  ④ got

<無生物主語 enable A to do>
「Aが ~ するのを可能にする」
④ get は haveと同様 “人”を主語として用いる。
The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big profit.
The increase in house prices facilitated his sale of the house at a significant profit.
The surge in house prices allowed him to sell his house for a substantial profit.
The upturn in house prices empowered him to sell his house at a considerable profit.
The escalation in house prices permitted him to sell his house at a substantial profit.
The boost in house prices enabled him to sell his house for a large profit.

I want to (    ). It seems out of order.
  ① have this cassette recorder fixing
  ② have this cassette recorder fixed
  ③ have fixed this cassette recorder
  ④ have this cassette recorder fix

have A done「Aを~してもらう」〔使役用法〕
 ❑ X=副詞句 ➪ SVO     
 ❑ X=形容詞句(doing/done) ➪ SVOC 
 ❑ X=名詞 ⑴ O=X ➪ SVOC  
       ⑵ O≠X ➪ SVOO  
☆ Tom made him a chair. (him ≠a chair)
  ➢ S V O C=名
☆ Tom made him a doctor. (Tom=a doctor)
  ➢ S V O C=名/形
I want to have this cassette recorder fixed. It seems out of order.
I want to have this cassette recorder repaired because it appears to be malfunctioning.
I want to have this cassette recorder serviced because it doesn't seem to be working properly.
I want to have this cassette recorder examined because it appears to be out of order.
I want to have this cassette recorder looked at because it seems to be faulty.
I want to have this cassette recorder checked because it seems to be defective.

What (    ) you to change your mind ?
  ① had
  ② let
  ③ caused
  ④ thought

<cause A to do>「Aが~する原因となる」
☆ What caused A to do … ?
☆ Why did A do … ?
☆ What made A do … ?
What caused Sarah to quit her job?
= Why did Sarah quit her job?
= What led Sarah to quit her job?
= What prompted Sarah to quit her job?
= What made Sarah quit her job?
= What was the reason for Sarah quitting her job?
= What influenced Sarah to quit her job?
= What compelled Sarah to quit her job?
= What drove Sarah to quit her job?
= What motivated Sarah to quit her job?
= What factors contributed to Sarah quitting her job?
What caused you to change your mind ?
What prompted you to alter your opinion?
What led to your decision to change your mind?
What influenced you to revise your perspective?
What motivated you to reconsider your stance?
What brought about your change of heart?

The discovery that coal could be burned (    ) the kind of industrial society in which we live.
  ① enabled
  ② made possible
  ③ caused
  ④ to hear

enableとcauseは後にO+to doの語法で
SVOC から長い目的語が後置されて〈SVCO〉
この構造は読解でも焦点になるで “end weight” と呼ばれる。
この場合の動詞は普通 make。
☆ I have to make sure that he is all right.
☆ We call negligent those who neglect their duties.
☆ He made clear his strong objections to the proposal.
「石炭を燃やすことができるという発見によって, 我々が住むような工業社会が可能になった」
The discovery that coal could be burned made possible the kind of industrial society in which we live.
The realization that coal could be burned facilitated the development of the industrial society we inhabit.
The finding that coal could be burned enabled the formation of the industrial society in which we reside.
The revelation that coal could be burned allowed for the creation of the industrial society we live in.
The understanding that coal could be burned paved the way for the industrial society we are part of.
The awareness that coal could be burned brought about the industrial society we currently live in.

【you / at / this ticket / can / any / to / stop over / allows】station.

You can stop over…としたら this ticket, allows
allow A to do「Aが ~ するのを許す」
This ticket allows you to stop over at any station.
This ticket permits you to make a stopover at any station.
With this ticket, you have the privilege of stopping over at any station.
This ticket grants you the opportunity to pause your journey at any station.
This ticket affords you the option to halt your travel at any station.
You have the freedom to make a stopover at any station with this ticket.

【coat / look / nice / on / this / very / white / will / you 】.

look nice[well]on 人「Aによく似合う」
You will look very nice on this white coat.
は誤り。on が in〔着用〕なら正しい。
This white coat will look very nice on you.
This white coat will suit you very nicely.
This white coat will complement your appearance beautifully.
This white coat will enhance your look greatly.
This white coat will flatter you immensely.
This white coat will be very becoming on you.

Nobody【his / have / abilities / likes / mistrusted / to】.

His abilities are mistrusted. の受動関係があるので,
have A done「Aを~される」〔受身〕
Nobody likes to have his abilities mistrusted.
Nobody enjoys having their abilities doubted.
Nobody appreciates having their capabilities questioned.
Nobody wants their skills to be mistrusted.
Nobody welcomes suspicion about their abilities.
Nobody takes kindly to having their talents mistrusted.



This book will enable us to understand the country better.
This book will enhance our comprehension of the country.
This book will facilitate our understanding of the country.
This book will empower us to grasp the country better.
This book will equip us with a better understanding of the country.
This book will provide us with insights into the country.


I must get the curtains washed as soon as possible.
I need to have the curtains laundered as soon as possible.
I have to get the curtains cleaned as soon as possible.
I need to have the curtains washed without delay.
I must ensure the curtains are washed at the earliest opportunity.
It's imperative that I get the curtains washed right away.


Her parents didn’t allow her to go to America.
Her parents prohibited her from going to America.
Her parents refused to let her go to America.
Her parents declined her request to go to America.
Her parents forbade her from traveling to America.
Her parents vetoed her plans to go to America.


The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big profit.
The increase in house prices facilitated his sale of the house at a significant profit.
The surge in house prices allowed him to sell his house for a substantial profit.
The upturn in house prices empowered him to sell his house at a considerable profit.
The escalation in house prices permitted him to sell his house at a substantial profit.
The boost in house prices enabled him to sell his house for a large profit.


I want to have this cassette recorder fixed. It seems out of order.
I want to have this cassette recorder repaired because it appears to be malfunctioning.
I want to have this cassette recorder serviced because it doesn't seem to be working properly.
I want to have this cassette recorder examined because it appears to be out of order.
I want to have this cassette recorder looked at because it seems to be faulty.
I want to have this cassette recorder checked because it seems to be defective.


What caused you to change your mind ?
What prompted you to alter your opinion?
What led to your decision to change your mind?
What influenced you to revise your perspective?
What motivated you to reconsider your stance?
What brought about your change of heart?

「石炭を燃やすことができるという発見によって, 我々が住むような工業社会が可能になった」

The discovery that coal could be burned made possible the kind of industrial society in which we live.
The realization that coal could be burned facilitated the development of the industrial society we inhabit.
The finding that coal could be burned enabled the formation of the industrial society in which we reside.
The revelation that coal could be burned allowed for the creation of the industrial society we live in.
The understanding that coal could be burned paved the way for the industrial society we are part of.
The awareness that coal could be burned brought about the industrial society we currently live in.


This ticket allows you to stop over at any station.
This ticket permits you to make a stopover at any station.
With this ticket, you have the privilege of stopping over at any station.
This ticket grants you the opportunity to pause your journey at any station.
This ticket affords you the option to halt your travel at any station.
You have the freedom to make a stopover at any station with this ticket.


This white coat will look very nice on you.
This white coat will suit you very nicely.
This white coat will complement your appearance beautifully.
This white coat will enhance your look greatly.
This white coat will flatter you immensely.
This white coat will be very becoming on you.


Nobody likes to have his abilities mistrusted.
Nobody enjoys having their abilities doubted.
Nobody appreciates having their capabilities questioned.
Nobody wants their skills to be mistrusted.
Nobody welcomes suspicion about their abilities.
Nobody takes kindly to having their talents mistrusted.


1. 動名詞をとる他動詞

(1) mind 「〜を気にする」
(2) enjoy 「〜を楽しむ」
(3) give up 「〜をあきらめる」
(4) avoid 「〜を避ける」
(5) finish 「〜を終える」
(6) escape 「〜を免れる」
(7) put off 「〜を延期する」
(8) stop 「〜を⽌める」
(9) consider 「〜を考える」
(10) admit 「〜を認める」
(11) deny 「〜を否定する」
(12) miss 「〜を逃す」
(13) practice 「〜を練習する」
(14) appreciate 「〜を感謝する」

2. 不定詞をとる他動詞

(1) decide to 「〜するのを決める」
(2) promise to 「〜する約束する」
(3) fail to 「〜しない・できない」
(4) afford to 「〜する余裕がある」
(5) pretend to 「〜するふりをする」
(6) manage to 「なんとか〜する」
(7) intend to 「〜しようとする」
(8) refuse to 「〜するのを拒否する」
(9) hesitate to 「〜するのをためらう」
(10) plan to 「〜を計画する」

3. 意味の相違

(1) remember to 「忘れずに〜する」
  remember -ing 「〜したことを覚えている」
(2) forget to 「〜するのを忘れる」
  forget -ing 「〜したことを忘れる」
(3) try to 「〜しようとする」
  try -ing 「ためしに〜する」
(4) regret to 「残念ながら〜する」
  regret -ing 「〜したのを後悔する」
(5) stop to 「〜するために⽴ち⽌る」
  stop -ing 「〜するのを⽌める」
(6) need to 「〜する必要がある」
  need -ing 「〜される必要がある」
(7) want to 「〜したいと思う」
  want -ing 「〜される必要がある」

4. 頻出語法

(1) explain(to 人) that 〜
(2) insist on -ing
  insist that S (should) V
(3) complain of [about] -ing
  complain that 〜
(4) advise人 to do
  advise that S (should) V
(5) rob [deprive] A of B
  「A からB を奪う」
(6) clear A of B
  「A からB を取り除く」
(7) cure [heal] A of B
  「A のB(病気)を治す」

◆ suggest

(1) suggest (to人) that S (should) V ~
(2) suggest -ing 「~することを提案する」
(3) suggest ~(to人) 「~を(人に)思い出させる」
(4) suggest itself (to 人) 「~が(人の)心に浮かぶ」


 ☆ borrow (無料+移動)
 ☆ rent (有料)
 ☆ hire (有料+一時的)
 ☆ use (一時的+移動不可)
 ☆ lend (無料)
 ☆ rent (有料)


(1) say
  say (to 人) that ~ 「~と(人に)言う」
  say (to 人), “~” 「~と(人に)言う」
(2) tell
  tell 人 that ~ 「~と~に言う」
  tell 人 to do 「~に~するように言う」
  tell 人 of [about] 事柄 「~に~について言う」
(3) talk
  talk to 人 「~に話しかける」・
  talk with 人 「~と話をする」
  talk of [about/over] 事柄 「~について話す」
  talk 人into doing 「~に~するように説得する」
  talk 人 out of doing 「~に~をやめるように説得する」
(4) speak
  speak 言語/言葉 「~を話す(言う)」
  speak to 人 「~に話しかける」
  speak with 人 「~と話をする」
  speak of [about/over] 事柄 「~について話す」

7. 成句として処理するもの

(1) tell A from B 「A とB を区別する」
  tell on 「~に影響を与える」
(2) talk人 into doing 「~に~するように説得する」
  talk人 out of doing 「~に~をやめるように説得する」
◆ think/believe/say
(1) They think that he is honest.
 = △ That he is honest is thought by them.
 = ○ It is thought that he is honest.
 = ○ They think him (to be) honest.
 = ○ He is thought to be honest.
(2) They believe that he is honest.
 = △ That he was honest is believed by them.
 = ○ It is believed that he is honest.
 = ○ They believe him (to be) honest.
 = ○ He is believed to be honest.
(3) They say that he is honest.
 = △ That he was honest is said by them.
 = ○ It is said (by them) that he is honest.
 = ×They say him to be honest.
 = ○ He is said to be honest.

8. 《仮定法現在》

 I demanded that he (should) pay the bill.
(1) that 節中の should は訳さない(省略可)
(2) that 節中の動詞は常に原形
 ☆ 命 令 order, command
 ☆ 決 定 decide, determine
 ☆ 要 求 demand, require, request
 ☆ 提 案 suggest, propose, recommend
 ☆ 主 張 insist

9. 動詞 A from B

(1) prevent / hinder / keep / stop / deter A from B
 「A がB するのを妨げる」
(2) tell / distinguish / know A from B
 「A とB を区別する」
(3) separate A from B
  「A をB から分離する」
(4) isolate A from B
  「A をB から孤立させる」
  order A from B
  「A をB に注文する」
  derive A from B
  「A をB から引き出す」
Their pride prevented them from accepting our offer.
Can you distinguish a wolf from a dog?

10. 動詞A of B 〈情報〉のof

(1) remind A of B
 「A にB を思い出させる」
  = remind A that B
(2) inform A of B
 「A にB を知らせる」
  = inform A that B
(3) convince A of B
 「A にB を確信させる」
  = convince A that B
(4) persuade A of B
  「A にB を納得させる」
  = persuade A that B
(5) assure A of B
  「A にB を保証させる」
  = assure A that B
I informed him of her arrival.
I informed him that she arrived.

11. 動詞A of B 〈分離〉の of

(1) rob [deprive] A of B
  「A からB を奪う」
(2) clear [rid / relieve / strip] A of B
  「A から B を取り除く」
(3) cure A of B
  「A のB を治す」

12. 感情動詞 = 他動詞

 ☆ surprise 「驚かせる」
 ☆ amaze 「驚かせる」
 ☆ please 「喜ばせる」
 ☆ injure 「傷つける」
 ☆ bore 「退屈させる」
 ☆ satisfy 「満足させる」
 ☆ disappoint 「失望させる」
 ☆ excite 「興奮させる」
 ☆ relieve 「安心させる」
(1) He was disappointing.
  ▸ 彼は期待はずれな奴だった。
(2) He was disappointed.
  ▸ 彼はがっかりしていた。

13. pay

(1) I pay ten dollars for this book two years ago.
  2 年前にはこの本は10 ドルしました。
(2) Honesty does not always pay.

14. save

 save + O1 + O2
 「O1 から O2 を省く」
This new machine will save you a lot of time and trouble.

15. spare

 spare + O1 + O2
 「O1 に O2 を割く・取っておく」
Will you save me a few minutes?
= Will you save a few minutes for me?

16 help

(1) help +人+ (to) do 「人が〜するのを手伝う」
(2) help +人+ with 物事 「人が〜するのを手伝う」
(3) help (to) do 「〜するのに役⽴つ」
(4) help A to B 「A にB を取ってやる」
(5) help 人以外 「〜を避ける」
*cannot but do 「〜せずにはいられない」
 = cannot help doing.
Please help yourself to the cake.

17. come/bring

(1a) come to do 「〜するようになる」
(1b) bring oneself to do 「〜する気になる」
(2a) come about 「〜が起こる」
(2b) bring about 「〜を引き起こす」
(3a) come into being 「〜が現れる」
(3b) bring 〜 into being 「〜を⽣み出す」

18. give

(1) give away 「~をただでやる」
(2) give in to 「~に降参する」
(3) give off 「(におい・光など)を発する」
(4) give up 「~をやめる」
(5) give out 「~が尽きる・~を発表する」

19. do

(1) do +利益/損害「~を与える」
(2) What … do with ? 「~をどうするのか」
(3) do without 「~なしですます」
(4) have something to do with
  have much to do with
  have nothing [little] to do with
(5) do away with

20. result

(1) 原因 result in 結果 「結果として~になる」
(2) 結果 result from 原因 「~の結果起こる」
(3) as a result (of ~) 「(~の)結果」

21. 分離動詞句

☆<認識動詞 A as B>
・look (up)on「AをBと認識する」
・think of「AをBと認識する」

☆<発言動詞 A as B>
・refer to「AをBと言う」
・speak of「AをBと言う」

☆<情報提供動詞 A of B>

☆<確信動詞 A of B>

☆<非難動詞 A of B>
☆<強奪動詞 A of B>

☆<除去動詞 A of B>

☆<捕獲動詞 A from B>

☆<分離動詞 A from B>

☆<区分動詞 A from B>

☆<妨害動詞 A from B>

☆<関連動詞 A with B>

☆<付与動詞 A with B>

☆<関連動詞 A with B>

☆<変化動詞 A to B>

☆<賞賛動詞 A for B>

☆<非難動詞 A for B>
☆<許諾動詞 A for B>

☆<欲求動詞 A for B>
・depend (up)on「AにBを頼る」
・rely (up)on「AにBを頼る」
・count (up)on「AにBを頼る」
・turn to「AにBを頼る」
・look to「AにBを頼る」

☆<思考動詞 A for B>

☆<交換動詞 A for B>

☆<設置動詞 A on B>

☆<帰責動詞 A on B>

☆<御祝動詞 A on B>

☆<変化動詞 A into B>

☆<説得動詞 A into B>

☆<説得動詞 A out of B>




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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

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