
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

1. guarantee:

保証する:assure, promise, ensure
Contracts are legally binding agreements that guarantee the fulfillment of specified terms.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Contracts are legally binding agreements that assure the fulfillment of specified terms.
Contracts are legally binding agreements that promise the fulfillment of specified terms.
Contracts are legally binding agreements that ensure the fulfillment of specified terms.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Contracts are legally binding agreements that assure the fulfillment of specified terms.
Contracts are legally binding agreements that promise the fulfillment of specified terms.
Contracts are legally binding agreements that ensure the fulfillment of specified terms.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Contracts are legally binding agreements that strongly assure the fulfillment of specified terms.
Contracts are legally binding agreements that solemnly promise the fulfillment of specified terms.
Contracts are legally binding agreements that diligently ensure the fulfillment of specified terms.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The inclusion of guarantees in contracts may evoke feelings of security and trust among parties involved as they rely on legal assurances for the fulfillment of specified terms.
The promise of fulfillment embedded in contracts may elicit feelings of commitment and reliability among parties involved as they hold each other accountable to agreed-upon terms.
The assurance of fulfillment provided by contracts may provoke feelings of confidence and peace of mind among parties involved as they navigate business agreements with certainty.

● guarantee: to assure that a condition will be fulfilled; to provide a formal assurance or promise, especially in writing
・guarantee quality: 品質を保証する
・guarantee performance: パフォーマンスを保証する
・guarantee satisfaction: 満足を保証する
・guarantee delivery: 配送を保証する
・guarantee safety: 安全性を保証する

2. harness:

利用する:utilize, exploit, utilize effectively
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power harness natural resources to generate electricity.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power utilize natural resources to generate electricity.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power exploit natural resources to generate electricity.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power utilize natural resources effectively to generate electricity.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power utilize natural resources to generate electricity.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power exploit natural resources to generate electricity.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power utilize natural resources effectively to generate electricity.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power effectively utilize natural resources to generate electricity.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power efficiently exploit natural resources to generate electricity.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power optimally utilize natural resources to generate electricity.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The utilization of renewable energy sources to harness natural resources for electricity generation may evoke feelings of environmental responsibility and sustainability as individuals contribute to reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.
The exploitation of renewable energy sources to harness natural resources for electricity generation may elicit feelings of progress and innovation as individuals embrace technological advancements in energy production.
The effective utilization of renewable energy sources to harness natural resources for electricity generation may provoke feelings of efficiency and efficacy as individuals witness the practical benefits of alternative energy solutions.

● harness: to utilize (something) for a particular purpose, especially to control and make use of the natural force or power of (something)
・harness wind energy: 風力エネルギーを利用する
・harness solar power: 太陽光を利用する
・harness hydroelectric power: 水力発電を利用する
・harness geothermal energy: 地熱エネルギーを利用する
・harness tidal power: 潮力を利用する

3. identify:

識別する:recognize, distinguish, pinpoint
Police officers use fingerprints to identify individuals involved in criminal activities.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Police officers use fingerprints to recognize individuals involved in criminal activities.
Police officers use fingerprints to distinguish individuals involved in criminal activities.
Police officers use fingerprints to pinpoint individuals involved in criminal activities.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Police officers use fingerprints to recognize individuals involved in criminal activities.
Police officers use fingerprints to distinguish individuals involved in criminal activities.
Police officers use fingerprints to pinpoint individuals involved in criminal activities.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Police officers use fingerprints to accurately recognize individuals involved in criminal activities.
Police officers use fingerprints to keenly distinguish individuals involved in criminal activities.
Police officers use fingerprints to precisely pinpoint individuals involved in criminal activities.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The use of fingerprints by police officers to identify individuals involved in criminal activities may evoke feelings of security and justice as law enforcement agencies work to apprehend suspects and maintain public safety.
The reliance on fingerprints by police officers to identify individuals involved in criminal activities may elicit feelings of confidence and reliability as forensic techniques contribute to solving crimes and ensuring accountability.
The precision of using fingerprints by police officers to identify individuals involved in criminal activities may provoke feelings of reassurance and trust as investigative methods aid in identifying perpetrators and protecting communities.

● identify: to recognize, distinguish, or establish as being a particular person or thing; to determine or distinguish the identity of (a person or thing)
・identify suspects:容疑者を特定する
・identify victims:犠牲者を識別する
・identify patterns: パターンを識別する
・identify features:特徴を識別する
・identify sources:ソースを特定する

4. illustrate:

説明する:explain, demonstrate, depict
Diagrams and charts are often used to illustrate complex scientific concepts.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Diagrams and charts are often used to explain complex scientific concepts.
Diagrams and charts are often used to demonstrate complex scientific concepts.
Diagrams and charts are often used to depict complex scientific concepts.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Diagrams and charts are often used to explain complex scientific concepts.
Diagrams and charts are often used to demonstrate complex scientific concepts.
Diagrams and charts are often used to depict complex scientific concepts.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Diagrams and charts are frequently used to effectively explain complex scientific concepts.
Diagrams and charts are frequently used to vividly demonstrate complex scientific concepts.
Diagrams and charts are frequently used to accurately depict complex scientific concepts.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The use of diagrams and charts to illustrate complex scientific concepts may evoke feelings of clarity and understanding as visual aids enhance comprehension and learning.
The utilization of diagrams and charts to illustrate complex scientific concepts may elicit feelings of engagement and interest as visual representations capture attention and facilitate knowledge retention.
The incorporation of diagrams and charts to illustrate complex scientific concepts may provoke feelings of appreciation and insight as visual illustrations enhance the presentation and communication of complex ideas.

● illustrate: to provide (a book, magazine, etc.) with pictures, diagrams, or other explanatory or decorative features
・illustrate a concept: 概念を説明する
・illustrate a theory: 理論を示す
・illustrate a process: プロセスを説明する
・illustrate a point: ポイントを説明する
・illustrate with examples: 例を用いて説明する

5. imagine:

想像する:visualize, envisage, conceive
Close your eyes and imagine yourself on a beautiful beach.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Close your eyes and visualize yourself on a beautiful beach.
Close your eyes and envisage yourself on a beautiful beach.
Close your eyes and conceive yourself on a beautiful beach.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Close your eyes and visualize yourself on a beautiful beach.
Close your eyes and envisage yourself on a beautiful beach.
Close your eyes and conceive yourself on a beautiful beach.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Close your eyes and vividly visualize yourself on a beautiful beach.
Close your eyes and passionately envisage yourself on a beautiful beach.
Close your eyes and deeply conceive yourself on a beautiful beach.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The act of visualizing yourself on a beautiful beach with closed eyes may evoke feelings of relaxation and tranquility as individuals immerse themselves in a mental escape from daily stressors.
The act of envisaging yourself on a beautiful beach with closed eyes may elicit feelings of anticipation and excitement as individuals mentally transport themselves to a serene and picturesque setting.
The act of conceiving yourself on a beautiful beach with closed eyes may provoke feelings of inspiration and creativity as individuals explore their inner imaginations and aspirations.

● imagine: to form a mental image or concept of; to suppose or assume (something)
・imagine a scenario: シナリオを想像する
・imagine a future: 未来を想像する
・imagine possibilities: 可能性を想像する
・imagine outcomes: 結果を想像する
・imagine alternatives: 代替案を想像する

6. implement:

実施する:execute, carry out, put into effect
The new policy will be implemented next month.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The new policy will be executed next month.
The new policy will be carried out next month.
The new policy will be put into effect next month.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Next month, the new policy will be executed.
Next month, the new policy will be carried out.
Next month, the new policy will be put into effect.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The new policy will be diligently executed next month.
The new policy will be efficiently carried out next month.
The new policy will be promptly put into effect next month.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The implementation of the new policy next month may evoke feelings of anticipation and readiness among stakeholders as they prepare for changes in operational procedures.
The execution of the new policy next month may elicit feelings of responsibility and accountability among team members as they work to comply with new guidelines and regulations.
The carrying out of the new policy next month may provoke feelings of commitment and dedication among staff members as they strive to ensure successful implementation and adherence to established protocols.

● implement: to put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect; to fulfill, accomplish, or carry out (a plan, scheme, promise, etc.)
・implement a plan: 計画を実施する
・implement a strategy: 戦略を実行する
・implement a policy: 政策を実施する
・implement changes: 変更を実施する
・implement measures: 対策を実行する

7. imply:

暗示する:suggest, indicate, hint at
His silence implied agreement with the proposal.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
His silence suggested agreement with the proposal.
His silence indicated agreement with the proposal.
His silence hinted at agreement with the proposal.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
His silence suggested agreement with the proposal.
His silence indicated agreement with the proposal.
His silence hinted at agreement with the proposal.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
His silence strongly suggested agreement with the proposal.
His silence clearly indicated agreement with the proposal.
His silence subtly hinted at agreement with the proposal.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
His silence, suggesting agreement with the proposal, may evoke feelings of reassurance and validation among proponents of the idea as they interpret his nonverbal communication as a form of approval.
His silence, indicating agreement with the proposal, may elicit feelings of relief and satisfaction among supporters of the plan as they perceive his lack of objection as a positive sign.
His silence, hinting at agreement with the proposal, may provoke feelings of curiosity and intrigue among observers as they ponder the significance of his nonverbal response.

● imply: to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated
・imply approval: 承認を暗示する
・imply consent: 同意を暗示する
・imply agreement: 同意を暗示する
・imply criticism: 批判をほのめかす
・imply doubt: 疑いを示す

8. impress:

感銘を与える:awe, inspire, influence
Her intelligence and kindness impressed everyone she met.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Her intelligence and kindness inspired everyone she met.
Her intelligence and kindness influenced everyone she met.
Her intelligence and kindness filled everyone she met with awe.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Everyone she met was inspired by her intelligence and kindness.
Everyone she met was influenced by her intelligence and kindness.
Everyone she met was filled with awe by her intelligence and kindness.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Her intelligence and kindness deeply inspired everyone she met.
Her intelligence and kindness greatly influenced everyone she met.
Her intelligence and kindness profoundly impressed everyone she met.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Her intelligence and kindness, inspiring everyone she met, may evoke feelings of admiration and motivation among those who interacted with her as they are inspired to emulate her positive qualities.
Her intelligence and kindness, influencing everyone she met, may elicit feelings of gratitude and appreciation among acquaintances as they recognize the positive impact she has had on them.
Her intelligence and kindness, filling everyone she met with awe, may provoke feelings of reverence and wonder among observers as they are struck by the magnitude of her positive attributes.

● impress: to make a strong, lasting, or favorable impact on someone
・impress with skills: スキルで感銘を与える
・impress with knowledge: 知識で感銘を与える
・impress with kindness: 優しさで感銘を与える
・impress with talent: 才能で感銘を与える
・impress with achievements: 成果で感銘を与える

9. improve:

改善する:enhance, upgrade, refine
Regular exercise can improve both physical and mental health.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Regular exercise can enhance both physical and mental health.
Regular exercise can upgrade both physical and mental health.
Regular exercise can refine both physical and mental health.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Regular exercise can enhance both physical and mental health.
Regular exercise can upgrade both physical and mental health.
Regular exercise can refine both physical and mental health.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Regular exercise can significantly enhance both physical and mental health.
Regular exercise can notably upgrade both physical and mental health.
Regular exercise can effectively refine both physical and mental health.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The practice of regular exercise, enhancing both physical and mental health, may evoke feelings of empowerment and self-improvement among individuals as they experience the positive effects on their overall well-being.
The practice of regular exercise, upgrading both physical and mental health, may elicit feelings of determination and commitment among individuals as they strive to achieve better health outcomes through consistent physical activity.
The practice of regular exercise, refining both physical and mental health, may provoke feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment among individuals as they witness gradual improvements in their overall health and wellness.

● improve: to make or become better; to enhance the quality or value of
・improve performance: パフォーマンスを改善する
・improve efficiency: 効率を向上させる
・improve skills: スキルを向上させる
・improve productivity: 生産性を向上させる
・improve well-being: 健康を向上させる

10. include:

含む:incorporate, encompass, involve
The tour package includes meals and accommodation.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The tour package incorporates meals and accommodation.
The tour package encompasses meals and accommodation.
The tour package involves meals and accommodation.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Meals and accommodation are incorporated in the tour package.
Meals and accommodation are encompassed in the tour package.
Meals and accommodation are involved in the tour package.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The tour package significantly incorporates meals and accommodation.
The tour package broadly encompasses meals and accommodation.
The tour package actively involves meals and accommodation.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The inclusion of meals and accommodation in the tour package may evoke feelings of convenience and satisfaction among travelers as they appreciate the comprehensive nature of the package and the convenience it provides during their trip.
The incorporation of meals and accommodation in the tour package may elicit feelings of value and appreciation among travelers as they perceive the added benefits and convenience offered by the inclusive package.
The involvement of meals and accommodation in the tour package may provoke feelings of anticipation and excitement among travelers as they look forward to enjoying these essential components during their journey.

● include: to contain, comprise, or take in as a part, element, or member
・include amenities: アメニティを含む
・include services: サービスを含む
・include activities: アクティビティを含む
・include transportation: 交通手段を含む
・include taxes: 税金を含む

11. incorporate:

取り入れる:integrate, include, combine
The company decided to incorporate customer feedback into its product design.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Customer feedback was integrated into the company's product design.
Customer feedback was included in the company's product design.
Customer feedback was combined with the company's product design.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company decisively integrated customer feedback into its product design.
The company actively included customer feedback in its product design.
The company effectively combined customer feedback with its product design.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The incorporation of customer feedback into the company's product design may evoke feelings of validation and appreciation among customers as they perceive their voices being heard and valued in the development process.
The integration of customer feedback into the company's product design may elicit feelings of trust and loyalty among customers as they recognize the company's commitment to meeting their needs and preferences.
The combination of customer feedback with the company's product design may provoke feelings of collaboration and partnership among customers as they feel involved in shaping the products they use.

● incorporate: to include as part of a whole; to blend or combine into a unified whole
・incorporate suggestions: 提案を取り入れる
・incorporate features: 機能を取り入れる
・incorporate changes: 変更を取り入れる
・incorporate ideas: アイデアを取り入れる
・incorporate improvements: 改善を取り入れる

12. increase:

増加する:rise, grow, escalate
The company plans to increase production to meet demand.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company plans for production to rise to meet demand.
The company plans for production to grow to meet demand.
The company plans for production to escalate to meet demand.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Production is planned to rise to meet demand by the company.
Production is planned to grow to meet demand by the company.
Production is planned to escalate to meet demand by the company.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company plans for production to significantly rise to meet demand.
The company plans for production to steadily grow to meet demand.
The company plans for production to rapidly escalate to meet demand.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The increase in production to meet demand may evoke feelings of reassurance and reliability among customers as they perceive the company's commitment to fulfilling their needs promptly and effectively.
The growth in production to meet demand may elicit feelings of anticipation and excitement among stakeholders as they anticipate the company's expansion and success in meeting market demands.
The escalation in production to meet demand may provoke feelings of urgency and determination among employees as they work towards meeting increased production targets to satisfy customer requirements.

● increase: to become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree
・increase efficiency: 効率を向上させる
・increase sales: 販売を増やす
・increase profits: 利益を増やす
・increase productivity: 生産性を向上させる
・increase revenue: 収益を増やす

13. indicate:

示す:show, point out, suggest
The sign indicates the direction to the nearest restroom.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The sign shows the direction to the nearest restroom.
The sign points out the direction to the nearest restroom.
The sign suggests the direction to the nearest restroom.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The direction to the nearest restroom is shown by the sign.
The sign is pointing out the direction to the nearest restroom.
The sign is suggesting the direction to the nearest restroom.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The sign clearly shows the direction to the nearest restroom.
The sign distinctly points out the direction to the nearest restroom.
The sign subtly suggests the direction to the nearest restroom.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The indication of the direction to the nearest restroom may evoke feelings of relief and convenience among individuals as they navigate unfamiliar surroundings with ease.
The clear pointing out of the direction to the nearest restroom may elicit feelings of gratitude and appreciation among individuals as they find assistance in locating essential facilities.
The subtle suggestion of the direction to the nearest restroom may provoke feelings of curiosity and intrigue among individuals as they interpret the sign's guidance in a less direct manner.

● indicate: to point out or show; to be a sign of something
・indicate location: 場所を示す
・indicate direction: 方向を示す
・indicate importance: 重要性を示す
・indicate possibility: 可能性を示す
・indicate need: 必要性を示す

14. influence:

影響を与える:affect, impact, sway
Parents have a significant influence on their children's development.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Parents significantly affect their children's development.
Parents significantly impact their children's development.
Parents significantly sway their children's development.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The development of children is significantly affected by parents.
The development of children is significantly impacted by parents.
The development of children is significantly swayed by parents.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Parents have a profound influence on their children's development.
Parents have a substantial impact on their children's development.
Parents have a considerable sway on their children's development.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The influence parents have on their children's development may evoke feelings of responsibility and dedication as parents recognize the importance of their role in shaping their children's future.
The impact parents have on their children's development may elicit feelings of pride and fulfillment as parents witness the positive outcomes of their guidance and support in their children's growth.
The sway parents have on their children's development may provoke feelings of reflection and introspection as parents consider the lasting effects of their actions and decisions on their children's lives.

● influence: the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something
・influence decision-making: 意思決定に影響を与える
・influence behavior: 行動に影響を与える
・influence opinion: 意見に影響を与える
・influence outcome: 結果に影響を与える
・influence society: 社会に影響を与える

15. inform:

知らせる:notify, advise, communicate
The manager will inform employees about the upcoming changes.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The manager will notify employees about the upcoming changes.
The manager will advise employees about the upcoming changes.
The manager will communicate the upcoming changes to employees.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Employees will be notified about the upcoming changes by the manager.
Employees will be advised about the upcoming changes by the manager.
The manager will communicate about the upcoming changes to employees.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The manager will promptly inform employees about the upcoming changes.
The manager will strongly advise employees about the upcoming changes.
The manager will effectively communicate the upcoming changes to employees.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The notification from the manager about the upcoming changes may evoke feelings of anticipation and preparation among employees as they brace themselves for potential adjustments.
The advice from the manager about the upcoming changes may elicit feelings of trust and support among employees as they appreciate the guidance provided by their superior.
The communication of the upcoming changes by the manager may provoke feelings of clarity and understanding among employees as they receive clear and concise information regarding the changes.

● inform: to give (someone) facts or information; to make (someone) aware of something
・inform decision-making: 意思決定に情報を提供する
・inform stakeholders: ステークホルダーに情報を伝える
・inform customers: 顧客に情報を提供する
・inform strategy: 戦略に情報を提供する
・inform policy: ポリシーに関する情報を提供する

16. initiate:

始める:start, commence, launch
The company will initiate a new project next month.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company will start a new project next month.
The company will commence a new project next month.
The company will launch a new project next month.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
A new project will be started by the company next month.
The company will commence the start of a new project next month.
Next month, the company will launch the initiation of a new project.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company will promptly initiate a new project next month.
The company will officially commence a new project next month.
The company will enthusiastically launch a new project next month.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The initiation of a new project by the company may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation among employees as they prepare to embark on a new endeavor.
The commencement of a new project by the company may elicit feelings of determination and commitment among stakeholders as they collaborate to ensure its success.
The launch of a new project by the company may provoke feelings of innovation and progress among team members as they strive to achieve project objectives.

● initiate: to cause (a process or action) to begin; to start
・initiate discussions: 議論を開始する
・initiate proceedings: 手続きを開始する
・initiate negotiations: 交渉を開始する
・initiate a project: プロジェクトを開始する
・initiate reforms: 改革を開始する

17. inquire:

問い合わせる:ask, question, query
Customers often inquire about product availability.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Customers often ask about product availability.
Customers often question product availability.
Customers often query about product availability.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Product availability is often asked about by customers.
Product availability is often questioned by customers.
Product availability is often queried about by customers.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Customers frequently inquire about product availability.
Customers persistently question product availability.
Customers diligently query about product availability.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The inquiries from customers about product availability may evoke feelings of urgency and importance among sales staff as they prioritize responding promptly to customer needs.
The questions from customers about product availability may elicit feelings of responsibility and accountability among store managers as they ensure accurate and timely information is provided.
The queries from customers about product availability may provoke feelings of attentiveness and professionalism among customer service representatives as they handle inquiries with efficiency and accuracy.

● inquire: to ask for information; to investigate; to make a request for information
・inquire about a product: 製品について問い合わせる
・inquire about services: サービスについて問い合わせる
・inquire about availability: 入手可能性について問い合わせる
・inquire about pricing: 価格について問い合わせる
・inquire about delivery: 配達について問い合わせる

18. inspect:

検査する:examine, check, scrutinize
The inspector will inspect the building for safety violations.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The inspector will examine the building for safety violations.
The inspector will check the building for safety violations.
The inspector will scrutinize the building for safety violations.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The building will be examined by the inspector for safety violations.
The inspector will conduct a check on the building for safety violations.
The inspector will thoroughly scrutinize the building for safety violations.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The inspector will meticulously examine the building for safety violations.
The inspector will rigorously check the building for safety violations.
The inspector will closely scrutinize the building for safety violations.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The inspection of the building for safety violations by the inspector may evoke feelings of concern and responsibility among property owners as they await the results.
The examination of the building for safety violations by the inspector may elicit feelings of urgency and importance among maintenance staff as they ensure compliance with safety regulations.
The scrutiny of the building for safety violations by the inspector may provoke feelings of diligence and professionalism among construction workers as they address any identified issues promptly.

● inspect: to look at (something) carefully in order to learn more about it, to find problems, etc.
・inspect a property: 物件を検査する
・inspect equipment: 装置を検査する
・inspect documents: 文書を検査する
・inspect facilities: 設備を検査する
・inspect vehicles: 車両を検査する

19. inspire:

鼓舞する:motivate, encourage, stimulate
His words of wisdom inspired me to pursue my dreams.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
His words of wisdom motivated me to pursue my dreams.
His words of wisdom encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
His words of wisdom stimulated me to pursue my dreams.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
I was motivated to pursue my dreams by his words of wisdom.
His words of wisdom served as encouragement for me to pursue my dreams.
His words of wisdom acted as a stimulus for me to pursue my dreams.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
His powerful words of wisdom deeply motivated me to pursue my dreams.
His heartfelt words of wisdom strongly encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
His insightful words of wisdom significantly stimulated me to pursue my dreams.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
His words of wisdom that inspired me to pursue my dreams may evoke feelings of gratitude and determination as I reflect on his encouragement during challenging times.
His words of wisdom that motivated me to pursue my dreams may elicit feelings of empowerment and excitement as I embark on my journey towards achieving my goals.
His words of wisdom that stimulated me to pursue my dreams may provoke feelings of inspiration and passion as I embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead.

● inspire: to make (someone) want to do something; to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create
・inspire creativity: 創造性を刺激する
・inspire confidence: 自信を与える
・inspire innovation: イノベーションを促進する
・inspire change: 変化を促す
・inspire action: 行動を促す

20. install:

設置する:set up, put in place, establish
The technician will install the new software on your computer.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The technician will set up the new software on your computer.
The technician will put in place the new software on your computer.
The technician will establish the new software on your computer.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The new software will be set up on your computer by the technician.
The technician will put the new software in place on your computer.
The technician will establish the new software on your computer.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The technician will carefully set up the new software on your computer.
The technician will diligently put in place the new software on your computer.
The technician will efficiently establish the new software on your computer.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The installation of the new software on your computer by the technician may evoke feelings of anticipation and excitement as you await the enhanced functionalities.
The setting up of the new software on your computer by the technician may elicit feelings of relief and satisfaction as you anticipate improved productivity.
The establishment of the new software on your computer by the technician may provoke feelings of confidence and trust in the upgraded system.

● install: to set up or put in place (equipment, software, etc.) for use
・install a program: プログラムをインストールする
・install equipment: 機器を設置する
・install software updates: ソフトウェアの更新をインストールする
・install hardware: ハードウェアを設置する
・install a system: システムを導入する



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