英検2級 大学受験 英単語フロージョン ① ★ flowsion:滝・流れ ▸「連想・発展・深化・昇華」

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

1. ability:

能力:capacity, capability, proficiency
She demonstrated exceptional leadership ability.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>: 同義語による言い換え
She exhibited outstanding leadership skills.
She showcased remarkable leadership prowess.
She displayed extraordinary leadership competence.
She illustrated exceptional leadership acumen.

★ <Rephrased Structure>: フレーズと構文
Demonstrating exceptional ability in leadership, she stood out.
Her leadership ability was truly exceptional.
Exceptional leadership was demonstrated by her.
She proved to have an exceptional knack for leadership.

★ <Variation in Intensity>: ヴァリエーション&焦点
She exhibited outstanding leadership prowess.
She showcased remarkable leadership skills.
She demonstrated extraordinary leadership ability.
She displayed unparalleled leadership competence.

★ <Focus on Personal Traits>: 個性に焦点
Her leadership prowess was truly exceptional.
Exceptional leadership skills defined her.
She possessed a rare ability for leadership.
Her capacity for leadership was truly outstanding.

● ability: the capacity to do something; skill or talent

・ability to learn quickly: 速く学ぶ能力
・leadership ability: リーダーシップ能力
・creative ability: 創造力
・analytical ability: 分析能力
・physical ability: 身体能力

2. accept:

受け入れる:acknowledge, embrace, admit
He found it challenging to accept the harsh reality.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Accepting the harsh reality proved to be difficult for him.
He struggled to come to terms with the harsh reality.
Facing the harsh reality was a challenge for him.
It was tough for him to acknowledge the harsh reality.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The harsh reality posed a challenge for him in acceptance.
Finding it difficult, he grappled with accepting the harsh truth.
Coming to grips with the harsh reality was a challenge for him.
Acceptance of the harsh reality proved to be a challenge for him.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
He found it extremely challenging to embrace the harsh reality.
Accepting the harsh reality was a formidable task for him.
The harsh reality presented a significant challenge for him.
It was an uphill struggle for him to accept the harsh reality.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The harsh reality was emotionally challenging for him to accept.
He struggled with the emotional weight of accepting the harsh reality.
Coming to terms with the harsh reality brought emotional difficulty.
Accepting the harsh reality was emotionally taxing for him.

● accept: to receive willingly; to agree to or believe in

・accept responsibility: 責任を受け入れる
・accept an offer: オファーを受け入れる
・accept the truth: 真実を認める
・accept a challenge: チャレンジを受ける
・accept diversity: 多様性を受け入れる

3. achieve:

達成する:accomplish, attain, reach
The team collaborated effectively to achieve the project's objectives.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The team worked together efficiently to reach the project's goals.
Effective collaboration within the team led to the achievement of project objectives.
Successful teamwork was the key to meeting the project's goals.
The team cooperated effectively to fulfill the project's objectives.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Achieving the project's objectives was the result of the team's effective collaboration.
The project's goals were successfully attained through the team's collaborative efforts.
Effective teamwork enabled the team to reach the objectives of the project.
The team's collaboration played a crucial role in achieving the project's goals.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The team collaborated seamlessly to surpass the project's objectives.
The project's goals were not just achieved but exceeded through effective collaboration.
The team's highly effective collaboration led to the successful attainment of project objectives.
The project's objectives were achieved with exceptional effectiveness due to team collaboration.

★ <Focus on Individual Contribution>:
Each team member contributed effectively to achieving the project's objectives.
Individual contributions within the team played a key role in reaching project goals.
The collective effort of team members was instrumental in achieving the project's objectives.
Every team member's effective collaboration contributed to the success of the project.

● achieve: to successfully reach a goal or result

・achieve greatness: 偉大さを達成する
・achieve a milestone: 重要な目標を達成する
・achieve a record: 記録を達成する
・achieve a dream: 夢を実現する
・achieve success: 成功を達成する

4. acquire:

得る:gain, obtain, procure
The team worked strategically to acquire valuable assets.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The team employed a strategic approach to secure valuable assets.
Strategic efforts were made by the team to acquire valuable resources.
The team adopted a strategic mindset to gain valuable assets.
Valuable assets were acquired through the team's strategic work.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Strategic efforts of the team led to the acquisition of valuable assets.
Acquiring valuable assets was the result of the team's strategic work.
The team strategically worked to gain assets of significant value.
Valuable assets were secured as a result of the team's strategic efforts.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The team worked meticulously and strategically to acquire highly valuable assets.
The acquisition of valuable assets was a meticulously planned and strategic process for the team.
The team's strategic efforts were instrumental in securing exceptionally valuable assets.
Valuable assets were acquired through the team's thorough and strategic approach.

★ <Focus on Methodology>:
The team employed a well-thought-out strategy to acquire valuable assets.
Strategic planning played a crucial role in the team's acquisition of valuable assets.
The team utilized a strategic methodology to obtain valuable assets.
Acquiring valuable assets involved the implementation of a strategic approach by the team.

● acquire: to gain or obtain through effort or experience

・acquire new skills: 新しいスキルを身につける
・acquire knowledge: 知識を得る
・acquire a company: 企業を取得する
・acquire a language: 言語を習得する
・acquire valuable experience: 価値ある経験を得る

5. adapt:

適応する:adjust, modify, evolve
He had to adapt quickly to the demands of his new role.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
He needed to swiftly adjust to the requirements of his new position.
Rapid adaptation to the demands of the new role was necessary for him.
Quick adjustment to the expectations of his new role was essential.
Adapting promptly to the demands of the new role was a requirement for him.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Quick adaptation to the new role's demands was a necessity for him.
The demands of his new role required him to adapt rapidly.
A quick response to the demands of his new position was essential.
Rapid adaptation to the new role was something he had to prioritize.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
He faced the urgent need to swiftly acclimate to the demands of his new role.
Adapting quickly to the new role's demands was of paramount importance.
Swift adaptation was crucial to meeting the demands of his new role.
The demands of his new role required an immediate and rapid adaptation.

★ <Focus on Challenges>:
The challenges of his new role demanded a quick adaptation from him.
Quick adaptation became necessary in response to the challenges of his new role.
Meeting the demands of his new role involved a rapid adaptation to various challenges.
Adapting quickly was a response to the unique challenges posed by his new role.

● adapt: to adjust to new conditions or changes

・adapt to change: 変化に適応する
・adapt to a new culture: 新しい文化に適応する
・adapt to challenges: 課題に適応する
・adapt to technology: 技術に適応する
・adapt to the situation: 状況に適応する

6. affect:

影響を与える:influence, impact, shape
The economic downturn began to affect businesses globally.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Businesses worldwide started feeling the impact of the economic downturn.
The global economic downturn started to have repercussions on businesses.
The effects of the economic downturn began to be felt by businesses on a global scale.
Businesses across the globe began to experience the impact of the economic downturn.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Global businesses were impacted as the economic downturn took effect.
The onset of the economic downturn initiated a global impact on businesses.
Businesses on a global scale started being affected by the economic downturn.
The global business environment felt the effects of the economic downturn.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The economic downturn had a profound and widespread impact on businesses globally.
Businesses across the globe were significantly affected by the onset of the economic downturn.
The global reach of businesses made the impact of the economic downturn extensive.
The economic downturn had far-reaching consequences for businesses on a global scale.

★ <Focus on Consequences>:
Businesses globally faced the consequences of the economic downturn.
The economic downturn brought about adverse effects on businesses worldwide.
Global businesses had to grapple with the repercussions of the economic downturn.
The impact of the economic downturn resulted in challenges for businesses globally.

● affect: to produce a change or influence something

・affect behavior: 行動に影響を与える
・affect decision-making:意思決定に影響を与える
・affect mood: 気分に影響を与える
・affect relationships: 関係に影響を与える
・affect health: 健康に影響を与える
・affect the outcome: 結果に影響を与える

7. afford:

余裕がある:have the means, be able to bear, provide
The company's success allowed them to afford luxurious office space.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The success of the company enabled them to afford opulent office space.
They could afford luxurious office space due to the company's success.
The company's success permitted them to have upscale office accommodations.
Affording luxurious office space became possible through the company's success.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The company's success made it possible for them to afford office space of luxury.
Affording luxurious office space was a direct outcome of the company's success.
The ability to afford opulent office space was a result of the company's success.
Luxurious office space became accessible to them due to the success of the company.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The remarkable success of the company allowed them to indulge in truly luxurious office space.
Luxurious office accommodations were made affordable through the exceptional success of the company.
The company's outstanding success facilitated the acquisition of truly opulent office space.
Affording luxurious office space was a testament to the exceptional success achieved by the company.

★ <Focus on Financial Capability>:
The financial prowess gained through the company's success made luxurious office space affordable.
Affording luxurious office space became feasible due to the strong financial position resulting from the company's success.
The company's success translated into the financial capacity to afford opulent office accommodations.
Luxurious office space was within reach thanks to the financial capabilities derived from the company's success.

● afford: to have the financial means or resources for something

・afford a luxury: 贅沢をする余裕がある
・afford an opportunity: 機会を提供できる
・afford the cost: 費用を支払う余裕がある
・afford time: 時間を割く余裕がある
・afford a comfortable lifestyle: 快適な生活を維持する余裕がある

8. agree:

同意する:consent, concur, endorse
Despite their differences, they were able to agree on a compromise.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In spite of their disagreements, they managed to reach a compromise.
Despite their differences, they found common ground and agreed on a compromise.
Despite their divergent views, they were able to come to a consensus through compromise.
Despite differing opinions, they reached an agreement on a compromise.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Despite the disparities in their views, they successfully reached a compromise.
They were able to find middle ground and reach an agreement despite their differences.
A compromise was achieved even in the face of their contrasting perspectives.
Despite having differing views, they reached a compromise agreement.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Despite strong differences, they managed to strike a meaningful compromise.
Even with significant disparities, they successfully reached a compromise that satisfied all parties.
The ability to reach a compromise, despite notable differences, was a significant achievement.
Despite intense disagreements, they navigated through and reached a meaningful compromise.

★ <Focus on Resolution>:
Despite their differences, they were committed to finding a resolution and agreed on a compromise.
The focus on resolving their differences led to a successful agreement on a compromise.
They prioritized resolution over discord, resulting in an agreement on a compromise.
The emphasis on finding common ground for resolution allowed them to agree on a compromise.

● agree: to have the same opinion or reach a mutual understanding

・agree on a decision: 決定に同意する
・agree to disagree: 意見が異なっても受け入れる
・agree on terms: 条件に同意する
・agree in principle: 原則的に同意する
・agree on a course of action: 行動方針に同意する

9. allow:

許す:permit, authorize, enable
The software allows users to customize their settings.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Users have the ability to personalize their settings using the software.
The software permits users to tailor their settings according to their preferences.
Customization of settings is possible for users through the software.
Users can adjust their settings to their liking using the software.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The software empowers users to make individualized adjustments to their settings.
Users are given the capability to modify their settings as per their preferences using the software.
Personalizing settings is facilitated for users through the software.
Users are granted the flexibility to set preferences using the software.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The software provides users with extensive options for finely tuning and customizing their settings.
Users are afforded a high level of control and flexibility in fine-tuning their settings through the software.
The software offers a comprehensive range of options for users to intricately customize their settings.
Users can thoroughly and precisely customize their settings using the advanced features of the software.

★ <Focus on User Empowerment>:
The software empowers users by allowing them to independently customize their settings.
Users are in control of their settings, with the software providing tools for customization.
User autonomy is emphasized, with the software enabling them to customize their settings.
The software puts customization power in the hands of users, allowing them to tailor their settings according to their preferences.

● allow: to give permission or make something possible

・allow access: アクセスを許可する
・allow flexibility: 柔軟性を許容する
・allow exceptions: 例外を許す
・allow time: 時間を許す
・allow opportunities: 機会を提供する

10. analyze:

分析する:examine, scrutinize, study
The report thoroughly analyzed the economic impact of the new policy.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The report conducted a comprehensive analysis of the economic implications of the new policy.
In-depth examination in the report explored the economic effects of the new policy thoroughly.
The report extensively scrutinized the economic impact of the new policy.
Thorough analysis in the report delved into the economic consequences of the new policy.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
A thorough examination in the report explored the economic impact of the new policy.
The report conducted an exhaustive analysis of how the new policy influences the economy.
In-depth scrutiny in the report evaluated the economic consequences of the new policy.
The report delved deeply into the economic impact of the new policy.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The report meticulously and comprehensively examined the economic impact of the new policy.
With a high level of thoroughness, the report analyzed in detail the economic effects of the new policy.
The report carried out a highly intensive examination of the economic impact of the new policy.
A detailed and intensive analysis in the report thoroughly assessed the economic implications of the new policy.

★ <Focus on Findings>:
The report, through thorough analysis, unearthed key findings on the economic impact of the new policy.
Unveiling significant insights, the report meticulously analyzed the economic consequences of the new policy.
Through detailed examination, the report revealed important discoveries about the economic impact of the new policy.
The report's thorough analysis uncovered critical information regarding the economic effects of the new policy.

● analyze: to examine in detail and understand the components or structure

・analyze data: データを分析する
・analyze patterns: パターンを分析する
・analyze behavior: 行動を分析する
・analyze the market: 市場を分析する
・analyze a situation: 状況を分析する

11. appear:

現れる:emerge, become visible, manifest
The symptoms of the illness may appear gradually over time.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The onset of symptoms for the illness may occur gradually as time progresses.
Symptoms of the illness may manifest slowly over an extended period.
Gradual appearance of symptoms over time is a possibility for the illness.
The illness may exhibit symptoms that develop slowly over the course of time.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Over time, there is a potential for the gradual emergence of symptoms related to the illness.
The illness may present symptoms that become apparent gradually over the passage of time.
A gradual onset of symptoms may be observed as time elapses in relation to the illness.
Symptoms may unfold gradually over time in the context of the illness.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The symptoms of the illness may slowly and steadily become apparent over an extended period.
Gradual onset implies that symptoms of the illness will unfold progressively over time.
Over time, there is a gradual development of symptoms associated with the illness.
The progression of symptoms may be subtle but consistent over the course of time.

★ <Focus on Time Frame>:
The symptoms of the illness may develop gradually, extending across a significant period.
A slow emergence of symptoms may be observed over a prolonged duration in the context of the illness.
Over time, a gradual appearance of symptoms may be noted for the illness.
Symptoms may unfold slowly and persistently over an extended timeframe with this illness.

● appear: to become visible or come into existence

・appear in public: 公の場に現れる
・appear on stage: 舞台に現れる
・suddenly appear: 突然現れる
・appear in a dream: 夢に現れる
・appear before a judge: 裁判官の前に現れる

12. approach:

アプローチ、取り組み方:method, strategy, tactic
The scientific approach involves systematic observation and experimentation.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The scientific method incorporates methodical observation and experimentation.
Systematic observation and experimentation are integral to the scientific approach.
The scientific process includes the systematic observation and experimentation of phenomena.
In the scientific approach, systematic observation and experimentation play a crucial role.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Systematically observing and experimenting are key components of the scientific approach.
The scientific approach necessitates the systematic observation and experimentation of phenomena.
Engaging in systematic observation and experimentation is fundamental to the scientific method.
Systematic observation and experimentation are inherent in the scientific approach.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The scientific method emphasizes a meticulous approach to observation and experimentation.
Systematic and thorough observation, coupled with experimentation, is a hallmark of the scientific approach.
The scientific method requires a rigorous commitment to systematic observation and experimentation.
In the scientific approach, there is a dedicated emphasis on meticulous observation and experimentation.

★ <Focus on Methodology>:
The scientific approach is characterized by a methodical process of observation and experimentation.
The methodology of the scientific approach involves systematic observation and experimentation.
A key aspect of the scientific method is the careful implementation of systematic observation and experimentation.
Systematic observation and experimentation form the methodological foundation of the scientific approach.

● approach: a method or way of dealing with something

・approach a problem: 問題に取り組む
・strategic approach: 戦略的アプローチ
・holistic approach: 包括的なアプローチ
・innovative approach: 革新的なアプローチ
・personalized approach: 個別のアプローチ

13. argue:

議論する:debate, dispute, contend
It's essential to argue your case with logical reasoning and evidence.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Presenting your case with logical reasoning and evidence is crucial.
The use of logical reasoning and evidence is indispensable when arguing your case.
Arguing your case effectively requires logical reasoning and supporting evidence.
It's crucial to support your case with logical reasoning and verifiable evidence.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Logical reasoning and evidence are imperative when making your case.
Making a compelling case involves employing logical reasoning and substantiating evidence.
The presentation of a strong case necessitates the use of logical reasoning and evidence.
To effectively argue your case, you must utilize logical reasoning and provide evidence.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Arguing your case with logical reasoning and solid evidence is absolutely essential.
The importance of logical reasoning and concrete evidence cannot be overstated when presenting your case.
It's of utmost importance to back your case with compelling logical reasoning and strong evidence.
Effectively arguing your case requires a steadfast commitment to logical reasoning and substantial evidence.

★ <Focus on Persuasion>:
Persuading others relies heavily on the use of logical reasoning and supporting evidence.
Logical reasoning and evidence contribute significantly to the persuasive power of your case.
The ability to persuade is enhanced when supported by logical reasoning and evidence.
Convincing others is most effective when logical reasoning and evidence are central to your argument.

● argue: to present reasons for or against a position; to engage in a debate

・argue a point: ポイントを論じる
・argue a case: ケースを主張する
・argue passionately: 情熱的に議論する
・argue in favor of: ~の賛成を主張する
・argue against: ~に反対する理由を述べる

14. arrange:

整える:organize, set up, coordinate
He asked his assistant to arrange a business trip to the overseas office.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
He requested his assistant to organize a business journey to the international office.
His request to the assistant was to coordinate a business trip to the overseas branch.
Instructing his assistant, he asked for the arrangement of a business trip to the global office.
He tasked his assistant with planning a business trip to the foreign office.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
His request to the assistant was to plan and coordinate a business trip to the office located overseas.
Instructing his assistant, he sought the organization of a business trip to the international office.
He directed his assistant to handle the logistics of a business trip to the overseas branch.
Planning a business trip to the foreign office was part of his instructions to his assistant.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
He specifically instructed his assistant to meticulously arrange a business trip to the overseas office.
The assistant was tasked with carefully coordinating a business trip to the international office.
The organization of a business trip to the global office required careful attention, as per his instructions.
His assistant was given a detailed task to arrange a business trip to the foreign office with precision.

★ <Focus on Travel Details>:
He asked his assistant to handle all the travel arrangements for a business trip to the overseas office.
His instruction to the assistant included managing travel logistics for a business trip to the international office.
In addition to organizing, he tasked his assistant with managing the travel details for a business trip to the global office.
The assistant's responsibilities encompassed coordinating not only the trip but also the specific travel details for the foreign office.

● arrange: to put things in a particular order or prepare for an event

・arrange a schedule: スケジュールを整える
・arrange flowers: 花をアレンジする
・arrange a meeting: 会議をセッティングする
・arrange transportation: 交通機関を手配する
・arrange details: 詳細を整える

15. assist:

手伝う:help, aid, support
The technology is designed to assist individuals with disabilities.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The technology is crafted to aid individuals facing disabilities.
Designed with a purpose, the technology assists those with disabilities.
The technology is tailored to support individuals who have disabilities.
Its design focuses on providing assistance to individuals with disabilities.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The design of the technology is geared towards aiding individuals dealing with disabilities.
The technology's primary aim is to provide assistance to those with disabilities.
Its design is centered around offering support to individuals facing disabilities.
The technology is oriented to help individuals who experience disabilities.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The technology is intricately designed to provide comprehensive assistance to individuals with disabilities.
The design of the technology is specifically aimed at offering substantial support to those with disabilities.
The technology is meticulously crafted to offer significant assistance to individuals facing disabilities.
Its design is robust, providing substantial assistance to individuals with disabilities.

★ <Focus on Users>:
Individuals with disabilities are the primary beneficiaries of the technology's design.
The technology is user-centric, catering specifically to the needs of individuals with disabilities.
The design of the technology prioritizes the well-being and assistance of individuals with disabilities.
Its user interface and features are tailored to meet the unique requirements of individuals facing disabilities.

● assist: to give support or help; to aid in achieving a goal

・assist with tasks: 仕事を手伝う
・assist in solving problems: 問題解決に手伝う
・assist a friend: 友達を助ける
・assist in recovery: 回復に手伝う
・assist with training: トレーニングをサポートする

16. attempt:

試みる:try, endeavor, strive
Despite the setbacks, they continued to attempt new business ventures.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Despite facing setbacks, they persisted in exploring new business ventures.
They pressed on with trying new business ventures, despite encountering setbacks.
In the face of setbacks, they remained resilient and pursued new business endeavors.
Despite challenges, they persevered in their efforts to undertake new business ventures.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Their determination to explore new business ventures persisted, notwithstanding setbacks.
Setbacks did not deter them; they continued to venture into new business opportunities.
Continuing their pursuit, they attempted new business ventures despite facing setbacks.
They remained undeterred, persisting in their attempts at new business ventures.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Undaunted by setbacks, they energetically ventured into new business opportunities.
Despite facing significant setbacks, they passionately continued to explore new business ventures.
The intensity of their efforts to attempt new business ventures remained strong despite setbacks.
They demonstrated remarkable resilience by actively pursuing new business ventures in the face of setbacks.

★ <Focus on Adaptability>:
They displayed adaptability by persisting in attempts at new business ventures despite setbacks.
Despite setbacks, their adaptability shone through as they continued to explore new business opportunities.
The ability to adapt and innovate was evident as they forged ahead with new business ventures despite setbacks.
Their capacity to adapt and persevere was highlighted in their ongoing attempts at new business endeavors despite setbacks.

● attempt: to make an effort or try to achieve something

・attempt a challenge: チャレンジを試みる
・attempt an experiment: 実験を試みる
・attempt a solution: 解決策を試みる
・attempt to reach a goal: 目標達成を試みる
・make an attempt at improvement: 改善を試みる

17. attract:

引き寄せる:draw in, allure, captivate
The unique features of the product are intended to attract customers.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The product's distinctive features are designed to appeal to customers.
Unique attributes of the product aim to draw in customers.
The intention is to captivate customers with the product's unique characteristics.
Designed to allure, the product's distinctive features target customers.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The product is crafted with the intention of attracting customers through its unique features.
Intending to attract customers, the product incorporates distinctive features.
The focus on attracting customers is reflected in the unique features incorporated into the product.
The product's design is driven by the aim to attract customers through its unique features.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The product's unique features are specifically and emphatically crafted to entice customers.
The intention behind incorporating unique features is to strongly appeal to customers.
The product's features are intricately designed with a strong emphasis on attracting customers.
There is a deliberate and intense effort to attract customers through the product's unique features.

★ <Focus on Customer Experience>:
The unique features of the product are tailored to enhance the overall customer experience.
Enhancing customer satisfaction is the goal behind the incorporation of unique features in the product.
The intention is to create a positive customer experience through the product's unique features.
Customers are the focal point, and the unique features are designed to elevate their experience with the product.

● attract: to draw interest, attention, or admiration

・attract customers: 顧客を引き寄せる
・attract attention: 注意を引く
・attract investment: 投資を引き寄せる
・attract talent: 才能を引き寄せる
・attract a following: ファンを引き寄せる

18. avoid:

避ける:evade, steer clear of, bypass
To maintain good health, it's important to avoid unhealthy habits.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Maintaining good health requires steering clear of unhealthy habits.
To sustain good health, it's crucial to abstain from detrimental habits.
Steering away from unhealthy habits is key to preserving good health.
Good health is upheld by avoiding habits that are detrimental.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Avoiding unhealthy habits is essential for the maintenance of good health.
The key to good health lies in refraining from engaging in unhealthy habits.
To uphold good health, one must stay away from habits that are detrimental.
Sustaining good health involves the avoidance of habits that are unhealthy.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The maintenance of good health demands a steadfast commitment to avoiding unhealthy habits.
Avoiding unhealthy habits is not just beneficial but a critical aspect of preserving good health.
It's of utmost importance to actively shun unhealthy habits for the sake of maintaining good health.
The avoidance of unhealthy habits is a non-negotiable factor in the pursuit of optimal health.

★ <Focus on Positive Choices>:
To maintain good health, it's crucial to make positive choices and refrain from unhealthy habits.
Cultivating good health involves making mindful choices and steering clear of unhealthy habits.
Optimal health is achieved by embracing healthy choices and avoiding detrimental habits.
Good health is sustained through a combination of positive choices and the avoidance of unhealthy habits.

● avoid: to stay away from or prevent something undesirable

・avoid conflicts: 紛争を避ける
・avoid risks: リスクを回避する
・avoid mistakes: ミスを避ける
・avoid confrontation: 対立を避ける
・avoid unnecessary expenses: 不必要な経費を避ける

19. benefit:

利益:advantage, gain, profit
The new policy is expected to bring financial benefits to employees.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Maintaining good health requires steering clear of unhealthy habits.
To sustain good health, it's crucial to abstain from detrimental habits.
Steering away from unhealthy habits is key to preserving good health.
Good health is upheld by avoiding habits that are detrimental.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Avoiding unhealthy habits is essential for the maintenance of good health.
The key to good health lies in refraining from engaging in unhealthy habits.
To uphold good health, one must stay away from habits that are detrimental.
Sustaining good health involves the avoidance of habits that are unhealthy.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The maintenance of good health demands a steadfast commitment to avoiding unhealthy habits.
Avoiding unhealthy habits is not just beneficial but a critical aspect of preserving good health.
It's of utmost importance to actively shun unhealthy habits for the sake of maintaining good health.
The avoidance of unhealthy habits is a non-negotiable factor in the pursuit of optimal health.

★ <Focus on Positive Choices>:
To maintain good health, it's crucial to make positive choices and refrain from unhealthy habits.
Cultivating good health involves making mindful choices and steering clear of unhealthy habits.
Optimal health is achieved by embracing healthy choices and avoiding detrimental habits.
Good health is sustained through a combination of positive choices and the avoidance of unhealthy habits.

● benefit: an advantage or positive outcome gained from something

・benefit society: 社会に利益をもたらす
・benefit from experience: 経験から利益を得る
・mutual benefit: 相互の利益
・financial benefit: 経済的な利益
・health benefits: 健康上の利益

20. blame:

責める:accuse, criticize, hold accountable
The investigation aimed to determine who was to blame for the accident.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The goal of the investigation was to ascertain responsibility for the accident.
Determining culpability for the accident was the objective of the investigation.
The investigation aimed to identify the party at fault for the accident.
Establishing blame for the accident was the primary focus of the investigation.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The investigation's aim was to figure out the party responsible for the accident.
Identifying who was at fault for the accident was the primary objective of the investigation.
The investigation sought to uncover the individual or entity to blame for the accident.
Determining responsibility for the accident was the primary goal of the investigation.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The investigation was conducted with a strong emphasis on determining accountability for the accident.
A thorough examination was carried out to pinpoint responsibility for the accident.
Determining who was to blame for the accident was a high-priority focus of the investigation.
The investigation was conducted with an intense focus on establishing blame for the accident.

★ <Focus on Accountability>:
The investigation aimed to hold accountable the party responsible for the accident.
The primary goal of the investigation was to ensure accountability for the accident.
The investigation sought to assign responsibility and ensure accountability for the accident.
Determining blame for the accident was crucial in terms of establishing accountability through the investigation.

● blame: to hold responsible for a fault or wrongdoing

・place blame on someone: 誰かを責める
・accept blame: 責任を受け入れる
・shift blame: 責任を転嫁する
・avoid blame: 責任を避ける
・assign blame: 責任を割り当てる



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