大学入試《最重要トピック》★ AI ★ algorithm

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



少し前に algorithm が主題の東北大学2023年度の
AI, algorithm は昨年度の入試でも爆発的に出題され
algorithim とは何か。
踏まえた単語集からも algorithim が掲載漏れしている

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow it.

  Forget robot teachers and smart essay marking software ― these are not the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in education but merely a step along the way.

  The real power that AI brings to education is connecting our learning to make us smarter in the way we understand ourselves, the world and how we teach and learn.

  For the first time we will be able to develop and measure the complexity of human
intelligence ― an [ [A] ] that is more sophisticated than any AI. This will [ [1] ] the way we think about human intelligence.

  We take much of our intelligence for granted. For example, when travelling to an [ [B] ] country, I recognize a slight anxiety when ordering food in a foreign language and feel the pleasure when my meal arrives as requested. It is only when we attempt to automate these kinds of activities that we realize how much intelligence they require.

  Such a future will not be easy. We need to confront the possible harm that such an intelligence infrastructure could permit when abused.

  However, if we get the ethics right, the intelligence infrastructure will power our learning needs, both with and without technology. Just as electricity invisibly powers lighting, computers and the internet, so will AI power education.

  For example, high school students explain to a friend how much they understand about gravity. The way they [ [C] ] their explanation can be analyzed and each student offered an exciting augmented reality* experience that targets their mistakes.

  The analysis of each student’s performance is available to the teacher, who can encourage them to listen to a recording of their original explanation and identify corrections. Students can then predict how well they are now explaining gravity and the accuracy of their predictions could be used to create new lessons.

  We will be able to connect with and awaken our meta-intelligence: the ability to reflect upon and understand our intelligence. We will be able to gauge our ability to deal with complex situations to differentiate our human intelligence from that of AI as we build the social relationships that are the foundation of civil society.

  How do we build this intelligence infrastructure for education? We build it through the [ [D] ] of big data about human behavior, deep learning algorithms** and our own intelligence to interpret what the algorithms tell us. We must use the science that has helped us to understand how humans learn, as well as the science that has helped us build machines that learn.

 [2] For example, explaining and articulating our developing knowledge makes reflection and awareness of our own thought process possible so that we can examine and monitor our learning processes. Awareness of our own thought process in turn helps us to understand things more deeply.

  The implications are significant. We can collect and analyze huge amounts of data about how we move, what we say and how we speak, where we look, what problems we can and cannot solve, and which questions we can answer.

  The AI-enabled analysis of various data such as this will highlight more about our progress than how much better we understand science, math, history, or foreign languages. It will show us how well we work with other people, how strong and motivated we are. Sound ethical frameworks, regulation and education about AI are essential if we are to minimize the risks and enjoy the benefits.

  Embrace today’s educational AI systems [ [E] ]. Use them to learn as much as possible about AI. But remember that today’s AI is merely the start. The future is the use of AI to build the intelligence infrastructure to change the way we value our own human intelligence.
 *augmented reality:拡張現実(現実にあるものに,コンピュータで情報を付加したもの)
(Adapted from Rose Luckin, Financial Times, 10 March 2020)

1.Fill in each of the blanks [ [A] ] to [ [E] ] with the most appropriate word among the following. Use each no more than once.

2.Fill in the blank [ [1] ] with the most appropriate word among the following.

3.Based on the underlined sentence [2] in the passage, choose the best statement to explain how AI can be used.
  a.AI will be able to articulate our ideas and thoughts before we can.
  b.AI will be able to explain to us ideas that we cannot understand.
  c.AI will allow us to improve learning by helping us understand how we learn.
  d.AI will help us reflect on the meaning of social interactions.
  e.AI will monitor and examine us to ensure that we are learning effectively.

4.Complete the following sentence by selecting the most appropriate option.
According to the passage, capturing the benefits from the widespread use of AI requires that
  a.everyone contributes personal data to internet firms.
  b.as many people as possible have computer training.
  c.all citizens have an understanding of AI algorithms.
  d.students and teachers both study computer science.
  e.we use the technology in a virtuous manner.

5.Complete the following sentence by selecting the most appropriate option.
One way that AI can be used to improve education is to
  a.help students to design their research projects.
  b.give students feedback on their mistakes.
  c.replace teachers with online study guides.
  d.connect students in different parts of the world.
  e.allow teachers to monitor students’ concentration.

6.Which of the following would make the best title for this passage?
  a.AI is dangerous for the future of education
  b.AI in education will help us understand how we think
  c.We need to educate the world about AI
  d.The ethics of AI are as important as its technology
  e.Education needs to integrate AI and science

7.Which among the following is not stated in the passage?
  a.AI will allow us to collect and analyze large amounts of data about ourselves.
  b.AI will serve as an infrastructure for human learning, just as electricity does  
    for electronic devices.
  c.Robot teachers and essay-marking software provide only a glimpse into the  
    vast potential of AI.
  d.Students will need to understand computer algorithms to use AI effectively.
  e.The simple act of communicating in a foreign language requires a great deal   
    of intelligence.

・smart essay marking software: スマートなエッセイ採点ソフトウェア
・future: 未来
・artificial intelligence (AI): 人工知能(AI)
・merely: 単に
・step: ステップ、段階
・along the way: 途中で
・real power: 実際の力、真の力
・brings: もたらす
・connecting: 接続する
・make us smarter: 私たちをより賢くする
・ourselves: 自分自身
・first time: 初めて
・develop: 開発する
・measure: 測定する
・complexity: 複雑さ
・human intelligence: 人間の知能
・intellect: 知性、知力
・sophisticated: 洗練された
・take A for granted: ~を当然のこととして受け入れる
・unfamiliar: 不慣れな
・recognize: 認識する
・slight anxiety: わずかな不安
・ordering: 注文する
・foreign language: 外国語
・pleasure: 喜び
・meal: 食事
・arrives: 到着する
・requested: 要求された
・attempt: 試みる
・automate: 自動化する
・kinds of activities: 活動の種類
・realize: 気づく
・require: 必要とする
・future: 将来
・confront: 直面する
・possible harm: 可能な害
・infrastructure: インフラストラクチャー、基盤
・permit: 許可する
・abused: 悪用された
・ethics: 倫理
・power: 電力、力
・needs: 必要性
・technology: 技術
・electricity: 電気
・invisibly: 目に見えなく
・lighting: 照明
・computers: コンピューター
・internet: インターネット
・example: 例
・high school students: 高校生
・explain: 説明する
・articulate: 明確に述べる
・explanation: 説明
・analyzed: 分析された
・each student: 各生徒
・offered: 提供された
・exciting: エキサイティングな
・augmented reality: 拡張現実
・experience: 経験
・targets: 目標とする
・mistakes: 間違い
・analysis: 分析
・performance: 成績
・available to: 利用可能な
・encourage: 励ます
・recording: 録音
・original: 元の
・identify: 特定する
・corrections: 訂正
・predict: 予測する
・accurately: 正確に
・predictions: 予測
・used to: 〜するために使われる
・create: 作成する
・new lessons: 新しい授業
・connect with: 繋がる
・awaken: 目覚める
・meta-intelligence: メタ知能
・reflect upon: 反省する
・gauge: 評価する
・deal with: 対処する
・complex situations: 複雑な状況
・differentiate: 区別する
・social relationships: 社会的関係
・foundation: 基盤
・civil society: 市民社会
・build: 構築する
・intelligence infrastructure: 知能インフラ
・integration: 統合
・big data: ビッグデータ
・human behavior: 人間の行動
・deep learning algorithms: 深層学習アルゴリズム
・interpret: 解釈する
・humans learn: 人間が学ぶ
・machines: 機械
・explain: 説明する
・articulating: 明確に述べる
・developing knowledge: 開発中の知識
・reflection: 反映
・awareness: 意識
・own thought process: 自分自身の思考プロセス
・examine: 調査する
・monitor: 監視する
・processes: プロセス
・implications: 影響
・significant: 重要な
・collect: 収集する
・analyze: 分析する
・huge amounts of data: 膨大な量のデータ
・move: 移動する
・problems: 問題
・cannot solve: 解決できない
・questions: 質問
・enabled analysis: 解析を可能にした
・progress: 進歩
・better understand: より良く理解する
・science: 科学
・math: 数学
・history: 歴史
・foreign languages: 外国語
・work with: 一緒に働く
・other people: 他の人々
・motivated: やる気のある
・sound ethical frameworks: 適切な倫理的枠組み
・regulation: 規制
・minimize: 最小限に抑える
・benefits: 利益
・embrace: 受け入れる
・educational AI systems: 教育用AIシステム
・judiciously: 思慮深く
・today's AI: 今日のAI
・build: 構築する
・value: 価値を見直す
・own human intelligence: 自分自身の人間の知能



初めて、人間の知能の複雑さを開発し、測定できるようになります ― これはどんなAIよりも洗練された知性です。これが、私たちが人間の知能について考える方法を変えるでしょう。












1. [A] c [B] g [C] a [D] d [E] b
2.c 3.c 4.e 5.b 6.b 7.d
《出典》Rose Luckin,Financial Times, 10 March 2020,The Financial Times



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