英作文《地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング》⑪ ★ もはや快楽 ♪

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

Part 1:インプット英文7変化


Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will take answers as (    ).

 ▸ as such「そのようなものとして」
Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will take answers as such.
 ✰ accept A as B:AをBとして受け止める
 ✰ interpret A as B:AをBとして解釈する
 ✰ view A as B:AをBと見なす
 ✰ regard A as B:AをBとみなす
 ✰ consider A as B:AをBと考える
 ✰ perceive A as B:AをBと知覚する
 ✰ see A as B:AをBと見る
 ✰ take A as B:AをBと受け取る
 ✰ acknowledge A as B:AをBと認める
 ✰ treat A as B:AをBと扱う
 ✰ understand A as B:AをBと理解する
 ✰ recognize A as B:AをBと認識する
 ✰ construe A as B:AをBと解釈する
 ✰ deem A as B:AをBとみなす
 ✰ define A as B:AをBと定義する
Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will take answers as such.
Americans anticipate truthful, genuine responses to their inquiries, and they will regard answers as such.
Americans demand candid, authentic answers to their queries, and they will accept responses as such.
Americans require truthful, earnest answers to their questions, and they will acknowledge answers as such.
Americans look for honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will perceive answers as such.
Americans desire truthful, sincere answers to their questions, and they will interpret answers as such.
Americans seek honest, genuine answers to their questions, and they will view answers as such.


I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is (    ) in need of a drama program.

 ▸ badly: want, need, be in need of A 等を強調する用法
I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is badly in need of a drama program.
 ✰ A is essential.
 ✰ A is indispensable.
 ✰ A is crucial.
 ✰ A is vital.
 ✰ A is imperative.
 ✰ A is necessary.
 ✰ A is critical.
 ✰ A is fundamental.
 ✰ A is integral.
 ✰ A is paramount.
 ✰ A is indispensable.
 ✰ A is irreplaceable.
 ✰ A is mandatory.
 ✰ A is required.
 ✰ A is essential.
I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is badly in need of a drama program.
I wish for you to reinstate the drama program. Connie, the school is desperately lacking a drama program.
I desire for you to revive the drama program. Connie, the school is in dire need of a drama program.
I want you to reintroduce the drama program. Connie, the school is urgently requiring a drama program.
I'm asking you to restore the drama program. Connie, the school is in serious need of a drama program.
I hope you can resurrect the drama program. Connie, the school is seriously lacking a drama program.
I'm urging you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is in urgent need of a drama program.


Mathematics (    ) my favorite subject when I was young.

 ▸ 学問・学科名は単数扱い
Mathematics was my favorite subject when I was young.
✰ When I was young.
✰ In my youth.
✰ During my younger years.
✰ Back in my younger days.
✰ When I was younger.
✰ During my youthfulness.
✰ In my younger days.
✰ During my adolescence.
✰ In my early years.
✰ During my early adulthood.
Mathematics was my favorite subject when I was young.
Mathematics used to be my preferred subject when I was young.
Mathematics ranked as my top subject when I was young.
Mathematics stood out as my favorite subject during my youth.
Mathematics held the position of my favorite subject in my younger years.
Mathematics was my favored subject during my youth.
Mathematics was my preferred subject back in my youth.


“These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?”
“That’s right. Somehow we’ve got to (    ) (    ) (    ) today.”

 ▸ get A done「A を…してしまう」
“These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?”
“That’s right. Somehow we’ve got to get them done today.”
 ✰ by all means
 ✰ at all costs
 ✰ no matter what
 ✰ by any means necessary
 ✰ by hook or by crook
 ✰ come hell or high water
 ✰ whatever it takes
 ✰ by fair means or foul
 ✰ by any means possible
 ✰ by any means
“These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?”
“That’s right. Somehow we’ve got to get them done today.”
“Do these documents need to be prepared by tomorrow morning?”
“Are these documents required to be ready by tomorrow morning?”
“Must these documents be prepared by tomorrow morning?”
“Is it necessary for these documents to be ready by tomorrow morning?”
“Are these documents supposed to be ready by tomorrow morning?”
“Do these documents have to be completed by tomorrow morning?”
“Indeed. We must find a way to complete them today.”
“Absolutely. We need to figure out how to finish them today.”
“Correct. We have to manage to finish them today somehow.”
“Exactly. We have to make sure they're done today.”
“Indeed. We must ensure they're done today somehow.”
“That’s right. We need to make sure they're finished today no matter what.”


This watch is broken, so I must buy (    ).

▸ one:〔可算名詞〕の反復を回避する〈代名詞〉
This watch is broken, so I must buy one.
◆ one
"One should always strive to do their best."
"Which book do you want?
The red one or the blue one?"
"I have one cat and two dogs."
"Could you pass me one of those cookies?"
This watch is broken, so I must buy one.
This watch is malfunctioning, so I need to purchase a new one.
This watch is defective, so I have to acquire a replacement.
This watch is damaged, so I must invest in a new one.
This watch is faulty, so I need to get a new one.
This watch is not working, so I need to procure a new one.
This watch is inoperable, so I have to buy a new one.


We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it stops (    ).

 ▸ stop doing「…するのをやめる」
We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it stops raining.
 ✰ It is expected that ...
 ✰ It is planned that ...
 ✰ It is scheduled that ...
 ✰ It is intended that ...
 ✰ It is anticipated that ...
 ✰ It is stipulated that ...
 ✰ It is mandated that ...
 ✰ It is required that ...
 ✰ It is prescribed that ...
 ✰ It is decided that ...
 ✰ It is determined that ...
 ✰ It is designated that ...
 ✰ It is ordained that ...
 ✰ It is ordered that ...
 ✰ It is instructed that ...
 ✰ It is directed that ...
 ✰ It is set that ...
 ✰ It is arranged that ...
 ✰ It is agreed that ...
 ✰ It is established that ...
We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it stops raining.
If the rain ceases this afternoon, we'll engage in a game of baseball.
Provided the rain subsides by this afternoon, we'll participate in a baseball match.
In the event of the rain letting up this afternoon, we'll proceed with our baseball plans.
Should the rain halt this afternoon, our agenda includes playing baseball.
Once the rain comes to a stop this afternoon, we intend to play baseball.
Given that the rain stops by this afternoon, our activity will involve playing baseball.


Japanese people (    ) ever go on a trip alone.

 ▸ hardly[scarcely] ever「めったに…ない」
  (=seldom [rarely])
Japanese people hardly [scarcely] ever go on a trip alone.
 ✰ It's rare that ...
 ✰ It's seldom that ...
 ✰ It's hardly ever that ...
 ✰ It's almost never that ...
 ✰ It's scarcely ever that ...
 ✰ It's infrequent that ...
Japanese people hardly [scarcely] ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people hardly ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people scarcely ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people rarely go on a trip alone.
Japanese people almost never go on a trip alone.
Japanese people seldom go on a trip alone.
Japanese people barely ever go on a trip alone.


A better bridge could have been built (    ) (    ) (    ) assistance.

 ▸ 仮定法過去完了
  条件節からif 省略による倒置形
A better bridge could have been built had they offered assistance.
A better bridge could have been built had they offered assistance.
If they had provided assistance, a superior bridge could have been constructed.
Had they extended their help, a more advanced bridge could have been erected.
Offering assistance would have resulted in the construction of a better bridge.
Had they been willing to assist, a superior bridge could have been feasibly built.
If they had offered their support, a more effective bridge could have been constructed.
Providing assistance would have led to the creation of a better bridge.

【参考】仮定法 if 省略用例
Were I to win the lottery, I would travel the world.
If I were to win the lottery, I would travel the world.
Should you have any questions, feel free to ask.
If you should have any questions, feel free to ask.
Were she to arrive late, the meeting would be postponed.
If she were to arrive late, the meeting would be postponed.


You can catch (    ) of these buses. They all go to the city center.

 ▸ any of A「A の中のどれでも」《肯定文中で用いる》
You can catch any of these buses. They all go to the city center.
 ✰ any of them
 ✰ any one
 ✰ any of the above
 ✰ any choice
 ✰ any option
 ✰ any selection
You can catch any of these buses. They all go to the city center.
Any of these buses will take you to the city center.
You can board any of these buses; they all head to the city center.
All of these buses will transport you to the city center.
These buses are interchangeable; they all have routes to the city center.
You have the option of taking any of these buses; they all travel to the city center.
Whichever bus you choose, it will bring you to the city center.


(    ) it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

 ▸ Be it ever so humble
  =No matter how humble it may be〈譲歩〉
Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
No matter how modest it may be, there's no place as comforting as home.
Despite its humble nature, there's nowhere quite like home.
Even if it's the simplest of places, home holds a unique charm.
Regardless of its simplicity, there's no place that compares to home.
Home, no matter how humble, is incomparable in its comfort.
Despite its humble appearance, home remains unparalleled in comfort and familiarity.

Despite the difficulties, she agreed to proceed with the project.
Although it wasn't his first choice, he accepted the offer.
While she had reservations, she ultimately supported the decision.
Even though he disagreed, he compromised for the sake of harmony.
Despite her concerns, she conceded to the team's plan.
Although he had doubts, he yielded to the majority opinion.
In spite of his objections, he acquiesced to the proposal.
Despite the challenges, they were willing to make concessions.
Though hesitant, she gave in to their demands.
Despite reservations, he acknowledged the merit in their argument.


Standing as it (    ) on a hill, the restaurant commands a fine view.

 ▸ as S do を現在分詞の直後に置いて
Standing as it does on a hill, the restaurant commands a fine view.
Positioned atop a hill, the restaurant offers a splendid view.
Due to its location on a hill, the restaurant boasts a magnificent view.
The restaurant, situated on a hill, affords a stunning panorama.
With its elevated position on a hill, the restaurant enjoys a breathtaking view.
Perched on a hill, the restaurant provides an impressive vista.
Being situated on a hill, the restaurant commands a picturesque view.


Sue, please don’t forget (    ) (    ) this letter on your way to the station. It has to get to Brian by Saturday.

 ▸ forget to do「…することを忘れる」
Sue, please don’t forget to mail this letter on your way to the station. It has to get to Brian by Saturday.
 ✰ Please make sure to ...
 ✰ Be sure to ...
 ✰ Make it a point to ...
 ✰ Make certain to ...
 ✰ Ensure that you ...
 ✰ Be certain to ...
 ✰ See to it that you ...
 ✰ Be sure that you ...
 ✰ Be certain that you ...
 ✰ Make sure that you ...
 ✰ Ensure you ...
 ✰ Ensure that you ...
Sue, please don’t forget to mail this letter on your way to the station. It has to get to Brian by Saturday.
Sue, remember to mail this letter while you're on your way to the station, as it needs to reach Brian by Saturday.
Sue, please ensure that this letter is sent on your journey to the station; it must reach Brian by Saturday.
Sue, don't overlook sending this letter when you're heading to the station; it's important that Brian receives it by Saturday.
Sue, make sure you drop off this letter on your way to the station; Brian needs to have it by Saturday.
Sue, I'm counting on you to mail this letter as you go to the station; Brian must receive it by Saturday.
Sue, remember to post this letter while you're on your way to the station; Brian is expecting it by Saturday.


He is (    ) to me in speaking English.

 ▸ =He is a better speaker of English than I.
He is superior to me in speaking English.
 ✰ speak fluently
 ✰ speak with fluency
 ✰ speak proficiently
 ✰ speak with ease
 ✰ speak smoothly
 ✰ speak articulately
 ✰ speak eloquently
 ✰ speak in a fluent manner
 ✰ speak in a smooth manner
 ✰ speak with natural fluency
 ✰ speak with effortless fluency
 ✰ speak with polished fluency
 ✰ speak with mastery
 ✰ speak with finesse
 ✰ speak with facility
He is superior to me in speaking English.
When it comes to speaking English, he surpasses me.
His English speaking skills exceed mine.
He outshines me in speaking English.
I am inferior to him in speaking English.
He is more proficient than me in speaking English.
In terms of speaking English, he is ahead of me.


(    ) was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken into pieces.

Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken into pieces.
 ▸ Such is S that …
  「S は…するほどのものだ」
  (=S is so great that … )
Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken into pieces.
The explosion was so powerful that it shattered all the windows into fragments.
The force of the explosion was such that it caused all the windows to break into tiny pieces.
All the windows were smashed into bits due to the sheer force of the explosion.
The explosion was of such magnitude that it pulverized all the windows into pieces.
So intense was the explosion that it completely demolished all the windows into small fragments.
The explosion was so forceful that it resulted in the fragmentation of all the windows.


6 か月以内に返すという条件で,君にお金を貸しましょう。
I’ll lend you the money (    ) condition that you return it within six months.

 ▸ on condition that …
I’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it within six months.
 ✰ provided that (条件付きで)
 ✰ under the condition that (~の条件で)
 ✰ as long as (~である限り)
 ✰ assuming that (~と仮定すると)
 ✰ given that (~を考慮すると)
 ✰ in the event that (もし~の場合には)
 ✰ with the stipulation that (~という条件で)
 ✰ subject to (~に従って)
I’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it within six months.
I'll loan you the money, provided that you repay it within six months.
You can borrow the money from me under the condition that you return it within six months.
I'll extend the loan to you, but you must pay it back within six months.
You may borrow the money on the condition that you reimburse it within six months.
I'm willing to lend you the money, but you must return it within six months.
Under the condition that you repay it within six months, I'll lend you the money.



Americans expect honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will take answers as such.
Americans anticipate truthful, genuine responses to their inquiries, and they will regard answers as such.
Americans demand candid, authentic answers to their queries, and they will accept responses as such.
Americans require truthful, earnest answers to their questions, and they will acknowledge answers as such.
Americans look for honest, sincere answers to their questions, and they will perceive answers as such.
Americans desire truthful, sincere answers to their questions, and they will interpret answers as such.
Americans seek honest, genuine answers to their questions, and they will view answers as such.


I’d like you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is badly in need of a drama program.
I wish for you to reinstate the drama program. Connie, the school is desperately lacking a drama program.
I desire for you to revive the drama program. Connie, the school is in dire need of a drama program.
I want you to reintroduce the drama program. Connie, the school is urgently requiring a drama program.
I'm asking you to restore the drama program. Connie, the school is in serious need of a drama program.
I hope you can resurrect the drama program. Connie, the school is seriously lacking a drama program.
I'm urging you to bring back the drama program. Connie, the school is in urgent need of a drama program.


Mathematics was my favorite subject when I was young.
Mathematics used to be my preferred subject when I was young.
Mathematics ranked as my top subject when I was young.
Mathematics stood out as my favorite subject during my youth.
Mathematics held the position of my favorite subject in my younger years.
Mathematics was my favored subject during my youth.
Mathematics was my preferred subject back in my youth.


“These documents have to be ready first thing tomorrow morning?”
“That’s right. Somehow we’ve got to get them done today.”
“Do these documents need to be prepared by tomorrow morning?”
“Are these documents required to be ready by tomorrow morning?”
“Must these documents be prepared by tomorrow morning?”
“Is it necessary for these documents to be ready by tomorrow morning?”
“Are these documents supposed to be ready by tomorrow morning?”
“Do these documents have to be completed by tomorrow morning?”
“Indeed. We must find a way to complete them today.”
“Absolutely. We need to figure out how to finish them today.”
“Correct. We have to manage to finish them today somehow.”
“Exactly. We have to make sure they're done today.”
“Indeed. We must ensure they're done today somehow.”
“That’s right. We need to make sure they're finished today no matter what.”


This watch is broken, so I must buy one.
This watch is malfunctioning, so I need to purchase a new one.
This watch is defective, so I have to acquire a replacement.
This watch is damaged, so I must invest in a new one.
This watch is faulty, so I need to get a new one.
This watch is not working, so I need to procure a new one.
This watch is inoperable, so I have to buy a new one.


We are going to play baseball this afternoon if it stops raining.
If the rain ceases this afternoon, we'll engage in a game of baseball.
Provided the rain subsides by this afternoon, we'll participate in a baseball match.
In the event of the rain letting up this afternoon, we'll proceed with our baseball plans.
Should the rain halt this afternoon, our agenda includes playing baseball.
Once the rain comes to a stop this afternoon, we intend to play baseball.
Given that the rain stops by this afternoon, our activity will involve playing baseball.


Japanese people hardly [scarcely] ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people hardly ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people scarcely ever go on a trip alone.
Japanese people rarely go on a trip alone.
Japanese people almost never go on a trip alone.
Japanese people seldom go on a trip alone.
Japanese people barely ever go on a trip alone.


A better bridge could have been built had they offered assistance.
If they had provided assistance, a superior bridge could have been constructed.
Had they extended their help, a more advanced bridge could have been erected.
Offering assistance would have resulted in the construction of a better bridge.
Had they been willing to assist, a superior bridge could have been feasibly built.
If they had offered their support, a more effective bridge could have been constructed.
Providing assistance would have led to the creation of a better bridge.


You can catch any of these buses. They all go to the city center.
Any of these buses will take you to the city center.
You can board any of these buses; they all head to the city center.
All of these buses will transport you to the city center.
These buses are interchangeable; they all have routes to the city center.
You have the option of taking any of these buses; they all travel to the city center.
Whichever bus you choose, it will bring you to the city center.


Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.
No matter how modest it may be, there's no place as comforting as home.
Despite its humble nature, there's nowhere quite like home.
Even if it's the simplest of places, home holds a unique charm.
Regardless of its simplicity, there's no place that compares to home.
Home, no matter how humble, is incomparable in its comfort.
Despite its humble appearance, home remains unparalleled in comfort and familiarity.


Standing as it does on a hill, the restaurant commands a fine view.
Positioned atop a hill, the restaurant offers a splendid view.
Due to its location on a hill, the restaurant boasts a magnificent view.
The restaurant, situated on a hill, affords a stunning panorama.
With its elevated position on a hill, the restaurant enjoys a breathtaking view.
Perched on a hill, the restaurant provides an impressive vista.
Being situated on a hill, the restaurant commands a picturesque view.


Sue, please don’t forget to mail this letter on your way to the station. It has to get to Brian by Saturday.
Sue, remember to mail this letter while you're on your way to the station, as it needs to reach Brian by Saturday.
Sue, please ensure that this letter is sent on your journey to the station; it must reach Brian by Saturday.
Sue, don't overlook sending this letter when you're heading to the station; it's important that Brian receives it by Saturday.
Sue, make sure you drop off this letter on your way to the station; Brian needs to have it by Saturday.
Sue, I'm counting on you to mail this letter as you go to the station; Brian must receive it by Saturday.
Sue, remember to post this letter while you're on your way to the station; Brian is expecting it by Saturday.


He is superior to me in speaking English.
When it comes to speaking English, he surpasses me.
His English speaking skills exceed mine.
He outshines me in speaking English.
I am inferior to him in speaking English.
He is more proficient than me in speaking English.
In terms of speaking English, he is ahead of me.


Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken into pieces.
The explosion was so powerful that it shattered all the windows into fragments.
The force of the explosion was such that it caused all the windows to break into tiny pieces.
All the windows were smashed into bits due to the sheer force of the explosion.
The explosion was of such magnitude that it pulverized all the windows into pieces.
So intense was the explosion that it completely demolished all the windows into small fragments.
The explosion was so forceful that it resulted in the fragmentation of all the windows.

6 か月以内に返すという条件で,君にお金を貸しましょう。

I’ll lend you the money on condition that you return it within six months.
I'll loan you the money, provided that you repay it within six months.
You can borrow the money from me under the condition that you return it within six months.
I'll extend the loan to you, but you must pay it back within six months.
You may borrow the money on the condition that you reimburse it within six months.
I'm willing to lend you the money, but you must return it within six months.
Under the condition that you repay it within six months, I'll lend you the money.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







TEX 二井原プロへの仕事の相談・依頼
