英作文《 地獄の果てまで瞬発トレーニング 》⑤

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




 ● 英文暗唱
 ● 頻出表現暗記
 ● 日本語:英語の 〈1対1 暗記〉












"Where this road will lead, who can say?
Do not be afraid, for if you hesitate, the road disappears.
Take a step, and that step becomes the path,
That step becomes the way.
Without hesitation, go,
For by going, you will understand."

Part 1:インプット英文7変化


“What are you planning to do when the tests are over ?”
“I’m going to (   ) home.”

“What are you planning to do when the tests are over?”
“I’m going to go home.”
▸ go home の home は副詞で「家へ」の意
 ✰ go for a walk: 散歩に行く
 ✰ go to school: 学校に行く
 ✰ go shopping: 買い物に行く
 ✰ go swimming: 泳ぎに行く
 ✰ go on vacation: 休暇に行く
"What do you intend to do once the tests conclude?"
"What are your plans after the tests wrap up?"
"What are you considering doing after the tests come to an end?"
"What activities do you have in mind post-exams?"
"What do you have planned for after the tests finish?"
"I’m going to return home."
"I’m going to go home."
"I'm planning to head home."
"I'm planning to head back home."
"I'm planning to head for home."
"I'm planning to head towards home."
"I'm planning to head homeward."


“Can you tell me how to use this machine?”
“I’m sorry, I have no (   ).”

“Can you tell me how to use this machine?”
“I’m sorry, I have no idea.”
▸ have no idea=don’t have any idea「分からない」
 ✰ have breakfast: 朝食をとる
 ✰ have lunch: 昼食をとる
 ✰ have dinner: 夕食をとる
 ✰ have a meeting: 会議を開く
 ✰ have a conversation: 会話をする
"Could you provide instructions on how to utilize this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with it."
"Can you show me the steps for using this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I don't know."
"Do you know how to operate this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I don't have any knowledge about it."
"Could you give me some guidance on using this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure."
"How do I operate this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not aware of the process."


The player felt (    ) weak after finishing the game.

The player felt pretty weak after finishing the game.
▸ pretty〈副〉形容詞の直前で「かなり」の意
 ✰ pretty good: かなり良い
 ✰ pretty bad: かなり悪い
 ✰ pretty big: かなり大きい
 ✰ pretty small: かなり小さい
 ✰ pretty fast: かなり速い
The player felt rather weak after finishing the game.
The player felt quite feeble after finishing the game.
The player felt somewhat weak after finishing the game.
The player felt fairly weak after finishing the game.
The player felt somewhat feeble after finishing the game.
The player felt fairly feeble after finishing the game.


(    ) (   ) Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. 
If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.

The late Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.
▸ the late A「亡くなったA・故A」
 ✰ deceased A: 亡くなったA
 ✰ late A: 故A
 ✰ departed A: 故A
 ✰ the late A: 故A
 ✰ the departed A: 故A
The deceased Mr. Johnson was a really caring person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The late Mr. Johnson was a truly compassionate person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The deceased Mr. Johnson was a genuinely compassionate person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The late Mr. Johnson was a sincerely caring person. If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The late Mr. Johnson was a deeply considerate person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.


We must go early; (   ) we won’t get good seats.

We must go early; otherwise we won’t get good seats.
▸ otherwise「さもなければ」
 ✰ otherwise known as: 別名で
 ✰ otherwise specified: 特に指定されない限り
 ✰ otherwise occupied: それ以外の事が忙しい
 ✰ otherwise impossible: 他に不可能
 ✰ otherwise identical: 他に同一
We must leave early; otherwise, we won’t get good seats.
We must depart early; otherwise, we won't secure good seats.
We must leave early; otherwise, we won't obtain good seats.
We must depart early; otherwise, we won't obtain good seats.
We must go early; otherwise, we won’t secure good seats.


Your children should be more (    ) toward their teachers.

Your children should be more respectful toward their teachers.
▸ respectful「礼儀正しい」
 ✰ respectful attitude: 尊敬の念を示す態度
 ✰ respectful behavior: 敬意を持った振る舞い
 ✰ show respectful manners: 尊敬の意を示す行動をする
 ✰ speak in a respectful tone: 尊敬の意を込めて話す
 ✰ be respectful towards elders: 年上の人に対して敬意を払う
Your children should be more polite to their teachers.
Your children should be more respectful to their teachers.
Your children should show more courtesy towards their teachers.
Your children should display greater deference to their teachers.
Your children should demonstrate increased reverence for their teachers.
Your children should exhibit more decorum towards their teachers.
Your children should express greater civility towards their teachers.


I was deeply (   ) with myself after losing the race.

I was deeply disappointed with myself after losing the race.
▸ disappointed「失望して」 ← 「失望させられて」
 ✰ feel disappointed: 失望する
 ✰ be disappointed with: ~にがっかりする
 ✰ look disappointed: がっかりした様子を見せる
 ✰ sound disappointed: 失望したように聞こえる
 ✰ become disappointed: 失望する
I was really disappointed in myself after losing the race.
I was truly disappointed in myself after losing the race.
I was quite disappointed with myself after losing the race.
I was extremely disappointed in myself after losing the race.
I was profoundly disappointed with myself after losing the race.
I was greatly disappointed in myself after losing the race.


That old woman was barely (   ) but was a highly competent storyteller.

That old woman was barely literate but was a highly competent storyteller.
▸ literate「読み書きのできる」
As I had a stomachache, I hardly [scarcely] ate anything yesterday.
 ✰ iterate a plan: 計画を繰り返す
 ✰ iterate a process: プロセスを繰り返す
 ✰ iterate a point: ポイントを繰り返す
 ✰ hardly believe: 信じがたい
 ✰ hardly know: よくわからない
 ✰ hardly wait: 待ちきれない
 ✰ hardly sleep: ほとんど眠れない
 ✰ barely manage: かろうじて管理する
 ✰ barely hear: かろうじて聞こえる
 ✰ barely see: かろうじて見える
 ✰ barely enough: ほんのわずかに十分
 ✰ scarcely believe: ほとんど信じられない
 ✰ scarcely remember: ほとんど覚えていない
 ✰ scarcely enough: ほとんど十分
 ✰ scarcely any: ほとんどない
That old woman was hardly literate but was a highly skilled storyteller.
That old woman was barely literate but was a highly skilled storyteller.
Despite her limited literacy skills, that elderly woman excelled as a storyteller.
While lacking in literacy, the elderly woman possessed exceptional storytelling abilities.
Though her literacy was minimal, the old woman demonstrated remarkable storytelling prowess.
Despite her meager literacy, the elderly lady proved to be a skilled and captivating storyteller.
Although her literacy was scarce, the elderly woman displayed exceptional storytelling competence.


As I had a stomachache, I (    ) ate anything yesterday.

As I had a stomachache, I scarcely ate anything yesterday.
▸ hardly[scarcely]「ほとんど…ない」〈程度〉
 ✰ hardly believe: ほとんど信じられない
 ✰ hardly know: よくわからない
 ✰ hardly wait: 待ちきれない
 ✰ hardly sleep: ほとんど眠れない
 ✰ scarcely believe: ほとんど信じられない
 ✰ scarcely remember: ほとんど覚えていない
 ✰ scarcely enough: ほとんど十分
 ✰ scarcely any: ほとんどない
As I had a stomachache, I hardly ate anything yesterday.
Due to my stomachache, I consumed barely anything yesterday.
Because of my stomachache, there was hardly anything I could eat yesterday.
My stomachache led to me scarcely eating anything yesterday.
Given my stomachache, I barely touched any food yesterday.
With a stomachache, I could scarcely manage to eat anything yesterday.


Drop me a (   ) as soon as you get there.

Drop me a line as soon as you get there.
▸ drop A a line「Aに一筆書く」
 ✰ drop a hint: ヒントをちりばめる
 ✰ drop a line: 一筆書く
 ✰ drop a bombshell: 大きな衝撃を与える
 ✰ drop by: 立ち寄る
 ✰ drop dead: 卒倒する
Send me a message as soon as you arrive there.
Drop me a line as soon as you arrive there.
Please shoot me a message once you've reached your destination.
As soon as you arrive there, drop me a quick note.
Once you get there, give me a shout so I know you've arrived safely.
Let me know the moment you arrive at your destination.
Once you've reached there, send me a quick message to let me know you've arrived.


It is worth (   ) to visit London.

It is worth while to visit London.
▸ worth while to do「…する価値がある」
 London is worth visiting.
 ✰ worth while to consider: 検討する価値がある
 ✰ worth while to invest: 投資する価値がある
 ✰ worth while to visit: 訪れる価値がある
 ✰ worth while to read: 読む価値がある
 ✰ worth while to explore: 探検する価値がある
It's worth visiting London.
It's worthwhile to visit London.
London is definitely worth a visit.
A trip to London is definitely worthwhile.
Visiting London is a worthwhile experience.
It's definitely worth considering a visit to London.
A visit to London is definitely recommended.


During this period the foundation was (   ) for many Japanese traditions.

During this period the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
▸ 〈他動〉raise ― raised ― raised ― raising
 ✰ raise a question: 質問を提起する
 ✰ raise awareness: 意識を高める
 ✰ raise funds: 資金を調達する
 ✰ raise children: 子育てをする
 ✰ raising concerns: 懸念を持つ
During this period, the foundation was established for many Japanese traditions.
During this period, the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
Many Japanese traditions were established during this period.
This period saw the establishment of the foundation for numerous Japanese traditions.
The groundwork for many Japanese traditions was set during this period.
Many Japanese traditions trace their origins back to this period.
During this time frame, the groundwork was laid for numerous Japanese traditions.


Ellen told (   ) (   ) she had lost her purse.

Ellen told me that she had lost her purse.
▸ tell A that節「Aに…を言う」
 ✰ tell a story: 物語を語る
 ✰ tell a joke: 冗談を言う
 ✰ tell the truth: 真実を話す
 ✰ tell a lie: 嘘をつく
 ✰ tell someone off: だれかを叱る
Ellen informed me that she had lost her purse.
Ellen told me that she had misplaced her purse.
Ellen informed me of her lost purse.
I was informed by Ellen that she had lost her purse.
Ellen mentioned to me that she had misplaced her purse.
Ellen conveyed to me that she had lost her purse.
I was notified by Ellen about her lost purse.


I would not (   ) anything if I were you.

I would not say anything if I were you.
▸ say A「Aを言う」
 say は基本的に〈他動〉目的語には〈人〉が来ない
 ✰ say something: 何かを言う
 ✰ say sorry: 謝る
 ✰ say goodbye: 別れを告げる
 ✰ say hello: 挨拶する
 ✰ say aloud: 声に出して言う
I would not say anything if I were you.
I wouldn't say a word if I were you.
I wouldn't utter a single word if I were you.
If I were you, I wouldn't speak at all.
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't vocalize anything.
I wouldn't express anything if I were in your position.
If it were me, I wouldn't say a thing.


When Henry is angry, the expression on his face (   ) me of his grandfather.

When Henry is angry, the expression on his face reminds me of his grandfather.
▸ remind A of B「AにBのことを思い出させる」
 recall, recollect, rememberは通例Sが〈人〉になる
 ✰ remind someone of something: ~に何かを思い出させる
 ✰ recall a memory: 思い出を呼び起こす
 ✰ recollect an event: 出来事を思い出す
 ✰ remember a moment: 瞬間を思い出す
 ✰ remember someone's name: 人の名前を覚える
When Henry is angry, the expression on his face brings to mind his grandfather.
When Henry is angry, the expression on his face reminds me of his grandfather.
When Henry is angry, his facial expression evokes memories of his grandfather.
The expression on Henry's face when he's angry brings back memories of his grandfather.
Henry's angry expression on his face triggers thoughts of his grandfather.
The look on Henry's face when he's angry is reminiscent of his grandfather.
Henry's angry expression reminds me vividly of his grandfather.


I (   ) to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.

I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
▸ explain A to B「AのことをBに説明する」
 ✰ explain a concept to students: 生徒たちに概念を説明する
 ✰ explain a plan to colleagues: 同僚たちに計画を説明する
 ✰ explain a problem to the team: チームに問題を説明する
 ✰ explain a situation to parents: 親に状況を説明する
 ✰ explain a rule to children: 子供たちにルールを説明する
 ✰ explain a concept: 概念を説明する
 ✰ explain a theory: 理論を説明する
 ✰ explain a process: プロセスを説明する
 ✰ explain a situation: 状況を説明する
 ✰ explain in detail: 詳細に説明する
I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I told him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I informed him that he would need to wait a bit longer for the bus.
I let him know that there would be a slight delay for the bus.
I made it clear to him that he would have to wait a bit longer for the bus.
I conveyed to him that the bus would be delayed and he'd have to wait a little longer.
I communicated to him that he would have to wait a bit more time for the bus to arrive.


She sent me a telegram (    ) that her father was in serious condition.

She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
▸ S say that節「Sには…だと書いてある」
 ✰ say something: 何かを言う
 ✰ say sorry: 謝る
 ✰ say goodbye: 別れを告げる
 ✰ say hello: 挨拶する
 ✰ say aloud: 声に出して言う
She sent me a message stating that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a message saying that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a telegram indicating that her father was in serious condition.
She sent me a telegram informing me that her father's condition was serious.
She sent me a telegram mentioning that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a telegram with the message that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a telegram with the information that her father was in a serious condition.


We (   ) (   ) air pollution.

We talked about air pollution.
▸ talk about A「Aについて話す」(=discuss A)
 talk, speakは基本的に〈自動〉で用いる
 ✰ talk about a topic: トピックについて話す
 ✰ talk about the weather: 天気について話す
 ✰ talk about your day: あなたの日常について話す
 ✰ speak a language: 言語を話す
 ✰ speak clearly: 明瞭に話す
We talked about air pollution.
We discussed air pollution.
Our conversation revolved around air pollution.
The topic of our discussion was air pollution.
Air pollution was the subject of our conversation.
We engaged in a discussion about air pollution.
Our conversation touched upon the issue of air pollution.


The dictionary (   ) (    ) on the bookshelf.

The dictionary was lying on the bookshelf.
 laying は〈他動〉「…を横たえる」だから不可
 ✰ lie on the bed: ベッドに横になる
 ✰ lie awake: 目を覚ましている
 ✰ lie still: 静かにしている
 ✰ lie flat: 平らになる
 ✰ lie dormant: 休眠している
 ✰ lay the table: テーブルをセットする
 ✰ lay a foundation: 基礎を築く
 ✰ lay bricks: レンガを積む
 ✰ lay down the law: 法律を敷く
 ✰ lay out a plan: 計画を立てる
The dictionary was lying on kthe bookshelf.
The dictionary was resting on the bookshelf.
The dictionary lay on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was positioned on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was placed on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was situated on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was located on the bookshelf.


I heard somebody (   ) my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.

I heard somebody tell my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
▸ say, tellは基本的に〈他動〉だが
 ✰ say a word: 言葉を発する
 ✰ say goodbye: 別れを告げる
 ✰ say thank you: 感謝を表す
 ✰ say sorry: 謝罪する
 ✰ say something: 何かを言う
 ✰ tell a story: 物語を語る
 ✰ tell a joke: 冗談を言う
 ✰ tell the truth: 真実を言う
 ✰ tell a lie: 嘘をつく
 ✰ tell someone a secret: 人に秘密を告げる
 ✰ speak a language: 言語を話す
 ✰ speak clearly: 明瞭に話す
 ✰ speak up: 大声で話す
 ✰ speak softly: 静かに話す
 ✰ speak to someone: 誰かに話しかける
 ✰ talk to someone: 誰かと話す
 ✰ talk about a topic: トピックについて話す
 ✰ talk on the phone: 電話で話す
 ✰ talk with friends: 友達と話す
 ✰ talk during the meeting: 会議中に話す
I heard somebody tell my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody inform my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody inform my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
I overheard somebody informing my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
Someone told my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
Someone informed my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody relaying the news of the accident to my mother, and I noticed that it upset her.

Part 2:アウトプット脳内英作文


“What are you planning to do when the tests are over?”
“I’m going to go home.”
"What do you intend to do once the tests conclude?"
"What are your plans after the tests wrap up?"
"What are you considering doing after the tests come to an end?"
"What activities do you have in mind post-exams?"
"What do you have planned for after the tests finish?"
"I’m going to return home."
"I’m going to go home."
"I'm planning to head home."
"I'm planning to head back home."
"I'm planning to head for home."
"I'm planning to head towards home."
"I'm planning to head homeward."


"Could you provide instructions on how to utilize this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with it."
"Can you show me the steps for using this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I don't know."
"Do you know how to operate this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I don't have any knowledge about it."
"Could you give me some guidance on using this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure."
"How do I operate this machine?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not aware of the process."


The player felt pretty weak after finishing the game.
The player felt rather weak after finishing the game.
The player felt quite feeble after finishing the game.
The player felt somewhat weak after finishing the game.
The player felt fairly weak after finishing the game.
The player felt somewhat feeble after finishing the game.
The player felt fairly feeble after finishing the game.


The late Mr. Johnson was a really considerate person. If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The deceased Mr. Johnson was a really caring person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The late Mr. Johnson was a truly compassionate person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The deceased Mr. Johnson was a genuinely compassionate person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The late Mr. Johnson was a sincerely caring person. If anyone got sick, he was the first to visit and offer help.
The late Mr. Johnson was a deeply considerate person. If anyone fell ill, he was the first to visit and offer help.


We must go early; otherwise we won’t get good seats.
We must leave early; otherwise, we won’t get good seats.
We must depart early; otherwise, we won't secure good seats.
We must leave early; otherwise, we won't obtain good seats.
We must depart early; otherwise, we won't obtain good seats.
We must go early; otherwise, we won’t secure good seats.


Your children should be more respectful toward their teachers.
Your children should be more polite to their teachers.
Your children should be more respectful to their teachers.
Your children should show more courtesy towards their teachers.
Your children should display greater deference to their teachers.
Your children should demonstrate increased reverence for their teachers.
Your children should exhibit more decorum towards their teachers.
Your children should express greater civility towards their teachers.


I was deeply disappointed with myself after losing the race.
I was really disappointed in myself after losing the race.
I was truly disappointed in myself after losing the race.
I was quite disappointed with myself after losing the race.
I was extremely disappointed in myself after losing the race.
I was profoundly disappointed with myself after losing the race.
I was greatly disappointed in myself after losing the race.


That old woman was barely literate but was a highly competent storyteller.
That old woman was hardly literate but was a highly skilled storyteller.
That old woman was barely literate but was a highly skilled storyteller.
Despite her limited literacy skills, that elderly woman excelled as a storyteller.
While lacking in literacy, the elderly woman possessed exceptional storytelling abilities.
Though her literacy was minimal, the old woman demonstrated remarkable storytelling prowess.
Despite her meager literacy, the elderly lady proved to be a skilled and captivating storyteller.
Although her literacy was scarce, the elderly woman displayed exceptional storytelling competence.


As I had a stomachache, I scarcely ate anything yesterday.
As I had a stomachache, I hardly ate anything yesterday.
Due to my stomachache, I consumed barely anything yesterday.
Because of my stomachache, there was hardly anything I could eat yesterday.
My stomachache led to me scarcely eating anything yesterday.
Given my stomachache, I barely touched any food yesterday.
With a stomachache, I could scarcely manage to eat anything yesterday.


Drop me a line as soon as you get there.
Send me a message as soon as you arrive there.
Drop me a line as soon as you arrive there.
Please shoot me a message once you've reached your destination.
As soon as you arrive there, drop me a quick note.
Once you get there, give me a shout so I know you've arrived safely.
Let me know the moment you arrive at your destination.
Once you've reached there, send me a quick message to let me know you've arrived.


It is worth while to visit London.
It's worth visiting London.
London is definitely worth a visit.
A trip to London is definitely worthwhile.
Visiting London is a worthwhile experience.
It's definitely worth considering a visit to London.
A visit to London is definitely recommended.


During this period the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
During this period, the foundation was established for many Japanese traditions.
During this period, the foundation was laid for many Japanese traditions.
Many Japanese traditions were established during this period.
This period saw the establishment of the foundation for numerous Japanese traditions.
The groundwork for many Japanese traditions was set during this period.
Many Japanese traditions trace their origins back to this period.
During this time frame, the groundwork was laid for numerous Japanese traditions


Ellen informed me that she had lost her purse.
Ellen told me that she had misplaced her purse.
Ellen informed me of her lost purse.
I was informed by Ellen that she had lost her purse.
Ellen mentioned to me that she had misplaced her purse.
Ellen conveyed to me that she had lost her purse.
I was notified by Ellen about her lost purse.


I would not say anything if I were you.
I wouldn't say a word if I were you.
I wouldn't utter a single word if I were you.
If I were you, I wouldn't speak at all.
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't vocalize anything.
I wouldn't express anything if I were in your position.
If it were me, I wouldn't say a thing.


When Henry is angry, the expression on his face reminds me of his grandfather.
When Henry is angry, the expression on his face brings to mind his grandfather.
When Henry is angry, the expression on his face reminds me of his grandfather.
When Henry is angry, his facial expression evokes memories of his grandfather.
The expression on Henry's face when he's angry brings back memories of his grandfather.
Henry's angry expression on his face triggers thoughts of his grandfather.
The look on Henry's face when he's angry is reminiscent of his grandfather.
Henry's angry expression reminds me vividly of his grandfather.


I explained to him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I told him that he would have to wait a little longer for the bus.
I informed him that he would need to wait a bit longer for the bus.
I let him know that there would be a slight delay for the bus.
I made it clear to him that he would have to wait a bit longer for the bus.
I conveyed to him that the bus would be delayed and he'd have to wait a little longer.
I communicated to him that he would have to wait a bit more time for the bus to arrive.


She sent me a telegram saying that her father was in serious condition.
She sent me a message stating that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a message saying that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a telegram indicating that her father was in serious condition.
She sent me a telegram informing me that her father's condition was serious.
She sent me a telegram mentioning that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a telegram with the message that her father was in a serious condition.
She sent me a telegram with the information that her father was in a serious condition.


We talked about air pollution.
We discussed air pollution.
Our conversation revolved around air pollution.
The topic of our discussion was air pollution.
Air pollution was the subject of our conversation.
We engaged in a discussion about air pollution.
Our conversation touched upon the issue of air pollution.


The dictionary was lying on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was resting on the bookshelf.
The dictionary lay on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was positioned on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was placed on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was situated on the bookshelf.
The dictionary was located on the bookshelf.


I heard somebody tell my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody tell my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody inform my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody inform my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
I overheard somebody informing my mother about the accident, and I noticed that the news upset her.
Someone told my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
Someone informed my mother about the accident, and I observed that the news upset her.
I heard somebody relaying the news of the accident to my mother, and I noticed that it upset her.

◆ 著作権は本記事作成者に帰属します。


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