英検1級 予想問題【5大テーマ】 論点整理 ②

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



(1). テクノロジーと社会


(2). 倫理とビジネス


(3). 社会と政治


(4). 価値観と道徳


(5). 環境問題


Is world peace achievable?

Historical Precedents:
Instances exist where conflicts have been resolved, suggesting that peace is achievable. Examples like the end of the Cold War or the resolution of regional conflicts demonstrate the potential for peace.

International Cooperation:
Collaboration among nations through alliances, treaties, and organizations like the United Nations provides a framework for peaceful resolutions and negotiation.

Economic Interdependence:
Globalization has fostered economic ties between nations, creating mutual interests that could discourage conflict as it becomes detrimental to all parties involved.

Advancements in Communication:
Improved communication technologies facilitate dialogue between nations and people, fostering understanding and reducing the chances of misunderstandings that lead to conflicts.

Social and Cultural Exchanges:
Cultural exchanges promote empathy, understanding, and appreciation of diversity, potentially reducing prejudices and biases that fuel conflicts.

Humanitarian Efforts:
Aid and relief efforts during crises have often transcended borders, showcasing the capacity for empathy and collaboration even in the midst of conflict.

Education and Awareness:
Education on peace-building, conflict resolution, and human rights could foster a mindset shift towards peaceful coexistence and understanding.

Shared Global Challenges:
Issues like climate change, pandemics, and poverty necessitate global cooperation, potentially uniting nations towards common goals and reducing conflicts born out of competition.

Leadership and Diplomacy:
Visionary leaders and effective diplomacy can play a crucial role in de-escalating tensions and resolving conflicts peacefully.

While achieving world peace might seem daunting, these points illustrate the various avenues and factors that contribute to its potential realization.

● 歴史的先例: historical precedents
● 国際協力: international cooperation
● 経済的相互依存: economic interdependence
● 通信の進歩: advancements in communication
● 社会文化交流: social and cultural exchanges
● 人道支援: humanitarian efforts
● 教育と意識: education and awareness
● 共通の世界的課題: shared global challenges
● リーダーシップと外交: leadership and diplomacy











Should taxpayer money be allocated to support the arts?

Allocating taxpayer money to support the arts is a complex issue that often sparks debate. Here are several points to consider regarding this topic:

Cultural Enrichment:
Supporting the arts contributes to cultural enrichment within a society, preserving heritage, fostering creativity, and providing a platform for expression.

Economic Impact:
The arts industry can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs, attracting tourists, and generating revenue through events, exhibitions, and cultural activities.

Accessibility and Education:
Public funding ensures that art and cultural experiences are accessible to a wider audience, including educational programs that benefit schools and communities.

Social Cohesion:
Arts initiatives can bring diverse communities together, fostering social cohesion and understanding among different groups through shared cultural experiences.

Challenges of Prioritization:
However, some argue that taxpayer money should prioritize essential services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure over funding for the arts.

Private Support vs. Public Funding:
Some believe that the arts should rely more on private funding, philanthropy, and corporate sponsorships rather than taxpayer money.

Artistic Freedom and Innovation:
Public funding might come with expectations or restrictions that could potentially limit artistic freedom and innovation.

Value Judgments:
Determining which art forms or projects deserve funding can be subjective and may lead to debates about the value and relevance of certain art forms.

Ultimately, the decision to allocate taxpayer money to support the arts involves balancing cultural, economic, and social benefits against competing demands for public funds and requires careful consideration of societal priorities and values.

● 文化の豊かさ: cultural enrichment
● 経済への影響: economic impact
● アクセス可能性と教育: accessibility and education
● 社会の結束: social cohesion
● 優先順位付けの課題: challenges of prioritization
● 私的支援と公的資金: private support vs. public funding
● 芸術の自由と革新: artistic freedom and innovation
● 価値判断: value judgments











Is corruption an inevitable part of modern society?

Corruption isn't inherently inevitable in modern society, but it does persist in various forms and degrees globally. Here are several points to consider regarding this issue:

Systemic Weaknesses:
Some argue that systemic flaws within governance structures, economic systems, and institutions create environments conducive to corruption.

Cultural and Historical Factors:
In some societies, historical or cultural norms might tacitly accept or even encourage corrupt practices, making it seem ingrained.

Transparency and Accountability:
Strengthening transparency, implementing robust accountability measures, and ensuring the rule of law can significantly reduce corruption.

Education and Awareness:
Educating people about the detrimental impacts of corruption and fostering a culture of integrity and ethics can mitigate corrupt tendencies.

International Efforts:
Global initiatives, treaties, and collaborative actions among nations help combat cross-border corruption by establishing standards and promoting cooperation.

Technological Solutions:
Advancements in technology, like blockchain or digital transparency tools, offer potential solutions to track and minimize corrupt activities.

Ethical Leadership:
Ethical leadership within governments, businesses, and organizations plays a crucial role in setting examples and fostering a culture of honesty and integrity.

Civil Society Engagement:
Empowered civil society, including NGOs, media, and watchdog groups, can act as a check on corruption by exposing and raising awareness about corrupt practices.

While corruption remains a challenge, efforts in multiple spheres—legal, societal, technological, and ethical—are vital in combating and mitigating its prevalence in modern society.

● 制度的な弱点: systemic weaknesses
● 文化的および歴史的要因: cultural and historical factors
● 透明性と説明責任: transparency and accountability
● 教育と認識: education and awareness
● 国際的な取り組み: international efforts
● 技術的な解決策: technological solutions
● 倫理的リーダーシップ: ethical leadership
● 市民社会の関与: civil society engagement











Will the consequences of continued biodiversity loss lead to catastrophe?

Continued biodiversity loss could indeed lead to catastrophic consequences. Here are some considerations regarding the potential impact:

Ecosystem Instability:
Biodiversity loss disrupts the delicate balance within ecosystems, leading to instability and increased vulnerability to environmental changes. This instability can affect essential ecosystem services like pollination, water purification, and climate regulation.

Risk of Extinction:
The decline of various species due to habitat destruction and other factors could lead to irreversible species extinctions, disrupting food chains and reducing genetic diversity crucial for adaptation and resilience.

Impact on Human Well-being:
Biodiversity loss directly affects human populations by impacting food security, as many rely on diverse ecosystems for food sources. It also affects medicine, as numerous pharmaceuticals are derived from natural sources.

Economic Consequences:
Disrupted ecosystems can lead to economic losses due to decreased agricultural productivity, increased vulnerability to natural disasters, and impacts on industries reliant on natural resources.

Global Climate Effects:
Biodiversity loss can exacerbate climate change, as healthy ecosystems help regulate climate by sequestering carbon dioxide. Loss of biodiversity might hinder the ability of ecosystems to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Ethical and Cultural Impact:
Loss of biodiversity can have profound ethical and cultural implications, as many cultures have deep connections to specific species and ecosystems.

While catastrophic predictions might seem alarmist, the cumulative impact of biodiversity loss can indeed lead to severe and far-reaching consequences if left unchecked. Taking proactive measures to conserve and restore biodiversity is crucial to mitigate these potential catastrophic effects.

● 生態系の不安定性: ecosystem instability
● 絶滅のリスク: risk of extinction
● 人間の幸福への影響: impact on human well-being
● 経済的な影響: economic consequences
● 地球規模の気候への影響: global climate effects
● 倫理的および文化的な影響: ethical and cultural impact









Should the government prioritize domestic issues over international matters?

Determining whether the government should prioritize domestic issues over international matters involves a complex balancing act. Here are several points to consider regarding this topic:

Domestic Welfare:
Prioritizing domestic issues such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social welfare can directly impact citizens' well-being and quality of life.

National Security:
Focusing on domestic concerns, including security measures and maintaining stability, is crucial for safeguarding the country and its citizens.

Global Engagement:
Addressing international matters is essential for a nation's global standing, fostering diplomatic relationships, and participating in global initiatives that impact trade, security, and humanitarian efforts.

Economic Stability:
Balancing domestic and international priorities is vital for economic stability. Participation in the global economy and trade agreements affects a nation's economic growth and prosperity.

Humanitarian Responsibility:
Engaging in international matters often involves addressing humanitarian crises and contributing to global initiatives for peace, development, and human rights.

Resource Allocation:
Governments often face challenges in allocating resources between domestic needs and international commitments, which requires careful consideration and strategic planning.

Ultimately, the government's approach should seek a balance between addressing domestic issues that directly impact citizens and engaging with international matters that influence global relationships, security, and economic stability. The right balance depends on a country's specific circumstances, priorities, and the global context it operates within.

● 国内問題の優先: prioritizing domestic issues
● 国際問題: international matters
● 国内福祉: domestic welfare
● 国家安全保障: national security
● グローバルな関与: global engagement
● 経済的安定: economic stability
● 人道的責任: humanitarian responsibility
● 資源配分: resource allocation









Has urbanization in Japan reached a concerning level?

The level of urbanization in Japan has indeed reached a significant point, but whether it's concerning depends on various factors. Here are some considerations:

Population Distribution:
Japan has a predominantly urban population, with a significant concentration in major cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. This urban concentration can lead to issues like overcrowding, high living costs, and increased stress on infrastructure.

Rural Decline:
Urbanization often correlates with the decline of rural areas. In Japan, this trend has led to aging populations, decreased economic opportunities, and a shift away from traditional rural lifestyles.

Limited Space:
Japan's geographical constraints, with a large portion of its land being mountainous and unsuitable for development, can exacerbate urban crowding and limited living space in urban areas.

Environmental Impact:
Urbanization can strain natural resources, contribute to pollution, and create challenges in maintaining a sustainable environment, impacting both urban and rural regions.

Infrastructure and Services:
While Japan generally boasts efficient infrastructure and services, rapid urbanization can strain these systems, leading to potential challenges in transportation, housing, healthcare, and education.

Cultural Shift:
Urbanization often brings about cultural changes, potentially impacting traditional practices, community ties, and societal values.

While Japan's urbanization has its advantages, such as economic growth and technological advancement, managing its effects on quality of life, regional balance, and environmental sustainability remains a critical concern. Finding a balance between urban development and preserving rural areas is an ongoing challenge for Japan's policymakers and society.

● 都市化のレベル: level of urbanization
● 人口分布: population distribution
● 地方の衰退: rural decline
● 限られた空間: limited space
● 環境への影響: environmental impact
● インフラとサービス: infrastructure and services
● 文化の変化: cultural shift









Are moral values declining in today’s society?

Determining whether moral values are declining in today's society is subjective and complex, but various viewpoints and observations suggest shifts in moral perceptions. Here are some considerations:

Changing Norms:
Societal norms and values evolve over time. What was considered morally acceptable or unacceptable in the past might differ from contemporary perspectives.

Individualism vs. Collective Values:
Modern societies often prioritize individual freedoms and autonomy, which can sometimes appear to conflict with traditional collective moral values.

Technological Impact:
Advancements in technology have altered the ways we communicate and interact, raising questions about ethical conduct in online spaces and virtual environments.

Media Influence:
Media portrayal of behavior and values can shape societal perceptions, potentially impacting moral frameworks and ethical decision-making.

Cultural Diversity:
Globalization has led to increased cultural exchange, potentially challenging established moral norms as diverse perspectives come into contact.

Generational Differences:
Each generation might hold varying moral perspectives shaped by their experiences, upbringing, and exposure to different societal influences.

While some argue that moral values are declining due to perceived shifts in societal conduct, others might argue that values are evolving or transforming to accommodate changing social dynamics. Assessing the state of moral values requires nuanced analysis considering historical contexts, cultural changes, and the interplay of various societal factors.

● 倫理の変化:changing norms
● 個人主義と集団的価値:individualism vs. collective values
● 技術の影響:technological impact
● メディアの影響:media influence
● 文化的多様性:cultural diversity
● 世代間の違い:generational differences

Should countries have the right to possess chemical and biological weapons?

The question of whether countries should possess chemical and biological weapons is a contentious and complex issue. Here are various viewpoints and considerations surrounding this topic:

National Security:
Some argue that possessing these weapons serves as a deterrent against potential threats, ensuring a nation's security and sovereignty.

Humanitarian Concerns:
Others argue against their possession due to the catastrophic humanitarian impact these weapons can cause, both in conflicts and through accidental or intentional misuse.

International Law:
Many countries have ratified international treaties like the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention, which prohibit the development, production, and stockpiling of these weapons.

Global Stability:
The possession of such weapons can heighten tensions between nations and destabilize global security, leading to arms races and increased risks of proliferation.

Dual-Use Dilemma:
Technologies used for chemical and biological weapons can also have civilian applications, raising concerns about the dual-use nature and potential misuse.

Ethical Considerations:
The moral and ethical implications of possessing weapons designed to cause indiscriminate harm raise questions about their compatibility with ethical standards and human rights principles.

The debate on whether countries should possess chemical and biological weapons involves a balance between national security interests, global stability, humanitarian concerns, and ethical considerations. Many advocate for the complete elimination and prohibition of these weapons to ensure global peace and security, while others argue for their possession as a means of deterrence or defense. International cooperation and adherence to disarmament treaties play a crucial role in addressing this complex issue.

● 国家安全保障:national security
● 人道上の懸念:humanitarian concerns
● 国際法:international law
● 地球的安定:global stability
● 二重使用のジレンマ:dual-use dilemma
● 倫理的考慮:ethical considerations






二重使用のジレンマ: 化学兵器や生物兵器に使われる技術は民間用途にも利用されるため、二重使用の性質や潜在的な誤用について懸念されています。



Do you agree or disagree that the Internet should be free from censorship?

Arguments for Internet Freedom:

Freedom of Expression:
Many advocate for an uncensored internet, asserting that it allows for free expression of ideas and opinions without restriction.

Access to Information:
An uncensored internet ensures access to diverse information, promoting education, knowledge sharing, and awareness.

Innovation and Creativity:
Unrestricted internet fosters innovation, creativity, and the development of new ideas without limitations.

Arguments for Internet Censorship:

Preventing Harmful Content:
Censorship aims to restrict harmful content such as hate speech, violence, or misinformation that could incite violence or cause societal harm.

Protecting Privacy and Security:
Censorship can be used to safeguard individuals' privacy and prevent cyber threats, ensuring a safer online environment.

Regulating Illegal Activities:
Censorship helps in curbing illegal activities like piracy, trafficking, or distribution of illegal substances online.

The debate around internet censorship revolves around balancing the freedom of expression and access to information against the need to protect individuals from harm, ensuring privacy, and regulating illegal activities. The stance on whether the internet should be completely free from censorship or subject to certain limitations often varies based on cultural, legal, and ethical considerations in different societies.

● インターネットの自由:internet freedom
● 表現の自由:freedom of expression
● 情報へのアクセス:access to information
● 創造性と革新:innovation and creativity
● 有害コンテンツの防止:preventing harmful content
● プライバシーとセキュリティの保護:protecting privacy and security
● 違法行為の規制:regulating illegal activities










Is extensive media coverage of environmental problems making a tangible impact?

The impact of extensive media coverage on environmental problems is a multifaceted issue. Here are different perspectives on its influence:

Raising Awareness:
Extensive media coverage can increase public awareness about environmental issues, leading to greater consciousness and concern among individuals, communities, and policymakers.

Policy Changes:
Media coverage often prompts discussions and can influence policymakers to address environmental concerns through legislation, policies, or funding for conservation efforts.

Behavioral Changes:
Exposure to environmental issues in the media can inspire changes in individual behavior, such as adopting more sustainable practices or supporting eco-friendly initiatives.

Overwhelm and Desensitization:
However, constant exposure to negative environmental news might lead to desensitization or feelings of overwhelm, potentially reducing the urgency or motivation for action.

Industry and Corporate Impact:
Media coverage can also pressure industries and corporations to adopt more environmentally friendly practices, driven by consumer demand and public scrutiny.

Global Collaboration:
Extensive coverage of environmental issues on a global scale can foster international cooperation and collective action to address shared environmental challenges.

Assessing the direct and tangible impact of media coverage on environmental issues requires considering its influence on public perception, policy changes, individual actions, corporate practices, and international collaboration. While media coverage can undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping awareness and discourse, its immediate and tangible impact might vary based on several factors, including the depth of coverage, public reception, and the responsiveness of various stakeholders.

● 意識の喚起:raising awareness
● 政策変更:policy changes
● 行動の変化:behavioral changes
● 無感覚化と無力感:overwhelm and desensitization
● 産業と企業への影響:industry and corporate impact
● 国際的協力:global collaboration









Is government action the key to addressing climate change?

Government action is considered a pivotal factor in addressing climate change, but it's not the sole solution. Here are various viewpoints on the role of government in combating climate change:

Policy Implementation:
Governments can enact policies, regulations, and incentives to mitigate climate change, such as setting emission reduction targets, investing in renewable energy, or imposing carbon pricing mechanisms.

International Cooperation:
Governments play a crucial role in global climate agreements and collaborations, fostering multilateral efforts to tackle climate change on a global scale.

Research and Innovation:
Governments can fund and support research, development, and innovation in green technologies and sustainable practices to drive progress in combating climate change.

Infrastructure and Planning:
They can invest in resilient infrastructure, urban planning, and disaster preparedness to mitigate the impact of climate-related events like floods, storms, or rising sea levels.

Public Awareness and Education:
Governments can raise public awareness through educational initiatives, campaigns, and policies that promote environmental stewardship and sustainable lifestyles.

However, addressing climate change requires a collective effort involving various sectors, including businesses, communities, academia, and individuals. While government action is crucial, collaboration among different stakeholders and behavioral changes across society are equally essential to effectively combat the challenges posed by climate change.

● 政府の行動:government action
● 政策の実施:policy implementation
● 国際協力:international cooperation
● 研究とイノベーション:research and innovation
● インフラと計画:infrastructure and planning
● 公共の認識と教育:public awareness and education








Can Japanese companies remain competitive in the global economy today?

Yes, Japanese companies have demonstrated the ability to remain competitive in the global economy despite facing challenges. Here are some factors contributing to their competitiveness:

Innovation and Technology:
Japan is known for its advancements in technology and innovation. Companies often invest heavily in research and development, enabling them to create cutting-edge products and stay competitive in various industries.

Quality and Precision:
Japanese companies have a reputation for producing high-quality goods with a strong emphasis on precision and reliability. This reputation contributes to their competitiveness, particularly in industries like automotive manufacturing and electronics.

Adaptability and Efficiency:
Japanese companies are adept at adapting to changing market conditions and embracing efficiency measures in production processes, enabling them to maintain a competitive edge.

Global Collaboration and Partnerships:
Many Japanese firms engage in international collaborations and partnerships, allowing them to access global markets, share expertise, and stay competitive on a larger scale.

However, challenges such as an aging population, rigid business structures, and increased competition from emerging economies require continuous adaptation and innovation for Japanese companies to sustain their competitiveness in the evolving global economy.

● 日本企業の競争力: competitiveness of Japanese companies
● 革新と技術: innovation and technology
● 品質と精度: quality and precision
● 適応性と効率性: adaptability and efficiency
● 国際的協力とパートナーシップ: global collaboration and partnerships





国際的協力とパートナーシップ: 多くの日本企業は国際的な協力やパートナーシップに参加し、世界市場へのアクセスや専門知識の共有を行い、より大規模なスケールで競争力を保っています。


英検1級 予想問題 Best 21

① 過去問
② 昨今の国内情勢・国内の問題
③ 昨今の世界情勢・地球規模の課題
④ the 17 sustainable development goals
⑤ 21 Lessons for The 21th Century -Noah Hariari


1. Climate Change:

How might immediate global action against climate change impact industries heavily reliant on fossil fuels?
What social and economic changes could arise if urgent measures to combat climate change are not taken?

2. Universal Basic Income:

How might the implementation of universal basic income influence individuals' work ethics and economic productivity?
What economic changes could be expected if every citizen were guaranteed a basic income?

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

How might an increase in female leadership impact the overall societal perspective on gender roles in Japan?
What changes could be expected in corporate culture if more women were in leadership positions?

4. Education Resources and Support:

What improvements in educational outcomes might be seen if more resources and support were allocated to the education system?
How might enhanced educational resources influence the country's future workforce and innovation?

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

What societal changes could arise if efforts towards eliminating gender inequality were successful?
How might persistent gender inequality affect Japan's global competitiveness and social progress?

6. Homogeneous Countries:

What advantages or disadvantages might arise for a homogeneous country seeking to adapt to a more diverse global landscape?
How might embracing diversity impact cultural identity and national unity?

7. Information Technology Benefit

What potential downsides might emerge from an overreliance on improvements in information technology?
How might different sectors of society be affected by rapid advancements in information technology?

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

How might more lenient immigration policies influence Japan's economic growth and cultural diversity?
What challenges and benefits might Japan face by opening its doors to more immigrants?

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

What societal improvements might be seen if more public funds were allocated to social welfare programs?
How might increased investment in social welfare impact poverty rates and social inequality?

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

What cultural and historical significance do old temples hold for Japan's identity and heritage?
How might preserving old temples contribute to tourism and cultural appreciation?

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements

What ethical considerations arise when evaluating the effectiveness of terrorist movements as agents of change in society?
How might society respond to the impact of terrorism on social and political landscapes?

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

What long-term consequences might Japan face if the low birth rate issue remains unaddressed?
How might governmental policies and societal attitudes need to change to counter the threats posed by a declining birth rate?

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

What societal benefits emerge from actively preserving the cultures of indigenous peoples?
How might the loss of indigenous cultures impact the world's collective heritage and knowledge?

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

What instances exist where large corporations prioritize societal benefits over profits?
How might corporate social responsibility initiatives impact the public's perception of profit-driven companies?

15. Relevance of Social Class:

In what ways does social class influence opportunities and access to resources in modern society?
How might the perception of social class impact social mobility and equality?

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

What role does political correctness play in promoting inclusivity and respectful discourse in society?
How might the absence of political correctness impact social interactions and the treatment of marginalized groups?

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

How might increased regulations and oversight impact the working conditions in developing nations?
What global economic shifts could occur if the exploitation of workers in the developing world is curtailed?

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

What ethical considerations arise when debating the imposition of limits on freedom of speech?
How might restricting freedom of speech impact societal discourse and the exchange of ideas?

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

How might legalized gambling contribute to or detract from a country's economic growth and revenue streams?
What social implications arise from widespread legalized gambling within a society?

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

How might enhanced international cooperation combat piracy's economic and security threats on the open seas?
What challenges and obstacles exist in effectively policing and curtailing piracy?

21. World Without Religious:

What societal and geopolitical changes might be required to achieve a world devoid of religious conflict?
How might the absence of religious conflict impact international relations and cultural interactions?

1. Climate Change:

2. Universal Basic Income:

3. Lack of Female Leaders in Japan:

4. Education Resources and Support:

5. Gender Inequality Elimination:

6. Homogeneous Countries:

7. Information Technology Benefits:

8. Immigration Policies in Japan:

9. Public Funds in Social Welfare:

10. Preservation of Japanese Traditional Culture and Heritage:

11. Effectiveness of Terrorist Movements:

12. Low Birth Rate Threats:

13. Protecting Indigenous Cultures:

14. Large Corporations and Profit Motives:

15. Relevance of Social Class:

16. Political Correctness Necessity:

17. Exploitation of Workers in Developing World:

18. Limits on Freedom of Speech:

19. Legalized Gambling's Economic Impact:

20. Fighting Piracy on Open Seas:

21. World Without Religious Conflict:

1. Do you believe the Japanese healthcare system can serve as a global model?
2. Will the increasing use of robots and computers pose significant challenges to society?
3. How is information technology altering the landscape of news media, for better or worse?
4. Are current global agricultural practices sustainable in the long term?
5. To what extent has the influence of Western values weakened Japanese identity?
6. Can businesses maintain ethical standards and still thrive financially in today's global economy?
7. Do you agree or disagree that surveillance cameras should be installed in all public places?
8. Is a university degree essential for achieving success in life and career.
9. Is world peace achievable?
10. Should taxpayer money be allocated to support the arts?
11. Is corruption an inevitable part of modern society?
12. Will the consequences of continued biodiversity loss lead to catastrophe?
13. Should the government prioritize domestic issues over international matters?
14. Has urbanization in Japan reached a concerning level?
15. Are moral values declining in today’s society?
16. Should countries have the right to possess chemical and biological weapons?
17. Do you agree or disagree that the Internet should be free from censorship?
18. Is extensive media coverage of environmental problems making a tangible impact?
19. Is government action the key to addressing climate change?
20. Can Japanese companies remain competitive in the global economy today?
21. Do you agree or disagree that the lack of female leaders is a serious problem in Japan?
22. Does current education lack adequate resources and support? Share your thoughts.
23. Will gender inequality ever be completely eradicated?
24. Can homogeneous countries thrive in today's diverse world?
25. Are improvements in information technology always beneficial to society?
25. Should Japan adopt more lenient immigration policies? Share your perspective.
26. Are enough public funds invested in social welfare?
27. Are Japanese old temples worth preserving? Discuss their cultural significance.
28. Are terrorist movements an effective means to bring about societal change?
29. Are the threats posed by the low birth rate taken seriously enough in society?
30. Are the threats posed by the low birth rate taken seriously enough in society?



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