
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



They shook hands (    ).
  ① each
  ② each other
  ③ other each
  ④ with each other

<each other >「お互い」は副詞でなく代名詞。
sake hands with A「Aと握手をする」
の with の目的語に each other が入った形。
one another も同様に考える。
A B 二人のうちの A B 相互から見ての
the other を each other と言う。
<one another >
They shook hands with each other .
They shook hands one another.
They exchanged handshakes.
They greeted each other with a handshake.

On my last visit to Honolulu, I enjoyed (    ) very much.
  ① me
  ② myself
  ③ time
  ④ to swim

人称代名詞に self (selves) がついたものを
[自分を ~ する]
 ▸ [自分で ~ する]
<enjoy oneself>「自分を楽しむようにする」
<seat oneself>「自分を座らせる」
以上から, 一般に次のことが言える。
    ★★ 他動詞+oneself = 自動詞的意味 ★★
◆ 他動詞+再帰代名詞
 ☆ enjoy oneself(服を着る)
 ☆ dress oneself(服を着る)
 ☆ hurt oneself(傷つく)
 ☆ burn oneself(やけどをする)
 ☆ make oneself at home(くつろぐ)
 ☆ pride oneself on(~を自慢する)
 ☆ help oneself to(~を自由に取って食べる)
◆ 前置詞+再帰代名詞
 ☆ by oneself(一人で/自力で)
 ☆ for oneself(自力で)
 ☆ take care of oneself(健康に気をつける)
 ☆ say to oneself(独り言を言う/心の中で思う)
 ☆ beside oneself (with)(~のあまり我を忘れる)
On my last visit to Honolulu, I enjoyed myself very much.
On my last visit to Honolulu, I had an amazing time.
My visit to Honolulu was incredibly enjoyable.
I had a blast on my last visit to Honolulu.

Her mother lives in the country all (    ) herself.
  ① with
  ② by
  ③ of
  ④ on

all は by herself を強調する副詞。
(A) by oneself
 (a)「自分の力で」(=for oneself)
(B) for oneself
 (a)「自分の力で」(=by oneself)
 (b)「自分自身の利益の為に」(=for one’s own sake)
(a)の意味では両者は共通 (b)では異なる。
Her mother lives in the country all by herself.
Her mother lives in complete isolation in the country.
Her mother lives alone in the country.
She lives by herself in the country.

◇ 英作文の日本語「自分で」に対応する英語は次の3通りが可能。
(1) I made a desk myself.
(2) God helps those who cannot live by themselves.
(3) He lit a cigarette for himself.
⑴: 他人をわずらわせず「みずから」
⑶:「自分自身の(利益)の為に, 他人の助けを借りずに独力で」
by himself としたら不自然。
◇ 再帰代名詞 ( -self ) は名詞,代名詞を強める働きもする。
  主語を強める場合は主語の直後, または文尾におく。
 Cathy herself came.
 = Cathy came herself.
 I want to talk to the girl herself, not her sister.

All living things on earth depend on one (    ).
  ① each
  ② other
  ③ another
  ④ others

<one another >は副詞ではない。
ここでは前置詞 on の目的語として機能している。
All living things on earth depend on one another.
All living things on earth are mutually reliant.
There's a symbiotic relationship among all living things on earth.
The existence of all living things on earth is interlinked.

It is one thing to know and it is quite (    ) to teach.
  ① another
  ② the other
  ③ the others
  ④ other

<A is one thing; B is another>
 Knowing is totally different from teaching.
「知っているということと, 教えるということはまったく異なる」
It is one thing to know and it is quite another to teach.
Knowing something differs greatly from teaching it.
Knowing and teaching are entirely separate skills.
There's a significant distinction between knowing and teaching.

Please make (    ) at home.
  ① one
  ② you
  ③ yourself
  ④ another

<make oneself at home> 
「くつろぐ, 気楽にする」 
<at home>
⒝「国内で」反意は abroad
⒟「精通して」be at home in = be familiar with
Please make yourself at home.
Please feel completely at ease.
Please relax and treat this place as your own.
Make yourself comfortable, please.

Please sit down and help yourself (    ) the cake.
  ① with
  ② for
  ③ to
  ④ at

<help oneself to A> 
both / either / neither / all / every / none :
 ➪ both, either, neither
  (bothは複数・either, neitherは単数扱い)
 ➪ all, every, none
 ➪ (人を表す:複数) (モノを表す:単数)
every は原則単数扱い 
none も原則単数だが後の複数名詞にひかれて複数になることがある。
◆ 《数量+of+名詞》
 不定代名詞 of 限定名詞 (the bag)
 some, any, few, little, many, much, most, all,
 both, either, neither, one, none, each
 数量名詞 of 非限定名詞 (bags)
 plenty, a lot, lots, a great deal, a handful, a pound, thousands
Please sit down and help yourself to the cake.
Please take a seat and serve yourself some cake.
Have a seat and enjoy some cake.
Sit down and feel free to have a slice of cake.

There are two reasons for our decision, and you know one of them. Now, I'll tell you (    ).
  ① another
  ② other
  ③ the other
  ④ the others

<2つあって, その一方=one, もう一方=the other> 
 He is taller than any other boy in the class. 
次は代名詞として others「他人」の用法。
 Don’t speak ill of others behind their backs.
There are two reasons for our decision, and you know one of them. Now, I'll tell you the other.
One reason is known to you; allow me to disclose the second one.
You're aware of one reason; let me reveal the second one.
One reason has been revealed; here's the other reason.

The only system I know which will help you remember what you have heard at the lecture is (    ) of keeping notes.
  ① some sort
  ② that
  ③ the manner
  ④ which

名詞の反復を避ける代名詞 that (=the+単数名詞)
that は後に修飾語句をともなうことができる。
この点において it と異なる。

The only system I know which will help you remember what you have heard at the lecture is that of keeping notes.
Taking notes is the sole method I know to remember the lecture content.
The most effective way I know to retain lecture information is by taking notes.
The only proven method I know for recalling lecture content is note-taking.



They shook hands with each other .
They shook hands one another.
They exchanged handshakes.
They greeted each other with a handshake.


On my last visit to Honolulu, I enjoyed myself very much.
On my last visit to Honolulu, I had an amazing time.
My visit to Honolulu was incredibly enjoyable.
I had a blast on my last visit to Honolulu.


Her mother lives in the country all by herself.
Her mother lives in complete isolation in the country.
Her mother lives alone in the country.
She lives by herself in the country.


All living things on earth depend on one another.
All living things on earth are mutually reliant.
There's a symbiotic relationship among all living things on earth.
The existence of all living things on earth is interlinked.

「知っているということと, 教えるということはまったく異なる」

It is one thing to know and it is quite another to teach.
Knowing something differs greatly from teaching it.
Knowing and teaching are entirely separate skills.
There's a significant distinction between knowing and teaching.


Please make yourself at home.
Please feel completely at ease.
Please relax and treat this place as your own.
Make yourself comfortable, please.


Please sit down and help yourself to the cake.
Please take a seat and serve yourself some cake.
Have a seat and enjoy some cake.
Sit down and feel free to have a slice of cake.


There are two reasons for our decision, and you know one of them. Now, I'll tell you the other.
One reason is known to you; allow me to disclose the second one.
You're aware of one reason; let me reveal the second one.
One reason has been revealed; here's the other reason.


The only system I know which will help you remember what you have heard at the lecture is that of keeping notes.
Taking notes is the sole method I know to remember the lecture content.
The most effective way I know to retain lecture information is by taking notes.
The only proven method I know for recalling lecture content is note-taking.


⑴ One student is talking. Another is reading.
⑵ Mary has two children. One is a boy, and the other is a girl.
⑶ I don’t like these ties. Have you any others.
⑷ These books are mine; the others are Bob’s.
⑸ Saying is one thing and doing is another.
⑴ 一人の生徒は話している。他の人は読書をしている。
⑵ メアリーには二人子供がいる。一人は男の子でもう一人は女の子だ。
⑶ 私はこれらのネクタイが好きでない。他に何かありますか。
⑷ これらの本は私のだ。他はボブのです。
⑸ 言葉は一つのもので,行動はまた別のものだ。

⑴ The new designs are much better than the old one.
 cf.) She gave me a lovely watch, but I lost it.
⑵ The food in my country is not very different from that of Spain.
⑶ Her feelings were those of a younger girl.
 cf.) those present at the meeting
⑴ この新しいデザインは古いものよりもはるかに良い。
⑵ この国の食事はスペイン料理とあまり違わない。
⑶ 彼女の精神は若い人のそれだ。


Both my brothers do not like carrots.
Both mans belong to the Democratic party.
the passengers were rescued.
All his money was wasted on trifles.

Each of us has his own dictionary.
Each child at the party was given a present.
Every boy and every girl in the class likes Miss Smith.

Either of these blouses suits you very much.
 ★either がside / end / hand などと対比関係の場合
  ▸ either side/end/hand
Proust and James are great novelists, and neither is easy to read.
× a my friend
◎ a friend of mine
★所有格は 冠詞相当語と並列不可
a(n), this, that, these, those, some, any
She lent me this book of hers last week.

The boy killed himself.
Did you enjoy yourself at the party last night?



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