
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



I’ll waut here until she (    ).
  ① comes
  ② came
  ③ will come
  ④ has come


<will do>     ▸  <do>現在形
<will have done> ▸  <have done>現在完了形

◆ 時・条件を表す副詞節では ...
☆ Please phone me if you come to the party
☆ Please phone and ask him if he will come to the party
☆ Please give her this letter when she comes here.
☆ Nobody knows when she will come here.
☆ The time will surely come when she will leave you.
☆ Please want till I have written this letter.

it で置き換え可能=名詞節と考えてよい!
it は〈代名詞〉なので文中で〈名詞〉として機能するため。
I’ll want here until she comes.
I’ll stay put until she arrives.
I won’t leave until she gets here.

Everyone (    ) it.
  ① are knowing
  ② is knowing
  ③ know
  ④ knows

know は状態動詞で通例,進行形不可。
①② を消去。
everyone は単数扱いで3 人称・単数・現在のs が必要。
◇ 状態動詞
★ 状態
belong to, resemble, have(持っている), own, possess,
remain, keep, seem, look, appear
★ 知覚
see, hear, smell, taste
★ 感情・知識
love, like, hate, fear, doubt, hope, want, wish, believe,
suppose, know, understand, forget, remember
◇ 一時的状態の強調する場合に状態動詞を進行形で表す
"I hear Ken's house was destroyed in the recent earthquake."
"Yes. He is living in a big tent for the time being."
◇ 現在時制
 ★ 現在の習慣
  He usually comes to school at eight thirty.
 ★ 格言・一般的真理
  Time flies like an arrow.
  The sun rises in the east.
 ★ 未来予定
  She leaves for France next week.
 ★ 時・条件の副詞節中
  If it rains tomorrow, there oill be no excursion.
  Do you know if he will come tomorroo?
Everyone knows it.
It's common knowledge.
Everybody is aware of it.

When spring (    ), I’m goung to take up a new sport.
   ① will arrive    
   ② is arriving
   ③ is going to arrive
   ④ arrives

主節be going to から未来の内容だが,
when が時の副詞節をまとめているために現在時制を用いる。
When spring arrives, I’m going to take up a new sport.
I plan to start a new sport when spring comes.
I’m thinking of picking up a new sport once spring arrives.

When he got the letter, he (    ) it without reading it.
   ① burns
   ② has burned
   ③ burned
   ④ had burned

when he got … という過去の時点を示す副詞節によって
When he got the letter, he burned it without reading it.
Upon receiving the letter, he immediately burned it without perusing its contents.
After getting the letter, he chose to destroy it without going through its contents.

Every morning he (    ) to ten and then jumps out of bed.
   ① is countung
   ② counted
   ③ has counted
   ④ counts

「毎朝彼は10 まで数えてからベッドから飛び起きる」
Every morning he counts to ten and then jumps out of bed.
He starts his day by counting to ten and then leaping out of bed.
The morning ritual involves counting to ten before jumping out of bed.

(    ) brung you some magazunes? - No, thank you.
   ① Shall I
   ② Will you
   ③ Shall we
   ④ Do you

Shall I ~ ? は相手の意志の打診を表して,
普通 No, thank you. / Yes, please などと答える。
Shall I bring you some magazunes? - No, thank you.
Would you like me to bring you some magazines? - No, thanks.
Do you want me to fetch you some magazines? - No, I’m good.

The telephone rang when I (    ) a shower.
   ① had taken
   ② took
   ③ was taking
   ④ would take

The telephone rang when I was taking a shower.
While I was in the shower, the phone started ringing.
I was taking a shower when the telephone suddenly rang.

The sign says that the police will take your car away
if you (    ) it here.
   ① will park
   ② had parked
   ③ park
   ④ parked

if が条件の副詞節をまとめているのでif 節内の動詞は現在時制を用いる。
The sign says that the police will take your car away if you park it here.
If you park here, the sign warns that the police will tow your car.
The sign indicates that parking here may result in the police impounding your vehicle.

The weather forecast predicts whether it (    ) or not.
   ① will rain
   ② has rained
   ③ must rain
   ④ has been raining

whether「~かどうか」が全体でpredicts の目的語として
副詞節ではなく名詞節だからwill を用いて未来のことを表す。
whether のまとめる節をit に置換えか可能だから名詞節
The weather forecast preducts whether it will rain or not.
The weather forecast will tell us if it’s going to rain or not.
We'll know from the weather forecast whether there will be rain.

Many young people go to university without any clear idea of what they are (    ) to do afterwards.
   ① going
   ② being
   ③ seeing
   ④ coming

be going to do: 
   ⑴「 ~ するつもり」〔主語の意志〕                  
   ⑵「 ~ しそうである」〔主観的判断〕 
   ⑶「 ~ しようとしている」〔近未来〕 
本問は⑴の用法.この場合のbe going to doは普通,
 I’m going to buy a digital camera. <前もって考えていた>
I will buy a digital camera.<その場で決めた>
Many young people go to university without any clear idea of
what they are going to do afterwards.
After graduating, many young people are uncertain about their future plans.
A lot of university students are unsure about their post-graduation plans.

Many American high-school students do not know
that the Civil War (    ) between 1861 and 1865.
    ① takes place
    ② have taken place
    ③ took place
    ④ had taken place

take place「起こる」
主節の動詞がdid not knowであっても過去形を用いる。
<参考> 時制の一致の例外
☆ 時間に関係のない事実
☆ 現在も行われている習慣
☆ どの時点から見ても過去のことであることが明らかな事柄

正  We learned that water boils at 100℃.
誤  We learned that water boiled at 100℃.  
正  She said that she goes jogging every morning.
誤  She said that she went jogging every morning. 
正  Our teacher said that Mozart was born in 1756.
誤  Our teacher said that Mozart had been born in 1756.  
Many American high-school students do not know
that the Civil War took place between 1861 and 1865.
There is a lack of awareness among many American high-school students regarding the timeframe of the Civil War (1861-1865).
A significant number of American high-school students are unaware that the Civil War occurred from 1861 to 1865.

She told me she would be here about six. Anyway,
I’ll tell you when she (    ).
   ① comes
   ② had come
   ③ will come
   ④ would come

She told me she would be here about six. Anyway,
I’ll tell you when she comes.
She mentioned arriving around six. I’ll update you when she shows up.
Around six is when she said she'd be here. I'll let you know when she arrives.

The car isn’t here today because Jane (     ) it.
She generally uses the bus, but the drivers are on strike.
    ① uses
    ② is using
    ③ used
    ④ was using

「今日車はジェインが使っているのでここにないです.普段彼女はバスを使うけど, ストライキ中です」
The car isn’t here today because Jane is using it.
She generally uses the bus, but the drivers are on strike.
Jane has the car today, so it's not here. Normally, she takes the bus, but the drivers are on strike.
The car is being used by Jane today; typically, she relies on the bus, but due to a strike, she couldn’t.

I don’t have any idea what (    ) for a graduation present.
    ① does he want
    ② is he wanting
    ③ he is wanting
    ④ he wants

He is wanting to marry but it seems he doesn't have any mate.
I don’t have any idea what he wants for a graduation present.
I’m clueless about what he would like as a graduation gift.
I have no idea about his preferences for a graduation present.

(    ) drop in somewhere for a cup of drinks on the way home?
   ① Shall I
   ② Would you
   ③ Shall we
   ④ Should you

drop in 〈場所〉「〈場所〉に立ち寄る」 
on the way「途中で」 
Shall we do … ?「 ~ しましょうか」〔提案〕
Yes, let’s. / No, let’s not. などと答える
Shall we drop in somewhere for a cup of drinks on the way home?
How about we stop somewhere for a drink on our way home?
Would you be interested in grabbing a drink on our way home?


I’ll want here until she comes.
I’ll stay put until she arrives.
I won’t leave until she gets here.

Everyone knows it.
It's common knowledge.
Everybody is aware of it.

When spring arrives, I’m going to take up a new sport.
I plan to start a new sport when spring comes.
I’m thinking of picking up a new sport once spring arrives.

When he got the letter, he burned it without reading it.
Upon receiving the letter, he immediately burned it without perusing its contents.
After getting the letter, he chose to destroy it without going through its contents.

「毎朝彼は10 まで数えてからベッドから飛び起きる」
Every morning he counts to ten and then jumps out of bed.
He starts his day by counting to ten and then leaping out of bed.
The morning ritual involves counting to ten before jumping out of bed.

Shall I bring you some magazunes? - No, thank you.
Would you like me to bring you some magazines? - No, thanks.
Do you want me to fetch you some magazines? - No, I’m good.

The telephone rang when I was taking a shower.
While I was in the shower, the phone started ringing.
I was taking a shower when the telephone suddenly rang.

The sign says that the police will take your car away if you park it here.
If you park here, the sign warns that the police will tow your car.
The sign indicates that parking here may result in the police impounding your vehicle.

The weather forecast preducts whether it will rain or not.
The weather forecast will tell us if it’s going to rain or not.
We'll know from the weather forecast whether there will be rain.

Many young people go to university without any clear idea of
what they are going to do afterwards.
After graduating, many young people are uncertain about their future plans.
A lot of university students are unsure about their post-graduation plans.

Many American high-school students do not know
that the Civil War took place between 1861 and 1865.
There is a lack of awareness among many American high-school students regarding the timeframe of the Civil War (1861-1865).
A significant number of American high-school students are unaware that the Civil War occurred from 1861 to 1865.

She told me she would be here about six. Anyway,
I’ll tell you when she comes.
She mentioned arriving around six. I’ll update you when she shows up.
Around six is when she said she'd be here. I'll let you know when she arrives.

「今日車はジェインが使っているのでここにないです.普段彼女はバスを使うけど, ストライキ中です」
The car isn’t here today because Jane is using it.
She generally uses the bus, but the drivers are on strike.
Jane has the car today, so it's not here. Normally, she takes the bus, but the drivers are on strike.
The car is being used by Jane today; typically, she relies on the bus, but due to a strike, she couldn’t.

I don’t have any idea what he wants for a graduation present.
I’m clueless about what he would like as a graduation gift.
I have no idea about his preferences for a graduation present.

Shall we drop in somewhere for a cup of drinks on the way home?
How about we stop somewhere for a drink on our way home?
Would you be interested in grabbing a drink on our way home?



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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







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