
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



I finally talked her (   ) lending me the book.
  ① after
  ② while
  ③ of
  ④ into

 ・talk A into doing         
 ・persuade A to do
 ・convince A to do
 ・get A to do
 ・urge A to do
 ・prompt A to do       
 ・talk A out of doing
 ・dissuade A from doing
 ・discourage A from doing
 ・deter A from doing
I finally talked her into lending me the book.
I eventually persuaded her to lend me the book.
After some convincing, she agreed to let me borrow the book.
It took a while, but I managed to get her to loan me the book.
She resisted at first, but I eventually talked her into letting me borrow the book.

I have just received a letter from a friend (    ) that she is coming to see me next week.
  ① being written
  ② writing
  ③ being said
  ④ saying

<S say+that節>
この意味では say のみ使われる。
I have just received a letter from a friend saying that she is coming to see me next week.
A letter from a friend just arrived, informing me that she will visit me next week.
I've recently got a letter from a friend, stating her plans to visit me next week.
Just got word from a friend in a letter – she's coming to see me next week.
Received a letter from a friend who mentioned her upcoming visit next week.

He reminded his friend (    ) at 9:00 a.m.
  ① for waking up
  ② he wake him up
  ③ to being waken up
  ④ to wake him up

<remind A to do>
「Aに ~ するのを気づかせる」
remaind の語法は頻出するが, 先ずは目的語に
 ☆ remind+人+of+モノ・事
 ☆ remind+人+that 節
 ☆ remind+人+wh-
She reminded him of the meeting tomorrow.
I reminded her that we need to buy groceries.
The teacher reminded the students who hadn't submitted their homework.
He reminded his friend he wake him up at 9:00 a.m.
He made sure to remind his friend that he would wake him up at 9:00 a.m.
Reminding his friend, he mentioned he'd be waking him up at 9:00 a.m.
He gave his friend a heads-up, saying he'd wake him up at 9:00 a.m.
Making it clear, he reminded his friend about the 9:00 a.m. wake-up call.

I never see this photo without (    ) my happy days in the countryside.
  ① reminding of
  ② reminding
  ③ being reminded of
  ④ reminded of

<never…without doing>
「~ しないで…しない」
 ▸「…すると必ず ~ する」《二重否定》
She never goes to bed without brushing her teeth.
=She always brushes her teeth before going to bed.
<remind A of B>
I’m reminded of my happy days in the countryside whenever I see this photo.
I never see this photo without being reminded of my happy days in the countryside.
Whenever I see this photo, it always brings back memories of my joyful days in the countryside.
This photo never fails to remind me of the happy times I had in the countryside.
Every time I look at this picture, I am reminded of the wonderful days I spent in the countryside.
The sight of this photo always triggers memories of the joyful days I spent in rural areas.

The rise in house prices (    ) him to sell his house at a big profit.
  ① directed
  ② enabled
  ③ handed
  ④ got

〈S V O+to do〉の語法を取る動詞を考える。
enable は無生物主語を取れるためこれが正解。
 ☆ 無生物主語+enable 人 to do
 ☆ 無生物主語+allow 人 to do
 ☆ 無生物主語+permit 人 to do
 ☆ make it possible for 人 to do
 ☆ Thanks to 人, 無生物主語 人 can do
 ☆ Owing to 人, 無生物主語 人 can do
Technology enables us to communicate instantly with people around the world.
The new law allows citizens to access their personal information more easily.
The new policy permits employees to work from home.
The advancements in medicine make it possible for patients to recover more quickly.
Thanks to advancements in technology, people can easily access information online.
Owing to the support of the community, the school was able to upgrade its facilities.
The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big profit.
The increase in housing prices allowed him to make a substantial profit when selling his house.
Thanks to the surge in house prices, he could sell his house for a significant profit.
The upward trend in house prices permitted him to sell his house and make a substantial gain.
The spike in house prices enabled him to sell his house, making a considerable profit.

<SVO to do> Best 10
☆ allow A to do(Aが~するのを許す)
 The teacher allows students to use dictionaries during the exam.

☆ get A to do(Aに~させる)
 I managed to get my friend to join the gym with me.

☆ force A to do(Aに~することを強制する)
 The law may force businesses to implement new safety measures.

☆ enable A to do(Aが~するのを可能にする)
 The new software enables users to edit photos more efficiently.

☆ cause A to do(Aが~する原因となる)
 The loud noise caused the baby to cry.

☆ encourage A to do(Aが~するように励ます)
 The coach encourages the players to give their best effort.

☆ advise A to do(Aに~するように忠告する)
 The doctor advised the patient to take the prescribed medication.

☆ expect A to do(Aが~すると予期する)
 The manager expects employees to arrive on time for the meeting.

☆ remind A to do(Aに~することを気付かせる)
 She reminded me to pick up groceries on the way home.

☆ persuade A to do(Aを説得して~させる)
 The salesman persuaded the customer to buy the upgraded model.

【you / at / this ticket / can / any / to / stop over / allows】 station.

You can stop over at any station.
としたいが to, allows, ticket が浮いてしまう。
考えを修正して allows を中心に組み立てる。
<allow 人 to do>「人が ~ するのを許す」
 allow you to stop over
 this ticket
This ticket allows you to stop over at any station.
With this ticket, you can make a stopover at any station.
You have the flexibility to pause your journey at any station using this ticket.
This ticket permits you to take a break and stop at any station.
You are allowed to make a layover at any station with this ticket.

When【the / in / country / passport / in / paying / foreign / of / having / will / cash / you / trouble / to / your / shopping / a / show】.

<save A B>
Bに the trouble of doing を置いて
「Aが ~ する手間を省く」
 save A the trouble of having to show your passport
 paying in cash で「現金で払うこと」を表現し
 When (you are) shopping in a foreign country
spare A the trouble of doing は
save A trouble of doing と同意なので save
の代わりに spare を用いても正解。
When shopping in a foreign country, paying in cash will save you the trouble of having to show your passport.
If you pay in cash while shopping abroad, you can avoid the hassle of showing your passport.
Opting for cash payments when shopping in a foreign country will spare you from the inconvenience of passport verification.
To save yourself from the trouble of presenting your passport, it's advisable to use cash when shopping in another country.
Paying with cash during foreign shopping spares you the need to display your passport.

◆ 従属節中の省略
☆ 時・条件・譲歩を表す副詞節内で主節と一致するS+be
☆ 主節の S V 反復
☆ there is 構文 の there is
If (it is) necessary, I will go there.
As in Japan, students in China want to go out on Sundays.
Correct errors if (there is) any.

Your skin feels unbelievably (    ).
  ① smooth
  ② smoothed
  ③ smoothly
  ④ smothness

feel+C [形容詞]
③ smoothly[副詞]
S V C の判断基準は,
<S V X …> 構造から考えて,
◇ S=X ➪ SVC
◇ S ≠ X ➪ SVO
☆ He got old. ➪ He=old
  ➢ S V C=名/形
☆ He got a book for me. ➪ He≠ book
  ➢ S V O =名
〈状 態〉
be, remain, keep, prove, lie, turn out, appear, seem
〈変 化〉
come, get, become, grow, make, go, turn, fall
〈知 覚〉
look, seem, sound, taste, smell, feel
Your skin feels unbelievably smooth.
Your skin has an incredibly smooth texture.
The smoothness of your skin is truly remarkable.
Your skin feels exceptionally smooth to the touch.
It's astonishing how unbelievably smooth your skin feels.

Doctor Larry always tries to make his patients (    ) before an operation.
  ① relaxing
  ② relaxation
  ③ to relax
  ④ relax

make A do「A を ~ させる」
「強制的にAに ~ させる」の意。
それを強制的に作るのが make。
 What makes you think so ?
 ☆ make O do
 ☆ force O to do
 ☆ compel O to do
 ☆ have O do
 ☆ get O to do
 ☆ let O do
 ☆ allow O to do
 ☆ permit O to do
Doctor Larry always tries to make his patients relax before an operation.
Dr. Larry consistently endeavors to ensure his patients are relaxed before surgery.
Before any operation, Dr. Larry makes it a point to help his patients relax.
Dr. Larry always puts effort into calming his patients before a surgical procedure.
Ensuring his patients' relaxation is a priority for Dr. Larry before every operation.

We were surprised when we saw him in the office this morning because we didn’t expect (    ) back so soon from his business trip in Europe.
  ① him to be
  ② for his being
  ③ his being
  ④ he will be

<expect A to do> 
「Aが ~ すると予測する,期待する」
☆ expect someone to do something
☆ expect something from someone
☆ expect the unexpected
☆ expect to see/hear/find something
☆ be expected to do something
<S V O to do> は「Oがこれから~する」
この形ではto do …の品詞を考えるのではなく,
O と to doに意味上のS V関係を意識すると良い。
We were surprised when we saw him in the office this morning because we didn’t expect him to be back so soon from his business trip in Europe.
His presence in the office this morning caught us by surprise, as we didn't anticipate him returning from his business trip in Europe so soon.
We were taken aback to see him in the office this morning because we hadn't expected him to return from his business trip in Europe this quickly.
Seeing him at the office this morning was unexpected, given that we didn't think he would be back so soon from his business trip in Europe.
It was a surprise to find him in the office this morning, as we didn't foresee his quick return from his business trip in Europe.



I finally talked her into lending me the book.
I eventually persuaded her to lend me the book.
After some convincing, she agreed to let me borrow the book.
It took a while, but I managed to get her to loan me the book.
She resisted at first, but I eventually talked her into letting me borrow the book.


I have just received a letter from a friend saying that she is coming to see me next week.
A letter from a friend just arrived, informing me that she will visit me next week.
I've recently got a letter from a friend, stating her plans to visit me next week.
Just got word from a friend in a letter – she's coming to see me next week.
Received a letter from a friend who mentioned her upcoming visit next week.


He reminded his friend he wake him up at 9:00 a.m.
He made sure to remind his friend that he would wake him up at 9:00 a.m.
Reminding his friend, he mentioned he'd be waking him up at 9:00 a.m.
He gave his friend a heads-up, saying he'd wake him up at 9:00 a.m.
Making it clear, he reminded his friend about the 9:00 a.m. wake-up call.


I never see this photo without being reminded of my happy days in the countryside.
Whenever I see this photo, it always brings back memories of my joyful days in the countryside.
This photo never fails to remind me of the happy times I had in the countryside.
Every time I look at this picture, I am reminded of the wonderful days I spent in the countryside.
The sight of this photo always triggers memories of the joyful days I spent in rural areas.


The rise in house prices enabled him to sell his house at a big profit.
The increase in housing prices allowed him to make a substantial profit when selling his house.
Thanks to the surge in house prices, he could sell his house for a significant profit.
The upward trend in house prices permitted him to sell his house and make a substantial gain.
The spike in house prices enabled him to sell his house, making a considerable profit.


This ticket allows you to stop over at any station.
With this ticket, you can make a stopover at any station.
You have the flexibility to pause your journey at any station using this ticket.
This ticket permits you to take a break and stop at any station.
You are allowed to make a layover at any station with this ticket.


When shopping in a foreign country, paying in cash will save you the trouble of having to show your passport.
If you pay in cash while shopping abroad, you can avoid the hassle of showing your passport.
Opting for cash payments when shopping in a foreign country will spare you from the inconvenience of passport verification.
To save yourself from the trouble of presenting your passport, it's advisable to use cash when shopping in another country.
Paying with cash during foreign shopping spares you the need to display your passport.


Your skin feels unbelievably smooth.
Your skin has an incredibly smooth texture.
The smoothness of your skin is truly remarkable.
Your skin feels exceptionally smooth to the touch.
It's astonishing how unbelievably smooth your skin feels.


Doctor Larry always tries to make his patients relax before an operation.
Dr. Larry consistently endeavors to ensure his patients are relaxed before surgery.
Before any operation, Dr. Larry makes it a point to help his patients relax.
Dr. Larry always puts effort into calming his patients before a surgical procedure.
Ensuring his patients' relaxation is a priority for Dr. Larry before every operation.


We were surprised when we saw him in the office this morning because we didn’t expect him to be back so soon from his business trip in Europe.
His presence in the office this morning caught us by surprise, as we didn't anticipate him returning from his business trip in Europe so soon.
We were taken aback to see him in the office this morning because we hadn't expected him to return from his business trip in Europe this quickly.
Seeing him at the office this morning was unexpected, given that we didn't think he would be back so soon from his business trip in Europe.
It was a surprise to find him in the office this morning, as we didn't foresee his quick return from his business trip in Europe.


1. 動名詞をとる他動詞

(1) mind 「〜を気にする」
(2) enjoy 「〜を楽しむ」
(3) give up 「〜をあきらめる」
(4) avoid 「〜を避ける」
(5) finish 「〜を終える」
(6) escape 「〜を免れる」
(7) put off 「〜を延期する」
(8) stop 「〜を⽌める」
(9) consider 「〜を考える」
(10) admit 「〜を認める」
(11) deny 「〜を否定する」
(12) miss 「〜を逃す」
(13) practice 「〜を練習する」
(14) appreciate 「〜を感謝する」

2. 不定詞をとる他動詞

(1) decide to 「〜するのを決める」
(2) promise to 「〜する約束する」
(3) fail to 「〜しない・できない」
(4) afford to 「〜する余裕がある」
(5) pretend to 「〜するふりをする」
(6) manage to 「なんとか〜する」
(7) intend to 「〜しようとする」
(8) refuse to 「〜するのを拒否する」
(9) hesitate to 「〜するのをためらう」
(10) plan to 「〜を計画する」

3. 意味の相違

(1) remember to 「忘れずに〜する」
  remember -ing 「〜したことを覚えている」
(2) forget to 「〜するのを忘れる」
  forget -ing 「〜したことを忘れる」
(3) try to 「〜しようとする」
  try -ing 「ためしに〜する」
(4) regret to 「残念ながら〜する」
  regret -ing 「〜したのを後悔する」
(5) stop to 「〜するために⽴ち⽌る」
  stop -ing 「〜するのを⽌める」
(6) need to 「〜する必要がある」
  need -ing 「〜される必要がある」
(7) want to 「〜したいと思う」
  want -ing 「〜される必要がある」

4. 頻出語法

(1) explain(to 人) that 〜
(2) insist on -ing
  insist that S (should) V
(3) complain of [about] -ing
  complain that 〜
(4) advise人 to do
  advise that S (should) V
(5) rob [deprive] A of B
  「A からB を奪う」
(6) clear A of B
  「A からB を取り除く」
(7) cure [heal] A of B
  「A のB(病気)を治す」

◆ suggest

(1) suggest (to人) that S (should) V ~
(2) suggest -ing 「~することを提案する」
(3) suggest ~(to人) 「~を(人に)思い出させる」
(4) suggest itself (to 人) 「~が(人の)心に浮かぶ」


 ☆ borrow (無料+移動)
 ☆ rent (有料)
 ☆ hire (有料+一時的)
 ☆ use (一時的+移動不可)
 ☆ lend (無料)
 ☆ rent (有料)


(1) say
  say (to 人) that ~ 「~と(人に)言う」
  say (to 人), “~” 「~と(人に)言う」
(2) tell
  tell 人 that ~ 「~と~に言う」
  tell 人 to do 「~に~するように言う」
  tell 人 of [about] 事柄 「~に~について言う」
(3) talk
  talk to 人 「~に話しかける」・
  talk with 人 「~と話をする」
  talk of [about/over] 事柄 「~について話す」
  talk 人into doing 「~に~するように説得する」
  talk 人 out of doing 「~に~をやめるように説得する」
(4) speak
  speak 言語/言葉 「~を話す(言う)」
  speak to 人 「~に話しかける」
  speak with 人 「~と話をする」
  speak of [about/over] 事柄 「~について話す」

7. 成句として処理するもの

(1) tell A from B 「A とB を区別する」
  tell on 「~に影響を与える」
(2) talk人 into doing 「~に~するように説得する」
  talk人 out of doing 「~に~をやめるように説得する」
◆ think/believe/say
(1) They think that he is honest.
 = △ That he is honest is thought by them.
 = ○ It is thought that he is honest.
 = ○ They think him (to be) honest.
 = ○ He is thought to be honest.
(2) They believe that he is honest.
 = △ That he was honest is believed by them.
 = ○ It is believed that he is honest.
 = ○ They believe him (to be) honest.
 = ○ He is believed to be honest.
(3) They say that he is honest.
 = △ That he was honest is said by them.
 = ○ It is said (by them) that he is honest.
 = ×They say him to be honest.
 = ○ He is said to be honest.

8. 《仮定法現在》

 I demanded that he (should) pay the bill.
(1) that 節中の should は訳さない(省略可)
(2) that 節中の動詞は常に原形
 ☆ 命 令 order, command
 ☆ 決 定 decide, determine
 ☆ 要 求 demand, require, request
 ☆ 提 案 suggest, propose, recommend
 ☆ 主 張 insist

9. 動詞 A from B

(1) prevent / hinder / keep / stop / deter A from B
 「A がB するのを妨げる」
(2) tell / distinguish / know A from B
 「A とB を区別する」
(3) separate A from B
  「A をB から分離する」
(4) isolate A from B
  「A をB から孤立させる」
  order A from B
  「A をB に注文する」
  derive A from B
  「A をB から引き出す」
Their pride prevented them from accepting our offer.
Can you distinguish a wolf from a dog?

10. 動詞A of B 〈情報〉のof

(1) remind A of B
 「A にB を思い出させる」
  = remind A that B
(2) inform A of B
 「A にB を知らせる」
  = inform A that B
(3) convince A of B
 「A にB を確信させる」
  = convince A that B
(4) persuade A of B
  「A にB を納得させる」
  = persuade A that B
(5) assure A of B
  「A にB を保証させる」
  = assure A that B
I informed him of her arrival.
I informed him that she arrived.

11. 動詞A of B 〈分離〉の of

(1) rob [deprive] A of B
  「A からB を奪う」
(2) clear [rid / relieve / strip] A of B
  「A から B を取り除く」
(3) cure A of B
  「A のB を治す」

12. 感情動詞 = 他動詞

 ☆ surprise 「驚かせる」
 ☆ amaze 「驚かせる」
 ☆ please 「喜ばせる」
 ☆ injure 「傷つける」
 ☆ bore 「退屈させる」
 ☆ satisfy 「満足させる」
 ☆ disappoint 「失望させる」
 ☆ excite 「興奮させる」
 ☆ relieve 「安心させる」
(1) He was disappointing.
  ▸ 彼は期待はずれな奴だった。
(2) He was disappointed.
  ▸ 彼はがっかりしていた。

13. pay

(1) I pay ten dollars for this book two years ago.
  2 年前にはこの本は10 ドルしました。
(2) Honesty does not always pay.

14. save

 save + O1 + O2
 「O1 から O2 を省く」
This new machine will save you a lot of time and trouble.

15. spare

 spare + O1 + O2
 「O1 に O2 を割く・取っておく」
Will you save me a few minutes?
= Will you save a few minutes for me?

16 help

(1) help +人+ (to) do 「人が〜するのを手伝う」
(2) help +人+ with 物事 「人が〜するのを手伝う」
(3) help (to) do 「〜するのに役⽴つ」
(4) help A to B 「A にB を取ってやる」
(5) help 人以外 「〜を避ける」
*cannot but do 「〜せずにはいられない」
 = cannot help doing.
Please help yourself to the cake.

17. come/bring

(1a) come to do 「〜するようになる」
(1b) bring oneself to do 「〜する気になる」
(2a) come about 「〜が起こる」
(2b) bring about 「〜を引き起こす」
(3a) come into being 「〜が現れる」
(3b) bring 〜 into being 「〜を⽣み出す」

18. give

(1) give away 「~をただでやる」
(2) give in to 「~に降参する」
(3) give off 「(におい・光など)を発する」
(4) give up 「~をやめる」
(5) give out 「~が尽きる・~を発表する」

19. do

(1) do +利益/損害「~を与える」
(2) What … do with ? 「~をどうするのか」
(3) do without 「~なしですます」
(4) have something to do with
  have much to do with
  have nothing [little] to do with
(5) do away with

20. result

(1) 原因 result in 結果 「結果として~になる」
(2) 結果 result from 原因 「~の結果起こる」
(3) as a result (of ~) 「(~の)結果」

21. 分離動詞句

☆<認識動詞 A as B>
・look (up)on「AをBと認識する」
・think of「AをBと認識する」

☆<発言動詞 A as B>
・refer to「AをBと言う」
・speak of「AをBと言う」

☆<情報提供動詞 A of B>

☆<確信動詞 A of B>

☆<非難動詞 A of B>
☆<強奪動詞 A of B>

☆<除去動詞 A of B>

☆<捕獲動詞 A from B>

☆<分離動詞 A from B>

☆<区分動詞 A from B>

☆<妨害動詞 A from B>

☆<関連動詞 A with B>

☆<付与動詞 A with B>

☆<関連動詞 A with B>

☆<変化動詞 A to B>

☆<賞賛動詞 A for B>

☆<非難動詞 A for B>
☆<許諾動詞 A for B>

☆<欲求動詞 A for B>
・depend (up)on「AにBを頼る」
・rely (up)on「AにBを頼る」
・count (up)on「AにBを頼る」
・turn to「AにBを頼る」
・look to「AにBを頼る」

☆<思考動詞 A for B>

☆<交換動詞 A for B>

☆<設置動詞 A on B>

☆<帰責動詞 A on B>

☆<御祝動詞 A on B>

☆<変化動詞 A into B>

☆<説得動詞 A into B>

☆<説得動詞 A out of B>




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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







TEX 二井原プロへの仕事の相談・依頼
