英文法5分ドリル《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 》②

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



《 ゴールデン動詞フレーズ 100人組手 》②

⑴ They successfully (   ) their son to learn violin.
  ① got    
  ② made    
  ③ let    
  ④ had

空所の後の構造から〈SVO to do〉動詞を問う問題と判断。
① got が正解。
②③④はいずれも〈SVO do〉の語法。
◆ get
 ① S get to N:Nに到着する
 ② S get C:Cになる
 ③ S get O:Oを手に入れる
 ④ S get to do:~するようになる
 ⑤ S get O O/S get O for O:人にモノを取ってくる
 ⑥ S get O C:OをCの状態にする
 ⑦ S get O doing:Oを~している状態にする
 ⑧ S get O done:Oが~された状態にする
 ⑨ S get O to do:Oに~させる
① I got to the hotel at nine.
② I got sick.
③ I got this ticket for free.
④ You’ll soon get to like this town.
Get me the salt. Get the salt for me.
⑥ I’ll get the bath ready.
⑦ I can’t get the engine working.
⑧ You have to get this work finished by noon.
⑴ 正解 ①
They successfully got their son to learn violin.
They successfully persuaded their son to learn the violin.
They effectively convinced their son to learn the violin.
They skillfully encouraged their son to learn the violin.
They managed to get their son to learn the violin.
They triumphantly inspired their son to learn the violin.

⑵ The teacher has successfully made (   ) violin.
  ① them to learn  
  ② them learning  
  ③ them learn  
  ④ that they learn

使役動詞 make は〈SVO do〉の語法で用いて
以下,make の重要なコロケーション。
✰ <make a decision>: 決断する
Have you made a decision about your vacation plans yet?

✰ <make an effort>: 努力する
She made a great effort to finish the project on time.

✰ <make a mistake>: 間違える
Don't worry if you make a mistake, it's all part of learning.

✰ <make a suggestion>: 提案する
Let me make a suggestion about where to go for dinner.

✰ <make progress>: 進歩する
It's important to set goals and track your progress.

✰ <make an appointment>:予約する
Please make an appointment for a haircut next week.

✰ <make a difference>: 違いを生む
Every small act of kindness can make a big difference.

✰ <make an exception>: 例外を許す
Sorry, we can't make an exception to the rule.

⑵正解 ③
The teacher has successfully made them learn violin.
The teacher has successfully taught them to play the violin.
The teacher effectively imparted violin skills to them.
The teacher skillfully instructed them in violin playing.
The teacher managed to educate them in violin playing.
The teacher triumphantly guided them in learning the violin.

⑶ The secretary watched the old guest (   ) of the room.
  ① to go out   
  ② go   
  ③ go out   
  ④ going

知覚動詞 watch は〈SVO do〉〈S V O doing〉の語法をとる。
空所の後の of から out of A「Aから」の意味になる③が正解。
 × S watch O to do
 × S watch doing

✰ <S watch O>
  She watched the bird.

✰ <S watch O doing>
  He watched her singing.

✰ <S watch O do>
  I watched him leave.

⑶正解 ④
The secretary watched the old guest go out of the room.
The secretary observed the old guest exit the room.
The secretary witnessed the departure of the old guest from the room.
The secretary monitored the old guest as he left the room.
The secretary saw the old guest leave the room.
The secretary noticed the old guest walking out of the room.

⑷ He was seen (   ) downstairs.
  ① go    
  ② to go    
  ③ go to    
  ④ to go to

〈S V O do〉の語法ととる動詞は受動態にした場合,
原形動詞が to 不定詞になる。
空所の後の downstairs は冠詞がないことから
see の語法で特に注意すべきは次の2点。
〈S see O to do〉は誤り。
〈S see O do〉を受動態にした場合,
原形動詞は to do の形になる
◆ see
 ① S see M:見える,分かる
 ② S see O:Oが見える,Oを見る
 ③ S see O as N:OをNと認識する
 ④ S see that節:…といいうことが分かる
 ⑤ S see (to it) that節:…するように注意する
 ⑥ S see if [whether] 節:…かどうか確かめる
 ⑦ S see O do:Oが~するのを見る
 ⑧ S see O doing:Oが~しているのが見える
 ⑨ S see O done:Oが~されているのが見える
① I see.
② I see what you mean.
③ I don’t see him as a liar.
④ Did you see (that) he was angry?
⑤ See (to it) that all the windows are closed.
⑥ I’ll go and see if the mail has arrived.
⑦ I saw a boy cross [×to cross] the street.
⑧ I saw a boy shoplifting a book.
⑨ I saw Tom scolded by the teacher.
⑷正解 ②
He was seen to go downstairs.
He was observed going downstairs.
He was seen descending the stairs.
He was noticed heading downstairs.
His descent down the stairs was observed.
His movement downstairs was noticed.

⑸ The thunderstorm (   ) them to call off the football match.
  ① forced    
  ② made    
  ③ took    
  ④ prevented

call off「中止する」に toが付いていることから
② make は不可。
③ take は〈SVO to do〉の語法だと
prevent は〈SVO from doing〉で用いるので失格。
よって,① force「強いる」が正解。
『OにOに ~ させる』
 ✰ make O do
 ✰ force O to do
 ✰ compel O to do
『Oが ~ してもらう』
 ✰ have O doget O to do
『Oが ~するのを許す』
 ✰ let O do
 ✰ allow O to do
 ✰ permit O to do
⑸正解 ①
The thunderstorm forced them to call off the football match.
The thunderstorm necessitated the cancellation of the football match.
The thunderstorm compelled them to call off the football match.
The thunderstorm mandated the abandonment of the football match.
The thunderstorm enforced the decision to cancel the football match.
The thunderstorm dictated the necessity of calling off the football match.

⑹ The paintings (   ) his imagination working.
  ① sets    
  ② set    
  ③ set to    
  ④ sets to

set は〈SVO doing〉の語法をとる。
O にあたる his imagination に前置詞が付いている
③④は消去。①の三単現の-s に注目して正解②を選ぶ。
なお,set の活用は
⑹正解 ②
The paintings set his imagination working.
The paintings sparked his imagination.
The paintings ignited his creativity.
The paintings stimulated his imagination.
The paintings kindled his creative thoughts.
The paintings fired up his imagination.

⑺ I can smell the toast (   ).
  ① burnt    
  ② to burn    
  ③ burning    
  ④ is burning

知覚動詞 smell は〈SVO doing〉の語法をとる。
smell が語法的に that 節を取らない為④は不適。
⑺ 正解 ③
I can smell the toast burning.
I detect the smell of burning toast.
I perceive the aroma of burnt toast.
I notice the scent of toast burning.
I sense the odor of toast on fire.
I smell the fragrance of burnt toast.

⑻ We have to get the job (   ) by five o’clock.
  ① do    
  ② doing    
  ③ done    
  ④ to do

the job と空所に入る語に受動関係があることから
〈S V O done〉の語法から get が相応しい。
⑻正解  ③
We have to get the job done by five o’clock.
We must finish the job by five o'clock.
We need to complete the task before five o'clock.
We are obliged to conclude the job by five o'clock.
We have to accomplish the task by five o'clock.
We are required to finalize the job by five o'clock.

⑼ In Beijing, I could barely make (   ) understood in Chinese.
  ① me    
  ② my    
  ③ I    
  ④ myself

could barely make「なんとかmakeできた」
なお,ここでの myself=what I said と解する。
⑼ 正解 ④
In Beijing, I could barely make myself understood in Chinese.
In Beijing, I struggled to communicate effectively in Chinese.
In Beijing, I could barely express myself in Chinese.
In Beijing, I found it difficult to make myself understood in Chinese.
In Beijing, I had trouble communicating in Chinese.
In Beijing, I had a hard time getting my point across in Chinese.



They successfully got their son to learn violin.
They successfully persuaded their son to learn the violin.
They effectively convinced their son to learn the violin.
They skillfully encouraged their son to learn the violin.
They managed to get their son to learn the violin.
They triumphantly inspired their son to learn the violin.


The teacher has successfully made them learn violin.
The teacher has successfully taught them to play the violin.
The teacher effectively imparted violin skills to them.
The teacher skillfully instructed them in violin playing.
The teacher managed to educate them in violin playing.
The teacher triumphantly guided them in learning the violin.


The secretary watched the old guest go out of the room.
The secretary observed the old guest exit the room.
The secretary witnessed the departure of the old guest from the room.
The secretary monitored the old guest as he left the room.
The secretary saw the old guest leave the room.
The secretary noticed the old guest walking out of the room.


He was seen to go downstairs.
He was observed going downstairs.
He was seen descending the stairs.
He was noticed heading downstairs.
His descent down the stairs was observed.
His movement downstairs was noticed.


The thunderstorm forced them to call off the football match.
The thunderstorm necessitated the cancellation of the football match.
The thunderstorm compelled them to call off the football match.
The thunderstorm mandated the abandonment of the football match.
The thunderstorm enforced the decision to cancel the football match.
The thunderstorm dictated the necessity of calling off the football match.


The paintings set his imagination working.
The paintings sparked his imagination.
The paintings ignited his creativity.
The paintings stimulated his imagination.
The paintings kindled his creative thoughts.
The paintings fired up his imagination.


I can smell the toast burning.
I detect the smell of burning toast.
I perceive the aroma of burnt toast.
I notice the scent of toast burning.
I sense the odor of toast on fire.
I smell the fragrance of burnt toast.


We have to get the job done by five o’clock.
We must finish the job by five o'clock.
We need to complete the task before five o'clock.
We are obliged to conclude the job by five o'clock.
We have to accomplish the task by five o'clock.
We are required to finalize the job by five o'clock.


In Beijing, I could barely make myself understood in Chinese.
In Beijing, I struggled to communicate effectively in Chinese.
In Beijing, I could barely express myself in Chinese.
In Beijing, I found it difficult to make myself understood in Chinese.
In Beijing, I had trouble communicating in Chinese.
In Beijing, I had a hard time getting my point across in Chinese.




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