
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原



It’s necessary to (    ) the problem without delay.
  ① discuss about
  ② discuss for
  ③ discuss with
  ④ discuss

discuss A
= talk about A
talk about A の方がより口語的。
Let's discuss the project proposal during the meeting.
We can talk about the upcoming event over lunch.
<without delay>
It’s necessary to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s imperative to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s crucial to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s essential to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s important to discuss the problem without delay.

◆ 頻出他動詞
 × reach at
 × resemble with
 × approach to
 × attend to
 × answer to
 × enter into
 × marry with
 × discuss with
 × consider about
 × mention about
・目的地に着く:reach the destination
・決定に至る:reach a decision
・セレブに似ている:resemble a celebrity
・互いに似ている:resemble each other
・問題に取り組む:approach a problem
・慎重に誰かに近づく:approach someone cautiously
・会議に出席する:attend a meeting
・カンファレンスに出席する:attend a conference
・質問に答える:answer a question
・電話に答える:answer the phone
・部屋に入る:enter a room
・競技に参加する:enter a competition
・誰かと結婚する:marry someone
・愛情のために結婚する:marry for love
・トピックを議論する:discuss a topic
・計画を議論する:discuss the plan
・選択肢を考える:consider the options
・結果を考慮する:consider the consequences
・事実を述べる:mention a fact
・誰かの名前を述べる:mention someone's name

I (    ) your success.
  ① hope
  ② am hoping
  ③ hope for
  ④ hope in

hope が後に名詞を取る場合は自動詞(第1文型動詞)
として前置詞 for と結びつく。
hope は他動詞(第3文型動詞)として to 不定詞句や
that 節を取れるだけに盲点。
 I hope that you will succeed.
<hope O to do> の語法がないことにも注意。

I hope for your success.
I wish for your success.
I desire your success.
I long for your success.
I pray for your success.

I hope to see you soon.

《願望を表す際の "that" を使った形》:
I hope that it doesn't rain tomorrow.

What do you hope for in the future?

We hope for your cooperation.

Keep hoping for the best.

Her efforts paid off, just as we had hoped.

I hope to build a better world for future generations.

We had hoped for a different outcome, but it didn't happen.

(   ) these books on my desk, if you don’t mind.
  ① Lie
  ② Lay
  ③ Lying
  ④ Lain

lie / layの識別。
ここは空所の後の名詞 these books が目的語となる。

Lay these books on my desk, if you don’t mind.
Please place these books on my desk, if that's alright with you.
Could you kindly set these books on my desk?
If it's okay, would you mind putting these books on my desk?
Would you be so kind as to place these books on my desk?

lie (intransitive verb):
"lie" は自動詞で、横たわることを表します。
I lie down on the sofa to rest.
The book lies open on the table.

lay (transitive verb):
"lay" は他動詞で、対象物を横たえる・置くことを表します。
Please lay the dishes on the dining table.
She laid the baby gently in the crib.
"lie" は自分自身が平らな表面に横たわる場合に使われ、
"lay" は他の対象物を平らな表面に置く場合に使わる。

"lie" の過去形: lay
She lay on the grass for hours.
"lay" の過去形: laid
She laid the book on the shelf.
"lay" は過去形として "laid" を持ち、
"lie" の過去形は "lay" となる。

He (   ) to me how to go there.
  ① showed
  ② explained
  ③ told
  ④ advised

explain はその意味から考えて第4文型を取れそうだが
<explain O to 人 >
<explain to 人 情報>
how to go が後ろに移動している。
I need to explain to my colleague how to use the new software.
Can you explain to me why the project deadline was extended?
The teacher explained to the students the concept of gravity.
I'll explain to you how the new feature works in our app.
He explained to me how to go there.
He elucidated to me how to go there.
He described to me how to go there.
He detailed to me how to go there.
He expounded to me how to go there.

◆意味的にSVOO が取れそうで取れないSVO
 ☆ suggest(~を提案する)
 ☆ propose(~を提案する)
 ☆ explain(~を説明する)
 ☆ say (~を言う)
 ☆ inform 人 of(~を知らせる)
 ☆ help 人 with(~を手伝う)
 ☆ want[hope](~を望む)
 ☆ mention[state](~を述べる)
 ☆ report(~を報告する)
 ☆ hint[imply, suggest](~を暗示する)
 ☆ express(~を告白する)
 ☆ admit(~を認める)
 ☆ complain(~を不平を言う)
 ☆ explain(~を説明する)
suggest an idea
suggest a solution
propose a plan
propose a new policy
explain a concept
explain the process
say a few words
say something important
inform someone of a decision
inform them of the news
help someone with a project
help with homework
want[hope] a better future
mention a fact
state an opinion
report an incident
reportreport on progress
hint at a solution
imply dissatisfaction
express gratitude
express concerns
admit a mistake
admit someone to a program
complain about the service
complain of a headache
explain the rules
explain the situation

A student (   ) his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
  ① raise
  ② raised
  ③ rise
  ④ rose

rise / raise の識別問題。
A student (S) , his hand (O)となるはず。
when 節から過去の話題なので①もダメ。

A student raised his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student waved his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student lifted his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student extended his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student shot his hand up when the teacher finished reading it.

"rise" は通常自然な過程や出来事に対して使用され、
"raise" は特定の対象を上げる、引き上げる、増やす
《rise》: (自動詞)
"Rise" は通常、何かが自発的に上昇する場合に使用される。
The sun rises in the east.
Prices tend to rise during the holiday season.
《raise》: (他動詞)
"raise" は通常、他の対象を上げる、
She raised her hand to ask a question.
The company decided to raised the prices of its products.

You must apologize (    ) what you said.
  ① to
  ② with
  ③ for
  ④ of

<apologize (to ) for A>
apologize は自動詞。
お詫びの理由は for で表す。
◆ 頻出自動詞
 ☆ hope for(望む)
 ☆ object to(反対する)
 ☆ apologize to 人 for 理由(謝る)
 ☆ listen to(聞く),
 ☆ think of / about(考える)
 ☆ complain of / about(不平を言う)
 ☆ agree with(賛成する)
You must apologize for what you said.
You're required to apologize for what you said.
It's necessary for you to apologize for your words.
You should offer an apology for what you said.
It's essential that you say sorry for your statement.

★ hope for (望む):
I hope for success in my new venture.

★ object to (反対する):
She objects to the proposed changes in the schedule.

★ apologize to 人 for 理由 (謝る):
He apologized to his colleagues for being late to the meeting.

★ listen to (聞く):
I love to listen to music while I work.

★ think of / about (考える):
What do you think of the new project proposal?

★ complain of / about (不平を言う):
She complained about the poor service at the restaurant.

★ agree with (賛成する):
I agree with your decision to invest in renewable energy.

My sister (    ) a high school teacher last June.
  ① married
  ② married for
  ③ married to
  ④ married with

<marry A = get married to A>
marry は《他動詞》「と結婚する」
間違い選択肢として marry with が出現する。
She married John last year.
She got married to John last year.
My sister married a high school teacher last June.
My sister wedded a high school teacher last June.
My sister tied the knot with a high school teacher last June.
My sister entered matrimony with a high school teacher last June.
My sister took a high school teacher as her spouse last June.

The storm was (    ) our town.
  ① approaching
  ② coming
  ③ drawing
  ④ getting

<approach A = get near to A>
get nera to A の方がより口語的。
As I approach the building, I notice its impressive architecture.
I wanted to get near to the stage to see the performance better.
The storm was approaching our town.
The storm was nearing our town.
The storm was coming closer to our town.
The storm was advancing toward our town.
The storm was drawing near to our town.

John didn’t know how to (    ) to his wife that he had quit his job.
  ① tell
  ② ask
  ③ explain
  ④ request

explain が第4文型〈SVOO〉で用いられることはない。
<explain O to 人>
that 節などの長い目的語の場合は
<explain to 人 情報>
John didn’t know how to explain to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to clarify to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to articulate to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to express to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to convey to his wife that he had quit his job.

explain は特定の対象やトピックに関する情報を

I need to explain to my colleague how to use the new software.
Can you explain to me why the project deadline was extended?
The teacher explained to the students the concept of gravity.
I'll explain to you how the new feature works in our app.

He concluded that the choice (    ) between death and dishonor.
  ① lay
  ② lie
  ③ laid
  ④ lied

lie / lay の識別問題。
He concluded that the choice lay between death and dishonor.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and shame.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and disgrace.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and humiliation.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and indignity.

"lie" は自分自身が平らな表面に横たわる場合に使われ、
"lay" は他の対象物を平らな表面に置く場合に使われる。
◆ lie (intransitive verb):
▸ "lie" 《自動詞》は横たわることを表す。
I lie down on the sofa to rest.
The book lies open on the table.
◆ lay (transitive verb):
▸ "lay" 《他動詞》対象物を横たえる・置くことを表す。
Please lay the dishes on the dining table.
She laid the baby gently in the crib.



It’s necessary to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s imperative to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s crucial to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s essential to discuss the problem without delay.
It’s important to discuss the problem without delay.


I hope for your success.
I wish for your success.
I desire your success.
I long for your success.
I pray for your success.


Lay these books on my desk, if you don’t mind.
Please place these books on my desk, if that's alright with you.
Could you kindly set these books on my desk?
If it's okay, would you mind putting these books on my desk?
Would you be so kind as to place these books on my desk?


He explained to me how to go there.
He elucidated to me how to go there.
He described to me how to go there.
He detailed to me how to go there.
He expounded to me how to go there.


A student raised his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student waved his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student lifted his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student extended his hand when the teacher finished reading it.
A student shot his hand up when the teacher finished reading it.


You must apologize for what you said.
You're required to apologize for what you said.
It's necessary for you to apologize for your words.
You should offer an apology for what you said.
It's essential that you say sorry for your statement.


My sister married a high school teacher last June.
My sister wedded a high school teacher last June.
My sister tied the knot with a high school teacher last June.
My sister entered matrimony with a high school teacher last June.
My sister took a high school teacher as her spouse last June.


The storm was approaching our town.
The storm was nearing our town.
The storm was coming closer to our town.
The storm was advancing toward our town.
The storm was drawing near to our town.


John didn’t know how to explain to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to clarify to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to articulate to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to express to his wife that he had quit his job.
John didn’t know how to convey to his wife that he had quit his job.


He concluded that the choice lay between death and dishonor.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and shame.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and disgrace.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and humiliation.
He concluded that the choice lay between death and indignity.


1. 動名詞をとる他動詞

(1) mind 「〜を気にする」
(2) enjoy 「〜を楽しむ」
(3) give up 「〜をあきらめる」
(4) avoid 「〜を避ける」
(5) finish 「〜を終える」
(6) escape 「〜を免れる」
(7) put off 「〜を延期する」
(8) stop 「〜を⽌める」
(9) consider 「〜を考える」
(10) admit 「〜を認める」
(11) deny 「〜を否定する」
(12) miss 「〜を逃す」
(13) practice 「〜を練習する」
(14) appreciate 「〜を感謝する」

2. 不定詞をとる他動詞

(1) decide to 「〜するのを決める」
(2) promise to 「〜する約束する」
(3) fail to 「〜しない・できない」
(4) afford to 「〜する余裕がある」
(5) pretend to 「〜するふりをする」
(6) manage to 「なんとか〜する」
(7) intend to 「〜しようとする」
(8) refuse to 「〜するのを拒否する」
(9) hesitate to 「〜するのをためらう」
(10) plan to 「〜を計画する」

3. 意味の相違

(1) remember to 「忘れずに〜する」
  remember -ing 「〜したことを覚えている」
(2) forget to 「〜するのを忘れる」
  forget -ing 「〜したことを忘れる」
(3) try to 「〜しようとする」
  try -ing 「ためしに〜する」
(4) regret to 「残念ながら〜する」
  regret -ing 「〜したのを後悔する」
(5) stop to 「〜するために⽴ち⽌る」
  stop -ing 「〜するのを⽌める」
(6) need to 「〜する必要がある」
  need -ing 「〜される必要がある」
(7) want to 「〜したいと思う」
  want -ing 「〜される必要がある」

4. 頻出語法

(1) explain(to 人) that 〜
(2) insist on -ing
  insist that S (should) V
(3) complain of [about] -ing
  complain that 〜
(4) advise人 to do
  advise that S (should) V
(5) rob [deprive] A of B
  「A からB を奪う」
(6) clear A of B
  「A からB を取り除く」
(7) cure [heal] A of B
  「A のB(病気)を治す」

◆ suggest

(1) suggest (to人) that S (should) V ~
(2) suggest -ing 「~することを提案する」
(3) suggest ~(to人) 「~を(人に)思い出させる」
(4) suggest itself (to 人) 「~が(人の)心に浮かぶ」


 ☆ borrow (無料+移動)
 ☆ rent (有料)
 ☆ hire (有料+一時的)
 ☆ use (一時的+移動不可)
 ☆ lend (無料)
 ☆ rent (有料)


(1) say
  say (to 人) that ~ 「~と(人に)言う」
  say (to 人), “~” 「~と(人に)言う」
(2) tell
  tell 人 that ~ 「~と~に言う」
  tell 人 to do 「~に~するように言う」
  tell 人 of [about] 事柄 「~に~について言う」
(3) talk
  talk to 人 「~に話しかける」・
  talk with 人 「~と話をする」
  talk of [about/over] 事柄 「~について話す」
  talk 人into doing 「~に~するように説得する」
  talk 人 out of doing 「~に~をやめるように説得する」
(4) speak
  speak 言語/言葉 「~を話す(言う)」
  speak to 人 「~に話しかける」
  speak with 人 「~と話をする」
  speak of [about/over] 事柄 「~について話す」

7. 成句として処理するもの

(1) tell A from B 「A とB を区別する」
  tell on 「~に影響を与える」
(2) talk人 into doing 「~に~するように説得する」
  talk人 out of doing 「~に~をやめるように説得する」
◆ think/believe/say
(1) They think that he is honest.
 = △ That he is honest is thought by them.
 = ○ It is thought that he is honest.
 = ○ They think him (to be) honest.
 = ○ He is thought to be honest.
(2) They believe that he is honest.
 = △ That he was honest is believed by them.
 = ○ It is believed that he is honest.
 = ○ They believe him (to be) honest.
 = ○ He is believed to be honest.
(3) They say that he is honest.
 = △ That he was honest is said by them.
 = ○ It is said (by them) that he is honest.
 = ×They say him to be honest.
 = ○ He is said to be honest.

8. 《仮定法現在》

 I demanded that he (should) pay the bill.
(1) that 節中の should は訳さない(省略可)
(2) that 節中の動詞は常に原形
 ☆ 命 令 order, command
 ☆ 決 定 decide, determine
 ☆ 要 求 demand, require, request
 ☆ 提 案 suggest, propose, recommend
 ☆ 主 張 insist

9. 動詞 A from B

(1) prevent / hinder / keep / stop / deter A from B
 「A がB するのを妨げる」
(2) tell / distinguish / know A from B
 「A とB を区別する」
(3) separate A from B
  「A をB から分離する」
(4) isolate A from B
  「A をB から孤立させる」
  order A from B
  「A をB に注文する」
  derive A from B
  「A をB から引き出す」
Their pride prevented them from accepting our offer.
Can you distinguish a wolf from a dog?

10. 動詞A of B 〈情報〉のof

(1) remind A of B
 「A にB を思い出させる」
  = remind A that B
(2) inform A of B
 「A にB を知らせる」
  = inform A that B
(3) convince A of B
 「A にB を確信させる」
  = convince A that B
(4) persuade A of B
  「A にB を納得させる」
  = persuade A that B
(5) assure A of B
  「A にB を保証させる」
  = assure A that B
I informed him of her arrival.
I informed him that she arrived.

11. 動詞A of B 〈分離〉の of

(1) rob [deprive] A of B
  「A からB を奪う」
(2) clear [rid / relieve / strip] A of B
  「A から B を取り除く」
(3) cure A of B
  「A のB を治す」

12. 感情動詞 = 他動詞

 ☆ surprise 「驚かせる」
 ☆ amaze 「驚かせる」
 ☆ please 「喜ばせる」
 ☆ injure 「傷つける」
 ☆ bore 「退屈させる」
 ☆ satisfy 「満足させる」
 ☆ disappoint 「失望させる」
 ☆ excite 「興奮させる」
 ☆ relieve 「安心させる」
(1) He was disappointing.
  ▸ 彼は期待はずれな奴だった。
(2) He was disappointed.
  ▸ 彼はがっかりしていた。

13. pay

(1) I pay ten dollars for this book two years ago.
  2 年前にはこの本は10 ドルしました。
(2) Honesty does not always pay.

14. save

 save + O1 + O2
 「O1 から O2 を省く」
This new machine will save you a lot of time and trouble.

15. spare

 spare + O1 + O2
 「O1 に O2 を割く・取っておく」
Will you save me a few minutes?
= Will you save a few minutes for me?

16 help

(1) help +人+ (to) do 「人が〜するのを手伝う」
(2) help +人+ with 物事 「人が〜するのを手伝う」
(3) help (to) do 「〜するのに役⽴つ」
(4) help A to B 「A にB を取ってやる」
(5) help 人以外 「〜を避ける」
*cannot but do 「〜せずにはいられない」
 = cannot help doing.
Please help yourself to the cake.

17. come/bring

(1a) come to do 「〜するようになる」
(1b) bring oneself to do 「〜する気になる」
(2a) come about 「〜が起こる」
(2b) bring about 「〜を引き起こす」
(3a) come into being 「〜が現れる」
(3b) bring 〜 into being 「〜を⽣み出す」

18. give

(1) give away 「~をただでやる」
(2) give in to 「~に降参する」
(3) give off 「(におい・光など)を発する」
(4) give up 「~をやめる」
(5) give out 「~が尽きる・~を発表する」

19. do

(1) do +利益/損害「~を与える」
(2) What … do with ? 「~をどうするのか」
(3) do without 「~なしですます」
(4) have something to do with
  have much to do with
  have nothing [little] to do with
(5) do away with

20. result

(1) 原因 result in 結果 「結果として~になる」
(2) 結果 result from 原因 「~の結果起こる」
(3) as a result (of ~) 「(~の)結果」



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