
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

1. instruct:

指示する:direct, guide, teach
The teacher will instruct students on how to conduct the experiment.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The teacher will direct students on how to conduct the experiment.
The teacher will guide students on how to conduct the experiment.
The teacher will teach students how to conduct the experiment.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Students will be directed by the teacher on how to conduct the experiment.
The teacher will guide students through the process of conducting the experiment.
The teacher will teach students the procedure for conducting the experiment.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The teacher will carefully direct students on how to conduct the experiment.
The teacher will thoroughly guide students on how to conduct the experiment.
The teacher will effectively teach students the procedure for conducting the experiment.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The instruction provided by the teacher on how to conduct the experiment may evoke feelings of curiosity and enthusiasm among students as they engage in hands-on learning.
The guidance offered by the teacher on how to conduct the experiment may elicit feelings of confidence and competence among students as they navigate the scientific process.
The teaching provided by the teacher on the procedure for conducting the experiment may provoke feelings of understanding and accomplishment among students as they apply their knowledge.

● instruct: to teach (someone) a subject, skill, etc.
・instruct a class: クラスを指導する
・instruct students: 生徒に指導する
・instruct employees: 従業員に指示する
・instruct in mathematics: 数学を教える
・instruct on safety procedures: 安全手順について指導する

2. integrate:

統合する:combine, merge, incorporate
The new system will integrate data from multiple sources.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The new system will combine data from multiple sources.
The new system will merge data from multiple sources.
The new system will incorporate data from multiple sources.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Data from multiple sources will be combined by the new system.
The new system will merge data from various sources.
The new system will incorporate data gathered from different sources.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The new system will carefully combine data from multiple sources.
The new system will thoroughly merge data from multiple sources.
The new system will effectively incorporate data from multiple sources.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The integration of data from multiple sources by the new system may evoke feelings of efficiency and organization as users experience streamlined data management.
The combining of data from multiple sources by the new system may elicit feelings of unity and coherence as users witness the consolidation of information.
The incorporation of data from multiple sources by the new system may provoke feelings of reliability and completeness as users access comprehensive datasets.

● integrate: to combine (two or more things) to form or create something
・integrate information: 情報を統合する
・integrate systems: システムを統合する
・integrate data: データを統合する
・integrate processes: プロセスを統合する
・integrate functions: 機能を統合する

3. intend:

意図する:plan, aim, purpose
He intends to travel around the world next year.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
He plans to travel around the world next year.
He aims to travel around the world next year.
He purposes to travel around the world next year.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Traveling around the world next year is his plan.
His aim is to travel around the world next year.
His purpose next year is to travel around the world.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
He meticulously plans to travel around the world next year.
He passionately aims to travel around the world next year.
He diligently purposes to travel around the world next year.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
His intention to travel around the world next year may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation as he prepares for the journey.
His planned travel around the world next year may elicit feelings of determination and focus as he sets his sights on the adventure.
His aim to travel around the world next year may provoke feelings of ambition and enthusiasm as he envisions the places he will explore.

● intend: to have a plan, purpose, or goal in mind
・intend to do something: 〜するつもりである
・intend to go: 行くつもりである
・intend to study abroad: 留学するつもりである
・intend to start a business: ビジネスを始めるつもりである
・intend to succeed: 成功するつもりである

4. interpret:

解釈する:understand, construe, explain
The translator will interpret the speaker's words into another language.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The translator will understand the speaker's words and convey them in another language.
The translator will construe the speaker's words into another language.
The translator will explain the speaker's words in another language.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The translator will understand and translate the speaker's words into another language.
The translator will construe and interpret the speaker's words into another language.
The translator will explain and render the speaker's words into another language.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The translator will carefully understand and translate the speaker's words into another language.
The translator will thoroughly construe and interpret the speaker's words into another language.
The translator will effectively explain and render the speaker's words into another language.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The interpretation of the speaker's words by the translator may evoke feelings of empathy and connection as they bridge linguistic barriers.
The construal of the speaker's words by the translator may elicit feelings of clarity and comprehension as they convey meaning across languages.
The explanation of the speaker's words by the translator may provoke feelings of assurance and understanding as they facilitate cross-cultural communication.

● interpret: to explain the meaning of (something)
・interpret a text: テキストを解釈する
・interpret a speech: スピーチを解釈する
・interpret a dream: 夢を解釈する
・interpret data: データを解釈する
・interpret a gesture: ジェスチャーを解釈する

5. interview:

面接する:question, interrogate, grill
The journalist will interview the celebrity for the magazine article.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The journalist will question the celebrity for the magazine article.
The journalist will interrogate the celebrity for the magazine article.
The journalist will grill the celebrity for the magazine article.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The journalist will question the celebrity for the magazine article.
The journalist will interrogate the celebrity as part of the magazine article.
The journalist will grill the celebrity during the magazine interview.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The journalist will carefully question the celebrity for the magazine article.
The journalist will thoroughly interrogate the celebrity for the magazine article.
The journalist will intensively grill the celebrity for the magazine article.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The interview of the celebrity by the journalist may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation as they delve into the celebrity's life.
The questioning of the celebrity by the journalist may elicit feelings of discomfort and scrutiny as the celebrity responds to inquiries.
The interrogation of the celebrity by the journalist may provoke feelings of pressure and unease as the celebrity faces probing questions.

● interview: to ask (someone) questions in a formal meeting for a job or special purpose
・conduct an interview: 面接を行う
・arrange an interview: 面接を設定する
・schedule an interview: 面接を予定する
・prepare for an interview: 面接の準備をする
・attend an interview: 面接に出席する

6. introduce:

紹介する:present, acquaint, make known
Let me introduce you to my colleague, Sarah.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Let me present you to my colleague, Sarah.
Let me acquaint you with my colleague, Sarah.
Let me make known my colleague, Sarah, to you.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Allow me to present my colleague, Sarah, to you.
Allow me to acquaint you with my colleague, Sarah.
Allow me to make known my colleague, Sarah, to you.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Let me formally present you to my esteemed colleague, Sarah.
Let me warmly acquaint you with my valued colleague, Sarah.
Let me enthusiastically make known my esteemed colleague, Sarah, to you.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The introduction to my colleague, Sarah, may evoke feelings of connection and camaraderie as you meet her.
The acquaintance with my colleague, Sarah, may elicit feelings of warmth and hospitality as you get to know her.
The making known of my colleague, Sarah, may provoke feelings of excitement and curiosity as you become familiar with her.

● introduce: to bring (someone, such as a person or an object) into a group or place or into a new activity or situation
・introduce someone to someone: 〜を〜に紹介する
・introduce a new product: 新製品を紹介する
・introduce a concept: 概念を紹介する
・introduce oneself: 自己紹介をする
・introduce changes: 変更を導入する

7. invest:

投資する:put in, commit, expend
He plans to invest in stocks for his retirement fund.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
He plans to put in money in stocks for his retirement fund.
He plans to commit funds to stocks for his retirement fund.
He plans to expend funds on stocks for his retirement fund.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
He intends to put his money into stocks for his retirement fund.
He intends to commit his funds to stocks for his retirement fund.
He intends to expend funds on stocks for his retirement fund.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
He aims to carefully put his money into stocks for his retirement fund.
He aims to diligently commit his funds to stocks for his retirement fund.
He aims to judiciously expend funds on stocks for his retirement fund.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Investing in stocks for his retirement fund may evoke feelings of anticipation and hope for financial stability.
Committing funds to stocks for his retirement fund may elicit feelings of dedication and responsibility towards securing his future.
Expenditure on stocks for his retirement fund may provoke feelings of cautious optimism about future financial growth.

● invest: to use (money) to earn a financial return or to make a profit
・invest in real estate: 不動産に投資する
・invest in a business: ビジネスに投資する
・invest in education: 教育に投資する
・invest in oneself: 自己投資をする
・invest time in a project: プロジェクトに時間を投資する

8. involve:

関与する:engage, participate, include
The project will involve multiple teams working together.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The project will engage multiple teams working together.
The project will participate multiple teams working together.
The project will include multiple teams working together.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Multiple teams will engage in the project, working together.
Multiple teams will participate in the project, working together.
The project will include the participation of multiple teams working together.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The project will actively engage multiple teams, fostering collaboration.
The project will actively participate multiple teams, fostering collaboration.
The project will actively include multiple teams, fostering collaboration.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Involving multiple teams in the project may evoke feelings of teamwork and cooperation.
Engaging multiple teams in the project may elicit feelings of shared responsibility and mutual support.
Participating multiple teams in the project may provoke feelings of camaraderie and collective effort.

● involve: to have or include (someone or something) as a part of something
・involve in a project: プロジェクトに関与する
・involve in an activity: 活動に関与する
・involve in decision-making: 意思決定に関与する
・involve in discussions: 議論に関与する
・involve in a process: プロセスに関与する

9. isolate:

孤立させる:separate, segregate, detach
The scientist will isolate the bacteria for further study.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The scientist will separate the bacteria for further study.
The scientist will segregate the bacteria for further study.
The scientist will detach the bacteria for further study.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The scientist will separate the bacteria to conduct further study.
The scientist will segregate the bacteria to conduct further study.
The scientist will detach the bacteria for the purpose of further study.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The scientist will meticulously separate the bacteria for detailed examination.
The scientist will carefully segregate the bacteria for thorough analysis.
The scientist will precisely detach the bacteria for comprehensive investigation.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Isolating the bacteria for further study may evoke feelings of scientific curiosity and exploration.
Separating the bacteria for further study may elicit feelings of precision and methodical inquiry.
Segregating the bacteria for further study may provoke feelings of systematic analysis and investigation.

● isolate: to set apart from others; to separate from others
・isolate a sample: サンプルを分離する
・isolate an individual: 個々を孤立させる
・isolate oneself: 孤立する
・isolate a problem: 問題を孤立させる
・isolate factors: 要因を孤立させる

10. issue:

発行する:publish, release, distribute
The company will issue a statement regarding the incident.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company will publish a statement regarding the incident.
The company will release a statement regarding the incident.
The company will distribute a statement regarding the incident.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The company will publish a statement concerning the incident.
The company will release a statement pertaining to the incident.
The company will distribute a statement addressing the incident.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company will publicly publish a statement regarding the incident.
The company will formally release a statement regarding the incident.
The company will widely distribute a statement regarding the incident.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Issuing a statement regarding the incident may evoke feelings of transparency and accountability.
Publishing a statement regarding the incident may elicit feelings of openness and responsibility.
Releasing a statement regarding the incident may provoke feelings of clarity and assurance.

● issue: to produce or deliver officially or formally
・issue a report: 報告書を発行する
・issue a press release: プレスリリースを発表する
・issue a document: 文書を発行する
・issue a statement: 声明を発表する
・issue a certificate: 証明書を発行する

11. join:

加わる:participate, become a member of, connect
She decided to join the club to meet new people.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
She decided to participate in the club to meet new people.
She decided to become a member of the club to meet new people.
She decided to connect with the club to meet new people.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
She decided to take part in the club to meet new people.
She decided to enroll in the club to meet new people.
She decided to link up with the club to meet new people.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
She enthusiastically decided to participate in the club to meet new people.
She eagerly decided to become a member of the club to meet new people.
She wholeheartedly decided to connect with the club to meet new people.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Joining the club to meet new people may evoke feelings of anticipation and excitement.
Participating in the club to meet new people may elicit feelings of camaraderie and sociability.
Becoming a member of the club to meet new people may provoke feelings of belonging and community.

● join: to become a member or participant in
・join a club: クラブに参加する
・join a team: チームに加わる
・join an organization: 組織に加入する
・join a community: コミュニティに参加する
・join a group: グループに参加する

12. judge:

判断する:assess, evaluate, determine
The panel will judge the entries based on creativity and originality.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The panel will assess the entries based on creativity and originality.
The panel will evaluate the entries based on creativity and originality.
The panel will determine the entries based on creativity and originality.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The panel will make assessments of the entries based on creativity and originality.
The panel will conduct evaluations of the entries based on creativity and originality.
The panel will arrive at determinations of the entries based on creativity and originality.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The panel will carefully assess the entries based on creativity and originality.
The panel will thoroughly evaluate the entries based on creativity and originality.
The panel will meticulously determine the entries based on creativity and originality.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Judging the entries based on creativity and originality may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation.
Assessing the entries based on creativity and originality may elicit feelings of critical analysis and appreciation.
Evaluating the entries based on creativity and originality may provoke feelings of discernment and scrutiny.

● judge: to form an opinion or estimate about something
・judge a competition: コンテストを審査する
・judge a performance: パフォーマンスを評価する
・judge a contest: コンテストを判断する
・judge a situation: 状況を判断する
・judge a decision: 決定を評価する

13. justify:

正当化する:defend, vindicate, excuse
She tried to justify her actions, but no one believed her.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
She tried to defend her actions, but no one believed her.
She tried to vindicate her actions, but no one believed her.
She tried to excuse her actions, but no one believed her.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
She attempted to defend her actions, but no one believed her.
She sought to vindicate her actions, but no one believed her.
She endeavored to excuse her actions, but no one believed her.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
She vehemently defended her actions, but no one believed her.
She passionately vindicated her actions, but no one believed her.
She fervently excused her actions, but no one believed her.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Attempting to justify her actions may evoke feelings of frustration and desperation.
Defending her actions may elicit feelings of defensiveness and insecurity.
Vindicating her actions may provoke feelings of indignation and righteousness.

● justify: to show or prove to be right or reasonable
・justify a decision: 決定を正当化する
・justify an expense: 費用を正当化する
・justify a belief: 信念を弁護する
・justify an argument: 議論を正当化する
・justify an action: 行動を弁明する

14. launch:

開始する:begin, commence, initiate
The company will launch its new product next week.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company will begin selling its new product next week.
The company will commence the release of its new product next week.
The company will initiate the rollout of its new product next week.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The company will start offering its new product next week.
The company will kick off the release of its new product next week.
The company will inaugurate the rollout of its new product next week.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company will officially launch its new product next week.
The company will formally commence the release of its new product next week.
The company will ceremonially initiate the rollout of its new product next week.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The upcoming launch of the new product may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation.
The impending release of the new product may elicit feelings of eagerness and enthusiasm.
The upcoming initiation of the new product rollout may provoke feelings of optimism and hope.

● launch: to start or introduce something new, such as a product or initiative
・launch a campaign: キャンペーンを開始する
・launch a project: プロジェクトを始動する
・launch a website: ウェブサイトを公開する
・launch a program: プログラムを開始する
・launch a service: サービスを開始する

15. lead:

リードする:guide, direct, influence
He led the team to victory with his strong leadership skills.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
He guided the team to victory with his strong leadership skills.
He directed the team to victory with his strong leadership skills.
He influenced the team to victory with his strong leadership skills.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
With his strong leadership skills, he guided the team to victory.
With his strong leadership skills, he directed the team to victory.
With his strong leadership skills, he influenced the team to victory.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
He effectively guided the team to a resounding victory.
He decisively directed the team to a resounding victory.
He powerfully influenced the team to a resounding victory.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
His leadership skills instilled a sense of confidence and determination in the team, leading them to victory.
His leadership skills inspired a sense of purpose and motivation in the team, guiding them to victory.
His leadership skills fostered a sense of unity and cohesion in the team, influencing them to victory.

● lead: to guide or direct a group of people towards a particular outcome or destination
・lead a team: チームを率いる
・lead a project: プロジェクトを指導する
・lead a discussion: 議論を主導する
・lead a company: 企業をリードする
・lead a movement: 運動を主導する

16. lecture:

講義する:teach, instruct, present
The professor will lecture on the topic of quantum mechanics.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The professor will teach on the topic of quantum mechanics.
The professor will instruct on the topic of quantum mechanics.
The professor will present on the topic of quantum mechanics.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The professor will provide instruction on the topic of quantum mechanics.
The professor will deliver a presentation on the topic of quantum mechanics.
The professor will offer a lecture on the topic of quantum mechanics.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The professor will deliver an engaging lecture on the intricacies of quantum mechanics.
The professor will provide comprehensive instruction on the complexities of quantum mechanics.
The professor will present a detailed overview of the principles of quantum mechanics.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics may evoke feelings of curiosity and fascination among students.
The professor's instruction on quantum mechanics may inspire a sense of awe and wonder among students.
The professor's presentation on quantum mechanics may generate a sense of enthusiasm and interest among students.

● lecture: to give a talk or presentation on a particular subject, typically as part of an academic course
・lecture on a topic: トピックについて講義する
・lecture on a subject: 主題について講義する
・lecture on a theme: テーマについて講義する
・lecture on a theory: 理論について講義する
・lecture on a concept: 概念について講義する

17. legislate:

立法する:enact laws, make regulations, pass legislation
The government plans to legislate new environmental policies.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The government plans to enact new environmental policies.
The government plans to make regulations for new environmental policies.
The government plans to pass legislation for new environmental policies.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The government plans to implement new environmental policies through legislation.
New environmental policies are set to be enacted by the government through legislation.
The government is set to pass laws aimed at implementing new environmental policies.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The government's move to legislate new environmental policies underscores its commitment to environmental protection.
The enactment of new environmental policies through legislation represents a significant step towards environmental sustainability.
The government's decision to pass legislation for new environmental policies reflects its dedication to addressing environmental concerns.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The government's initiative to legislate new environmental policies may evoke a sense of hope and optimism among environmental advocates.
The passage of legislation for new environmental policies may generate a feeling of empowerment and progress in environmental activists.
The government's effort to enact laws for new environmental policies may inspire a sense of urgency and responsibility in addressing environmental issues.

● legislate: to make or enact laws; to exercise the power and function of making laws
・legislate environmental policies: 環境政策を立法化する
・legislate regulations: 規制を立法化する
・legislate legislation: 法律を制定する
・legislate reforms: 改革を立法化する
・legislate measures: 対策を立法化する

18. locate:

位置を特定する:find, discover, pinpoint
The GPS system can help you locate your exact position.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The GPS system can assist you in finding your precise position.
The GPS system can aid you in discovering your exact location.
The GPS system can pinpoint your precise coordinates.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
With the GPS system, you can find your exact position accurately.
The GPS system enables you to discover your precise location.
Using the GPS system, you can pinpoint your exact coordinates.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The GPS system is invaluable in accurately finding your exact position.
The GPS system is indispensable for discovering your precise location.
The GPS system plays a crucial role in pinpointing your exact coordinates.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Using the GPS system to locate your exact position can instill a sense of security and confidence.
Discovering your precise location with the GPS system may evoke feelings of relief and reassurance.
Pinpointing your exact coordinates using the GPS system can create a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

● locate: to determine or indicate the place, site, or position of; to find or discover by searching or examining
・locate a lost item: 失くした物を見つける
・locate a hidden treasure: 隠された宝物を見つける
・locate the source of a problem: 問題の原因を特定する
・locate the target: 目標を特定する
・locate the position of an object: 物体の位置を特定する

19. maintain:

維持する:preserve, keep, sustain
It's important to maintain good relationships with your colleagues.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Preserving good relationships with your colleagues is crucial.
Keeping up good relationships with your colleagues is essential.
Sustaining good relationships with your colleagues is vital.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Ensuring the preservation of good relationships with your colleagues is essential.
Maintaining good relationships with your colleagues is imperative.
Sustaining good relationships with your colleagues is of utmost importance.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Maintaining good relationships with your colleagues is paramount for a harmonious work environment.
Preserving good relationships with your colleagues is indispensable for fostering collaboration.
Sustaining good relationships with your colleagues is crucial for long-term success and teamwork.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Maintaining good relationships with your colleagues can evoke feelings of camaraderie and support.
Preserving good relationships with your colleagues may lead to a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
Sustaining good relationships with your colleagues can bring about a sense of fulfillment and mutual respect.

● maintain: to keep in existence or continuance; to preserve or retain
・maintain a healthy lifestyle: 健康的な生活様式を維持する
・maintain confidentiality: 機密を守る
・maintain standards: 基準を維持する
・maintain balance: バランスを保つ
・maintain stability: 安定を維持する

20. manage:

管理する:administer, oversee, handle
He will manage the project from start to finish.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Administering the project from start to finish is his responsibility.
Overseeing the project from beginning to end falls under his purview.
Handling the project from inception to completion is within his realm of duties.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The responsibility of managing the project from start to finish rests on him.
It is his duty to oversee the project from beginning to end.
Managing the project from inception to completion is his task.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Administering the project from start to finish is a critical role that demands attention to detail and efficient coordination.
Overseeing the project from beginning to end requires diligent management and strategic decision-making.
Handling the project from inception to completion entails significant responsibility and meticulous planning.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For him, managing the project from start to finish may evoke feelings of leadership and accomplishment.
The act of overseeing the project from beginning to end may bring a sense of responsibility and ownership.
Handling the project from inception to completion could lead to a sense of satisfaction and pride in the outcome.

● manage: to handle, direct, govern, or control in action or use
・manage a team: チームを管理する
・manage finances: 財務を管理する
・manage resources: リソースを管理する
・manage time effectively: 時間を効果的に管理する
・manage risk: リスクを管理する

21. manipulate:

操作する:handle, control, influence
The magician can manipulate objects with sleight of hand.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The magician can handle objects with skillful sleight of hand.
Controlling objects through sleight of hand is a skill of the magician.
The magician has the ability to influence objects using sleight of hand tricks.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Skillful manipulation of objects is a trait of the magician's sleight of hand.
The magician demonstrates control over objects through sleight of hand.
Influencing objects through sleight of hand is a skill mastered by the magician.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The magician's adept handling of objects through sleight of hand showcases their mastery of manipulation.
Control over objects using sleight of hand is a testament to the magician's expertise.
The magician's ability to influence objects with sleight of hand reflects their advanced skill level.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For the magician, manipulating objects with sleight of hand may evoke a sense of mastery and accomplishment.
The act of controlling objects through sleight of hand can bring about feelings of power and control.
Influencing objects through sleight of hand tricks might elicit a sense of wonder and amazement.

● manipulate: to control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously
・manipulate data: データを操作する
・manipulate emotions: 感情を操作する
・manipulate circumstances: 状況を操作する
・manipulate the market: 市場を操作する
・manipulate someone's behavior: 誰かの行動を操作する

22. manufacture:

製造する:produce, make, create
The company manufactures electronic devices like smartphones and tablets.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company produces electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Electronic devices like smartphones and tablets are made by the company.
The company creates electronic devices like smartphones and tablets.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Production of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is carried out by the company.
Smartphones and tablets are manufactured by the company as part of its electronic device lineup.
The company engages in the creation of electronic devices, including smartphones and tablets.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company's manufacturing operations encompass a wide range of electronic devices, including smartphones and tablets.
The production of smartphones and tablets by the company demonstrates its expertise in electronic device manufacturing.
Creating electronic devices like smartphones and tablets requires precision and advanced manufacturing techniques.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The company's ability to produce smartphones and tablets may evoke a sense of technological advancement and innovation.
The act of making electronic devices like smartphones and tablets reflects the company's commitment to quality and innovation.
Creating electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets may inspire feelings of excitement and anticipation.

● manufacture: to make something on a large scale using machinery
・manufacture cars: 自動車を製造する
・manufacture clothing: 衣類を製造する
・manufacture furniture: 家具を製造する
・manufacture goods: 商品を製造する
・manufacture products: 製品を製造する

23. master:

習得する:learn, become proficient in, acquire
He aims to master the art of playing the piano.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
He aims to learn the art of playing the piano proficiently.
His goal is to become proficient in playing the piano.
He aims to acquire mastery in the art of piano playing.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
His objective is to achieve proficiency in playing the piano.
He strives to acquire advanced skills in piano playing.
His goal is to become highly skilled in playing the piano.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
He is determined to become a master pianist.
His aspiration is to achieve a high level of mastery in piano performance.
He is dedicated to attaining excellence in piano playing.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
His pursuit of mastering the piano evokes feelings of dedication and passion.
The journey to mastering the piano is filled with challenges and rewards.
His commitment to mastering the piano inspires admiration and respect.

● master: to become very skilled or proficient in something
・master a language: 言語を習得する
・master a skill: 技術をマスターする
・master a subject: 科目を習得する
・master a craft: 職業を極める

24. measure:

測定する:assess, evaluate, gauge
The scientist will measure the temperature of the liquid.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The scientist will assess the temperature of the liquid.
The scientist will evaluate the temperature of the liquid.
The scientist will gauge the temperature of the liquid.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The scientist will conduct a measurement of the liquid's temperature.
The scientist will determine the temperature of the liquid.
The scientist will ascertain the temperature of the liquid.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The scientist will meticulously measure the temperature of the liquid.
The scientist will carefully evaluate the temperature of the liquid.
The scientist will precisely gauge the temperature of the liquid.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The act of measuring the temperature of the liquid instills a sense of precision and accuracy.
The scientist's meticulous approach to measuring the temperature reflects dedication and expertise.
The measurement of the liquid's temperature is crucial for accurate scientific analysis.

● measure: to find out the size, amount, or degree of something by using an instrument or device marked in standard units
・measure the length/width/height: 長さ/幅/高さを測る
・measure the temperature: 温度を測る
・measure the weight: 重さを測る
・measure the volume: 容積を測る

25. mediate:

仲介する:negotiate, intervene, arbitrate
The mediator will help resolve the conflict between the two parties.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The mediator will negotiate to resolve the conflict between the two parties.
The mediator will intervene to help resolve the conflict between the two parties.
The mediator will arbitrate to help resolve the conflict between the two parties.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The mediator will facilitate a resolution to the conflict between the two parties.
The mediator will work toward resolving the conflict between the two parties.
The mediator will act as an intermediary to resolve the conflict between the two parties.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The mediator will skillfully negotiate to resolve the conflict between the two parties.
The mediator will promptly intervene to help resolve the conflict between the two parties.
The mediator will impartially arbitrate to help resolve the conflict between the two parties.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The mediator's involvement brings hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
The act of mediating reflects a commitment to finding common ground and understanding.
The mediation process fosters a sense of cooperation and mutual respect.

● mediate: to try to end a disagreement between two or more people or groups by talking to them and trying to find things that everyone can agree on
・mediate a dispute/conflict: 紛争を仲介する
・mediate between A and B: AとBの仲介をする

26. merge:

合併する:combine, unite, amalgamate
The two companies decided to merge their operations.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The two companies decided to combine their operations.
The two companies decided to unite their operations.
The two companies decided to amalgamate their operations.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The two companies reached a decision to merge their operations.
The two companies agreed to combine their operations.
The two companies came to an agreement to unite their operations.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The two companies eagerly decided to merge their operations.
The two companies firmly decided to combine their operations.
The two companies enthusiastically agreed to unite their operations.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The decision to merge operations reflects a strategic move towards growth.
The merger signifies a commitment to synergy and efficiency.
The companies' decision to unite operations fosters a sense of collaboration and shared goals.

● merge: to join together, or to make things join together, to form one thing
・merge (something) with (something): (物事)を(物事)と合併させる
・merge into (something): (物事)に合併する
・merge operations: 業務を統合する
・merge seamlessly: 問題なく統合する
・merge successfully: 成功裏に合併する

27. migrate:

移住する:move, relocate, transfer
Birds migrate to warmer climates during the winter months.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Moving to warmer climates during the winter months is a common behavior among birds.
Relocating to warmer regions is a survival strategy adopted by birds in winter.
Transferring to areas with milder temperatures is a seasonal adaptation seen in bird species.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The act of migrating to warmer climates during the winter months is instinctual for birds.
The seasonal relocation of birds to warmer regions is a natural phenomenon.
The transfer of bird populations to areas with more favorable conditions occurs during winter.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Migrating to warmer climates during the winter months is essential for the survival of many bird species.
Relocating to more hospitable environments is crucial for birds to endure harsh winter conditions.
Transferring to areas with suitable temperatures is vital for birds to maintain their health and well-being.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The seasonal migration of birds to warmer climates evokes a sense of wonder and awe in observers.
The annual relocation of bird populations to milder regions inspires awe and admiration for their resilience.
The transfer of birds to areas with more favorable conditions during winter months sparks curiosity and fascination.

● migrate: to move from one place to another, especially in order to find a new place to live or work
・migrate to a new country: 新しい国に移住する
・migrate for better opportunities: より良い機会を求めて移住する
・migrate to urban areas: 都市部に移住する
・migrate seasonally: 季節ごとに移動する
・migrate long distances: 遠くへ移動する

28. minimize:

最小限に抑える:reduce, decrease, lessen
The company aims to minimize its environmental impact.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Reducing its environmental impact is a priority for the company.
The company strives to decrease its environmental footprint.
Lessening its environmental impact is a key objective for the company.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Efforts to minimize the company's environmental impact are underway.
The company is actively working to reduce its environmental footprint.
Measures are being taken to lessen the environmental impact of the company.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Minimizing its environmental impact is crucial for the company's sustainability goals.
The company is committed to significantly decreasing its environmental footprint.
Efforts to lessen the environmental impact are of utmost importance to the company.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Taking steps to minimize its environmental impact reflects the company's commitment to sustainability.
The company's dedication to reducing its environmental footprint inspires confidence and trust.
Efforts to lessen the environmental impact evoke a sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship.

● minimize: to reduce something to the smallest possible level or amount
・minimize waste: 廃棄物を最小限に抑える
・minimize risk: リスクを最小限に抑える
・minimize costs: コストを最小限に抑える
・minimize downtime: ダウンタイムを最小限に抑える
・minimize disruption: 混乱を最小限に抑える

29. mobilize:

動員する:organize, rally, deploy
The government will mobilize troops to respond to the crisis.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Organizing troops is essential for the government's crisis response.
The government plans to rally military forces in response to the crisis.
Deploying troops is a necessary measure to address the crisis.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Troop mobilization is part of the government's crisis management strategy.
The government is organizing military personnel to address the crisis.
The deployment of troops is part of the government's crisis response plan.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Mobilizing troops is critical for effectively addressing the crisis.
The government is urgently rallying military resources to respond to the crisis.
Deploying troops is a crucial step in the government's response to the crisis.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The mobilization of troops reflects the government's commitment to crisis resolution.
Rallying military forces evokes a sense of national unity and solidarity.
Deploying troops demonstrates the government's readiness to confront the crisis.

● mobilize: to organize or prepare something, such as a group of people, for a purpose
・mobilize resources: リソースを動員する
・mobilize support: 支援を組織する
・mobilize efforts: 努力を結集する
・mobilize volunteers: ボランティアを募集する
・mobilize public opinion: 世論を結集する

30. modify:

修正する:alter, change, adjust
You can modify the settings to suit your preferences.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
You can alter the settings to match your preferences.
You have the option to change the settings according to your preferences.
Adjusting the settings allows you to tailor them to your preferences.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Customizing the settings is possible to align with your preferences.
Adapting the settings is an option to suit your preferences.
Making adjustments to the settings enables them to fit your preferences.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
You have the flexibility to completely alter the settings to your liking.
Changing the settings provides the freedom to adjust them to your preferences.
Adjusting the settings allows for fine-tuning to meet your specific preferences.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Personalizing the settings can enhance your overall user experience.
Adapting the settings to your preferences can make using the product more enjoyable.
Customizing the settings to match your preferences can improve usability and satisfaction.

● modify: to change slightly, usually in a way that improves or fits better
・modify behavior: 行動を変更する
・modify requirements: 要件を修正する
・modify a plan: 計画を修正する
・modify an agreement: 合意を修正する
・modify a design: デザインを修正する



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