
TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

1. exclaim:

叫ぶ:cry out, shout, yell
She exclaimed with joy when she heard the good news.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
She cried out with joy when she heard the good news.
She shouted with joy when she heard the good news.
She yelled with joy when she heard the good news.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
With joy, she cried out when she heard the good news.
With joy, she shouted when she heard the good news.
With joy, she yelled when she heard the good news.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
She cried out loudly with joy when she heard the good news.
She shouted excitedly with joy when she heard the good news.
She yelled enthusiastically with joy when she heard the good news.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Her cry of joy when she heard the good news may evoke feelings of happiness and excitement in those around her.
Her shout of joy when she heard the good news may elicit feelings of jubilation and celebration among her friends and family.
Her yell of joy when she heard the good news may provoke feelings of elation and enthusiasm in everyone present.

● exclaim: to cry out suddenly, especially in surprise, anger, or pain
・exclaim in delight: 喜んで叫ぶ
・exclaim in surprise: 驚いて叫ぶ
・exclaim in anger: 怒って叫ぶ
・exclaim in pain: 痛みで叫ぶ
・exclaim with joy: 喜びで叫ぶ

2. execute 

実行する:carry out, implement, perform
The project team will execute the plan according to the agreed timeline.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The project team will carry out the plan according to the agreed timeline.
The project team will implement the plan according to the agreed timeline.
The project team will perform the plan according to the agreed timeline.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
According to the agreed timeline, the project team will carry out the plan.
According to the agreed timeline, the project team will implement the plan.
According to the agreed timeline, the project team will perform the plan.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The project team will meticulously carry out the plan according to the agreed timeline.
The project team will effectively implement the plan according to the agreed timeline.
The project team will skillfully perform the plan according to the agreed timeline.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The execution of the plan according to the agreed timeline may evoke feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment among the project team as they see their efforts come to fruition.
The implementation of the plan according to the agreed timeline may elicit feelings of confidence and pride as the project team successfully carries out their tasks.
The performance of the plan according to the agreed timeline may provoke feelings of professionalism and competence as the project team demonstrates their capabilities.

● execute: to carry out or perform (a plan, order, or course of action)
・execute a plan: 計画を実行する
・execute a strategy: 戦略を実行する
・execute a task: 任務を実行する
・execute a project: プロジェクトを実行する
・execute a decision: 決定を実行する

3. exemplify: 

例証する:illustrate, demonstrate, represent
His actions exemplify the values he believes in.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
His actions illustrate the values he believes in.
His actions demonstrate the values he believes in.
His actions represent the values he believes in.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The values he believes in are illustrated by his actions.
The values he believes in are demonstrated by his actions.
The values he believes in are represented by his actions.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
His actions vividly illustrate the values he believes in.
His actions effectively demonstrate the values he believes in.
His actions clearly represent the values he believes in.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
His actions exemplifying the values he believes in may evoke feelings of admiration and respect from others who witness his consistent adherence to those values.
The illustration of his values through his actions may elicit feelings of inspiration and motivation in others as they observe his integrity and dedication.
The representation of his values through his actions may provoke feelings of validation and affirmation in others, affirming the importance of those values.

● exemplify: to show or illustrate by example; to serve as a typical example of something
・exemplify virtues: 美徳を例証する
・exemplify qualities: 品質を例証する
・exemplify principles: 原則を例証する
・exemplify behavior: 行動を例証する
・exemplify values: 価値観を例証する

4. expand: 

拡大する:grow, enlarge, broaden
The company plans to expand its operations into international markets.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company plans to grow its operations into international markets.
The company plans to enlarge its operations into international markets.
The company plans to broaden its operations into international markets.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The company plans to grow its operations into international markets as part of its strategy.
The company plans to enlarge its operations into international markets as part of its strategy.
The company plans to broaden its operations into international markets as part of its strategy.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company plans to significantly grow its operations into international markets.
The company plans to substantially enlarge its operations into international markets.
The company plans to extensively broaden its operations into international markets.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The plan to expand its operations into international markets may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation among company stakeholders as they envision new opportunities for growth.
The decision to enlarge its operations into international markets may elicit feelings of confidence and ambition as the company seeks to expand its presence globally.
The strategy to broaden its operations into international markets may provoke feelings of determination and innovation as the company explores new avenues for business development.

● expand: to become or make larger or more extensive; to increase in size, volume, quantity, or scope
・expand business: ビジネスを拡大する
・expand operations: 業務を拡大する
・expand market: 市場を拡大する
・expand product line: 製品ラインを拡大する
・expand services: サービスを拡大する

5. expedite: 

迅速に処理する:accelerate, hasten, speed up
We need to expedite the shipping process to meet the deadline.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
We need to accelerate the shipping process to meet the deadline.
We need to hasten the shipping process to meet the deadline.
We need to speed up the shipping process to meet the deadline.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To meet the deadline, we need to accelerate the shipping process.
To meet the deadline, we need to hasten the shipping process.
To meet the deadline, we need to speed up the shipping process.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
To meet the deadline, we need to significantly accelerate the shipping process.
To meet the deadline, we need to greatly hasten the shipping process.
To meet the deadline, we need to substantially speed up the shipping process.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The need to expedite the shipping process to meet the deadline may evoke feelings of urgency and determination among team members as they work towards the goal.
The decision to accelerate the shipping process to meet the deadline may elicit feelings of efficiency and productivity as team members streamline their efforts.
The effort to speed up the shipping process to meet the deadline may provoke feelings of teamwork and collaboration as team members come together to ensure timely delivery.

● expedite: to make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly; to accelerate or speed up
・expedite delivery: 配送を迅速化する
・expedite production: 生産を迅速化する
・expedite approval: 承認を迅速化する
・expedite processing: 処理を迅速化する
・expedite response: 対応を迅速化する

6. explore:  

探検する:investigate, search, delve into
Scientists continue to explore the mysteries of the universe.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Scientists continue to investigate the mysteries of the universe.
Scientists continue to search the mysteries of the universe.
Scientists continue to delve into the mysteries of the universe.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The mysteries of the universe are being investigated by scientists.
The mysteries of the universe are being searched by scientists.
The mysteries of the universe are being delved into by scientists.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Scientists are diligently investigating the mysteries of the universe.
Scientists are actively searching the mysteries of the universe.
Scientists are deeply delving into the mysteries of the universe.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The ongoing exploration of the mysteries of the universe may evoke feelings of curiosity and wonder among scientists as they uncover new insights and knowledge.
The continuous investigation of the mysteries of the universe may elicit feelings of excitement and anticipation as scientists strive to unravel the secrets of the cosmos.
The persistent search of the mysteries of the universe may provoke feelings of determination and passion as scientists delve deeper into the unknown realms of space.

● explore: to investigate systematically; to search or travel through (a place) for the purpose of discovery
・explore new territories: 新しい領域を探検する
・explore potential: 可能性を探求する
・explore options: 選択肢を検討する
・explore alternatives: 代替案を探る
・explore opportunities: 機会を探る

7. express:  

表現する:convey, communicate, articulate
It's important to express your feelings openly and honestly.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
It's important to convey your feelings openly and honestly.
It's important to communicate your feelings openly and honestly.
It's important to articulate your feelings openly and honestly.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Expressing your feelings openly and honestly is important.
Conveying your feelings openly and honestly is important.
Communicating your feelings openly and honestly is important.
Articulating your feelings openly and honestly is important.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
It's crucial to sincerely convey your feelings openly and honestly.
It's essential to effectively communicate your feelings openly and honestly.
It's paramount to clearly articulate your feelings openly and honestly.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The act of expressing feelings openly and honestly may evoke feelings of vulnerability and courage as individuals share their innermost emotions.
The process of conveying feelings openly and honestly may elicit feelings of connection and understanding as individuals reach out to others with sincerity.
The act of articulating feelings openly and honestly may provoke feelings of empowerment and authenticity as individuals assert their true selves.

● express: to convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct
・express gratitude: 感謝を表現する
・express concerns: 懸念を伝える
・express opinions: 意見を述べる
・express emotions: 感情を表現する
・express ideas: アイデアを表現する

8. extend: 

拡張する:expand, lengthen, prolong
The deadline has been extended to accommodate additional submissions.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The deadline has been expanded to accommodate additional submissions.
The deadline has been lengthened to accommodate additional submissions.
The deadline has been prolonged to accommodate additional submissions.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To accommodate additional submissions, the deadline has been expanded.
To accommodate additional submissions, the deadline has been lengthened.
To accommodate additional submissions, the deadline has been prolonged.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
To accommodate additional submissions, the deadline has been significantly expanded.
To accommodate additional submissions, the deadline has been considerably lengthened.
To accommodate additional submissions, the deadline has been notably prolonged.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The decision to extend the deadline may evoke feelings of relief and gratitude among participants as they are given more time to complete their submissions.
The action of lengthening the deadline may elicit feelings of reassurance and encouragement as participants feel less pressured to meet the original deadline.
The choice to prolong the deadline may provoke feelings of appreciation and support as participants are provided with ample time to refine their submissions.

● extend: to make longer; to cause to last longer; to stretch out; to prolong
・extend a deadline: 締め切りを延長する
・extend a contract: 契約を延長する
・extend an invitation: 招待を延長する
・extend an offer: オファーを延長する
・extend a stay: 滞在を延長する

9. extract:  

抽出する:remove, draw out, derive
The dentist will extract the decayed tooth to prevent further infection.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The dentist will remove the decayed tooth to prevent further infection.
The dentist will draw out the decayed tooth to prevent further infection.
The dentist will derive the decayed tooth to prevent further infection.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To prevent further infection, the dentist will remove the decayed tooth.
To prevent further infection, the dentist will draw out the decayed tooth.
To prevent further infection, the dentist will derive the decayed tooth.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
To prevent further infection, the dentist will thoroughly remove the decayed tooth.
To prevent further infection, the dentist will carefully draw out the decayed tooth.
To prevent further infection, the dentist will precisely derive the decayed tooth.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The decision to extract the decayed tooth may evoke feelings of relief and anticipation of improved oral health for the patient.
The action of removing the decayed tooth may elicit feelings of reassurance and confidence in the dentist's ability to address dental issues effectively.
The process of drawing out the decayed tooth may provoke feelings of trust and gratitude towards the dentist for alleviating discomfort and preventing further complications.

● extract: to remove or take out something, especially by force or as a result of effort or surgery
・extract a tooth: 歯を抜く
・extract information: 情報を抽出する
・extract juice: ジュースを抽出する
・extract data: データを抽出する
・extract essence: エッセンスを抽出する

10. facilitate: 

容易にする:enable, ease, simplify
The new software is designed to facilitate data analysis.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The new software is designed to enable data analysis.
The new software is designed to ease data analysis.
The new software is designed to simplify data analysis.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The new software is designed to enable easy data analysis.
The new software is designed to ease the process of data analysis.
The new software is designed to simplify the task of data analysis.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The new software is specifically designed to significantly enable data analysis.
The new software is specially designed to greatly ease data analysis.
The new software is uniquely designed to effectively simplify data analysis.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The design of the new software to facilitate data analysis may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation among users as they anticipate smoother workflows and improved efficiency.
The functionality of the new software to enable data analysis may elicit feelings of relief and satisfaction among users as they experience reduced complexities in their analytical tasks.
The usability of the new software to ease data analysis may provoke feelings of gratitude and appreciation among users as they find their tasks simplified and more manageable.

● facilitate: to make (an action or process) easy or easier; to assist the progress of something
・facilitate communication: コミュニケーションを容易にする
・facilitate learning: 学習を促進する
・facilitate collaboration: 協力を容易にする
・facilitate decision-making: 意思決定を容易にする
・facilitate access: アクセスを容易にする

 11. fashion:

形成する:shape, form, create
She used clay to fashion a beautiful sculpture.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
She used clay to shape a beautiful sculpture.
She used clay to form a beautiful sculpture.
She used clay to create a beautiful sculpture.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
She shaped a beautiful sculpture using clay.
She formed a beautiful sculpture from clay.
She created a beautiful sculpture out of clay.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
She meticulously shaped a beautiful sculpture using clay.
She carefully formed a beautiful sculpture from clay.
She artistically created a beautiful sculpture out of clay.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The act of fashioning a beautiful sculpture from clay may evoke feelings of creativity and accomplishment as the artist brings their vision to life.
The process of shaping a beautiful sculpture from clay may elicit feelings of focus and dedication as the artist meticulously molds the material.
The act of creating a beautiful sculpture out of clay may provoke feelings of inspiration and fulfillment as the artist transforms a simple material into a work of art.

● fashion: to make into a particular or the required form; to shape or form
・fashion a sculpture: 彫刻を形作る
・fashion a design: デザインを形作る
・fashion an object: 物を形作る
・fashion a plan: 計画を形成する
・fashion a solution: 解決策を形成する

12. feature:  

特徴として示す:highlight, showcase, present
The magazine will feature an interview with the famous actress.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The magazine will highlight an interview with the famous actress.
The magazine will showcase an interview with the famous actress.
The magazine will present an interview with the famous actress.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The magazine will highlight an interview featuring the famous actress.
The magazine will showcase an interview featuring the famous actress.
The magazine will present an interview featuring the famous actress.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The magazine will prominently highlight an interview with the famous actress.
The magazine will prominently showcase an interview with the famous actress.
The magazine will prominently present an interview with the famous actress.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The decision to feature an interview with the famous actress may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation among readers as they look forward to gaining insights into her life and career.
The plan to highlight an interview with the famous actress may elicit feelings of admiration and interest among readers as they anticipate reading about her experiences and perspectives.
The intention to showcase an interview with the famous actress may provoke feelings of curiosity and engagement among readers as they await the opportunity to learn more about her thoughts and opinions.

● feature: to give special prominence to (someone or something) in a particular medium or context
・feature an article: 記事を特集する
・feature a film: 映画を上映する
・feature a product: 製品を特集する
・feature a performance: パフォーマンスを特集する
・feature an event: イベントを特集する

13. fluctuate:  

変動する:vary, oscillate, change
Stock prices often fluctuate in response to market conditions.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Stock prices often vary in response to market conditions.
Stock prices often oscillate in response to market conditions.
Stock prices often change in response to market conditions.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Stock prices often vary based on market conditions.
Stock prices often oscillate depending on market conditions.
Stock prices often change depending on market conditions.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Stock prices frequently vary significantly in response to market conditions.
Stock prices frequently oscillate significantly in response to market conditions.
Stock prices frequently change significantly in response to market conditions.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The observation that stock prices fluctuate in response to market conditions may evoke feelings of uncertainty and concern among investors as they navigate the complexities of the financial market.
The recognition that stock prices vary in response to market conditions may elicit feelings of adaptability and resilience among investors as they adjust their investment strategies accordingly.
The understanding that stock prices oscillate in response to market conditions may provoke feelings of opportunity and vigilance among investors as they seek to capitalize on market fluctuations.

● fluctuate: to change continually and irregularly; to shift back and forth uncertainly
・fluctuate rapidly: 急速に変動する
・fluctuate widely: 大幅に変動する
・fluctuate seasonally: 季節変動する
・fluctuate daily: 日々変動する
・fluctuate hourly: 時々変動する

14. formulate:  

形成する:develop, devise, create
The committee will formulate a plan to address the issue.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The committee will develop a plan to address the issue.
The committee will devise a plan to address the issue.
The committee will create a plan to address the issue.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The committee will develop a plan addressing the issue.
The committee will devise a plan addressing the issue.
The committee will create a plan addressing the issue.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The committee will carefully develop a plan to address the issue.
The committee will meticulously devise a plan to address the issue.
The committee will creatively create a plan to address the issue.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The decision to formulate a plan to address the issue may evoke feelings of responsibility and determination among committee members as they strive to find solutions.
The action of developing a plan to address the issue may elicit feelings of anticipation and focus among committee members as they work together to devise effective strategies.
The process of creating a plan to address the issue may provoke feelings of innovation and collaboration among committee members as they brainstorm ideas and implement solutions.

● formulate: to create, invent, or produce (something) in a careful or deliberate way
・formulate a strategy: 戦略を策定する
・formulate a policy: 政策を策定する
・formulate a hypothesis: 仮説を立てる
・formulate a plan: 計画を立てる
・formulate a theory: 理論を構築する

15. foster:

育成する:nurture, promote, encourage
The organization aims to foster creativity among young artists.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The organization aims to nurture creativity among young artists.
The organization aims to promote creativity among young artists.
The organization aims to encourage creativity among young artists.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The organization aims to nurture creativity in young artists.
The organization aims to promote creativity in young artists.
The organization aims to encourage creativity in young artists.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The organization aims to actively nurture creativity among young artists.
The organization aims to effectively promote creativity among young artists.
The organization aims to strongly encourage creativity among young artists.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The goal of fostering creativity among young artists may evoke feelings of excitement and passion within the organization as they see the potential for artistic growth and innovation.
The effort to nurture creativity among young artists may elicit feelings of dedication and fulfillment as members of the organization invest time and resources into supporting artistic development.
The initiative to promote creativity among young artists may provoke feelings of pride and satisfaction as the organization witnesses the positive impact of its efforts on the artistic community.

● foster: to encourage the development or growth of (something) in a favorable way
・foster talent: 才能を育てる
・foster innovation: イノベーションを促進する
・foster collaboration: 協力を促進する
・foster a supportive environment: サポートのある環境を育てる
・foster positive relationships: ポジティブな関係を育成する

16. fulfill:  

果たす:accomplish, achieve, carry out
She worked hard to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
She worked hard to accomplish her dream of becoming a doctor.
She worked hard to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.
She worked hard to carry out her dream of becoming a doctor.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
She worked hard to accomplish her dream of becoming a doctor.
She worked hard to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.
She worked hard to carry out her dream of becoming a doctor.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
She diligently worked hard to accomplish her dream of becoming a doctor.
She tirelessly worked hard to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor.
She passionately worked hard to carry out her dream of becoming a doctor.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Her dedication to fulfilling her dream of becoming a doctor may evoke feelings of admiration and inspiration among those who witness her hard work and determination.
Her commitment to accomplishing her dream of becoming a doctor may elicit feelings of pride and satisfaction as she overcomes obstacles and achieves her goal.
Her perseverance in carrying out her dream of becoming a doctor may provoke feelings of respect and encouragement as she persists in her pursuit despite challenges.

● fulfill: to bring to completion or reality; to achieve or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted)
・fulfill a dream: 夢を実現する
・fulfill a promise: 約束を果たす
・fulfill a goal: 目標を達成する
・fulfill an obligation: 義務を果たす
・fulfill a requirement: 要求を満たす

17. gather: 

集める:collect, assemble, accumulate
The family gathered for a reunion to celebrate the holiday.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The family assembled for a reunion to celebrate the holiday.
The family collected for a reunion to celebrate the holiday.
The family accumulated for a reunion to celebrate the holiday.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The family assembled to celebrate the holiday with a reunion.
The family collected to celebrate the holiday with a reunion.
The family accumulated to celebrate the holiday with a reunion.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The family eagerly assembled for a reunion to celebrate the holiday.
The family eagerly collected for a reunion to celebrate the holiday.
The family eagerly accumulated for a reunion to celebrate the holiday.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The gathering of the family for a reunion to celebrate the holiday may evoke feelings of joy and warmth as they come together to share memories and traditions.
The assembly of the family for a reunion to celebrate the holiday may elicit feelings of excitement and anticipation as they prepare to reconnect with loved ones.
The collection of the family for a reunion to celebrate the holiday may provoke feelings of nostalgia and happiness as they gather to create new memories together.

● gather: to come together, especially for a formal or official meeting or social occasion
・gather for a meeting: 会議のために集まる
・gather for a celebration: 祝いのために集まる
・gather for a reunion: 再会のために集まる
・gather for a party: パーティーのために集まる
・gather for an event: イベントのために集まる

18. generate:  

生み出す:create, produce, generate
Solar panels can generate electricity from sunlight.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Solar panels can create electricity from sunlight.
Solar panels can produce electricity from sunlight.
Solar panels can generate electricity from sunlight.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Solar panels can create electricity using sunlight.
Solar panels can produce electricity using sunlight.
Solar panels can generate electricity using sunlight.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Solar panels can effectively create electricity from sunlight.
Solar panels can efficiently produce electricity from sunlight.
Solar panels can reliably generate electricity from sunlight.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The ability of solar panels to generate electricity from sunlight may evoke feelings of excitement and optimism among proponents of renewable energy as they witness the potential for sustainable power generation.
The capability of solar panels to produce electricity from sunlight may elicit feelings of empowerment and environmental stewardship among advocates of clean energy as they contribute to reducing carbon emissions.
The potential of solar panels to create electricity from sunlight may provoke feelings of innovation and progress among supporters of green technology as they embrace alternative energy solutions.

● generate: to produce or create (something) especially in large amounts or quantities
・generate power: 電力を生成する
・generate revenue: 収益を生み出す
・generate interest: 関心を生む
・generate income: 収入を生む
・generate data: データを生成する

19. govern: 

統治する:rule, manage, control
Governments play a crucial role in governing and regulating various aspects of society.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Governments play a crucial role in ruling and regulating various aspects of society.
Governments play a crucial role in managing and regulating various aspects of society.
Governments play a crucial role in controlling and regulating various aspects of society.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Governments play a crucial role in the rule and regulation of various aspects of society.
Governments play a crucial role in the management and regulation of various aspects of society.
Governments play a crucial role in the control and regulation of various aspects of society.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Governments play an essential role in effectively ruling and regulating various aspects of society.
Governments play a pivotal role in efficiently managing and regulating various aspects of society.
Governments play a fundamental role in firmly controlling and regulating various aspects of society.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The responsibility of governments in governing and regulating various aspects of society may evoke feelings of accountability and expectation among citizens as they rely on authorities to uphold order and fairness.
The task of governments in managing and regulating various aspects of society may elicit feelings of reassurance and stability among citizens as they expect leadership to navigate challenges and ensure progress.
The role of governments in controlling and regulating various aspects of society may provoke feelings of security and trust among citizens as they depend on governance to safeguard rights and maintain stability.

● govern: to control, direct, or strongly influence the actions and behavior of (someone or something)
・govern a country: 国を統治する
・govern a state: 州を統治する
・govern a city: 市を統治する
・govern an organization: 組織を統治する
・govern public policy: 公共政策を統治する

20. grasp:  

理解する:understand, comprehend, perceive
Effective communication requires the ability to grasp the perspectives of others.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Effective communication requires the ability to understand the perspectives of others.
Effective communication requires the ability to comprehend the perspectives of others.
Effective communication requires the ability to perceive the perspectives of others.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Understanding the perspectives of others is essential for effective communication.
Comprehending the perspectives of others is essential for effective communication.
Perceiving the perspectives of others is essential for effective communication.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Effectively grasping the perspectives of others is crucial for effective communication.
Thoroughly understanding the perspectives of others is crucial for effective communication.
Accurately perceiving the perspectives of others is crucial for effective communication.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The skill of grasping the perspectives of others for effective communication may evoke feelings of empathy and connection as individuals strive to understand different viewpoints and experiences.
The process of understanding the perspectives of others for effective communication may elicit feelings of openness and receptivity as individuals engage in active listening and empathy.
The ability to perceive the perspectives of others for effective communication may provoke feelings of inclusivity and respect as individuals value diverse viewpoints and opinions.

● grasp: to understand or comprehend (something)
・grasp a concept: 概念を理解する
・grasp a situation: 状況を把握する
・grasp a meaning: 意味をつかむ
・grasp a language: 言語を理解する
・grasp a theory: 理論を理解する



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TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原(英語講師)

英語パーソナルジム HIET(ヒート)/ High Intensity English Training

★英検1級所持の代表自ら個別指導★ 難関大合格 ★ 英検合格 3~1級合格 ★ TOEIC 900 突破 ★ たった一人の生徒さんに完璧に合わせたプログラム

TEX 二井原プロは神戸新聞社が厳正なる審査をした登録専門家です







TEX 二井原プロへの仕事の相談・依頼
