英検2級 大学受験《英単語フロージョン》⑥

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

101. handle:

処理する:manage, deal with, process
Employees are trained to handle customer inquiries and resolve issues efficiently.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Ensuring that employees effectively address customer inquiries and resolve issues is essential.
It's crucial for employees to manage customer inquiries and promptly resolve any issues that arise.
Providing efficient resolution to customer inquiries and issues is a key responsibility for employees.
Efficiently addressing customer inquiries and resolving issues is an integral part of employee responsibilities.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The effective handling of customer inquiries and timely resolution of issues is a priority for employees.
Employees are trained to efficiently manage customer inquiries and promptly address any issues that arise.
Ensuring that employees have the skills to handle customer inquiries and resolve issues efficiently is essential.
Employees are equipped to manage customer inquiries and efficiently resolve any issues that may arise.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Given the importance of customer satisfaction, employees must be adept at handling inquiries and swiftly resolving issues.
In today's competitive business environment, the ability to efficiently handle customer inquiries and resolve issues is paramount.
The success of our business hinges on employees' ability to adeptly handle customer inquiries and effectively resolve issues.
In order to maintain positive customer relationships, it is imperative that employees are proficient in handling inquiries and resolving issues with efficiency.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Efficiently handling customer inquiries and resolving issues can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Empowering employees to effectively handle customer inquiries can contribute to a sense of pride and accomplishment.
The positive impact of employees adeptly handling customer inquiries lies in fostering trust and loyalty among customers.
Providing employees with the skills to handle customer inquiries efficiently can enhance their sense of ownership and contribution to the company's success.

● handle: to manage, deal with, or cope with a situation or task
・handle a crisis: 危機を処理する
・handle customer complaints: 顧客の苦情を処理する
・handle responsibilities: 責任を処理する
・handle pressure: プレッシャーに対処する

102. highlite:

協調する:emphasize, spotlight, showcase
In marketing, companies often use testimonials to highlight positive customer experiences.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In marketing, companies commonly employ testimonials to spotlight positive customer experiences.
Utilizing testimonials in marketing is a popular method to emphasize positive customer experiences.
Testimonials are often used in marketing to highlight positive customer experiences.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Companies often utilize testimonials in marketing to bring attention to positive customer experiences.
In marketing, testimonials are frequently employed to draw attention to positive customer experiences.
The use of testimonials in marketing is a strategy often employed to draw attention to positive customer experiences.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
In marketing strategies, companies strategically leverage testimonials to prominently feature positive customer experiences.
In the realm of marketing, companies purposefully utilize testimonials to prominently showcase positive customer experiences.
Testimonials play a crucial role in marketing efforts by prominently showcasing positive customer experiences.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The use of testimonials in marketing evokes a sense of trust and credibility by highlighting positive customer experiences.
Highlighting positive customer experiences through testimonials in marketing can evoke feelings of reassurance and confidence.
The emotional impact of utilizing testimonials in marketing lies in their ability to reinforce positive customer experiences and build trust.

● highlight: to emphasize or bring attention to; to make prominent
・highlight key features: 主要な特徴を強調する
・highlight accomplishments: 成果を強調する
・highlight benefits: 利点を強調する
・highlight the importance: 重要性を強調する
・highlight significant points: 重要なポイントを強調する

103. identify:

特定する:recognize, determine, pinpoint
In scientific research, it's important to identify variables that may affect the experiment.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In scientific research, it's essential to recognize variables that may influence the experiment.
Identifying variables that may affect the experiment is crucial in scientific research.
In scientific research, it's important to detect variables that may impact the experiment.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
It's vital in scientific research to determine variables that could affect the experiment.
In scientific research, identifying variables that may influence the experiment is imperative.
Identifying variables that may affect the experiment is a fundamental aspect of scientific research.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
In scientific research, accurately identifying variables that may impact the experiment is paramount.
The success of scientific research hinges on the ability to precisely identify variables that may affect the experiment.
Identifying variables that may impact the experiment is of utmost importance in scientific research.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The process of identifying variables that may affect the experiment can lead to a sense of clarity and precision in scientific research.
In scientific research, identifying variables that may influence the experiment fosters a deeper understanding of the experimental process.
The significance of identifying variables that may affect the experiment lies in the potential for improving research accuracy and reliability.

● identify: to recognize or determine the characteristics of something or someone
・identify a problem: 問題を特定する
・identify a solution: 解決策を特定する
・identify opportunities: 機会を特定する
・identify patterns: パターンを特定する
・identify the cause: 原因を特定する

104. illustrate:

説明する:clarify, demonstrate, exemplify
Case studies are often used to illustrate real-world applications of theoretical knowledge.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Case studies are commonly utilized to demonstrate real-world applications of theoretical knowledge.
Using case studies is a typical method to showcase real-world applications of theoretical knowledge.
Case studies are often employed to depict real-world applications of theoretical knowledge.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The use of case studies to illustrate real-world applications of theoretical knowledge is prevalent.
Case studies are frequently used to provide examples of real-world applications of theoretical knowledge.
Illustrating real-world applications of theoretical knowledge through case studies is a common practice.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Case studies play a crucial role in illustrating real-world applications of theoretical knowledge.
The effectiveness of case studies in illustrating real-world applications of theoretical knowledge cannot be overstated.
The use of case studies to illustrate real-world applications of theoretical knowledge is integral to learning.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Utilizing case studies to illustrate real-world applications of theoretical knowledge can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject matter.
The value of case studies in illustrating real-world applications of theoretical knowledge lies in their ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
The emotional impact of using case studies to illustrate real-world applications of theoretical knowledge lies in the potential for inspiring confidence and competence in students.

● illustrate: to provide examples, explanations, or visual aids to make something clear
・illustrate a concept: 概念を説明する
・illustrate with examples: 具体例で説明する
・illustrate a point: ポイントを明示する
・illustrate the process: プロセスを説明する
・illustrate the meaning: 意味を説明する

105. implement:

実施する:carry out, execute, apply
Government policies must be effectively implemented to achieve desired outcomes.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Government policies must be efficiently put into action to achieve desired outcomes.
The effective implementation of government policies is essential to achieve desired outcomes.
To achieve desired outcomes, it's crucial to effectively carry out government policies.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Achieving desired outcomes requires the effective implementation of government policies.
Effective execution of government policies is necessary to achieve desired outcomes.
The attainment of desired outcomes hinges on the effective implementation of government policies.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The successful implementation of government policies is imperative for achieving desired outcomes.
Achieving desired outcomes is contingent upon the diligent execution of government policies.
The effectiveness of achieving desired outcomes is directly linked to the successful implementation of government policies.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Efficient implementation of government policies can instill a sense of confidence in achieving desired outcomes.
The importance of implementing government policies effectively is underscored by the potential for positive impact on society.
The emotional impact of effectively implementing government policies lies in the realization of tangible improvements in society.

● implement: to put into effect or carry out; to apply or execute
・implement a plan: 計画を実施する
・implement changes: 変更を実施する
・implement strategies: 戦略を実施する
・implement solutions: 解決策を実施する
・implement new policies: 新しい政策を実施する

106. imply:

ほのめかす:suggest, hint, indicate
In literature, authors may use symbolism to imply deeper meanings beyond the surface.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In literature, authors may use symbolism to hint at deeper meanings beyond the surface.
Symbolism in literature can be employed by authors to indicate deeper meanings beyond the surface.
In literature, authors may use symbolism to convey deeper meanings beyond the surface.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The use of symbolism in literature allows authors to imply deeper meanings beyond the surface.
Authors may imply deeper meanings beyond the surface through the use of symbolism in literature.
Symbolism in literature serves as a means for authors to imply deeper meanings beyond the surface.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The use of symbolism in literature serves to subtly imply deeper meanings beyond the surface.
In literature, authors employ symbolism to subtly suggest deeper meanings beyond the surface.
Symbolism in literature subtly hints at deeper meanings beyond the surface.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The use of symbolism in literature can evoke curiosity and contemplation as readers seek to uncover implied deeper meanings.
The emotional impact of symbolism in literature lies in its ability to provoke thought and invite interpretation of implied deeper meanings.
Exploring the symbolism in literature can lead to a sense of discovery and understanding as readers uncover implied deeper meanings.

● imply: to suggest or indicate without explicitly stating; to hint or convey indirectly
・imply a connection: 関連をほのめかす
・imply causation: 因果関係をほのめかす
・imply hidden meanings: 隠れた意味をほのめかす
・imply agreement: 同意をほのめかす
・imply consequences: 結果をほのめかす
・imply uncertainty: 不確実性をほのめかす
・imply importance: 重要性をほのめかす

107. improvise:

即興で作る:create on the spot, ad-lib, invent
In theater, actors often need to improvise when faced with unexpected situations on stage.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In theater, actors often have to ad-lib when faced with unexpected situations on stage.
Improv is often required by actors in theater when unexpected situations arise on stage.
In theater, actors may need to spontaneously respond when unexpected situations occur on stage.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Theater actors frequently find themselves improvising in response to unexpected situations on stage.
When faced with unexpected situations on stage, actors in theater often resort to improvisation.
In theater, actors are often required to spontaneously adapt to unexpected situations on stage.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The ability to improvise is a crucial skill for actors in theater, particularly when unexpected situations arise on stage.
In theater, the necessity for actors to improvise becomes apparent when faced with unexpected situations on stage.
The importance of improvisation in theater is highlighted when actors are confronted with unexpected situations on stage.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The act of improvising in theater can elicit a sense of excitement and spontaneity for both actors and audience members.
The emotional impact of improvisation in theater lies in its ability to create a sense of unpredictability and authenticity in the performance.
For actors in theater, the ability to improvise in response to unexpected situations can evoke a sense of creativity and resourcefulness.

● improvise: to create or perform spontaneously without preparation; to invent on the spot
・improvise a speech: スピーチを即興で作る
・improvise a melody: メロディを即興で演奏する
・improvise solutions: 解決策を即興で考える
・improvise dialogue: ダイアログを即興で作る
・improvise a scene: シーンを即興で演じる

108. inaugurate:

就任させる、開始する:initiate, commence, launch
The president will inaugurate a new era of economic reforms during his term.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The president will initiate a new era of economic reforms during his term.
A new era of economic reforms will commence under the president's leadership.
During his term, the president will begin a new era of economic reforms.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The president's term will mark the inauguration of a new era of economic reforms.
Under the president's leadership, a new era of economic reforms will be inaugurated.
During his term, the president will oversee the inauguration of a new era of economic reforms.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The president's inauguration of a new era of economic reforms will set the stage for significant changes.
Under the president's leadership, the inauguration of a new era of economic reforms will herald a period of transformation.
The president's initiation of a new era of economic reforms will signify the beginning of a monumental shift.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The inauguration of a new era of economic reforms under the president's leadership can evoke feelings of hope and anticipation.
The emotional impact of the president's inauguration of a new era of economic reforms lies in the potential for positive change and progress.
For citizens, the president's inauguration of a new era of economic reforms may evoke a sense of optimism and expectation for the future.

● inaugurate: to initiate or mark the beginning of something, especially a period or project
・inaugurate a project: プロジェクトを開始する
・inaugurate a term: 任期を開始する
・inaugurate a facility: 施設を就任させる
・inaugurate a chapter: 章を開始する
・inaugurate reforms: 改革を開始する

109. incite:

扇動する:provoke, stimulate, encourage
Attempts to incite violence or hatred are not tolerated in a peaceful society.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Attempts to foment violence or hatred are not tolerated in a peaceful society.
Inciting violence or hatred is not accepted in a peaceful society.
Efforts to inflame violence or hatred are not permitted in a peaceful society.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
In a peaceful society, there is no tolerance for attempts to incite violence or hatred.
Inciting violence or hatred is strictly prohibited in a peaceful society.
In a peaceful society, efforts to instigate violence or hatred are met with zero tolerance.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
In a peaceful society, any attempt to incite violence or hatred is vehemently denounced.
Inciting violence or hatred is vehemently opposed in a peaceful society.
Efforts to incite violence or hatred are strongly condemned in a peaceful society.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The zero-tolerance policy towards inciting violence or hatred in a peaceful society reflects a commitment to maintaining harmony and unity.
The emotional impact of prohibiting attempts to incite violence or hatred in a peaceful society lies in fostering a sense of safety and security for all members.
In a peaceful society, the strict stance against inciting violence or hatred may evoke feelings of solidarity and mutual respect among its citizens.

● incite: to provoke or stimulate into action, often negative or aggressive
・incite a riot: 暴動を扇動する
・incite anger: 怒りを引き起こす
・incite protests: 抗議を扇動する
・incite hostility: 敵意を引き起こす
・incite rebellion: 反乱を扇動する

110. induce:

引き起こす、誘発する:cause, bring about, trigger
The success of the marketing campaign was expected to induce an increase in sales.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The success of the marketing campaign was expected to prompt an increase in sales.
The success of the marketing campaign was anticipated to stimulate an increase in sales.
An increase in sales was expected to result from the success of the marketing campaign.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The anticipated outcome of the successful marketing campaign was an increase in sales.
The success of the marketing campaign was projected to bring about an increase in sales.
An increase in sales was foreseen as a result of the successful marketing campaign.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The success of the marketing campaign was predicted to strongly influence an increase in sales.
It was expected that the success of the marketing campaign would significantly induce an increase in sales.
An increase in sales was anticipated as a direct result of the highly successful marketing campaign.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The anticipation of an increase in sales resulting from the successful marketing campaign may evoke feelings of optimism and excitement.
The emotional impact of the successful marketing campaign lies in the expectation of increased sales, leading to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Anticipating an increase in sales as a result of the successful marketing campaign can generate feelings of confidence and enthusiasm within the organization.

● induce: to cause or bring about a particular effect or condition; to persuade or influence
・induce sleep: 睡眠を誘発する
・induce relaxation: リラックスを引き起こす
・induce creativity: 創造性を引き起こす
・induce a response: 反応を引き起こす
・induce changes: 変化を誘発する

111. incorporate:

取り入れる、組み込む:integrate, include, combine
The curriculum is designed to incorporate diverse perspectives and cultural awareness.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The curriculum is developed to include diverse perspectives and foster cultural awareness.
In the curriculum, there is an emphasis on incorporating diverse perspectives and promoting cultural awareness.
The curriculum is structured to encompass diverse perspectives and cultivate cultural awareness.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
In designing the curriculum, a priority is given to incorporating diverse perspectives and enhancing cultural awareness.
The curriculum is carefully planned to integrate diverse perspectives and enhance cultural awareness.
An essential aspect of the curriculum design is to incorporate diverse perspectives and promote cultural awareness.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The curriculum is meticulously crafted to fully incorporate diverse perspectives and extensively promote cultural awareness.
The curriculum is intricately designed to thoroughly incorporate diverse perspectives and extensively promote cultural awareness.
In the curriculum, there is a deliberate effort to comprehensively incorporate diverse perspectives and extensively promote cultural awareness.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The emphasis on incorporating diverse perspectives and promoting cultural awareness in the curriculum can evoke feelings of inclusivity and respect.
The emotional impact of incorporating diverse perspectives and promoting cultural awareness in the curriculum lies in fostering a sense of appreciation for diversity and understanding.
Through the incorporation of diverse perspectives and promotion of cultural awareness in the curriculum, there is an opportunity to inspire empathy and empathy among students.

● incorporate: to integrate or include as part of a whole; to combine or blend
・incorporate ideas: アイデアを取り入れる
・incorporate changes: 変更を組み込む
・incorporate technology: 技術を組み込む
・incorporate feedback: フィードバックを取り入れる
・incorporate diversity: 多様性を組み込む

112. indicate:

示す、指し示す:show, suggest, reveal
The survey results clearly indicate a shift in consumer preferences.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The survey results clearly demonstrate a shift in consumer preferences.
The survey results clearly suggest a shift in consumer preferences.
The survey results clearly point to a shift in consumer preferences.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
It is evident from the survey results that there is a clear indication of a shift in consumer preferences.
A clear indication of a shift in consumer preferences is provided by the survey results.
The survey results provide clear indications of a shift in consumer preferences.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The survey results unequivocally demonstrate a significant shift in consumer preferences.
The survey results unmistakably indicate a notable shift in consumer preferences.
The survey results decisively point to a substantial shift in consumer preferences.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The clear indication of a shift in consumer preferences provided by the survey results may evoke feelings of anticipation and adaptation within the industry.
The emotional impact of the survey results indicating a shift in consumer preferences lies in the potential for strategic adjustments and innovation among businesses.
For businesses, the clear indication of a shift in consumer preferences from the survey results may prompt a proactive response and strategic planning to meet evolving consumer needs.

● indicate: to show or suggest; to point out or demonstrate
・indicate a trend: トレンドを示す
・indicate a direction: 方向を指し示す
・indicate potential: ポテンシャルを示す
・indicate a problem: 問題を示す
・indicate interest: 興味を示す

113. infer:

推測する:deduce, conclude, gather
Based on the evidence presented, we can infer that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Based on the evidence presented, we can deduce that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
From the evidence presented, we can gather that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
The evidence presented leads us to believe that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The evidence presented allows us to infer that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
We can infer from the evidence presented that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
The evidence presented supports the inference that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The evidence presented strongly suggests that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
Based on the evidence presented, it is highly likely that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.
From the evidence presented, it is reasonable to infer that the suspect was at the scene of the crime.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The inference drawn from the evidence presented regarding the suspect's presence at the scene of the crime may evoke feelings of concern and urgency in the investigation.
The emotional impact of inferring the suspect's presence at the scene of the crime based on the evidence presented may prompt a sense of accountability and determination in pursuing justice.
Drawing the inference that the suspect was at the scene of the crime from the evidence presented may evoke a sense of closure and resolution in the investigation.

● infer: to deduce or conclude based on evidence or reasoning; to gather information
・infer meaning: 意味を推測する
・infer intentions: 意図を推測する
・infer relationships: 関係を推測する
・infer from data: データから推測する
・infer conclusions: 結論を推測する

114. initiate:

開始する:begin, commence, start
The company plans to initiate a new product launch next month.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company plans to commence a new product launch next month.
The company aims to kick off a new product launch next month.
Next month, the company will start a new product launch.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The company is set to initiate a new product launch next month.
A new product launch is scheduled to be initiated by the company next month.
Next month marks the initiation of a new product launch by the company.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company is gearing up to formally initiate a new product launch next month.
The company is eagerly anticipating the initiation of a new product launch next month.
Next month's initiation of a new product launch by the company is anticipated with great enthusiasm.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The anticipation of initiating a new product launch next month may evoke feelings of excitement and anticipation within the company.
The emotional impact of initiating a new product launch next month lies in the potential for growth and success for the company.
The company's commitment to initiating a new product launch next month may evoke a sense of confidence and determination in achieving its goals.

● initiate: to start or begin; to introduce or bring into operation
・initiate a project: プロジェクトを開始する
・initiate changes: 変更を導入する
・initiate discussions: 議論を開始する
・initiate a program: プログラムを始動させる
・initiate a process: プロセスを開始する

115. inquire:

尋ねる、問い合わせる:ask, query, request information
Customers are encouraged to inquire about product specifications before making a purchase.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Customers are encouraged to inquire about product specifications prior to making a purchase.
Customers are encouraged to seek information about product specifications before making a purchase.
Customers are encouraged to request information about product specifications before making a purchase.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Before making a purchase, customers are encouraged to inquire about product specifications.
Inquiring about product specifications before making a purchase is encouraged for customers.
Customers are encouraged to make inquiries about product specifications before completing a purchase.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Customers are strongly encouraged to inquire about product specifications before making a purchase.
Before making a purchase, customers are urged to inquire about product specifications.
It is highly recommended that customers inquire about product specifications before making a purchase.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Encouraging customers to inquire about product specifications before making a purchase may evoke feelings of empowerment and confidence in their decision-making process.
The encouragement for customers to inquire about product specifications before making a purchase demonstrates a commitment to providing them with relevant information and ensuring satisfaction.
For customers, the act of inquiring about product specifications before making a purchase may evoke feelings of assurance and trust in the company's transparency and customer service.

● inquire: to ask or request information; to seek knowledge through questioning
・inquire about availability: 可用性について尋ねる
・inquire regarding prices: 価格に関して問い合わせる
・inquire about services: サービスについて問い合わせる
・inquire into the matter: その問題について調査する
・inquire for details: 詳細について尋ねる



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