英検2級 大学受験《英単語フロージョン》 ⑤

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

81. establish:

設立する:found, set up, create
Founders play a crucial role in establishing the vision and mission of a new company.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Establishing the vision and mission of a new company is a critical role undertaken by its founders.
The founders are pivotal in defining the vision and mission of a new company.
The establishment of a new company's vision and mission is significantly influenced by its founders.
Founders play a crucial part in shaping the vision and mission of a newly established company.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Defining the vision and mission of a new company is a crucial responsibility shouldered by its founders.
The founders bear significant responsibility in charting the vision and mission of a new company.
Shaping the vision and mission of a recently established company is a key role played by its founders.
Founders are instrumental in formulating the vision and mission of a new company.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The founders' role in establishing the vision and mission of a new company is of paramount importance and carries profound implications for its trajectory.
The founders bear a weighty responsibility in determining the vision and mission of a new company, which profoundly influences its direction.
The significance of founders in shaping the vision and mission of a new company cannot be overstated—it forms the bedrock of its identity and purpose.
The founders' role in defining the vision and mission is a critical and defining aspect that shapes the very essence of a new company.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For founders, the process of establishing the vision and mission may evoke a sense of purpose and fulfillment in laying the foundation for the company.
The act of defining the vision and mission by founders may resonate emotionally as a pivotal and empowering aspect of their entrepreneurial journey.
The emotional impact of founders in establishing the vision and mission lies in their contribution to the identity and aspirations of the new company.
The founders' involvement in shaping the vision and mission may create a deep sense of attachment and commitment to the values and goals of the new company.

● establish: to set up or create; to bring into existence
・establish a company: 会社を設立する
・establish guidelines: ガイドラインを確立する
・establish a presence: 存在感を確立する
・establish a tradition: 伝統を確立する
・establish rapport: 対話を築く

82. evaluate:

評価する:assess, appraise, analyze
Product reviews help consumers evaluate the quality and features of different products.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Consumer reviews aid individuals in assessing the quality and features of various products.
Evaluating the quality and features of diverse products is facilitated by product reviews.
Product reviews assist consumers in gauging the quality and features of different products.
Individuals can use product reviews to judge the quality and features of a range of products.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The assessment of product quality and features is made easier for consumers through the availability of product reviews.
Consumers are empowered to evaluate the quality and features of various products through the guidance of product reviews.
Product reviews provide a valuable resource for consumers seeking to judge the quality and features of different products.
By consulting product reviews, individuals can make informed judgments about the quality and features of diverse products.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Product reviews serve as indispensable tools, empowering consumers with detailed insights to thoroughly assess the quality and features of various products.
The significance of product reviews is underscored by their role in offering consumers a comprehensive understanding of the quality and features of different products.
The impact of product reviews on consumer decision-making is profound, providing in-depth information for a meticulous evaluation of product quality and features.
Product reviews play a pivotal role in equipping consumers with the necessary information to make well-informed assessments about the quality and features of diverse products.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For consumers, the reliance on product reviews may evoke a sense of confidence and assurance in their purchasing decisions.
The act of consulting product reviews may bring about a feeling of empowerment for consumers, allowing them to make informed choices.
The emotional resonance of product reviews lies in their ability to provide consumers with a sense of security and trust in their decision-making process.
Consumers may experience a heightened sense of satisfaction when using product reviews to evaluate the quality and features of different products.

● evaluate: to assess or determine the value, worth, or quality of something
・evaluate performance: パフォーマンスを評価する
・evaluate effectiveness: 有効性を評価する
・evaluate criteria: 基準を評価する
・evaluate potential: 可能性を評価する
・evaluate impact: 影響を評価する

83. examine:

調査する:inspect, scrutinize, analyze
Scientists examine data collected during experiments to draw meaningful conclusions.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Researchers analyze data gathered in experiments to derive meaningful conclusions.
Drawing meaningful conclusions involves the examination of data collected during scientific experiments.
The analysis of experimentally collected data is essential for scientists to draw meaningful conclusions.
Scientists scrutinize data obtained from experiments to arrive at conclusions that hold significance.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To derive meaningful conclusions, scientists engage in the analysis of data collected during experiments.
Analyzing data collected in experiments is a critical step for scientists to draw conclusions with significance.
The examination of experimentally collected data is integral to the process of scientists drawing meaningful conclusions.
Scientists draw meaningful conclusions by thoroughly scrutinizing the data gathered during their experiments.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The meticulous analysis of experimentally collected data is paramount for scientists to draw conclusions that carry substantial meaning.
The significance of drawing meaningful conclusions is underscored by the thorough examination of data collected during experiments.
Drawing meaningful conclusions from experiments requires a rigorous analysis of the collected data, emphasizing the importance of this process.
The process of scientists drawing meaningful conclusions is marked by a meticulous and intensive scrutiny of the data obtained from experiments.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For scientists, the process of analyzing data to draw meaningful conclusions may evoke a sense of intellectual satisfaction and accomplishment.
The act of drawing meaningful conclusions from experimentally collected data may bring about a feeling of fulfillment and success for scientists.
The emotional resonance for scientists lies in the satisfaction of contributing to knowledge and understanding through the careful examination of experiment data.
Drawing meaningful conclusions from experiments may elicit a sense of excitement and curiosity, fostering a continued passion for scientific inquiry.

● examine: to inspect or investigate closely; to scrutinize or analyze
・examine closely: 注意深く調査する
・examine thoroughly: 徹底的に調査する
・examine details: 詳細を調査する
・examine the evidence: 証拠を調査する
・examine a hypothesis: 仮説を検証する

84. exceed:

超える:surpass, go beyond, outstrip
The project's success exceeded what was initially envisioned by the team.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The team's initial vision for the project was surpassed by its unexpected success.
The project achieved a level of success beyond the team's initial expectations.
The success of the project went beyond what the team had originally envisioned.
The team was pleasantly surprised by the project's success, which exceeded their initial vision.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The success of the project surpassed the team's initial vision, exceeding their expectations.
Exceeding the team's initial expectations, the project achieved a level of success beyond their vision.
The project's success went beyond what the team had initially envisioned, exceeding their initial expectations.
The team was taken aback by the project's success, which went beyond their initial vision.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The project's success not only met but far exceeded the team's initial vision, surpassing even the highest expectations.
The level of success achieved by the project was remarkable, far surpassing what the team had initially envisioned.
The unexpected success of the project was so significant that it far surpassed the team's initial expectations.
The project's success was extraordinary, exceeding the team's initial vision by a considerable margin.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The team may have experienced a mix of emotions, including pride and excitement, upon realizing that the project's success exceeded their initial vision.
Experiencing the project's success beyond their expectations may have brought about feelings of joy and accomplishment for the team.
The emotional impact of the project's success exceeding the initial vision may have left the team pleasantly surprised and gratified.
Witnessing the project's success going beyond their initial vision may have evoked a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment for the team.

● exceed: to go beyond or surpass a certain limit, quantity, or expectation
・exceed goals: 目標を超える
・exceed limits: 限界を超える
・exceed standards: 基準を上回る
・exceed capacity: 能力を超える
・exceed customer expectations: 顧客の期待を超える

85. exchange:

交換する:swap, trade, barter
To enhance diversity, companies encourage employees to exchange ideas and perspectives.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Companies promote diversity by fostering the exchange of ideas and perspectives among employees.
Fostering the exchange of ideas and perspectives is a strategy employed by companies to enhance diversity.
Enhancing diversity involves companies encouraging employees to share ideas and perspectives.
Companies seek to boost diversity by actively promoting the exchange of ideas and perspectives among employees.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To enrich diversity, companies actively encourage employees to share their ideas and perspectives.
Actively promoting the exchange of ideas and perspectives is a key strategy for companies aiming to enhance diversity.
Companies, in their pursuit of diversity, prioritize and encourage the sharing of ideas and perspectives among employees.
Aiming to foster diversity, companies place emphasis on encouraging employees to exchange ideas and perspectives.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Companies are dedicated to fostering diversity through a proactive and robust encouragement of the exchange of ideas and perspectives among employees.
The commitment of companies to enhancing diversity is demonstrated by their dedicated efforts to actively promote the exchange of ideas and perspectives.
In the pursuit of diversity, companies go to great lengths to create an environment where the exchange of ideas and perspectives is not just encouraged but actively facilitated.
Enhancing diversity is a central focus for companies, and the active encouragement of employees to exchange ideas and perspectives is a fundamental aspect of this commitment.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For employees, the encouragement to exchange ideas and perspectives in the workplace may evoke feelings of inclusion, validation, and empowerment.
The act of actively encouraging the exchange of ideas and perspectives may generate positive emotions among employees, fostering a sense of belonging.
The emotional impact of companies actively promoting the exchange of ideas lies in the potential for a more inclusive and collaborative work environment.
The encouragement to share ideas and perspectives may contribute to a positive emotional response among employees, creating a sense of value and respect for diverse viewpoints.
● exchange: to swap, trade, or share something with others
・exchange information: 情報を交換する
・exchange opinions: 意見を交換する
・exchange currency: 通貨を交換する
・exchange views: 見解を交換する
・cultural exchange: 文化交流

86. exhibit:

展示する:display, showcase, present
Museums exhibit artifacts that provide insights into the history and culture of civilizations.
★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Museums showcase artifacts that offer glimpses into the history and culture of civilizations.
Exhibiting artifacts, museums provide insights into the history and culture of various civilizations.
Artifacts displayed in museums serve as windows into the history and culture of different civilizations.
Museums house artifacts that provide valuable insights into the history and culture of civilizations.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Providing valuable insights into the history and culture of civilizations, museums exhibit a diverse array of artifacts.
Artifacts displayed in museums offer a unique perspective, shedding light on the history and culture of various civilizations.
The exhibition of artifacts in museums serves as a means to understand the rich history and culture of different civilizations.
Museums, through the artifacts they showcase, contribute to our understanding of the history and culture of civilizations.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Museums play a crucial role in preserving and presenting artifacts, offering profound insights into the rich history and diverse cultures of civilizations.
The exhibition of artifacts in museums is not merely informative but represents a profound and essential contribution to our understanding of the history and culture of civilizations.
Museums serve as invaluable repositories, housing artifacts that provide deep and meaningful insights into the history and culture of civilizations.
The significance of museums lies in their ability to curate and exhibit artifacts that offer deep and meaningful insights into the history and culture of civilizations.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For visitors, the experience of viewing artifacts in museums may evoke emotions of awe, curiosity, and a sense of connection to the past.
The act of exploring artifacts in museums may bring about a sense of wonder and appreciation for the rich history and cultural diversity of civilizations.
The emotional impact of museums showcasing artifacts lies in the potential for visitors to feel a profound connection to the heritage and history of civilizations.
Museums, through the exhibition of artifacts, may contribute to an emotional response among visitors, fostering a deeper appreciation for the history and culture of civilizations.

● exhibit: to display or present for public view
・exhibit artwork: 芸術作品を展示する
・exhibit at a gallery: ギャラリーで展示する
・exhibit at a fair: 展示会で展示する
・exhibit skills: スキルを披露する
・exhibit a collection: 収集品を展示する

87. experience:

経験する:undergo, encounter, go through
Facing challenges and overcoming obstacles is an integral part of the learning experience.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Encountering challenges and surmounting obstacles is an essential component of the learning process.
Facing difficulties and conquering hurdles is a fundamental aspect of the educational journey.
The learning experience involves dealing with challenges and triumphing over obstacles.
Overcoming hurdles and confronting challenges is an intrinsic part of the educational process.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Dealing with challenges and overcoming obstacles is a core element of the learning experience.
The learning process includes the essential aspects of facing challenges and surmounting obstacles.
Conquering hurdles and overcoming challenges constitutes an integral part of the educational journey.
The educational experience encompasses the ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles is not just a feature but a crucial and defining aspect of the learning experience.
The learning experience is marked by the profound and transformative journey of facing challenges and triumphing over obstacles.
Overcoming obstacles and facing challenges is not merely an incidental part but a profound and significant dimension of the educational process.
The educational journey is characterized by the enduring and impactful process of confronting challenges and surmounting obstacles.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For learners, the experience of overcoming obstacles may evoke emotions of resilience, empowerment, and a sense of achievement.
The act of facing challenges in the learning process may bring about a mix of emotions, including determination and personal growth.
The emotional impact of overcoming obstacles in the learning experience lies in the potential for learners to develop a sense of confidence and adaptability.
The process of facing challenges and overcoming obstacles may contribute to a positive emotional response, fostering a mindset of perseverance and self-discovery.

● experience: to undergo or live through; to encounter or go through
・experience growth: 成長を経験する
・experience success: 成功を経験する
・experience challenges: 課題に直面する
・positive experience: 良い経験
・learning experience: 学びの経験

88. explain:

説明する:clarify, elucidate, describe
In scientific research, it's essential to explain the methodology used to conduct experiments.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In scientific research, providing a clear explanation of the methodology used for conducting experiments is crucial.
Elucidating the methodology employed in conducting experiments is an essential aspect of scientific research.
Clearly explaining the procedures and methods used in experiments is a fundamental requirement in scientific research.
Scientific research necessitates a thorough explanation of the methodology employed in conducting experiments.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
In the realm of scientific research, it is imperative to offer a comprehensive explanation of the methodologies utilized in experiments.
An essential component of scientific research involves elucidating the methodologies applied in the execution of experiments.
To adhere to the standards of scientific rigor, it is crucial to provide a clear and detailed explanation of the methodology used in experiments.
Clearly articulating the procedures and methods employed in experiments is a fundamental expectation in the domain of scientific research.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The clarity and transparency in explaining the methodology used for experiments are critical elements in upholding the standards of scientific rigor.
In scientific research, the meticulous explanation of methodologies used in experiments is not merely important but indispensable.
Demonstrating transparency and precision in elucidating the methodology is paramount for maintaining the credibility and integrity of scientific research.
In the pursuit of scientific excellence, the meticulous explanation of experimental methodologies is of utmost importance.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For researchers, the act of explaining the methodology may evoke feelings of responsibility and commitment to the accuracy of the scientific process.
The process of articulating the methodology in scientific research may bring about a sense of dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
The emotional impact of explaining the methodology lies in the recognition of its role in upholding the principles of transparency and rigor in scientific inquiry.
For researchers, the meticulous explanation of methodologies may contribute to a sense of pride in contributing to the advancement of knowledge through rigorous and transparent practices.

● explain: to make clear or understandable; to provide information or details
・explain a concept: 概念を説明する
・explain the process: プロセスを説明する
・explain the reasons: 理由を説明する
・explain in detail: 詳細に説明する
・explain a situation: 状況を説明する

89. explore:

探検する:investigate, discover, probe
In the field of technology, researchers constantly explore innovative solutions to challenges.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In the technology domain, researchers continuously seek inventive solutions to address challenges.
Constant exploration of novel solutions is a hallmark of researchers in the technology field.
Researchers in technology are always exploring innovative approaches to tackle challenges.
In the realm of technology, a perpetual quest for creative solutions characterizes researchers.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Continuous exploration of innovative solutions to challenges is a common practice among researchers in the technology field.
In the technology sector, researchers engage in an ongoing search for inventive approaches to overcome challenges.
The pursuit of innovative solutions to challenges is a constant endeavor for researchers in technology.
Researchers in technology are dedicated to continuously exploring creative solutions to address various challenges.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Researchers in technology exhibit a tireless commitment to exploring groundbreaking solutions, demonstrating an unwavering dedication to overcoming challenges.
The relentless exploration of innovative solutions by researchers in technology underscores their profound commitment to addressing challenges.
In the dynamic field of technology, researchers display a relentless pursuit of innovative solutions, emphasizing the urgency and significance of overcoming challenges.
The commitment of researchers in technology to exploring innovative solutions is marked by a sense of urgency and an unwavering determination to overcome challenges.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For researchers in technology, the pursuit of innovative solutions may evoke a sense of excitement, curiosity, and a passion for pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
Engaging in the exploration of inventive solutions may bring about a feeling of fulfillment and purpose for researchers in the technology field.
The emotional impact of constantly exploring innovative solutions lies in the recognition of contributing to advancements in technology and the potential for positive change.
Researchers in technology may experience a heightened sense of satisfaction and pride in their work as they strive to overcome challenges through the exploration of innovative solutions.

● explore: to investigate or traverse in order to learn more or discover
・explore possibilities: 可能性を探検する
・explore unknown territories: 未知の領域を探検する
・explore a topic: トピックを探検する
・explore new ideas: 新しいアイデアを探検する
・explore the potential: ポテンシャルを探検する

90. express:

表現する:convey, articulate, communicate
In interpersonal relationships, it's important to express feelings and listen to others.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In interpersonal connections, expressing feelings and actively listening to others are crucial.
For meaningful relationships, conveying emotions and attentively hearing others is vital.
Effective interpersonal relationships involve the articulation of feelings and attentive listening.
The key to successful relationships lies in the expression of emotions and the empathetic listening to others.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
For interpersonal connections to thrive, it is essential to openly express feelings and engage in active listening.
The foundation of meaningful relationships is built upon the mutual expression of emotions and attentive listening.
In the realm of interpersonal relationships, effective communication encompasses both the expression of feelings and active listening.
The cultivation of successful relationships involves the reciprocal exchange of emotions and the practice of empathetic listening.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
In the dynamics of interpersonal relationships, the active expression of emotions and attentive listening is not just important but paramount.
The success of interpersonal connections is contingent on the profound commitment to openly express feelings and practice active listening.
In the intricate tapestry of interpersonal relationships, the sincere expression of emotions and attentive listening holds unparalleled significance.
Thriving interpersonal relationships require a profound dedication to the continuous practice of openly expressing feelings and actively listening to others.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For individuals in relationships, the act of expressing feelings may evoke emotions of vulnerability, honesty, and a desire for connection.
Engaging in active listening in interpersonal relationships may bring about a sense of empathy, understanding, and a deeper connection with others.
The emotional impact of expressing feelings and actively listening lies in fostering a sense of mutual understanding, trust, and emotional connection.
Individuals in interpersonal relationships may experience a heightened sense of closeness and emotional fulfillment through the reciprocal exchange of feelings and attentive listening.

● express: to convey or communicate thoughts, feelings, or ideas
・express oneself: 自分を表現する
・express emotions: 感情を表現する
・express opinions: 意見を表現する
・express creativity: 創造性を表現する
・express through art: 芸術を通じて表現する

91. extract:

抽出する:withdraw, obtain, isolate
Scientists use various methods to extract essential compounds from plants for medicinal purposes.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Scientists employ diverse techniques to extract crucial compounds from plants for medicinal use.
For medicinal applications, scientists utilize various methods to extract essential compounds from plants.
The extraction of vital compounds from plants for medicinal purposes involves the use of diverse scientific methods.
In pursuit of medicinal benefits, scientists employ a range of methods to extract essential compounds from plants.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To harness medicinal properties, scientists utilize an array of methods to extract essential compounds from plants.
Extracting essential compounds from plants for medicinal purposes involves employing a variety of scientific techniques.
Scientists, in their pursuit of medicinal applications, use diverse methods to extract crucial compounds from plants.
The extraction of essential compounds from plants for medicinal use necessitates the application of various scientific methods.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The extraction of essential compounds from plants for medicinal purposes demands a comprehensive and nuanced approach, with scientists employing a diverse range of methods.
Scientists are tasked with the intricate process of extracting essential compounds from plants for medicinal use, employing a broad spectrum of techniques to ensure precision and effectiveness.
The pursuit of extracting essential compounds for medicinal benefits is marked by the thorough and resourceful application of a wide array of scientific methods by scientists.
In the realm of medicinal research, the extraction of essential compounds from plants involves a meticulous and exhaustive exploration of diverse methods by scientists.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For scientists, the process of extracting essential compounds from plants may evoke feelings of curiosity, excitement, and a commitment to advancing medicinal knowledge.
Engaging in the application of diverse methods for extraction may bring about a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment for scientists working towards medicinal discoveries.
The emotional impact of extracting essential compounds from plants lies in its potential to contribute to advancements in medicinal science and healthcare.
Scientists may experience a heightened sense of satisfaction and purpose as they contribute to the exploration of diverse methods for extracting essential compounds with potential medicinal benefits.

● extract: to obtain or remove by pulling or drawing out; to isolate or derive
・extract information: 情報を抽出する
・extract meaning: 意味を抽出する
・extract data: データを抽出する
・extract essential oils: 精油を抽出する
・extract valuable insights: 価値ある洞察を抽出する

92. facilitate:

容易にする:aid, assist, simplify
Organizational changes were implemented to facilitate a more collaborative work environment.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Changes were instituted within the organization to promote a more collaborative workplace.
Implementation of organizational changes aimed to foster increased collaboration in the work environment.
To cultivate a more collaborative work setting, organizational changes were introduced.
The organization implemented changes with the goal of creating a work environment that encourages collaboration.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To enhance collaboration in the workplace, the organization implemented changes.
Implementing changes was a strategic move by the organization to facilitate a more collaborative work environment.
Organizational changes were put into effect with the intention of creating a workplace that promotes collaboration.
The aim of the implemented organizational changes was to establish a more collaborative work environment.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The organization undertook substantial changes to significantly enhance collaboration in the workplace.
The organizational changes were not just incremental but marked a significant shift towards fostering a more collaborative work environment.
The magnitude of organizational changes reflected a strong commitment to creating a work environment that prioritizes and maximizes collaboration.
The implemented changes were profound, underscoring the organization's dedication to establishing a work environment characterized by enhanced collaboration.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For members of the organization, the implementation of changes to foster collaboration may evoke feelings of anticipation, optimism, and a sense of collective purpose.
The act of implementing changes with the goal of enhancing collaboration may bring about a positive emotional response, instilling a sense of unity and shared goals among organizational members.
The emotional impact of organizational changes to promote collaboration lies in the potential for a more positive and cohesive work culture.
Members of the organization may experience a heightened sense of engagement and satisfaction as a result of the implemented changes aimed at fostering a more collaborative work environment.

● facilitate: to make easier or more accessible; to aid or assist
・facilitate communication: コミュニケーションを容易にする
・facilitate collaboration: 協力を容易にする
・facilitate understanding: 理解を容易にする
・facilitate a process: プロセスを容易にする
・facilitate learning: 学習を促進する

93. falter:

ためらう:hesitate, waver, stumble
Despite initial setbacks, the team did not falter but worked together to achieve their goals.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Despite facing initial challenges, the team remained resilient and collaborated to attain their objectives.
The team encountered early setbacks but persevered, working collectively to reach their goals.
In the face of initial obstacles, the team stood firm and collaborated to accomplish their objectives.
Despite initial difficulties, the team did not waver but united their efforts to achieve their goals.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The team, despite encountering initial setbacks, demonstrated resilience and collaborated to achieve their goals.
In the midst of early challenges, the team persevered and worked together to attain their objectives.
Facing initial obstacles, the team stood strong and pooled their efforts to accomplish their goals.
Despite initial hardships, the team remained steadfast and united to achieve their goals.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The team encountered formidable challenges initially but displayed unwavering determination, working cohesively to attain their goals.
In the face of significant early setbacks, the team showcased extraordinary resilience, collaborating effectively to achieve their objectives.
Despite encountering substantial initial obstacles, the team exhibited remarkable steadfastness, working in unison to accomplish their goals.
The initial difficulties were considerable, but the team's tenacity and collective effort were equally substantial in achieving their objectives.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For team members, the experience of working together despite initial setbacks may evoke feelings of camaraderie, accomplishment, and shared success.
Overcoming initial challenges as a team may bring about a sense of unity, mutual support, and satisfaction among team members.
The emotional impact of the team's collective effort in the face of initial difficulties lies in the sense of resilience and shared achievement.
Experiencing success despite initial setbacks may contribute to a positive emotional response among team members, fostering a sense of pride and unity.

● falter: to hesitate or stumble; to lose confidence or momentum temporarily
・falter in decision-making: 意思決定でためらう
・falter in performance: パフォーマンスでためらう
・not falter under pressure: 圧力に屈しない
・falter in response: 対応でためらう
・falter in the face of challenges: 課題に直面してためらう

94. forecast:

予測する:predict, anticipate, project
Forecasting customer demand is crucial for businesses to optimize inventory and production.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Accurately predicting customer demand is essential for businesses to optimize inventory and production.
Forecasting customer demand plays a critical role in helping businesses streamline inventory and production.
The precise anticipation of customer demand is crucial for businesses looking to optimize inventory and production.
Businesses rely on forecasting customer demand as a vital strategy to optimize both inventory and production.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Optimizing inventory and production hinges on the accurate forecasting of customer demand for businesses.
For businesses seeking to streamline inventory and production, the critical step is the precise prediction of customer demand.
Accurate anticipation of customer demand is a pivotal aspect for businesses aiming to optimize both inventory and production.
Businesses strategically utilize the forecasting of customer demand to optimize their inventory and production processes.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The precision in forecasting customer demand is not just important but pivotal for businesses, exerting a significant impact on inventory and production optimization.
Businesses recognize the profound impact of accurately predicting customer demand, as it is crucial for optimizing both inventory and production.
Optimizing inventory and production is a strategic imperative for businesses, and the accuracy in forecasting customer demand is paramount to achieving this goal.
The success of businesses in optimizing inventory and production is contingent on the meticulous precision applied in forecasting customer demand.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For businesses, the process of accurately forecasting customer demand may evoke feelings of strategic foresight, efficiency, and a competitive edge.
Engaging in precise forecasting of customer demand may bring about a sense of control, stability, and operational excellence for businesses.
The emotional impact of accurately forecasting customer demand lies in its potential to contribute to the overall success and profitability of businesses.
Businesses may experience a heightened sense of confidence and satisfaction when their forecasting efforts result in effective optimization of inventory and production.

● forecast: to predict or estimate future events, trends, or conditions
・forecast economic growth: 経済成長を予測する
・forecast market trends: 市場のトレンドを予測する
・forecast sales figures: 販売数字を予測する
・forecast potential challenges: 潜在的な課題を予測する
・accurate forecast: 正確な予測

95. formulate:

考案する:develop, devise, create
Policy-makers collaborate to formulate strategies that address complex societal issues.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Policy-makers work together to devise strategies that tackle intricate societal problems.
Collaboration among policy-makers is essential for crafting strategies that address complex societal issues.
The joint efforts of policy-makers are crucial in formulating strategies to tackle intricate societal challenges.
Devising strategies to address complex societal problems requires collaboration among policy-makers.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To tackle complex societal issues, policy-makers collaborate in formulating strategies.
Formulating strategies that address intricate societal challenges necessitates collaboration among policy-makers.
Policy-makers join forces to devise strategies aimed at addressing complex societal issues.
Collaborative efforts among policy-makers are key in formulating strategies to address complex societal problems.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The collaboration among policy-makers is not just beneficial but indispensable in crafting strategies that effectively address complex societal issues.
The joint efforts of policy-makers carry profound significance in devising strategies that are impactful in addressing complex societal challenges.
Devising strategies to address complex societal problems requires a level of collaboration among policy-makers that goes beyond routine cooperation.
Policy-makers recognize the critical importance of collaboration in formulating strategies that can genuinely make a difference in addressing complex societal issues.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For policy-makers, the act of collaborating to formulate strategies may evoke feelings of shared responsibility, commitment, and a sense of purpose in contributing to societal well-being.
Engaging in the collaborative process of formulating strategies may bring about a sense of camaraderie, fulfillment, and the knowledge that their efforts contribute to positive societal change.
The emotional impact of policy-makers collaborating to formulate strategies lies in the potential for a shared sense of achievement, knowing that their joint efforts can lead to meaningful solutions for complex societal issues.
Policy-makers may experience a heightened sense of dedication and pride in their collaborative efforts, recognizing the potential positive impact of the strategies they formulate on addressing complex societal challenges.

● formulate: to create or devise by careful thought or planning
・formulate a plan: 計画を考案する
・formulate strategies: 戦略を考案する
・formulate policies: 政策を考案する
・formulate hypotheses: 仮説を考案する
・formulate solutions: 解決策を考案する

96. foster:

促進する:encourage, promote, nurture
Community programs are designed to foster positive relationships and a sense of belonging.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The design of community programs aims to cultivate positive relationships and foster a sense of belonging.
Community programs are crafted to promote positive connections and create a feeling of belonging.
The intention behind community programs is to nurture positive relationships and instill a sense of belonging.
The design and implementation of community programs are geared towards fostering positive relationships and a sense of belonging.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Fostering positive relationships and cultivating a sense of belonging are the core objectives in the design of community programs.
In the crafting of community programs, the primary goal is to promote positive connections and establish a sense of belonging.
The purpose of community programs is to nurture positive relationships and create an environment that fosters a sense of belonging.
Community programs are strategically designed to encourage positive relationships and instill a sense of belonging.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The design of community programs is not just about promoting positive relationships but is fundamentally centered on fostering profound and meaningful connections.
Community programs go beyond surface-level goals; they are meticulously crafted to create an environment that deeply instills a sense of belonging and positive relationships.
The crafting of community programs involves a comprehensive approach, aiming not only to nurture positive relationships but to create a pervasive and lasting sense of belonging.
The emphasis on fostering positive relationships and a sense of belonging in community programs is profound, reflecting a commitment to building a strong and connected community.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For community members, the participation in programs designed to foster positive relationships and a sense of belonging may evoke feelings of connection, camaraderie, and a shared sense of community.
Engaging in community programs designed for positive relationships and belonging may bring about a sense of fulfillment, shared identity, and the joy of being part of a supportive community.
The emotional impact of community programs lies in their potential to create a sense of unity, inclusivity, and a shared commitment to building positive relationships and fostering belonging.
Community members may experience a heightened sense of satisfaction and emotional well-being through their participation in programs designed to cultivate positive relationships and a sense of belonging.

● foster: to encourage the development or growth of; to promote or nurture
・foster creativity: 創造性を促進する
・foster teamwork: チームワークを促進する
・foster a supportive environment: サポートする環境を促進する
・foster positive attitudes: 肯定的な態度を促進する
・foster collaboration: 協力を促進する

97. generate:

生み出す:create, produce, generate
Sustainable practices aim to generate positive impacts on the environment and society.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The goal of sustainable practices is to create positive effects on the environment and society.
Sustainable practices are aimed at producing positive impacts on both the environment and society.
The objective of sustainable practices is to generate beneficial outcomes for the environment and society.
Sustainable practices aim to contribute positively to both the environment and society.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Creating positive impacts on the environment and society is the central aim of sustainable practices.
The focus of sustainable practices is to produce positive effects on both the environment and society.
Sustainable practices are designed with the overarching goal of generating positive impacts on the environment and society.
The ultimate objective of sustainable practices is to contribute positively to both the environment and society.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Sustainable practices are not just about creating positive impacts but about actively striving to generate substantial and meaningful benefits for the environment and society.
The commitment to producing positive impacts through sustainable practices is deep-rooted, reflecting a profound dedication to environmental and societal well-being.
The goal of sustainable practices goes beyond routine efforts; it involves a comprehensive commitment to actively generate positive impacts on the environment and society.
The emphasis on generating positive impacts through sustainable practices is significant, reflecting a commitment to creating lasting and transformative benefits for the environment and society.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For advocates of sustainable practices, the pursuit of positive impacts may evoke feelings of responsibility, purpose, and a sense of contributing to a better world.
Engaging in sustainable practices with the aim of creating positive impacts may bring about a sense of fulfillment, environmental stewardship, and a commitment to societal well-being.
The emotional impact of sustainable practices lies in their potential to foster a sense of connection to the environment and society, as individuals actively contribute to positive change.
Advocates of sustainable practices may experience a heightened sense of satisfaction and pride, knowing that their efforts are actively contributing to positive impacts on the environment and society.

● generate: to produce, create, or bring into existence
・generate revenue: 収益を生み出す
・generate ideas: アイデアを生み出す
・generate interest: 興味を生み出す
・generate solutions: 解決策を生み出す
・generate positive outcomes: 肯定的な結果を生み出す

98. govern:

統治する:rule, manage, control
Governments play a crucial role in governing and regulating various aspects of society.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Governments have a pivotal role in overseeing and regulating diverse facets of society.
The governance and regulation of various aspects of society are crucial functions of governments.
Playing a vital role, governments oversee and regulate different aspects of societal functioning.
The critical function of governments involves governing and regulating various facets of society.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Overseeing and regulating various aspects of society are essential functions of governments.
Governments play a pivotal role in the governance and regulation of diverse societal aspects.
The governance and regulation of different facets of society are integral to the functions of governments.
Governing and regulating various aspects of society constitute critical responsibilities for governments.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The role of governments in overseeing and regulating various aspects of society is not just important but indispensable for societal order and stability.
Governments recognize the profound importance of their role in governing and regulating different facets of society, ensuring the well-being of their citizens.
The governance and regulation performed by governments are marked by a deep commitment to societal welfare, reflecting a dedication to maintaining order and promoting the common good.
The oversight and regulation of various aspects of society by governments are critical functions that carry immense responsibility and impact.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For citizens, the role of governments in overseeing and regulating various aspects of society may evoke feelings of security, order, and trust in the functioning of societal systems.
The awareness of governments playing a pivotal role in governance and regulation may bring about a sense of civic responsibility, accountability, and reliance on authoritative structures.
The emotional impact of governments overseeing and regulating society lies in the potential for citizens to feel a sense of protection, fairness, and the assurance of a functioning social order.
Understanding the role of governments in governing and regulating societal aspects may contribute to a sense of confidence and trust in the stability and functionality of societal structures.

● govern: to rule or manage; to control or regulate
・govern a nation: 国を統治する
・govern a company: 企業を統治する
・govern behavior: 行動を統治する
・govern policies: 方針を統治する
・govern the people: 人々を統治する

99. grasp:

理解する:understand, comprehend, perceive
Effective communication requires the ability to grasp the perspectives of others.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Successful communication necessitates the capacity to understand the viewpoints of others.
The essence of effective communication lies in the ability to comprehend the perspectives of others.
Achieving effective communication relies on one's capability to grasp the viewpoints of others.
To communicate effectively, it is crucial to have the skill of understanding the perspectives of others.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The core of effective communication is the skill of comprehending the perspectives of others.
Comprehending the viewpoints of others is a fundamental aspect of achieving effective communication.
Achieving effective communication involves the essential skill of understanding the perspectives of others.
To communicate effectively, one must possess the ability to grasp the viewpoints of others.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The ability to understand the perspectives of others is not just important but is at the very heart of achieving highly effective communication.
Effective communication places a profound emphasis on the skill of comprehending the perspectives of others, recognizing its pivotal role in successful interaction.
Grasping the viewpoints of others is not just a component but a critical and indispensable element in the art of effective communication.
The mastery of understanding the perspectives of others is a defining characteristic of individuals who excel in the realm of highly effective communication.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For communicators, the act of understanding the perspectives of others may evoke feelings of empathy, connection, and a genuine desire for mutual understanding.
Engaging in effective communication through understanding the perspectives of others may bring about a sense of collaboration, harmony, and shared meaning.
The emotional impact of understanding others' perspectives in communication lies in its potential to foster positive relationships, trust, and a sense of unity.
Individuals who prioritize understanding others' perspectives may experience a heightened sense of fulfillment and interpersonal satisfaction in their communication endeavors.

● grasp: to understand or comprehend; to seize or hold firmly
・grasp a concept: 概念を理解する
・grasp the meaning: 意味をつかむ
・grasp the opportunity: 機会をつかむ
・grasp the essentials: 要点をつかむ
・grasp the situation: 状況を理解する

100. guarantee:

保証する:assure, promise, ensure
Contracts are legally binding agreements that guarantee the fulfillment of specified terms.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Contracts are legally enforceable agreements that ensure the fulfillment of stipulated terms.
Legally binding contracts guarantee the execution of specified terms and conditions.
In legal terms, contracts are agreements that are binding and assure the fulfillment of agreed-upon terms.
The legal concept of contracts involves agreements that are binding and secure the adherence to specified terms.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Legally binding agreements, contracts assure the fulfillment of specific terms and conditions.
Contracts, as legally enforceable documents, guarantee the execution of terms agreed upon by involved parties.
The assurance of fulfilling specified terms is a key feature of contracts, which are legally binding agreements.
Contracts, in legal terms, are agreements that ensure the adherence to specified terms and conditions.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Contracts are not just agreements but carry the weight of being legally binding, ensuring the utmost commitment to the fulfillment of specified terms.
The legally enforceable nature of contracts emphasizes not only their status as agreements but the gravity and significance of adhering to stipulated terms.
The commitment to fulfilling specified terms is heightened by the legal binding nature of contracts, signifying a level of assurance and accountability.
Contracts, being legally binding, exemplify a level of commitment that goes beyond conventional agreements, emphasizing the serious and binding nature of the specified terms.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For parties entering into contracts, the understanding of the legally binding nature may evoke feelings of security, assurance, and a sense of reliability in business transactions.
Engaging in contracts with legally binding terms may bring about a sense of responsibility, trust, and the confidence that agreed-upon terms will be upheld.
The emotional impact of contracts being legally binding lies in the potential for parties to feel a sense of assurance, credibility, and the reliability of the agreement.
Individuals involved in contractual agreements may experience a heightened sense of confidence and trust, knowing that the legally binding nature ensures the adherence to specified terms.

● guarantee: to assure or promise the fulfillment of a condition or quality
・guarantee a product: 製品を保証する
・guarantee satisfaction: 満足を保証する
・guarantee delivery: 配達を保証する
・guarantee results: 結果を保証する
・guarantee safety: 安全を保証する



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