英検2級 大学受験 英単語フロージョン ④

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

71. divide:

分ける:separate, split, partition
The river serves to naturally divide the two regions.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The river functions as a natural boundary, separating the two regions.
A natural division between the two regions is created by the presence of the river.
The river acts as a natural barrier, dividing the two regions.
As a natural feature, the river serves to delineate the boundaries between the two regions.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The two regions are naturally divided by the river, serving as a distinct boundary.
Serving its natural purpose, the river forms a division between the two regions.
The presence of the river naturally divides the two regions, establishing a clear separation.
A natural boundary is established between the two regions by the course of the river.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The river plays a significant role as a powerful natural divider between the two regions.
As a formidable natural feature, the river effectively separates and distinguishes the two regions.
The natural division created by the river is a prominent and defining characteristic between the two regions.
The river stands as a robust natural barrier, decisively dividing the two regions.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The recognition of the river as a natural divider may evoke a sense of geographical distinction and uniqueness for the two regions.
For residents on either side of the river, the natural division could hold cultural or historical significance.
The emotional resonance of the river as a natural boundary might be tied to the distinct identities and characteristics of the two regions.
Acknowledging the river as a natural divider may elicit feelings of connection or separation, depending on individual perspectives and experiences within the regions.

● divide: to separate into parts; to distribute or split into sections
・divide a task: 仕事を分担する
・divide into categories: カテゴリに分ける
・divide responsibilities: 責任を分散する
・divide equally: 平等に分ける
・divide by region: 地域ごとに分ける

72. earn:

稼ぐ:gain, acquire, achieve
Freelancers have the flexibility to earn income through various projects and clients.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Freelancers enjoy the freedom to generate income from a variety of projects and clients.
Earning income through different projects and clients is a key advantage for freelancers.
The flexibility of freelancers enables them to earn income from diverse projects and clients.
Freelancers have the autonomy to secure income through a range of projects and clients.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The capacity to earn income from a spectrum of projects and clients is a distinctive feature of freelancers.
Freelancers possess the flexibility to generate income through a multitude of projects and clients.
Earning potential for freelancers extends across various projects and clients, showcasing their flexibility.
Through various projects and clients, freelancers have the flexibility to secure income.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Freelancers not only have the freedom but also the significant advantage of earning income through a diverse array of projects and clients.
The considerable advantage of freelancers lies in their capability to consistently generate income through a wide range of projects and clients.
The earning potential for freelancers is amplified by their capacity to secure income through an extensive portfolio of projects and clients.
The versatility of freelancers in earning income through diverse projects and clients is a crucial aspect of their professional advantage.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For freelancers, the ability to earn income from various projects and clients may evoke a sense of empowerment and independence.
The flexibility to generate income from diverse sources provides freelancers with a sense of financial security and control.
Freelancers may experience a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment from the diverse range of projects and clients contributing to their income.
The emotional satisfaction of freelancers is tied to their autonomy in choosing projects and clients, fostering a sense of professional fulfillment.

● earn: to receive payment for work or services; to achieve or gain as a result of effort
・earn a living: 生計を立てる
・earn recognition: 認識を得る
・earn a degree: 学位を取得する
・earn respect: 尊敬を得る
・earn rewards: 報酬を得る

73. educate:

教育する:teach, instruct, enlighten
It's essential to educate people about environmental issues and sustainable practices.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Educating people about environmental issues and sustainable practices is crucial.
Promoting awareness of environmental issues and sustainable practices is essential.
It's vital to inform people about environmental concerns and sustainable behaviors.
Creating awareness about environmental issues and fostering sustainable practices is imperative.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The dissemination of knowledge about environmental issues and sustainable practices is indispensable.
It's crucial to provide education on environmental issues and advocate for sustainable practices.
Promoting understanding of environmental issues and encouraging sustainable behaviors is essential.
It is imperative to raise awareness about environmental concerns and instill sustainable practices.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The urgency of our times necessitates a concerted effort to thoroughly educate people about environmental issues and promote sustainable practices.
In the face of environmental challenges, a heightened commitment is required to extensively inform people about sustainable practices.
Given the critical state of the environment, an intensified effort is essential to educate people comprehensively about environmental issues and sustainable behaviors.
The escalating importance of environmental conservation demands a proactive approach in educating people about issues and fostering sustainable practices.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Educating people about environmental issues and sustainable practices may evoke a sense of responsibility and empowerment.
For individuals, gaining knowledge about environmental issues can lead to a heightened sense of environmental stewardship.
The emotional impact of educating people about environmental concerns lies in the potential for collective action and positive change.
Promoting sustainable practices through education may elicit a sense of shared responsibility and a commitment to preserving the environment.

● educate: to provide knowledge, skills, and understanding through teaching or training
・educate the public: 一般の人々を教育する
・educate students: 学生を教育する
・educate on safety: 安全について教育する
・educate about diversity: 多様性について教育する
・educate for awareness: 認識のために教育する

74. effect:

効果:impact, result, influence
Economic policies can have a significant effect on a country's GDP and unemployment rate.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The impact of economic policies on a country's GDP and unemployment rate can be substantial.
Economic policies can exert a considerable influence on both GDP and the unemployment rate of a nation.
There can be a significant impact of economic policies on a country's GDP and unemployment rate.
The effects of economic policies on a nation's GDP and unemployment rate can be noteworthy.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
A country's GDP and unemployment rate can be significantly influenced by the implementation of economic policies.
The adoption of economic policies can have a substantial impact on both GDP and the unemployment rate of a nation.
The effects of economic policies on a nation's GDP and unemployment rate are of considerable importance.
The implementation of economic policies can play a significant role in shaping a country's GDP and unemployment rate.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The profound effects of economic policies on a country's GDP and unemployment rate underscore their critical role in shaping the economic landscape.
The far-reaching impact of economic policies on GDP and the unemployment rate necessitates careful consideration and strategic planning.
Given the interconnectedness of economic policies with GDP and unemployment, their influence is of paramount importance.
The influence of economic policies on a nation's GDP and unemployment rate is so impactful that it requires meticulous analysis and thoughtful decision-making.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Understanding the impact of economic policies on GDP and unemployment may evoke a sense of responsibility among policymakers.
For citizens, the realization of how economic policies affect GDP and unemployment rates may lead to heightened interest and awareness.
The emotional resonance of economic policies lies in their potential to bring about positive changes in a country's economic indicators, fostering a sense of hope and optimism.
The impact of economic policies on GDP and unemployment rates may elicit emotions ranging from concern to anticipation, as people recognize their direct connection to economic well-being.

● effect: a change that results from a particular action or set of conditions
・effect positive change: 良い変化をもたらす
・effect on health: 健康への影響
・cause and effect: 原因と結果
・ripple effect: 連鎖反応
・cumulative effect: 累積効果

75. eliminate:

取り除く:remove, eradicate, abolish
Efforts to eliminate poverty require comprehensive social and economic strategies.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The eradication of poverty necessitates comprehensive social and economic strategies.
Comprehensive social and economic strategies are essential in the endeavor to eliminate poverty.
Efforts to eliminate poverty call for a holistic approach involving both social and economic strategies.
Addressing poverty requires a comprehensive strategy that integrates both social and economic dimensions.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Comprehensive social and economic strategies are indispensable in the pursuit of poverty elimination.
A holistic approach, combining social and economic strategies, is necessary to eliminate poverty.
Efforts aimed at poverty eradication should encompass comprehensive social and economic strategies.
The elimination of poverty demands a comprehensive strategy that encompasses both social and economic dimensions.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The magnitude of the task to eliminate poverty underscores the critical need for comprehensive social and economic strategies.
A heightened level of commitment is necessary to implement comprehensive social and economic strategies in the battle against poverty.
Given the complexity of poverty, an intensified effort involving comprehensive social and economic strategies is imperative.
The urgency of eliminating poverty requires an unwavering dedication to implementing comprehensive social and economic strategies.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For advocates and policymakers, the pursuit of comprehensive social and economic strategies in poverty elimination may evoke a sense of moral responsibility.
Recognizing the need for comprehensive strategies in poverty elimination may inspire a collective sense of empathy and determination.
The emotional resonance of comprehensive social and economic strategies lies in their potential to bring about positive and lasting change in the lives of those affected by poverty.
The commitment to implementing comprehensive strategies in poverty eradication reflects a sense of social justice and a desire to create a more equitable society.

● eliminate: to completely remove or get rid of; to eradicate or abolish
・eliminate a threat: 脅威を取り除く
・eliminate barriers: 障害を取り除く
・eliminate waste: 無駄を排除する
・eliminate uncertainty: 不確実性をなくす
・eliminate competition: 競争を排除する

76. emphasize:

強調する:highlight, stress, underscore
The teacher emphasized the need for critical thinking in problem-solving.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The teacher stressed the importance of incorporating critical thinking into problem-solving.
Emphasis was placed by the teacher on the necessity of critical thinking in problem-solving.
The teacher underscored the significance of critical thinking in the process of problem-solving.
Highlighting the importance of critical thinking, the teacher emphasized its role in problem-solving.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The teacher made it clear that critical thinking is essential for effective problem-solving.
In problem-solving, the teacher highlighted the importance of incorporating critical thinking.
The teacher emphasized that critical thinking plays a crucial role in effective problem-solving.
Making a point about problem-solving, the teacher stressed the necessity of critical thinking.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The teacher passionately conveyed the indispensable role of critical thinking in problem-solving.
With a sense of urgency, the teacher impressed upon the students the critical need for thinking critically in problem-solving.
The teacher spoke fervently about the imperative nature of critical thinking in the context of problem-solving.
There was a strong emphasis from the teacher on the absolute necessity of critical thinking for successful problem-solving.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The teacher's emphasis on critical thinking in problem-solving may have resonated emotionally with students as a valuable skill for personal and academic growth.
For students, the teacher's emphasis on critical thinking in problem-solving could evoke a sense of empowerment and intellectual development.
The emotional impact of the teacher's emphasis lies in the recognition of critical thinking as a transformative and empowering tool in problem-solving.
The teacher's emphasis on critical thinking may inspire students to approach problem-solving with a sense of curiosity and intellectual engagement.

● emphasize: to give special importance or prominence to; to stress or highlight
・emphasize a message: メッセージを強調する
・emphasize the benefits: 利点を強調する
・emphasize the positive: ポジティブな点を強調する
・emphasize the importance: 重要性を強調する
・emphasize key features: 主要な特徴を強調する

77. encourage:

励ます:motivate, inspire, support
Positive feedback can encourage individuals to continue putting effort into their work.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Encouraging feedback can motivate individuals to persist in their efforts at work.
Positive feedback serves as a catalyst for individuals to maintain their commitment to work.
Receiving positive feedback can inspire individuals to keep investing effort in their work.
When individuals receive positive feedback, it can boost their motivation to continue working diligently.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Individuals are more likely to persist in their work when they receive encouraging and positive feedback.
Positive feedback plays a crucial role in sustaining individuals' dedication and effort in their work.
The act of receiving positive feedback can fuel individuals' determination to continue putting effort into their work.
Maintaining a commitment to work is often strengthened by the positive reinforcement individuals receive through feedback.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The impact of positive feedback on individuals' perseverance in their work is profound and long-lasting.
Positive feedback is a powerful motivator, capable of deeply influencing individuals to persist in their work with unwavering dedication.
The significant role of positive feedback in encouraging individuals to persist in their work cannot be overstated.
The motivational influence of positive feedback on individuals to continue putting effort into their work is substantial and enduring.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Receiving positive feedback can create a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment for individuals in their work.
For individuals, the encouragement provided by positive feedback may evoke feelings of motivation and pride in their efforts.
The emotional impact of positive feedback lies in its ability to create a positive and supportive work environment.
Positive feedback can contribute to a positive emotional state for individuals, fostering enthusiasm and a sense of purpose in their work.

● encourage: to inspire, motivate, or give support; to foster a positive attitude
・encourage creativity: 創造性を励ます
・encourage collaboration: 協力を励ます
・encourage exploration: 探求を励ます
・encourage communication: コミュニケーションを奨励する
・encourage teamwork: チームワークを奨励する

78. engage:

従事する:involve, participate, occupy
To fully engage in learning, students are encouraged to ask questions and seek understanding.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Students are urged to ask questions and seek understanding to actively participate in the learning process.
Encouraging students to inquire and seek understanding is vital for their full engagement in learning.
Active participation in learning is fostered by encouraging students to ask questions and seek understanding.
To be fully engaged in the learning experience, students are advised to ask questions and seek a deeper understanding.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To actively participate in the learning process, students are encouraged to ask questions and strive for understanding.
Active engagement in learning is facilitated by students' willingness to ask questions and actively seek understanding.
Seeking understanding and posing questions are promoted as essential elements for students to be fully engaged in the learning process.
Students are advised that asking questions and pursuing understanding are integral to their complete engagement in learning.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Emphasizing the importance of asking questions and seeking understanding, educators underscore these actions as crucial for students to be fully immersed in the learning experience.
Active participation and full engagement in learning are underscored by educators as they stress the significance of students asking questions and actively seeking understanding.
Educators recognize the indispensable nature of students asking questions and seeking understanding as essential components for full engagement in the learning process.
The imperative for students to ask questions and actively seek understanding is communicated by educators as a non-negotiable aspect of complete engagement in learning.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Encouraging students to ask questions and seek understanding may foster a positive emotional response, creating a sense of curiosity and empowerment.
For students, the act of asking questions and seeking understanding can be emotionally fulfilling, contributing to a deeper sense of involvement in their learning.
The emotional impact of encouraging questions and seeking understanding lies in the potential for students to feel more connected, curious, and confident in their learning journey.
Actively promoting a culture of inquiry and understanding may evoke positive emotions, such as a sense of curiosity, empowerment, and ownership among students.

● engage: to participate or become involved; to occupy attention or interest
・engage in conversation: 会話に参加する
・engage in activities: 活動に従事する
・engage with the audience: 聴衆と交流する
・engage employees: 従業員を参加させる
・engage in meaningful work: 意義ある仕事に従事する

79. enjoy:

楽しむ:savor, relish, appreciate
A good book can provide a means for individuals to relax and enjoy moments of escape.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
A well-crafted book can offer individuals a way to unwind and experience moments of escapism.
Engaging in a good book can serve as a means for individuals to relax and find moments of escape.
A quality book provides individuals with an avenue to unwind and enjoy moments of escapism.
Reading a good book can be a source of relaxation, allowing individuals to escape and enjoy moments of leisure.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
For individuals seeking relaxation and moments of escape, a good book offers a valuable outlet.
A well-written book provides individuals with the opportunity to relax and find moments of escape.
The act of reading a good book can be a gateway for individuals to unwind and experience moments of escapism.
To relax and enjoy moments of escape, individuals can turn to the immersive experience offered by a good book.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The transformative power of a good book in providing individuals with a respite and moments of escape is profound.
The restorative potential of reading a good book as a means of relaxation and escapism cannot be overstated.
In the realm of leisure and escape, a good book stands as a powerful and indispensable companion for individuals.
The impact of a good book in facilitating relaxation and moments of escape is significant, offering a rich and fulfilling experience.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The experience of finding relaxation and escape in a good book may evoke emotions of joy, tranquility, and fulfillment.
For individuals, the act of immersing oneself in a good book may bring about a sense of emotional respite and enjoyment.
The emotional resonance of reading a good book lies in its ability to transport individuals to different worlds, providing a temporary escape from reality.
The act of enjoying a good book may contribute to a positive emotional state, creating a sense of happiness and contentment for individuals seeking relaxation.

● enjoy: to take pleasure or satisfaction in; to experience with delight
・enjoy a meal: 食事を楽しむ
・enjoy nature: 自然を楽しむ
・enjoy the journey: 旅を楽しむ
・enjoy the company: 仲間とのひと時を楽しむ
・enjoy the process: プロセスを楽しむ

80. ensure:

確実にする:guarantee, secure, safeguard
The company implemented strict quality control processes to ensure the reliability of its products.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company established rigorous quality control processes to guarantee the dependability of its products.
To secure the reliability of its products, the company put in place stringent quality control procedures.
Implementing robust quality control processes, the company aimed to ensure the dependability of its products.
The company enforced strict quality control measures to uphold the reliability of its products.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To uphold the reliability of its products, the company introduced stringent quality control processes.
The company initiated rigorous quality control procedures with the primary goal of ensuring product dependability.
Ensuring the reliability of its products was the key objective behind the implementation of strict quality control processes.
With the aim of guaranteeing product dependability, the company enforced stringent quality control measures.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company committed to an unwavering dedication to the reliability of its products through the enforcement of extremely strict quality control processes.
Implementing measures of the highest stringency, the company demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to ensuring the reliability of its products.
The company's dedication to product reliability was reflected in the implementation of exceptionally rigorous quality control processes.
With an uncompromising stance, the company enforced strict quality control measures to achieve the highest levels of product reliability.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For the company, the implementation of strict quality control processes may evoke a sense of commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
The emphasis on product reliability through strict quality control measures may resonate emotionally with customers, instilling a sense of trust.
The emotional impact of the company's commitment to quality control lies in the assurance it provides to customers regarding the reliability of its products.
The company's dedication to ensuring product reliability may create a positive emotional response among stakeholders, fostering confidence and loyalty.

● ensure: to make sure or certain; to guarantee or secure
・ensure compliance: 順守を確実にする
・ensure success: 成功を確実にする
・ensure accuracy: 正確性を確実にする
・ensure availability: 利用可能性を確実にする
・ensure a smooth process: スムーズなプロセスを確実にする



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