英検2級 大学受験 英単語フロージョン ③

TEX 二井原

TEX 二井原




・2級 :約3,800~5,100語(高卒程度)
・1級 :約10,000~15,000語(大卒程度)



★《英検2級》=《高校英語》= 約5000語レベル 





●《active vocabulary》: 能動語彙

●《passive vocabulary》: 受動語彙


《 脳内 Flow 》が爆発的に生じます。

《 英単語 FLOWSION 》

41. continue:

続ける:proceed, persist, carry on
Despite facing challenges, the team decided to continue working on the project.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Despite encountering difficulties, the team opted to persist in their project.
The team chose to press on with the project despite the hurdles they faced.
In the face of challenges, the team resolved to continue their work on the project.
Despite the obstacles, the team remained committed to progressing with the project.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The project, despite presenting challenges, remained a priority for the team.
Persisting through challenges, the team committed to the continuation of the project.
The team, undeterred by challenges, decided to forge ahead with the project.
In the midst of challenges, the team reaffirmed their dedication to the project.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Despite facing formidable obstacles, the team steadfastly pursued the project.
The team encountered significant challenges but resolved to persevere with the project.
In the presence of substantial hurdles, the team remained resolute in advancing the project.
The project persisted despite the team grappling with considerable challenges.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The team, despite the emotional toll, chose to persist with the project.
Facing emotional challenges, the team made a collective decision to continue the project.
The decision to press on with the project was emotionally charged for the team.
Despite the emotional strain, the team remained determined to carry on with the project.

● continue: to proceed without interruption; to persist in a course of action
・continue the journey: 旅を続ける
・continue the discussion: 議論を続ける
・continue efforts: 努力を続ける
・continue the tradition: 伝統を続ける
・continue learning: 学びを続ける

42. contribute:

貢献する:contribute to, add to, enhance
Employees were recognized for their efforts to contribute to the company's success.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The staff was acknowledged for their role in contributing to the company's success.
Recognition was given to employees for their contributions to the company's success.
Employees received commendation for their efforts in contributing to the company's success.
Acknowledgment was granted to employees for their contributions to the company's success.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The company recognized the employees for their valuable contributions to its success.
Employees were recognized for their significant role in the company's success.
In acknowledgment of their contributions, employees were praised for their efforts in the company's success.
Employees received recognition for their essential contributions to the company's success.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Employees were lavishly praised for their exceptional contributions to the company's success.
The company expressed profound gratitude for the employees' significant contributions to its success.
Employees were acknowledged for their extraordinary dedication to the company's success.
The company celebrated the employees for their outstanding efforts that immensely contributed to its success.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The acknowledgment of employees for their contributions was a deeply moving moment for the company.
Employees were deeply touched by the recognition of their contributions to the company's success.
Acknowledging the employees' contributions brought a sense of fulfillment and pride to the company.
The emotional resonance of recognizing employees for their contributions reverberated throughout the company.

● contribute: to give or supply for a common purpose; to play a part in achieving a result
・contribute ideas: アイデアを貢献する
・contribute funds: 資金を寄付する
・contribute knowledge: 知識を提供する
・contribute to success: 成功に貢献する
・contribute to a cause: ある目的に寄与する

43. convince:

説得する:persuade, sway, influence
The scientist presented evidence to convince colleagues of the validity of the theory.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The scientist provided evidence to persuade colleagues of the theory's validity.
Colleagues were persuaded of the theory's validity by the evidence presented by the scientist.
The scientist presented compelling evidence to sway colleagues towards accepting the theory's validity.
Evidence presented by the scientist convinced colleagues of the theory's validity.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The scientist's presentation of evidence convinced colleagues that the theory was valid.
Colleagues were convinced of the theory's validity by the evidence presented by the scientist.
In presenting evidence, the scientist succeeded in convincing colleagues of the theory's validity.
Colleagues were convinced of the theory's validity after examining the evidence presented by the scientist.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The scientist's evidence was so persuasive that colleagues were thoroughly convinced of the theory's validity.
Colleagues were completely won over by the scientist's evidence, confirming the theory's validity.
The scientist's compelling evidence left colleagues in no doubt about the theory's validity.
Colleagues were utterly convinced of the theory's validity by the scientist's evidence.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The scientist's presentation of evidence was met with a sense of conviction among colleagues regarding the theory's validity.
Colleagues were emotionally moved by the compelling evidence presented by the scientist, leading to their acceptance of the theory's validity.
The convincing nature of the evidence brought about a sense of assurance and trust among colleagues regarding the theory's validity.
Colleagues felt reassured and convinced of the theory's validity after examining the evidence presented by the scientist.

● convince: to persuade or bring someone to a belief, opinion, or course of action
・convince someone of the benefits: 利点を信じさせる
・convince a client: クライアントを説得する
・convince skeptics: 懐疑的な人たちを説得する
・convince with evidence: 証拠を用いて説得する
・convince of the importance: 重要性を納得させる

44. cooperate:

協力する:collaborate, work together, coordinate
International organizations often cooperate to address global challenges.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
International organizations frequently collaborate to tackle global challenges.
Global challenges are commonly addressed through cooperation among international organizations.
Collaboration among international organizations is typical in addressing global challenges.
To address global challenges, international organizations often engage in cooperation.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Cooperation among international organizations is a common approach to addressing global challenges.
Global challenges are often tackled through the collaborative efforts of international organizations.
International organizations frequently work together to address global challenges.
Addressing global challenges often involves international organizations cooperating with each other.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
International organizations actively collaborate to effectively address pressing global challenges.
Collaboration among international organizations is essential in effectively tackling urgent global challenges.
To effectively address critical global challenges, international organizations engage in close cooperation.
The concerted efforts of international organizations are crucial in effectively addressing urgent global challenges.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The spirit of cooperation among international organizations in addressing global challenges fosters a sense of unity and solidarity.
International organizations feel a sense of solidarity and purpose when cooperating to address global challenges.
Cooperation among international organizations to address global challenges evokes a sense of collective responsibility and commitment.
The collaborative efforts of international organizations in addressing global challenges create a sense of optimism and shared purpose.

● cooperate: to work together towards a common goal; to engage in joint efforts
・cooperate on projects: プロジェクトに協力する
・cooperate with partners: パートナーと協力する
・cooperate in research: 研究で協力する
・cooperate on solutions: 解決策に協力する
・cooperate for success: 成功のために協力する

45. correct:

正す:rectify, amend, fix
The editor worked closely with the author to correct grammar and punctuation.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The editor collaborated closely with the author to rectify grammar and punctuation.
Working in close tandem, the editor and author corrected grammar and punctuation.
A close working relationship between the editor and author led to the correction of grammar and punctuation.
The editor and author worked hand in hand to ensure the correction of grammar and punctuation.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Close collaboration between the editor and author resulted in the correction of grammar and punctuation.
In a collaborative effort, the editor and author closely worked together to fix grammar and punctuation.
Grammar and punctuation were corrected through the close coordination of the editor and author.
The correction of grammar and punctuation was a result of the editor and author working closely together.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The editor and author meticulously collaborated to perfect grammar and punctuation.
Working in tandem, the editor and author diligently corrected grammar and punctuation.
A rigorous collaboration between the editor and author ensured the precise correction of grammar and punctuation.
The editor and author worked intensively to fine-tune grammar and punctuation.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The close collaboration between the editor and author created a supportive atmosphere for grammar and punctuation correction.
The author appreciated the editor's close involvement in correcting grammar and punctuation.
Working closely to correct grammar and punctuation was a satisfying and collaborative experience for both the editor and author.
The joint effort to correct grammar and punctuation fostered a positive and constructive working relationship between the editor and author.

● correct: to make right; to remedy or remove faults or errors
・correct a mistake: 誤りを訂正する
・correct a problem: 問題を正す
・correct grammar: 文法を正す
・correct a misunderstanding: 誤解を正す
・correct inaccuracies: 不正確さを正す

46. create:

作り出す:generate, produce, invent
Innovation often involves the ability to create new solutions to existing problems.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Innovation frequently requires the capacity to devise novel solutions for existing issues.
The essence of innovation lies in the capability to generate fresh answers to current problems.
Creating new solutions for prevailing problems is a common aspect of innovation.
Innovation is often characterized by the ability to devise inventive solutions to existing challenges.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The ability to devise new solutions for existing problems is a central element of innovation.
Innovation hinges on the capacity to generate original answers to ongoing problems.
Central to innovation is the skill to create fresh solutions for existing challenges.
At the core of innovation is the aptitude to devise innovative solutions for existing problems.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Innovation demands a high level of creativity in developing new solutions for existing problems.
The hallmark of true innovation is the relentless pursuit of inventive solutions to existing challenges.
Innovation goes beyond routine problem-solving, involving a profound creativity in crafting new solutions for existing problems.
The depth of innovation is revealed in its ability to consistently generate groundbreaking solutions for existing problems.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The process of innovation can be emotionally rewarding as it involves crafting new solutions to address existing problems.
For innovators, the act of creating new solutions for existing problems is often a source of satisfaction.
Innovation brings a sense of fulfillment as it enables individuals to devise fresh solutions for ongoing problems.
The emotional resonance of innovation lies in the ability to contribute novel solutions to address existing challenges.

● create: to bring into existence; to produce through imaginative skill
・create art: 芸術を作り出す
・create opportunities: 機会を作り出す
・create solutions: 解決策を作り出す
・create a masterpiece: 傑作を作り出す
・create a plan: 計画を作り出す

47. decide:

決定する:determine, choose, settle
After careful consideration, the team will decide on the best course of action.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Following thorough deliberation, the team will determine the optimal course of action.
After thoughtful consideration, the team will settle on the most suitable course of action.
The team, having considered all options, will choose the best course of action.
Upon careful reflection, the team will make a decision regarding the most appropriate course of action.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The team, after careful consideration, will arrive at a decision regarding the best course of action.
Having carefully weighed the options, the team will make a choice on the most favorable course of action.
The team will make a decision on the best course of action after careful consideration.
Careful consideration will precede the team's determination of the most fitting course of action.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
After meticulous consideration, the team will determine the optimal course of action.
Following an in-depth analysis, the team will select the best course of action.
The team will make a decision after an exhaustive and careful evaluation of the options.
The selection of the best course of action will follow a thorough and comprehensive consideration by the team.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The decision-making process, after careful consideration, will be a thoughtful and deliberate act for the team.
For the team, the act of deciding on the best course of action involves a sense of responsibility and diligence.
Careful consideration adds a layer of conscientiousness to the team's decision-making process.
The team approaches the decision with a sense of attentiveness and conscientious thoughtfulness.

● decide: to reach a conclusion or make a choice after careful consideration
・decide on a plan: 計画を決定する
・decide a case: 事件を決定する
・decide the outcome: 結果を決定する
・decide a direction: 方向を決定する
・decide one's future: 将来を決定する

48. decrease:

減少する:reduce, lower, diminish
Efforts to decrease carbon emissions are crucial for combating climate change.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
It is imperative to reduce carbon emissions to effectively combat climate change.
Decreasing carbon emissions is vital in the fight against climate change.
Efforts aimed at lowering carbon emissions are essential for addressing climate change.
Reducing carbon emissions is crucial for mitigating the impact of climate change.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Crucial for addressing climate change is the endeavor to decrease carbon emissions.
Efforts directed at decreasing carbon emissions play a vital role in combating climate change.
In the battle against climate change, the reduction of carbon emissions is of utmost importance.
Decreasing carbon emissions stands as a critical measure in the fight against climate change.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
It is of utmost importance to intensify efforts to reduce carbon emissions for an effective response to climate change.
The urgency of combating climate change underscores the critical need to significantly decrease carbon emissions.
Efforts to decrease carbon emissions must be escalated urgently to have a substantial impact on climate change.
A heightened focus on decreasing carbon emissions is essential for a more impactful response to climate change.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The commitment to decrease carbon emissions is driven by a profound sense of responsibility towards combating climate change.
For individuals and communities, contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions is emotionally tied to addressing climate change.
Recognizing the significance of efforts to decrease carbon emissions evokes a sense of responsibility and concern for the well-being of the planet.
The emotional response to combating climate change is reflected in the collective efforts to decrease carbon emissions.

● decrease: to become or make less in amount, intensity, or size
・decrease in sales: 販売の減少
・decrease in temperature: 温度の低下
・decrease in demand: 需要の減少
・decrease stress levels: ストレスレベルを低下させる
・decrease the impact: 影響を減少させる

49. define:

定義する:describe, explain, delineate
The dictionary is a useful tool to define and understand unfamiliar words.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The dictionary serves as a valuable resource for defining and comprehending unfamiliar words.
A useful aid for defining and grasping unfamiliar words is the dictionary.
Utilizing the dictionary proves beneficial in defining and understanding unfamiliar words.
The dictionary functions as a helpful tool for defining and gaining understanding of unfamiliar words.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
To define and understand unfamiliar words, the dictionary serves as a practical tool.
The dictionary's utility extends to defining and comprehending unfamiliar words.
For the purpose of defining and understanding unfamiliar words, the dictionary is a valuable asset.
A practical tool for defining and understanding unfamiliar words is provided by the dictionary.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The dictionary is an indispensable tool for accurately defining and comprehending unfamiliar words.
In the pursuit of defining and understanding unfamiliar words, the dictionary is an invaluable asset.
The dictionary plays a crucial role as an essential tool for defining and understanding unfamiliar words.
An indispensable aid for defining and comprehending unfamiliar words is the dictionary.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The dictionary, as a tool for defining and understanding unfamiliar words, elicits a sense of empowerment.
For language learners, the dictionary is a source of reassurance in the process of defining and understanding unfamiliar words.
The act of using the dictionary to define and understand unfamiliar words can be personally rewarding.
There's a sense of accomplishment in consulting the dictionary to define and understand previously unknown words.

● define: to state or describe the precise meaning or scope of something
・define a concept: 概念を定義する
・define a term: 用語を定義する
・define a boundary: 境界を定義する
・define a role: 役割を定義する
・define criteria: 基準を定義する

50. demonstrate:

示す:show, illustrate, exhibit
The experiment was designed to demonstrate the effects of the new drug.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The experiment was structured to showcase the impacts of the new drug.
Designed to illustrate the consequences of the new drug, the experiment was conducted.
The purpose of the experiment was to exhibit the effects of the new drug.
The experimental design aimed to demonstrate the effects of the new drug.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The design of the experiment was crafted to highlight the effects of the new drug.
The experiment, with a specific focus, aimed to showcase the impacts of the new drug.
To showcase the effects of the new drug, the experiment was carefully planned.
Conducting the experiment was part of an intentional effort to demonstrate the effects of the new drug.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The experiment was meticulously designed to vividly demonstrate the profound effects of the new drug.
With precision, the experiment aimed to decisively showcase the impactful effects of the new drug.
The experiment was carefully orchestrated to provide a thorough demonstration of the effects of the new drug.
The design of the experiment was deliberate, emphasizing a comprehensive illustration of the effects of the new drug.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The experiment, designed to demonstrate the effects of the new drug, generated a sense of anticipation and curiosity.
For researchers, conducting the experiment to demonstrate the effects of the new drug was an exciting endeavor.
The experiment held the promise of uncovering valuable insights into the effects of the new drug, evoking a sense of scientific discovery.
The emotional resonance of the experiment was heightened as it aimed to provide a tangible demonstration of the effects of the new drug.

● demonstrate: to show or prove something through examples, experiments, or illustrations
・demonstrate a process: プロセスを示す
・demonstrate a skill: スキルを示す
・demonstrate knowledge: 知識を示す
・demonstrate a technique: テクニックを示す
・demonstrate proficiency: 熟練度を示す

61. describe:

描写する:depict, portray, narrate
In scientific reports, researchers carefully describe the methodology used in their experiments.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
In scientific reports, researchers thoroughly delineate the procedures employed in their experiments.
Researchers in scientific reports meticulously articulate the methodology utilized in their experiments.
The methodology applied in experiments is carefully expounded upon by researchers in scientific reports.
In scientific reports, researchers offer a detailed account of the methodology employed in their experiments.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
A detailed description of the methodology used in experiments is carefully presented by researchers in scientific reports.
Researchers, in their scientific reports, provide a meticulous explanation of the methodology employed in their experiments.
In scientific reports, researchers furnish a comprehensive depiction of the methodology used in their experiments.
The careful elucidation of the methodology applied in experiments is a characteristic feature of scientific reports by researchers.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Researchers in scientific reports intricately delve into the methodology employed in their experiments.
In scientific reports, researchers go to great lengths to meticulously detail the procedures and methodology of their experiments.
The meticulous detailing of the methodology used in experiments is a hallmark of scientific reports by researchers.
Researchers in scientific reports go above and beyond to meticulously describe the methodology applied in their experiments.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For researchers, the process of detailing the methodology in scientific reports is a conscientious and integral aspect of their work.
The careful description of methodology in scientific reports reflects the researchers' commitment to transparency and precision.
The act of explaining the methodology in scientific reports is viewed by researchers as an essential part of their scientific responsibility.
In scientific reports, there is a sense of pride and diligence as researchers carefully outline the methodology used in their experiments.

● describe: to represent or give an account of in words; to explain or illustrate
・describe a scene: 場面を描写する
・describe a process: プロセスを描写する
・describe a feeling: 感情を描写する
・describe a situation: 状況を描写する
・describe in detail: 詳細に描写する

62. design:

設計する:plan, create, blueprint
Engineers collaborated to design a more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicle.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Engineers worked together to create a vehicle that is both more efficient and environmentally friendly.
Collaborative efforts among engineers led to the design of a vehicle with improved efficiency and environmental friendliness.
In a joint endeavor, engineers designed a vehicle that prioritizes efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Working collaboratively, engineers devised a vehicle that is more efficient and has a reduced environmental impact.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The collaborative efforts of engineers resulted in the design of a vehicle that is both efficient and environmentally friendly.
Engineers, working together, devised a more efficient and environmentally sustainable vehicle.
The design of a vehicle with improved efficiency and environmental friendliness was a collaborative effort among engineers.
A collective effort by engineers led to the development of a vehicle that prioritizes efficiency and environmental friendliness.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Engineers joined forces to create a highly efficient and exceptionally environmentally friendly vehicle.
In a concerted effort, engineers developed a vehicle that not only excels in efficiency but also sets high standards for environmental friendliness.
The collaborative work of engineers yielded a vehicle with exceptional efficiency and a commitment to environmental sustainability.
Engineers devoted extensive efforts to craft a vehicle that stands out for its efficiency and exemplary environmental friendliness.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The collaborative design of a more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicle was a source of pride for the engineers.
Engineers found satisfaction in working together to create a vehicle that aligns with efficiency and environmental considerations.
The emotional resonance of designing an environmentally friendly vehicle was evident in the engineers' collaborative efforts.
Working on a vehicle that prioritizes efficiency and environmental friendliness brought a sense of fulfillment to the collaborating engineers.

● design: to plan and create with a specific purpose or intention; to conceive and outline in detail
・design a building: 建物を設計する
・design a website: ウェブサイトを設計する
・design a product: 製品を設計する
・design a logo: ロゴを設計する
・design for functionality: 機能性を考慮して設計する

63. destroy:

破壊する:ruin, demolish, obliterate
The old building was slated for demolition to make way for a new development.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The decision was made to demolish the old building to pave the way for a new development.
The old building was scheduled for demolition to clear space for a new development.
Plans were in place to tear down the old building, making room for a new development.
Demolition was set for the old building to make space for the construction of a new development.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
A new development necessitated the demolition of the old building to create space.
The old building was designated for demolition as part of the plan to make way for a new development.
To accommodate a new development, the old building was marked for demolition.
Demolishing the old building was a prerequisite for the initiation of a new development.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The old building was earmarked for imminent demolition to facilitate the construction of a transformative new development.
The decision to demolish the old building was a crucial step in making room for a groundbreaking new development.
In preparation for a significant new development, the old building was targeted for demolition.
The demolition of the old building was a strategic move to usher in a substantial and impactful new development.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The decision to demolish the old building, while necessary for progress, may have evoked a sense of nostalgia or sentiment.
The anticipation of a new development might have been bittersweet for those connected to the old building slated for demolition.
Balancing progress with the historical significance of the old building slated for demolition could have been an emotionally nuanced decision.
The decision to make way for a new development by demolishing the old building may have stirred various emotions among stakeholders.

● destroy: to cause extensive damage or ruin; to demolish or eliminate completely
・destroy a building: 建物を破壊する
・destroy evidence: 証拠を破壊する
・destroy a habitat: 生息地を破壊する
・destroy a reputation: 評判を破壊する
・destroy an ecosystem: 生態系を破壊する

64. determine:

決定する:decide, ascertain, conclude
Market research helps companies determine consumer preferences and trends.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Market research aids companies in identifying consumer preferences and staying abreast of trends.
Companies use market research to discern consumer preferences and trends.
The purpose of market research is to assist companies in understanding consumer preferences and trends.
By conducting market research, companies can ascertain consumer preferences and trends.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Companies leverage market research to pinpoint consumer preferences and trends.
The analysis provided by market research enables companies to determine consumer preferences and trends.
Understanding consumer preferences and staying informed about trends is a key outcome of market research for companies.
Market research empowers companies with insights into consumer preferences and emerging trends.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Market research is an indispensable tool for companies striving to accurately gauge and respond to consumer preferences and trends.
Companies heavily rely on market research to gain a nuanced understanding of ever-evolving consumer preferences and trends.
The strategic significance of market research is underscored by its role in deciphering intricate consumer preferences and emerging trends.
In the dynamic business landscape, market research is a crucial instrument for companies aiming to stay ahead by anticipating and adapting to consumer preferences and trends.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For companies, market research can be an exciting journey of discovery, unveiling valuable insights into consumer preferences and trends.
The ability to align products or services with consumer preferences and trends, thanks to market research, brings a sense of strategic accomplishment.
The emotional resonance of market research lies in its role as a guiding force for companies, enabling them to connect with and cater to the needs and preferences of their target audience.
The process of conducting market research may evoke a sense of anticipation and curiosity for companies eager to uncover the ever-evolving landscape of consumer preferences and trends.

● determine: to settle or decide by an authoritative or conclusive decision; to ascertain or conclude
・determine a course of action: 行動方針を決定する
・determine the outcome: 結果を決定する
・determine the cause: 原因を決定する
・determine the value: 価値を決定する
・determine eligibility: 資格を決定する

65. develop:

発展させる:advance, progress, evolve
The company invested in research and development to develop innovative technologies.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The company committed resources to research and development for the creation of innovative technologies.
Investment in research and development was undertaken by the company to pioneer new technologies.
Research and development efforts were dedicated by the company to bring about innovative technologies.
The company allocated funds for research and development with the goal of developing cutting-edge technologies.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Dedicated to technological advancement, the company invested in research and development to create innovative technologies.
In pursuit of innovation, the company directed resources towards research and development for the development of new technologies.
The company focused on research and development endeavors with the aim of bringing innovative technologies to fruition.
Investing in research and development was the company's strategy to spearhead the development of pioneering technologies.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The company made substantial investments in research and development, demonstrating a strong commitment to pioneering groundbreaking technologies.
A significant portion of the company's resources was dedicated to intensive research and development, underscoring its determination to create innovative technologies.
The company's robust investment in research and development underscored its unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation.
The company's relentless pursuit of innovation was evident in its substantial investments in research and development aimed at creating cutting-edge technologies.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
For the company, investing in research and development to develop innovative technologies was a forward-thinking and exciting endeavor.
The commitment to research and development for innovative technologies reflected the company's passion for staying at the forefront of technological advancements.
The emotional resonance of the company's investment in research and development lay in the anticipation of groundbreaking discoveries and technological breakthroughs.
The decision to invest in research and development for innovative technologies was driven by a sense of ambition and the thrill of contributing to the future of technology.

●develop: to grow or change and become more advanced
・develop a software application: アプリを開発する
・develop a strategy: 戦略を発展させる
・develop a plan: 計画を練る
・develop a habit: 習慣を身につける
・develop new technologies: 新しい技術を発展させる

66. differ:

異なる:vary, diverge, contrast
Individuals may differ in their opinions on certain social issues.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
Diverse opinions may exist among individuals regarding specific social issues.
People may hold varying views on certain social issues.
There can be divergent opinions among individuals when it comes to specific social issues.
Individuals might have different perspectives on certain social issues.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Opinions on specific social issues can vary among individuals.
Differences in opinions regarding certain social issues may be observed among individuals.
Among individuals, there can be a range of perspectives on specific social issues.
Individuals may express different viewpoints when discussing certain social issues.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
Significant variations in opinions are likely to arise among individuals when discussing specific social issues.
A wide spectrum of opinions is expected among individuals when it comes to certain social issues.
The range of opinions on specific social issues can be substantial among individuals.
Diversity in opinions regarding certain social issues is a notable and expected aspect among individuals.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The acknowledgment of diverse opinions on social issues reflects the richness of individual perspectives and experiences.
For individuals, expressing their opinions on social issues may be an emotionally charged and personal act.
Recognizing the diversity of opinions on social issues can foster a sense of understanding and empathy among individuals.
Engaging in discussions about social issues and understanding different opinions can evoke a range of emotions, from empathy to disagreement.

● differ: to be unlike or distinct in nature; to disagree in opinion or belief
・differ in size: サイズが異なる
・differ in color: 色が異なる
・differ in approach: アプローチが異なる
・differ in interpretation: 解釈が異なる
・differ in perspective: 視点が異なる

67. discover:

発見する:find, uncover, reveal
The explorer's expedition led to the discovery of ancient ruins in the jungle.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The explorer's journey resulted in the uncovering of ancient ruins within the jungle.
Ancient ruins in the jungle were discovered as a direct outcome of the explorer's expedition.
Through the explorer's expedition, ancient ruins were found hidden in the jungle.
The discovery of ancient ruins in the jungle was a consequence of the explorer's expedition.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Ancient ruins were unearthed in the jungle as a result of the explorer's expedition.
The explorer's expedition yielded the discovery of ancient ruins within the jungle.
The jungle revealed ancient ruins to the explorer during the course of the expedition.
As a result of the expedition, the explorer stumbled upon ancient ruins hidden in the jungle.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The explorer's expedition was instrumental in making a profound discovery—the ancient ruins hidden in the jungle.
Through a dedicated and meticulous expedition, the explorer made an extraordinary discovery of ancient ruins in the jungle.
The revelation of ancient ruins in the jungle marked a significant and impactful outcome of the explorer's expedition.
The discovery of ancient ruins in the jungle, as a result of the expedition, was a remarkable and momentous event.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The discovery of ancient ruins in the jungle brought a sense of awe and excitement to the explorer.
For the explorer, stumbling upon ancient ruins during the expedition was a thrilling and emotionally charged experience.
The emotional resonance of the expedition was heightened by the unexpected and captivating discovery of ancient ruins in the jungle.
Uncovering ancient ruins in the jungle added an element of wonder and fascination to the explorer's journey.

● discover: to find or learn something for the first time; to uncover or reveal
・discover a cure: 治療法を発見する
・discover a talent: 才能を発見する
・discover a secret: 秘密を発見する
・discover the truth: 真実を発見する
・discover new possibilities: 新しい可能性を発見する

68. discuss:

議論する:talk about, converse, deliberate
During the meeting, the team gathered to discuss upcoming projects and deadlines.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The team convened during the meeting to deliberate on forthcoming projects and deadlines.
Discussion of upcoming projects and deadlines was the primary focus as the team gathered during the meeting.
The meeting was a platform for the team to assemble and talk about upcoming projects and deadlines.
The team came together during the meeting to address and plan for upcoming projects and deadlines.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The meeting served as an opportunity for the team to come together and discuss upcoming projects and deadlines.
Upcoming projects and deadlines took center stage as the team gathered for the meeting.
During the meeting, the team assembled to delve into the discussion of upcoming projects and deadlines.
Addressing upcoming projects and deadlines was the main agenda as the team convened for the meeting.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The team gathered with a sense of urgency to thoroughly deliberate on the intricacies of upcoming projects and deadlines during the meeting.
A heightened level of focus and attention was directed towards the discussion of upcoming projects and deadlines as the team gathered during the meeting.
The meeting was characterized by an intense and concentrated discussion about upcoming projects and deadlines as the team gathered.
With a heightened sense of importance, the team came together during the meeting to meticulously analyze upcoming projects and deadlines.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
Coming together during the meeting to discuss upcoming projects and deadlines invoked a sense of collaboration and shared responsibility among the team.
The discussion of upcoming projects and deadlines in the meeting may have evoked a mix of determination and anticipation among team members.
For the team, the meeting provided a platform for collective strategizing and planning, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.
Addressing upcoming projects and deadlines during the meeting may have elicited emotions ranging from enthusiasm to a sense of responsibility among team members.

● discuss: to talk about or explore a subject in detail; to exchange opinions or ideas
・discuss a topic: トピックについて議論する
・discuss potential solutions: 可能な解決策を議論する
・discuss implications: 含意について議論する
・discuss future plans: 将来の計画について議論する
・discuss a proposal: 提案について議論する

69. display:

展示する:exhibit, showcase, present
The museum will display rare artifacts from ancient civilizations in a special exhibition.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
A special exhibition at the museum will showcase rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
Rare artifacts from ancient civilizations will be featured in a special exhibition at the museum.
In a dedicated exhibition, the museum will present rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
A special showcase at the museum will display rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
The museum has planned a special exhibition to showcase rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
A curated exhibition at the museum will highlight rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
In a special presentation, the museum will exhibit rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
A dedicated exhibition space at the museum will be allocated to display rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The museum is set to host an extraordinary exhibition, featuring exceptionally rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
A high-profile exhibition at the museum will spotlight an exclusive collection of rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
The special exhibition at the museum promises an exceptional display of exceedingly rare artifacts from ancient civilizations.
The museum's commitment to showcasing rare artifacts from ancient civilizations in a special exhibition underscores its dedication to preserving cultural heritage.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The anticipation of the upcoming special exhibition at the museum may evoke excitement and curiosity among visitors.
For enthusiasts of ancient civilizations, the prospect of viewing rare artifacts in the special exhibition could be emotionally significant.
The decision to feature rare artifacts from ancient civilizations in a special exhibition reflects the museum's commitment to sharing cultural treasures with the public.
The museum's initiative to present a special exhibition of rare artifacts may evoke a sense of appreciation and wonder among those interested in history and archaeology.

● display: to present for view; to exhibit or show publicly
・display artwork: 芸術作品を展示する
・display products: 製品を陳列する
・display achievements: 成果を展示する
・display information: 情報を表示する
・display skills: スキルを披露する

70. distribute:

配布する:disperse, circulate, allocate
The organization worked to distribute food and supplies to those affected by the natural disaster.

★ <Synonymous Alternatives>:
The organization endeavored to deliver food and supplies to individuals impacted by the natural disaster.
Efforts were made by the organization to provide food and supplies to those affected by the natural disaster.
The organization worked towards the distribution of food and supplies to individuals impacted by the natural disaster.
In response to the natural disaster, the organization worked to supply food and essential items to those affected.

★ <Rephrased Structure>:
Working diligently, the organization sought to distribute food and supplies to individuals affected by the natural disaster.
The organization focused its efforts on delivering food and supplies to those impacted by the natural disaster.
In response to the natural disaster, the organization directed its efforts to the distribution of food and supplies.
Efforts were dedicated by the organization to the delivery of food and supplies to individuals affected by the natural disaster.

★ <Variation in Intensity>:
The organization mobilized extensive efforts to efficiently distribute food and essential supplies to those severely impacted by the natural disaster.
In a concerted and intensive response, the organization worked tirelessly to ensure the timely distribution of food and supplies to those affected.
Facing the urgent needs created by the natural disaster, the organization executed a robust plan to swiftly distribute food and essential supplies to affected individuals.
The organization's commitment to distributing food and supplies was marked by a high level of urgency and an extensive deployment of resources.

★ <Focus on Emotional Response>:
The organization's dedication to distributing food and supplies in the aftermath of the natural disaster may evoke a sense of compassion and support.
For those affected by the disaster, the organization's efforts to provide food and supplies could bring a sense of relief and reassurance.
The emotional impact of the organization's work lies in the immediate and tangible support it provides through the distribution of food and supplies to those affected.
The commitment to distributing food and supplies reflects the organization's empathy and compassion for the individuals facing challenges in the aftermath of the natural disaster.

● distribute: to supply or deliver to a specific location or audience; to scatter or spread
・distribute resources: 資源を配分する
・distribute information: 情報を配信する
・distribute evenly: 均等に分配する
・distribute among employees: 従業員に分配する
・distribute to the public: 一般に配布する



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